Singing with a paralyzed stomach?! Emma Kok "Voilà" Analysis

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welcome back to the charismatic voice I don't think there's ever been a performance that I have received more direct messages about than this one it features a young Dutch girl named Emma Cox singing with a full Orchestra and I mention this because typically your most requested songs are classic rock or metal but I think this one is so extraordinary that it has melted Hearts Beyond genre boundaries and I hope to be moved let's get to it a [Music] Goode spee speee fore [Music] feel [Music] wow I I have so many Goosebumps right away just all over there's so much conviction immediately in the way she sings it's uh it doesn't miss a moment from just striking you in the heart and uh what's more if you get a chance to go back and listen to the introduction of this I highly highly recommend it or look up some information about her she has a condition where her stomach is paralyzed it's a very rare condition and so she's only getting food through a feeding tube she's like she has just amazing amazing history yet she wants to have this incredible life and be a singer which she's obviously achieving extremely well uh anyhow it's her journey is amazing and it's so much more touching when I know that to hear the way she doesn't waste any time just immediately singing two hearts I want to go back to the beginning that's a way to just drive it home right away [Music] I love the way this is just right from the very beginning uh she's starting on her own right she's bringing the orchestra in and she has so much rhythmic subdivision in that first immediately she is directing the orchestra where to come in and she's f 15 that's that's [Applause] huge you can even see in her body the way she's got that Rhythm one more [Music] time oh my gosh that's so that's so beautiful such a a gorgeous um description okay so obviously the song is in French uh I've actually never heard this song before now but I did go over the lyrics ah had a time and I speak French so I can uh catch most of it in the same way that maybe the first time you hear a song in your native language that you might be able to catch most of it some of it kind of depending on how well they annunciate things I just love there was this uh this last moment where she said it's basically her the crazy dream and there's this uh this feeling and the song of this person that wants to be something great you feel that immediately from her the moment she starts singing she is driven to become great she's like here I am talk about me um but it's not in a not in a cocky kind of way it's in a very uh bare and open kind of way beautiful lyrics and when she talks about that crazy dream I love the way it's held out and she lets this vibr that's vulnerable ENT into the sound see if we can catch that moment [Music] again right there right you can see that that she's talking about that crazy dream there you can tell she has so much longing for this and knows that it's probably crazy but she's going to go for it anyway and when you put that in context with her history oh my word it's so [Music] [Music] touching I love the control that she has there of that cut off of the sound coming in very quickly and then continuing over it it's uh so much more sophisticated in delivery than I would have ever expected from a 15-year-old wow just [Music] wow [Music] that's just so gorgeous she's so delicate with the the phation and the continence there it's oh my word she's just a natural at this but there's so much determination I have to imagine she studied like crazy to get to this point too wow okay I'm going to keep going let's see where the meat of the song [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] goes [Music] [Music] I I love her sound the she's got this talkie uh there's like a two different main tambers that I'm hearing there's this one that's more talking um that is delivering a lot more quick text a lot of times that has a lot more air in the sound and she's just chewing up the enunciation really getting us the words beautifully but still in a somewhat casual way so it feels very determined yet again it doesn't feel it doesn't feel proud it's just straightforward it is what she wants she's going after this dream and she's saying here I am and then she gets into these tones that have more thickness and fullness in this sound it's this really full-throated sort of French I often think of it as like a French popular music kind of sound that has that fullness in it a really gorgeous often quicker vibr as well and I love the full body of the sound that she's able to achieve there it has so much depth in it that when you pair that together with the talking in the story that's just really going straight to your heart and then it takes a moment to linger in this deeper vat of emotion it's incredible incredible but I I still feel like she's going to go somewhere much [Music] bigger there's that thicker sound wow it's so [Music] [Music] [Music] gorgeous [Music] for for for for [Music] foree [Music] shoot I'm going to go back a little bit I just I there's something about her that is it's just so much more than the lyrics of the song the emotion that you feel in her voice is extraordinary this is one of those times where you have to understand that the the voice is so attached to an entire person it's one of the things I love the most about voice is the way that your entire genetic history yes but also your emotional history has made an imprint on your sound the training from your entire life whatever whatever you've been through in life it is imprinted in your sound I think that's extraordinary and it's what makes voice one of the most beautiful things in the universe and here you can just hear the struggle and the determination that she has the entire time it's it's so evident you don't have to speak the language you don't have to know the lyrics to be really really moved wow okay I'm going to go back again I like this this makes my breath rapid and short it's so [Music] gorgeous I'm going to talk briefly about the beautiful control she has there where she's able to go into this much lighter head voice at times where it suddenly feels a little fluffy right and then gets that more Focus back she's is able to go um between different amounts of muscular engagement in her larynx so easily she probably doesn't even know that that's what happening what's happening in her LNS she's probably just going for a particular sound and emotion to channel through her voice um but she's doing things that many many seasoned adults would find difficult for Love For Love For Love for just this you [Music] [Music] oh my word so what she just said after that silence was don't leave don't leave uh there's just a desire in the song I think to maintain the attention to be allowed to tell a story through music it's so gorgeous I love the way she kept the audience focus at this time gosh there's something so magical in what she's doing [Music] [Music] foreign spe spee [Music] fore [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] this is so amazing I I just wanted to let it run for a bit because I feel these waves of emotion I just it's incredible and mesmerizing and how can you not be moved wow amazing I'm going to go back um she I think like if I were to say one thing about her is she just hits me as the next Lara Fabian it's she's amazing I love the delivery of the lyrics but this there's a certain raw powerful emotion that is surging through her voice and the openness the willingness to share that emotion in music it's so vulnerable and I think about what she's been through and the way she's so determined that she's going to do this she is going to uh live her dream despite all the setbacks that she's been during what I think since she was 9 months old having a paralyzed stomach like how there are so many things that that would complicate in all of life yet here she is like what an amazing amazing story I'm going to go back a little bit I'm probably going to let it play quite a bit this this feels like there's this emotional wave that just is demanding not to be [Music] [Music] paused [Music] [Music] oh my gosh wow wow I so I again first time hearing this song and the lyrics and the way that they're said is so gorgeous it just it feels like it's a person who's coming to the stage with all of they're just saying I am human like at one point she said like here's uh this is this is my throat this is she's just saying here are these things about me I'm and I'm here you know uh it's I think encouraging people to show up as they are and to shoot for their dreams just as they are such a perfect song for her to sing beautiful setting every single word as she's going by it feels like she has all of the subtext behind it meaning that she understands the emotional impact of every single little word so often singers I think will sing somebody else's song and you don't really get the emotional attachment to it maybe they're really attached but they don't really know how to deliver the message that somebody else has written and the best way I think you can approach that is to understand what subtext you want to deliver you can sing uh I could say uh here's my my hand and isn't it lovely and maybe I don't really feel like that so I might be thinking to myself here's uh this handful of Glorious Nutella isn't it incredible right the moment I add Nutella into that subtext suddenly I'm going to be much more lively because I freaking love Nutella so whatever your subtext is she has such a powerful one Whatever yours is if you know beneath all the lyrics of somebody else's song specifically what you want to express underneath those lyrics then it will communicate to people so much more uh instinctively but hers every single word that's gone by has had an emotional charge going to go back again let it keep rolling [Music] feel [Music] for fall for [Music] [Music] I'm going to go back to that moment just a little bit because this is such a great example actually of of sub text of the emotion the message underneath not even lyrics anymore we just have sounds that's it's crucial that you have some sort of message between between the lines anytime you've got A's or DDS right there is a message that she's expressing to us without any words at this point it's the same thing in Opera there's a lot of times you see just tons of O right you can't just sing a you have to sing something more than a for the a to be filled with emotion go back one more time oh [Music] [Music] gosh perfect B sweet [Music] [Music] for [Music] we're going to go back because I want that one more time I love the way this song is building up into this sort of wild craze it feels like this person is so intent on pursuing a dream uh that's beautiful her pitch is is perfect by the way it's just extraordinary and the technique is so so well founded she doesn't even have to worry about it anymore she's just expressing emotion it's gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous she's so [Music] committed [Music] I wonder if if that's for [Music] Dad w wow dang I didn't expect her to go up I she's got a great voice and it sounded like she had lots of extra stuff on top she's probably got a much wider vocal range than she's shown here but going up to that top note in that still really full voice not flipping over it's very very impressive that's just straight out belted wow wow wow I said that I wanted to be moved and I I'm just like yep it got me my heart just goes out to her and wants her her to achieve this dream so badly right there's she is able to infect us all with this uh support and also this feeling of yes we all need to go after our dreams and and have the determination and the fortitude to pursue life better like she is oh wow wow that's so amazing oh my gosh what an inspiration song I'm going to put together another list for you over here I'm going to put together some of the most inspirational music that I think I've ever analyzed and I hope that you will take a listen to that and may you fall more in love with music every [Music] day
Channel: The Charismatic Voice
Views: 413,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: emma kok reaction, the charismatic voice
Id: v8EjpmZUcrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 48sec (1428 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2023
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