Single Parent Genogram in GenoPro

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Welcome to another great Genopro tutorial in this case we are going to tackle the single parent family. We are going to do 3 little examples. One with a widow. One with a divorced family. And one with a one-time relationship. I'm going to start by clicking on the family wizard to create a little family. Create a father. Sorry had my caps lock on, that is why I was struggling. And create a mother. Add two children, a son I'm going to add a daughter set her as female And click Ok. So I have this little family. Set these here. We are going to do the Widow. We are going to double click on the mother, Label her as deceased. The relationship now is Widowed, so to do that I double click on the relationship and selected widowed. Now, since they live together, without a mother obviously, I'm going to make a new household, so to do that I'm going to shift-click these three, and then right click and then I'm going to select a new household and that basically says that they live together by themselves We got our first little example Now we are going to do the divorced example. Create another family by clicking on the family wizard. You can create a family in other ways, but this is one of the fastest ways of doing it. I'm going to create a father, mother, and I'm going to add a son. Add a Daughter and I'm going to hit the down arrow key to select what I had previously selected. Label her as female. Click Ok. I have my little family here again, Now I'm going to do something slightly different, I'm going to label them as twins. To do that, I'm selecting both of them, or you can click and shift click, then I'm going to right click and set them as twins, so they are now twins. I moved them a little towards the top. We are going to do a divorced example, so I'm going to double click on the relationship, and label it as divorced. In this case we are going to say that they live with their mother, so select both of them, then shift-click and then right click and select new household. Now we are going to go a little deeper, I'm going to select the father and I'm going to say that he has a hostile relationship with the mother, and that means that they are constantly fighting about major issues. We are going to also label that the father does not have a good relationship with his children, basically they don't see each other a lot. I'm going to click on the son and click on this little button, and that simply is a symbol for saying that the relationship is distant or poor. They do know each other they don't see each other much. One that that is great is that if you move these, everything is adjusted accordingly. That is another example. We are going to do our last example, which is a One night stand example, so again, start with the family wizard. Now we don't know who the father is so we are going to set the name as a question mark, which is common way to label that way. I'm going to add in this case just one son, and click ok. Since we don't know who the father is, usually labeled with a question mark, I'm going to double click the relationship and set the relationship as a Temporary relation / One night stand. And again, click and shift click to create a new Household. Last step that we are going to do is click on the son and link him with the father, but it's not really distant because they don't know each other, so I'm going to double click that relationship and choose something different, which is Never Met and click ok. So now we have 3 little examples of single parent family trees, hope this information was useful and if you liked it and would like to see more videos, please subscribe to our Youtube channel. Thank you.
Channel: GenoPro
Views: 15,845
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Keywords: tutorial, how-to, genogram, single parent, single mother, how to, genopro, family tree
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 10sec (370 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2017
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