singing to strangers on omegle | Busted but have an happy ending | Jong Madaliday

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what she said that's illegal hi I'm shook you look fake can you say hi Alex hi my heart you just stole my heart right now uh ziba getting here her name is Eva this is Zeba oh [Music] foreign are you gonna skip me no no you can't you just like do that thing yeah because why can't I just put my hand here I like your music background that's that's my that's that's my mom teaching piano really yeah so you are like you're a musician I can sing I mean I can play a bit I'm excited let me hear something what's your name Lena Lena serenade me or I'll serenade you oh sing for me really oh God all right let me change it to like are you filo yes I am Filipino I knew it why do I do I look filo no you don't look Pinoy okay okay you look you look Italian though I'm like 1 8 Italian yo that's insane all right so you still want to hear some music [Music] I'm I'm nervous right now okay it's okay it's okay it's okay what if I messed up you're gonna skip me no [Music] you look like you why you started laughing though you're judging my voice oh my God he's like all right all right so okay I'm gonna take these cereals right now all right [Music] back on your feet you see you could take advantage of me tell me help me feel sitting out there [Music] [Music] without me thinking you're clear [Music] that was so good your cupping I'm not I'm not Captain okay I'm not I'm being serious wait wait wait wait wait how old are you how old are you I need it okay how old do you think I am 20. not bad I mean higher okay that's illegal 20 20 22. what she said that's illegal she said that yeah I'm just trying to help my friends in this website not like yeah it's okay it's okay it's okay no is it is it illegal to have a friend is it illegal to no it's not shut up shut up Elena no okay so you're 20. yeah yeah so is it is it that age for you holy no holy how do you think I am honey okay let me think about it okay I'm gonna go to the safest way to know your age okay I'm gonna get 18. 18. lower higher lower lower you know what I know why hold on so what's up internet connections [Music] dragon versus tiger dragon now 1 000 pesos all right you guys [Music] 2 000 pesos [Music] did you just keep um no I didn't I'm still here oh all right okay I'll give you my I'll give you my Discord this card oh guess what I can barely hear you you don't need to whisper though serious he was just talking to me she said like you can hear she can hear your filo accent a few accent like accent what a Filipino accent yeah yeah because I'm a Filipino I'm proud to be a Filipino she sees proud proud of being civil let me see your friend she's too insecure so insecure for what it's good for what to be insecure you need to be proud of it okay yeah but thank you for your time by the way my name is Jay all right okay the internet is sucks you oh dude but hello hello oh I like the sinking of your voice ladies all right my name is Jay what's your name I'm Gabby okay I'm Gabriella I'm from the Philippines yeah from England oh friendly ladies from England nice to meet you guys um I'm actually here to sing your song is that fine go ahead okay we were both young [Music] close my eyes [Music] [Music] begging you please [Music] sing it up [Music] okay oh man know your name first um it's Eliza Eliza my name is Jay nice to meet you nice to meet you I'm really excited [Music] we were both young when I first saw you I closed my eyes in the flashback starts all no balconies and my daddy said stay away from Juliet and I was crying on the staircase begging you please don't go you know the song [Music] take me sing it the internet is really bad right now I feel bad the internet ruined everything I can't do this anymore honestly hey hey what's up how you doing I'm good my name is Jay what's yours Abigail and okay I'm gonna sing you guys a song is that okay all right come up to meet you tell you I'm sorry you don't know how lovely you are [Music] [Music] nobody said it was he said no one ever said it will be this heart oh take me back to the start foreign [Music] how old are you guess hold them 17 a higher higher higher 20. I'm 22. you're 22. you look so young for your age it might look yeah a lot of people are saying that though so I I don't know and you guys are so kind keep doing that all right you guys are so cute keep doing that but red love hi you can't hear me oh all right um are you from the United States can I sing you a song [Music] can't stop staring at those ocean eyes no offense you really know how to make me cry when you give me those ocean eyes I'm scared [Applause] I've never fallen from quite this high falling into your ocean eyes [Music] thank you thank you thank you so much have a good one have a good one all right stay safe just plug it into the living room do you hear the song of Camila Cabello like uh Havana yeah yeah oh yeah do you want me to sing that for you sure [Music] [Music] half of my heart is [Music] actually so good dude what the heck we've had other people be like oh like can we sing for you and they were low-key trash but that was that was so good no thank you appreciate that thank you that's like a round of applause for you my name is my name is Jay what's yours ladies Lisa yeah like I saw that three of you guys so what's oh yeah the other one her name is Eva can I see her yeah I can uh ziba get in here yeah her name is Eva this is Zeba oh [Music] hi I have a question for you yeah are you the Wi-Fi because I'm trying to connect you know it already you're just you just ruined the momentum though I'm just no you shot your shot but I'm the one that stopped the bullet you just stopped the momentum hi where is she I really want to see her like sure hi yes you told us hell I can see it wow I am Tom I just want to say I love you huh yeah I'm sorry I have a boyfriend oh that's foreign [Music] good luck with your boyfriend that's all I can say I think yeah that was good singing thank you okay yeah you're welcome bye thank you hi hi I'm shook you look fake can you say hi hi my heart you just stole my heart right now oh damn my name is Jay what's yours Addie oh the name I I can I can really smell the angel name wow oh my goodness I'm not gonna lie all right you are the sexiest person I've ever seen in this website are you single yeah let me sing you a song is that okay for you okay [Music] [Music] ready yeah bring it over to my place [Music] foreign [Music] you actually have a very pretty voice thank you like it hmm are you the Wi-Fi no no I thought that you like feel the connection about us like this part why for like three minutes if you're gonna drop something we can spend a lot of time all the way I'm not gonna beg you for you know to drop something if you like to all right oh okay this don't look at me like that don't look at me like that you know Thanos yeah I feel like you're doing this to me let's not then yeah Addy Addy my damn Addy my baby you are my baby right now I thought that you're like your name is Google you know you don't understand because you have like everything I've ever been searching for like your pickup lines are bad my pickup eyes are bad oh come on come on they're pretty bad not really bad it's okay if my pickup lines is bad but you know to spend my whole life with you it will be good it will be heaven [Laughter] why the like when you laugh you're hiding like let me show you show me your smile thank you so much oh me girl for giving me this angel in front of me how are you are you alone yeah oh that's so sad wait for me wait for me all right where are you from Alabama Alabama oh not too far I can visit here in Alabama would you agree with that sure what's that snap okay this is meant to be I believe that okay you're going to be my baby we just normally chatted like five minutes ago so can I have my kids right now um I'm sad why did you stay with me hello you don't know you just you just stay with me because I'm hot am I right am I right maybe answer the question I said maybe maybe why why is your answer like maybe you just said like yeah sure yeah sure much better you really should like you're single right yes I'm 100 single how tall are you five five I'm five eleven though so if we're going to be a couple that will be so cutie as hell wait did you add me you need to add you though okay adding my baby oh yeah all right all right bye [Music] thank you
Channel: Jong Madaliday
Views: 895,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trendingmusic, Trending, jongmadalidayvlog, Jongmadalidaycover, Omeglereaction, Omegle, Ometv, Vlogger, Trend, Fyp, Tiktok
Id: CkIj1hqTUMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 34sec (1354 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 24 2022
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