Single Handed Reefing and Overboard Retrieval

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okay so I'm on my way to Bremington my last video is bringing it back bringing the boat to where it is now so we didn't we could cut a lot of the distance off but my friends are blame they didn't want to come they're like it's cold it's going to rain it's against the current and none of that's true so I'm going to go by myself and I will just meet them there okay so I'm about to paddle board out to the boat over there wherever right there kind of rough I swear if I fall in oh okay here I [Music] go [Music] it's warm in here left the diesel heater running feels good okay so got everything all fired up and set going to raise the sail and uh let go of the morning uh the wind is 10 and gusting up to 20 and seems like a really nice day to sail I'll be with the current most of the way um should be 2 and half hours it's 9.2 nautical miles or something let's just say 9 nautical miles w after I unfurled the jib and cheated in I decided cuz I'm on a close reach that I have too much sail out if you look at my heel angle if I were to sheet it in even more to go up wind I'd be overhealing the rail would be in the water so I decided to put a first Reef in I have one wrap around a winch on the main helard I open the clutch and then I pull in the first Reef tack line then I Clos the halard and snug it tight next I pull the clue ref line I let the sheet out to ease the resistance and then you can see I loosen the Vang so I can sheet the clue all the way tight to the boom after it's reefed I pull it in and then Harden the Vang back up after I do that I clean up and notice how the second Reef lines are dangling so I pull those in tight to Snug them so they don't grab anyone when tacking or an accidental jib there's an interesting interaction between the two sails here when I attack notice when I sheet the jib in the main sail is full and as I sheet the jib in it back winds the main you'll see it start to Flap this is caused from the jib creating upwash and changing the apparent wind of the main sail as I talked about in my last [Music] video at this point Raymond III wiped out so I decided that he's fired and I'm going to drive no one can drive better than me just kidding is yeah I'm still overpowered so I need to figure out how to reduce the lift on the sails I decide here to pump my back stay tighter it'll help flatten the sails out the back stay tension does two things it controls for Stay s and Mast Bend as the tension on the back stay comes on it'll flatten out the head sail and the main sail at once on the jib the left curve is reduced and on the main the left curve is increased this is applicable on a mast head Sloop he f I still think I'm overpowered so the next thing I'm going to do is increase twist to the jib and the main sail Circa 1982 way of adjusting jib car leads is to move the car where you want it Tack and then you can move the other side this is similar to how an aileron on aircraft wing works to flex one way to increase lift on the opposite direction so in this case I'm going to twist off the top of the sail reducing the lift on the top half of the sail and there a for it should help the boat stand more upright okay so I added twist to the jip by moving the lead car backwards uh reduce the healing a lot see I'm healing now I can't see the gauge it's got to be 30 um so it's a lot more comfortable now and yeah it's probably blowing 20 something I don't know my wind gauge doesn't work when it's reaped especially on one tack it'll go backwards I'll show you on the next tag stupid there's some vorticy coming off the main or jib or something [Applause] such a nice [Music] [Music] day [Music] if you look at the Mast head you can see that the anomet almost comes to a stop I speculate that this is caused from tip vortices on I Reef from the jip this seems so strange to me because it's blowing 20 knots about to hit a wind line here looks windy shortly after hitting the wind line the wind speed increased um so I decided that I needed a second Reef which is really a third of my boat to reduce the healing even more the reason why I think healing angle is so critical is the more your boat heals the more asymmetrical flow of water around the hle is therefore it's wanting to turn up towards Windward and to counteract that motion you have to have more Rudder input also it creates leeway your ke works best when it's completely perpendicular to level water the more you heal the more leeway you will have this also goes for your Rudder when you have significant heal and you pull on your Rudder it will bury your B I lost my favorite beanie here so I had to turn around and try to grab it this is a perfect opportunity to practice manover board drill by myself it took me three attempts to retrieve the beanie luckily I didn't have to get a person back on board that'd be a different Challenge on its own got a ton of water coming in I think it's my drip list or something time to be changed now I loost down there it is Jesus it's rather annoying just want to [Music] sail so the next half hour I saw some interesting things there were four Wing foilers out and then I saw this free boat dries to half of the year security this is the uh F Tacoma westbound Ferry approaching CD Island we will be passing south of Lely rock on our way into Eagle Harbor be monitoring 1 14 well damn it maybe V was right a little bit of rain hopefully the wind doesn't pick up anymore got my FES on damn it it's hailing with the hail approaching the wind started to lighten up so I decided to take the third reef out the wind dropped even more so I decided to take the first Reef out Go full me I started the engine and revved it up to a high idle to let it warm up meanwhile I dropped the main and then after that I F the jib up and then just float uh so I can get the boat prepared to go into the marina I St wisht to Channel 69 I all right I docked in bton and I'm about to go to the Marine office and see if I can get 4 hours or something just before I got here Caroline called me and she said that Matt and Bay decided not to come or something they didn't want to go ice skating it's like whatever they'll come for ramen we'll see if they can even do that we y so I'm waiting for Carolyn now and uh it was a good sale it got kind of cold at the end there was a fair amount of hail
Channel: Cruising with Cranston
Views: 3,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _UGF_PaYo5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 22sec (1762 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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