Sinuglaw, SIMPOL!

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he's an alum pollutant a gal ISA Mindanao now secret guy on at cry and cry and having go Enzo bhai sin allow [Music] my pork belly tidy totally empo Cecil enough in the hunting salt and pepper [Music] ready nothing shakes our lungs are the four in one grill fan so I know vittala Gong si no blowsy no plow I can allow absolute bar crappy Nagisa so ionic sueschubert IO or grill I can Gargery nothing milk in allow so meirin dying tuna fresh tuna de nice co i Gargery nothing young i think dressing so marathon bowl elegant attention upon the calamansi juice - girl in opinion canyon photo remove the seeds applaud again attention on 14 super or vinegar regular vinegar white vinegar season nothing shy with salt and pepper garlic and in a pinch and on haunting means 'no lujah know everything do you okay I'm okay chop chop tire now haunting onions so para Tanguma going on so Sawa delegate nothing Hanabusa nothing Ricardo's La Liga nothing accosting silly the long clashing silymarin biome sealing haba up laboux yo risin up in shop for furs for comic-con international of gusu nothing makin thing on hang right here Allegan up in a CD so you can have more or less depending on on gusto I know tastes more elegant inattentional whole thing leaks just chopped up everything and mix it just like making our favorite salsa one now for a little bit of body we also cut up a little bit of coke umber no but I not wanting to be no remove the seeds and dice it up so it's very easy to do just do your usual key Neela if you have an ingredients you can add tomatoes if you want better in Mindanao they use this fruit the baboon baboon is not available in Manila or in other parts of the country so here we're just using our regular ingredients so we just toss it if you see it's not too watery non-hindi machado Minami knapping vinegar and now we toss it up make sure it tastes ripe now you can taste it right now and we toss in our Buddha dice so Monica tonight n ot on thingamabob are going cool a nothing to data be super [Music] so now we allow our fish our tuna to marinate in the vinegar and we turn our work arsenic by over so it cooks evenly on both sides so loot on a yacht in the empo I think Cena back so Tata be nothing here a so remember when you're cooking meat always dressed before slicing under US papaya hey Munna Cassidy Bama immature at unihoc induces Nia plugging before the game's team so it's locked inside the meat so play slice Pasha lullaby soos team at muara in GC net so we have to let it cool until the juice has settled back into the meat farm again juicy potential Fox right so now get a nap in the loo - nah nothing tuna Suzuka and the calamansi and now we are going to add our data our coconut cream we add a rich coconut cream to finish our team Lao so now we're ready to assemble so while the pork is resting give a beautiful port nikasha rest tightly to retire gluto here we add our tuna as the bed of the sinew Blau and now we slice our pork into thin pieces [Music] tillu Blau simple [Music] a goose on Eubank video natok please share for la Londe mommy up in Makka simple and don't forget to subscribe to our Facebook YouTube and Instagram accounts
Channel: Simpol
Views: 90,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Singulaw, Masflex, Chef Tatung, Simpol
Id: 4MQiBg1Qx5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 25sec (385 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 02 2019
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