Singh Is Bliing | Full Movie | Akshay Kumar, Amy Jackson, Lara Dutta

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Raftaar! Balwinder. - Coming, brother. Louder! Father, louder. - Balwinder - Yes, brother. Why do I ever pass through this lane? Ranjit yells so loudly. What do you care? Eat your food. - Okay. Rs. 50,000 is missing from my cupboard. Sukhi, have you seen it? Ballu? Where's Raftaar? He's been out all morning. The money was here till morning. That's the limit. Don't you trust your son? No, my son can never do such a thing. He's my son and your daughter. Glutton. Raftaar was always useless and good-for-nothing and now he's also become a thief. No uncle, Raftaar can never steal. Sister, I saw brother in front of the cupboard in the morning. Come here, dear. Children never lie. Now repeat what you said. I saw father in the morning. What? You heard it wrong. I said father, not brother. Don't try to protect him. I know my son too well. And there goes the gun. The race has begun! Look at how they are racing towards the end line. And they have reached the end-line. "Boys, the winning team gets." "A cash reward and a bullet." "And the losing team gets Lots of love." "It goes tung-tung." "It goes tung-tung." "It sounds like tung-tung." "It sounds like tung-tung." "The stringed instrument." "In your and my heart, it plays loud." "This stringed instrument today." "In your and my heart, it plays loud." "This stringed instrument today." "It goes tung-tung." "It goes tung-tung." "It sounds like tung-tung." "It sounds like tung-tung." "The stringed instrument." "In your and my heart, it plays loud." "This stringed instrument today." "In your and my heart, it plays loud." "This stringed instrument today." "A beautiful atmosphere is set." "Damsels are dancing." Now I will pull the tractor with my teeth and show you. Bravo! "Gungh-gungh, it goes." "The drum speaks." "Gungh-gungh, it goes." "And the heart skips a beat." "Gungh-gungh, it goes." "The drum speaks." "Gungh-gungh, it goes." "And the heart skips a beat." "Then the drum revealed." "Then the drum revealed." "Look how well they dance!" "Then the drum revealed." "All the secrets of stringed instrument." Amidst the drum and the stringed instrument. "Without me, alone." "How will you play?" "How will you play?" "It sounds like tung-tung." "It sounds like tung-tung." "Along with the Gungh-gungh." "In your and my heart, it plays loud." "This stringed instrument today." "In your and my heart, it plays loud." "This stringed instrument today." "In your and my heart." "In your and my heart." "In your and my heart, it plays loud." "Oh ring, the trees are bearing fruits." "My beloved stays far away." "Oh ring, listen to me, I pray." "I tried hard to make him stay." Why aren't you dancing now? This is what you're good for. You're good for nothing. It didn't matter that he humiliated me. But why did he have to humiliate himself? What? Yes. And he even kicked me. It's true you're useless, good-for-nothing. These villagers know how to have fun but they also work hard. But all you do is party hard. When will you realize your responsibilities? Get lost. All you do is hog food all day, squander money. Let me see you earn a single penny. Go find a job. Are you listening or not? Curse you. I'll teach you a lesson. If you can even clean the cowshed properly everyday I wouldn't have to worry. Mom... - Yes. Father was saying that I hog all day. Do I really hog all day? No son, you don't hog all day. Your eyelids are flickering, you're lying. Yours are too. I did everything only for the betterment of the village. Tell her. - He's right. This is the first time when father taunted me for my unemployment. He must have said it in a fit of rage. No... Mom. I swear... Look here. - Yes. I swear that I will find a job. Just wait a watch. Raftaar! I completely forgot. Today's the last day of admission in my son's school. And the Mayor's coming today. For the inauguration ceremony of the African Lion. Please help me out. Please. - Of course, anything for friends. What do I have to do? You have to guard the African Lion. Mr. Lion, can you spare two minutes. Someone wants to meet you. Here. Singh, lion! Lion, Singh! Who is it now? Oh, God! I'm on my way, 15 minutes. 15 minutes. The Mayor and other bureaucrats will be attending. Just handle everything. lam coming. 15 minutes. - Listen. Come soon. The door is open. Mufasa! Where did he go? Mufasa! Hello, sir. Welcome. Mufasa! Wonderful! Calm down! Punjab, the land of Lions! And especially from Africa we've brought a lion for you, which will make you hold your breaths. Mr. Mayor, hold this. Sorry. Clap! - Clap! Yeah! Did the lion walk all the way from Africa? Looks humiliating. When this lion roars it makes people shiver. They shudder... shudder with fear. Security, make him roar for the people. Security, tell him to roar! Him? - Yes, him. It's a dog! Yes, it's a dog! That's not a lion! That's a dog. Come here. I will put you in a cage. Move the cameras, what are you doing? Who called the press here? I won't spare you. - It's his fault. No, photographs. - I will have this dog bite you. You'll be injected What if the lion doesn't return? I want the lion back. Stop! I am safe. You and your plans. The person you're trying to call is driving at the moment. Please call next month. Raftaar. - Yes. I gave you such a small job to do but you messed that up too. It wasn't my fault, you left the cage door open. You could've closed the door. Wasn't much to do. - What is this? Do something, find the lion and bring him before the Mayor. Where will I find him? - Just find him from anywhere or else I will lose my job. But I am losing mine too. I am going. Everyone's troubling me. Listen... He hung up. This must be the first lion that cost me my job. What kind of remix is this? Let's... You dressed up a dog to look like a lion. Isn't this misguiding the innocent people? The country wants to know. Mr. Mayor, will you appoint a committee to find the lion? One minute. I am getting a call. Yes. Hello. - Mayor sir. How dare you come here? I warned you not to come here without the lion. Sir, I've brought him along. - What? Lion, sir. Are you crazy? Come, Mufasa. Come. - He has brought the lion. You climbed on the table out of fear. Don't be scared, sir. He's a very tame lion, even I was scared of him first. Why did you bring him here? Listen to me. Look at him, he already likes you a lot. Look, he's even apologizing. He's staring at me. Mommy! - Sir, please don't fire my friend. I won't fire your friend. I will give him my job. I'll make him the Mayor. Don't joke with me, sir. Mommy! - You can keep your lion, sir. Listen to me, take him away. - All of you, please explain my sir. Someone give a bone to the lion. Mayor sir, you keep him. Mayor sir. - I beg you... Listen to me, even I was scared at first. He's fainted. See you. I am tying him here, keep him. Okay... Hello. See you all. Brother, listen to me. Mommy! He's made my life hell. I cannot tolerate him anymore. I cannot stay here any longer. Eat your food quietly. That's all I'm good for these days. If you can't make us proud then at least don't humiliate us. You shouldn't be even let out of your room. Harpeet... - Please don't advocate him. Come. Go to your room. And you won't get food all day today. Save this pretense for someone who doesn't know you two. You've never completed anything. You left your studies in between. Stopped working in the fields in mid-way. Quit your job in the middle. But now you must completely leave home. Understand. - You're right. If you ever make such a mistake again you will have to leave home. No, he has to go now. What are you saying? You have only two options. Either you take up a decent job at my friend's place in Goa. Or many Navjot's daughter Sweaty. Understand? Yes. Raftaar. He wants me to marry a girl that's only good for wrestling. There are no options. Mom. Why are you crying? Don't you know your father? Once he's decided something... What does he want? That I should go to Goa? I'll go happily. Come on. God bless you. I hope you won't quit this job in the middle? You don't lack anything except for concentration. I am not sending you away because I've lost. I am sending you away because I know you're capable of doing much more. And I want you to recognize yourself. If you delay, you have a lot to lose. Understand. Now go. Welcome. Father, he's leaving. Hello, Mr. Rana? I am arriving at your stud farm for a meeting. I'm too good. You'll agree, Gentlemen. Just because we're in the weapon's business does not mean we've to be at war with each other. Let's divide our territories. Mr. Nelson, you take eastern Europe. Mr. Wong, you take Asia. And you sir, Russia. Anthony, my friend. Africa's yours. This is the only way to stop bloodshed. No loss of profit, no loss of life. Deal. That's the spirit. Cheers. Cheers to our unity. Cheers. I like the way you ride... The horse. Hi! I love the way you smell. And your calves are just... Don't ever try to act smart with me. Sorry, Mr. Rana. Sorry. I can't tolerate anyone misbehaving with my daughter. Mark! Mark! Dad. You... - No, no, no, dad. How can I kill you? That's why I told him to kill you. But this really pains me. But it was more painful when you asked me to apologies in front of everyone. You've grown old, dad. That's why you're happy with the little you have. But I want to make it big, dad. I want total control, dad. Dad! It's best you die, dad. Good for you. Better for me. Dad... - Sir, he's dead. I'm too good. It's my time, dad. Sara, Mark has gone mad. You must leave for the US. I won't go to the US. Darling, it's only until all this gets sorted out. You'll be safe there. Even now you want to get rid of your problem and not face it. I'll go wherever I want to. I know where Sara will go. Call Kirpal. I know who sent the money and why. You just rejected 500 million in 5 seconds. Such an expensive mistake. Out! Piku, that old man refused an offer of 500 million. I wonder what the boss is going to do with him? Hello. Wrong number. - It's just a phone. Come on. Stop. We're guest of Mr. Kirpal. Okay, hold. Sir, two men are here to see you. And one Sardar. You mean three people. - Yes. Send them upstairs. Send them upstairs. On the deck. I am not your father's friend. This is the address father gave me. Hey... First listen to me. I mean I am your father's friend but out here I am your boss. Yes. Who are these two? - Friends. You two stand at the back. Go stand at the back. And you... stand at the end of this line. Yes. Do you know how much time it takes to get her? 5 seconds if I walk. And 2 seconds if I run. You must do as I say. That's what father said too. There's a rule to get recruited here. - What? Go to that railing and jump. What did you do? Boss said go to that railing and jump. And I did. 'Go to that railing and jump'. He's smart! Raftaar, I'm giving you a very important job. You need to go to Goa airport. Yes. Take this. A girl called Sara. Singh. Where? - Goa airport. Come back. First hear me out. You've to be at the airport tomorrow 11 am. But there's lot of time for that. Yes. Sit. Listen to me carefully. A girl called Sara is arriving from Romania. She's my guest. You'll be with her until she goes back. And take good care of her. She doesn't know Hindi, do you know English? No. You don't know English? What are you doing here? What are you doing in Goa? Get lost. Go back to Punjab. Back to Punjab! Come on. Come on. I do know English. A to Z Good. Keys to the Panjim bungalow. I'm giving you this because I trust you. Don't worry, sir. Even I trust myself completely. Jai Hind! What a character. Singh, get the key. Oh no! Stupid. I lied that I know English. I don't know what to do. I'll arrange for someone who knows Hindi and English. Don't worry. Let's go ahead. Come on. Careful. Aunt, brother Daljeet's calling. Son, how are you? Nothing's good out here, mom. Neither the food, nor the place or the ambiance. I haven't even slept properly since I got here. You haven't slept? Are you sick? I could never sleep without hearing your voice. Then call me every night. I can't see your face on the phone. I may be here, but I'm still with you. Concentrate on your job, and everything will be fine. Fine, mom. Take care. Raftaar, my room's really amazing. He's sad and you're dancing. Sorry. Hi! Now she will come. Band. - Let them go. Go. You idiots, you're here to receive me. Raftaar, insult. We're here to receive you, doesn't mean we're your servants. What you did with him... If you do it again... You'll face my wrath. - Yes. Raftaar, you two look really nice together. She's a guest, not my type. This girl's got an attitude problem. I'll show her. Wear your belt. Raftaar, get ready. You kicked me out of this Casino and now I'm offering to buy it. And this time my offer is 750 million. I threw you out because you got involved in drugs. And now you want to buy my Casino with that money. You think I'll let that happen. Hey, stop. I want to meet Kirpal. - You can't. He's in a meeting with Boxer Bhai. What about him? Who's the girl? She wants to meet Kirpal. She's from Romania. Wait! - Next time there won't be an offer, I'll just help myself in. Wait! My God! My God! Your time is up. You should retire, go to Canada and buy a mall or something. How is your father? Good. I thought you're not safe in the hotel so I put you in my bungalow. Thank you. If you have any problem, you can tell Singh. Don't worry, I'll take care of myself. He may be silly but he's very dependable. Insulted again. That's our bag! Stop. Stop the car. This is your room. It's got a balcony, cupboard, cot, bathroom. Did you show her, her room? She's got an attitude. Keep her away from me. Hey... Your room's that way. What are you doing here? - Raftaar. That girl left her room. She's here. Open the door, don't make me mad. See. See. I'll show her. Why does my future seem in the dark? This girl isn't taking us seriously. I'll show her. Stop the truck. My bag. Stop. Sir, Sara has left Romania and nobody knows which part of the world she's in. That's good news. You know why, if she had been here, I would've caught her and killed her. Finish! No glamor. Easy is boring man. She'll hide and I'll find her. She'll run and I'll hunt her. I like it. This is an old way to show-off your brawn. But it's effective. Come on. You and you, scream when I say. Get it. - Yes. She's coming. And now... Hit me. Wait. That's the fake one, right? Yes, it's fake. That's the real one. That's the real one. Okay. Hit me. Now it's my turn. Come here, and turn around. Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom! Be strong. I was here for the job of a translator. I guess I am at the wrong address. Hey specky, come here. Drink Rasna... it'll cool your mind. It's cool. Bye! Hi. What's your name? Emily. Imli? That's a tart name. Ask her what's she doing in Goa. Why have you come to Goa? It's none of his business. 'She'll get herself killed and me too'. She likes to see new places, eat new food and make new friends. She's here to make friends. Does she know all of us? Do you know who they are? Morons! Three morons. Great... great people. The idea's working. Did she understand? - Do you want to call the cops? Hey. Don't try to get too friendly. Tell her if she needs to get anything done in Goa, then speak to me. Let's go. If you want anything done, he can do anything in Goa. But what do we do with this woman? She wants you to help her find this woman. Tell her not to worry, it'll be clone. Tell her. He said don't worry, he will help you find her. Paw. Take a look. Show him as well. You will have to worry if you don't find her. I will break your bones. She has faith in your strong shoulders. Raftaar! - Raftaar! What? We're hungry, how about we get something to eat. She said she likes to see new places. Yes. Let's take her out, let's eat out. Let's go. Why the hell is he blushing so much? What did she say? She's saying you've got the best smile she's ever seen. Got her! Tell her she's very beautiful. Jesus, what did you get me into? Tell her now. Tell her. Tell her. - He says you're very beautiful. If he flirts with me, I will kick him. What did she say? She expects a lot from you. She's got great hopes. Expectations! Hope! Have you got money? I didn't bring my purse. Raftaar, do you have... Raftaar! Raftaar! Raftaar! - Raftaar! He's lost in his dreams again. Let's follow him and take Imli along. What? Why? You'll explain Raftaar's song to Sara. Come on. "Beat!" "Banjo." "Play it." "Singh, sing." "Baby your love's completely floored me." "Don't make me wait too long." "After locking my eyes with yours." "I've entered the game of love." "He wants to say that he loves you." "Now you got to tell him something too." "In every way, I just want to say." "That you are the one, baby I love you." "Hearing you agree, my heart goes." "My heart goes." "My heart goes." "My heart says." "My heart says." "My heart says." "Brother." "You seem like an angel to me." "Your voice casts a spell on me." "I just see an angel baby, whenever I look at you." "When I hear your magic it's making me crazy too." "I'm going to hold you tight in my arms." "Just keep staring at me with a smile." "After falling in love with you." "My heart goes." "My heart goes." "My heart goes." "My heart goes." "My heart says." "My heart says." "Let it go." "Let it go." "Sway to the beat and lets sing and dance." "Let it go." "Let it go." "Let it go." "Sway to the beat." "Don't stop." "Let it go." "Your intoxication." "Take it slow." "My queen, this is the grandeur of your king." "Only you look good alongside this handsome Singh." "I'm your king, and you're my queen." "That's the way it's supposed to be." "Now you're standing with your Singh." "Because you look best when you're with me." "With your beautiful face dwelling in my eyes." "I'll drench you in the color of my love." "Your intoxication gets me high." "My heart goes." "My heart goes." "My heart says." "My heart says." "My heart goes." "My heart goes." Aunt, brother Daljeet's calling. How are you? - Fine, mom. How about you? You sound really happy. That's Goa, mom. It's a wonderful place. Different dawn, different evening, different food, different people. Everything. I'm having fun. Who's the girl? - Sara. What? Mom, don't you have anything better to do? I'm here to work, not to stare at girls. I'm your mom. You're away from my sights, but not my thoughts. Amazing, mom. I can never hide anything from you. Nor does she hide anything. Listen, send me a picture immediately. My picture. - The girl. I mean you two together. Yes, I will. She's stunning! "My heart goes." "My heart goes." "My heart says." "My heart says." "My heart goes." "My heart goes." Oh! The food and music here is nice. Tell her. This place has superb food and music. Stop. Where are you going? - Let go. Let's have fun, let's eat and drink. Stop. Let me go. It's a moonlit night. - I'll call the police. Leave me. Where do you want to go? Just say yes. Let's take them along. Catch her. You're just standing here and staring. What if it was your sister instead? You don't care. Do you feel angry? Vent it out on them instead of me. What? What's your name? What? - Name. Vaidehi Joshi. Maharashtrian? Then you must have strong hands. Let's see. What are you doing? - Come on, we'll have fun. Try it, you will love it. What? See, your fingerprints can be seen on his face. If your hands are so strong then imagine how strong your legs are. Get it? Come on. Start. Take that you fatso. How dare you? - Sorry! Sorry! - You mess with us! Girls should know how to give a fitting reply. Girl should know how to react. Girls shouldn't grow their nails only to paint them. They should scratch the face of their attacker. And then watch how he bleeds. Like a rat. Girl shouldn't grow their nails only to paint them. If anybody troubles you scratch their faces and see what color comes out. He'll look like a rat. Take a photo. Fish? You broke it? Happy? Raftaar, wait. I am also coming. This is also in English. Amazing. I won't drink after this. I am done. Sir, are you blind? Boss, that's her. Where's that Sardar? - Where is Sardar? We're asking. - Hey, I'm asking. Are you playing games? - Playing with me? Hey smarty, are you acting too smart? Hey smarty, you're getting to fat? Enough is enough, stop troubling me and tell me where's that Singh. Or you don't know what I can do with you. Enough is enough, tell me where he is, don't do powder of my brain. Or else you don't know what I'll do with you. You okay? Hey you, he likes making women realize their strength, doesn't he? Show me your strength. Show me. Boss, at the back. You! Are you crazy? No need to be scared of Raftaar? She's the real Rambo? Who? What? What is it? Coming. "My heart goes." "My heart goes." Out in the open. She's got some really bad ideas. Coconut, for strength. Come close. Come. Stop this nonsense. Let me sleep in peace. Don't you want to go out? We've been waiting for so long. I'm not in the mood, nor is Sara. Hey! What's wrong with you? - It's a muscle pull. Shut up! Now I don't need to be scared of you, Sara's with me. Imli's got really bold. Raftaar! Yes, sir. Do you know what you did? You hit Boxer's men. Are you an idiot? You know the consequence? Then why? Leave it to me and never repeat it again! Go. Go! He makes mistakes, but also admits them quietly. Nice boy. I yelled at him for no reason. Go explain to him. Singh. Why did you hit Boxer's men at the restaurant? You don't know him. If you hit five of his men, he'll send another 50. The boss means well. Control yourself. Did I really beat up Boxer's men? I was drunk, don't remember. Let's go. Someone's knocking on the door. It's nothing. Hey... It's nothing, go back to sleep. Heard that. Don't listen, go back to sleep. Someone might need something and all you can think about is sleeping. I'll take a look. - Don't go. Stop, Pompi. You? What is it? Take my advice, go back to sleep. What? It's nothing, go to sleep. Jealous, aren't you? Now I know why you weren't letting me open the door. Buddy, no. - Yes! You're not a friend, betrayer. "My heart goes." - Pompi. "My heart goes." "My heart goes." I also like cream in my coconut water. Pompi, did you get cramps too? Idiot, couldn't you warn me. - I did. I said 'Go to sleep'. Couldn't you just tell me? You left before I could. Come in. Friend. Come. Slowly. After getting married you feel ashamed. Take this and get ready for the dance. Otherwise, l will finish the family you started. How are you, sweetheart. All the girls are taking a chance. What did I just say? Where were you yesterday? I did a complete background check on the girl from Romania who's staying at Kirpal's place. Why are you following girls instead of doing my job? That girl beat me up yesterday, I cannot let her go. But you said you slipped in the bathroom. You got beaten up by a girl? Borrow that dancer's clothes and dance. Get that Romanian girl. We went to the first place looking for that woman but couldn't find her. Then the second, then that third, then the fourth, we searched all over Goa. What's the big deal if we couldn't find her? I haven't eaten anything since morning. What if she was your mother? She's her mother? - Yes. We came to Goa looking for her. Let's go. Stop. Come out. So you hit my men at the shack. My boss wants to meet you. Hey, come here. Come here. She can't talk to anyone without my permission. She's under my control. And she can't go anywhere until I don't allow her. Sara... Sara! Sara, don't go with them. I beat up their men, now they will beat us. Explain her. Imli! I just forgot something at home. I'll go get it. Imli, who is going to explain those two? Come with me. No. - Come with me. Let me go. - Imli, don't move so much. I don't know Hindi - Stop moving. Let me go. Forgive me, I got you two into this. No, it wasn't you... Hey, enough! Come here. This is between me and that girl. You stay out. I never completed any job till date. But I won't quit this one. If you have the guts, then try to get to the girl? Move the table, come on. You fell down even before we started, very good. All of you stay back. If you can survive until this cigarette burns you then you win. What's this chorus? Boss, should I light another cigarette? Beat him! If anyone wanders near that girl, I will kill him. Sara, don't be scared. Just stay behind me. I'll deal with these idiots. Last warning, don't make me mad. Sara, run. Sara! Raftaar, your speech worked like a miracle. Last evening, it gave courage to those two girls. And now she's turned into queen Laxmibai. You're simply amazing. She's here. - Come on. Hello, sister. You okay? Brave man. "I am a Singh." Bravo Singh! "I am a Singh." "I am a Singh." Is it hurting pretty bad? Doesn't hurt that bad, stop pretending. That's what she said. I really appreciate all the trouble you're going through for me. If you can't defend yourself in trouble, then this is bound to happen. Take care. Be careful next time. We cannot keep saving you all the time. You should know that. That girl only said two words whereas your explanation was lengthier. Try to understand the depth of the situation. What's this? It's Imli's stuff. Where is she? Hey, did you throw our stuff out? From today that's my room. Why? Sara! - Of course. Help! Stand up. Come on. I suggest that you retire now. Shift to Canada, buy some mall or something. Sorry. Out! Raftaar, I know you did this. No, I... - But it was the right thing to do. Come forward! Come forward! - Yes. Raftaar. Raftaar. Raftaar. Raftaar. Further. From today you're my right-hand. - What? If he's your right-hand, what am I? Last. Any problem? No problem, I just wanted to confirm. I should know what my position is. Raftaar. Raftaar. Sir. Should I book a ticket for you to Canada? It's holiday season. Tickets are hard to get. Tilt down, sir. Hurry up already. Hello. I can tell you the whereabouts of the girl you're looking for. George! Sara is in Goa. Finish her. I cannot sleep in the new room. Imli. Coconut. We'll get cramps again. - Run. "I strode through your lanes." Sorry. Did you find my mother? It wasn't intentional, I swear. You don't have to swear, I trust you. Buttermilk. Drink. I can't believe she's drunk with buttermilk. "All I want is you baby, so come and give your love to me." "This moment feels alright." "Tonight's the night." "All I want is you baby, so come and give your love to me." "This moment feels alright." "Tonight's the night." "Come sweetheart." "This moment feels alright." "Tonight's the night." "Come sweetheart and let me take you in my arms." "Come sweetheart and let me take you in my arms." "Come sweetheart and let me take you in my arms." "Come sweetheart and let me take you in my arms." "All I want is you baby, so come and give your love to me." "This moment feels alright." "Tonight's the night." "All I want is you baby, so come and give your love to me." "This moment feels alright." "Tonight's the night." "You're my life, you're my destiny." "I am your Romeo, and you're my Juliet." "How do I convey my love for you?" "All I can say is I see God in you." "Come sweetheart and let me take you in my arms." "Come sweetheart and let me take you in my arms." "Feels alright." "Tonight's the night." "You're the bond that controls my soaring heart." "No one's going to love you as much as I do." "You're more gorgeous than Juliet, more precious than diamonds." "Those crazy in love desire only you." "Come sweetheart and let me take you in my arms." "Come sweetheart and let me take you in my arms." "Come sweetheart and let me take you in my arms." If you want to marry her, you must learn English. In 30 days. English in 30 days. One tight slap and you'll learn your lesson in 30 seconds. You want me to learn English at this age? What do you want me to be, the Prime Minister? Listen... Stupid idea. Hey, it was your idea. They sent it so soon? My mind's all heated up. Let's cool it down. Pompi! Pompi! I see. 'Learn English in 3 days.' 'Are they on to my game?' I may look like an innocent dove but I am really smart. Hey... Did you get those Hindi-to-English books? Not me, it was Pappi's idea. - I see. You made a match for everyone. How about some miracle in my life as well? What exploded? Who exploded? I asked for a miracle, not black magic. Who is she? Shoot! Sara, come. We are dead. Move away. Drive fast. If I drive slow, we'll die. Stupid girl. Move. Move here. What? - Switch. Here. Move. Let me try. What are you doing? What? Move! What are you doing? Stop. My car. Go. Sara. Sara, give me your hand. Turn around. I am a Singh, I never hit girls. And she's a Kaur, she hits everyone. "I am a Singh." "I am a Singh." "I am a Singh." Sir, Boxer will never change. He sent his men home to kill us. I'll handle things here, take her someplace safe. Sir, can I take her to Punjab. She'll be safe there. - Yeah. It's not safe here. Till things get sorted out, please lie low. Take her. Kirpal. Yeah, Kirpal. I want to meet Mark, ASAP! Brother's back. Brother Raftaar's back! Brother Raftaar's back! Brother, the village felt lonely without you. Raftaar! Raftaar! Brother's back. Surprising. Raftaar's brought such a fair lass with her. She's for real. She's looking at me. - No, she's looking at me. Move aside. She's a guest. I know she's a guest. Not the kind of guest you think. No! You had stopped making sweets. My heart's saying we'll be getting good news today. I see. See, it's already here. Excuse me. I've got 10 tractors. What say? You fool, she's got ten shoes. Now get back. Where did they go? Greetings, father. Why do you have that grin? I missed watching Raftaar getting scolded. This is going to be fun. Didn't we gather around to divide our property? It's about time. Brother... Sara. Son. Father. Kirpal called. This girl is our guest, take good care of her. Mom, come quickly. Sara, mom. Mom, Sara. Guest. Honestly, she's a guest. - Yeah. Come. Come. I am Manpreet. - And I'm Preeto. And that's my daughter Babli. - Hello. And this is my daughter Shikha. - Hello. Shake hands. Come on everyone, sit down. I know she's a guest, but isn't this a bit too much. This is her first visit home after the wedding. She's bound to be treated well. Wedding? She's Raftaar's wife, isn't she? What are you doing? Take some sweet porridge in it. Raftaar's bride. Oh God. Take some water. Drink it. Drink the water. Slowly. Everything's fine. Now eat. Sit down. So sweet. - There's the sweet. Goodnight, sister-in-law. - Sara. Yes, sister-in-law. Okay, sister-in-law. Goodnight, sister-in-law. - Goodnight. Naughty boy! No matter where you go, you're always up to your tricks. You didn't send her picture, but did you tell her about your feelings? Mom, I tried, but couldn't get a chance. Your father is right. - What? You never complete anything. Mom, don't start that. - Start what... Mom, no... - Naughty. You brought her home inside. Naughty boy! No... Now sleep. 'My Sweety is here.' You cured my pain instantly. Come, sit. Sit. So tell me. Are you really a guest? Or is there something cooking between you and my son? Sorry, I don't understand. How do I explain her? Okay. Raftaar. Okay? Me. Our relationship has no future. l don't know. Raftaar... Thinking. My son is very nice. Even if I scold him in front of the entire village he never back answers. He isn't scared of me, just respects me. He loves his mother. And a son that loves his mother has a beautiful heart. You don't understand, do you? You will one day. Grandfather. Did you heat the water? - Yes. But let her bathe first. Sara, go take a bath and then wear this. Okay. Thank you. Finish drinking your water. Come, brother. You can drive that when you grow up. Go. Where are you going? Did you come here to wander alone or take Sara around. Take her along. Babli, come here. - Yes. Quickly. Look, you need to... You don't need to take sister around. You just concentrate on your studies. Go study. Naughty boy! "Sweetheart." "Your beauty's like the rainbow." "Even the moon." "Looks useless when compared to you." "Come, honey." "Let's watch a film, honey." "From 9 to 12, honey." "Come, honey." "Let's watch a film, honey." "From 9 to 12, honey." "When it'll be dark night." "My heart will beat gallantly." "I'll hold you in my arms tight." "O beloved, what did you do?" "Come in my arms, let me kiss you." "Come, honey." "Let's watch a film, honey." "From 9 to 12, honey." "I want to climb the mountain and yell out loud." "I want to make you a Punjabi daughter-in-law." "Sweetheart, let me take you across the seven seas." "After which we'll land in my village." "My father will shed tears, and my mom will dance." "Come, honey." "Let's watch a film, honey." "Come, honey." "Let's watch a film, honey." "From 9 to 12, honey." "My heart doesn't beat fast or slow." "Every time I look at you, it yells hip-hip-hurray." "Let's stick together like magnet." "Let's hold each other tight until our desires awaken." "It's not difficult to do the Punjabi Bhangra." "Come, honey." "Let's watch a film, honey." "From 9 to 12, honey." Raftaar sir, we've found Sara's mom. She's right here in Goa. Bring Sara back immediately. Okay. Fine. Okay. Sara! Sara! Sara, mom... Goa! You found her. Thank you. Sara, is that you? Caught you. - Mom. I caught my cat. What did you do at school? - I studied. Didn't you do any mischief? I did a lot of mischief. - I see. How? Like this. Hug me. The Sara hug, tight hug. Mom, someone's here to buy a plant. I see. Thanks for everything. She's thanking you. When will you be back? Never. She's leaving, say it. Say it. Go on. Wait, sir. Wait. - Sara. Sir, your passport and ticket. - One minute. Sara, I want to tell you something. Sara, he just wants to say that... You explained her a lot. Not now... ...let me. Sara, I don't know why you suddenly had a change of heart and why you're leaving. But the way I feel about you, I swear I never felt like this for anyone. Sir, please stay back. Let others pass through. There's a long queue. Move back. One minute. Sara... Sir, please... Please... ma'am please come. Sir please. Why was she so upset after meeting her mother? Sara. Hi. Mark. You can do business in any way you want. I am prepared to give you anything. But not Sara. I can't tolerate insult. I didn't spare my own father how can I spare your daughter? But I will spare Sara now. You spare her for me, get us married. Mark! Don't even dare! You have 48 hours to say 'yes' for our marriage. I'm letting you live so that you can explain your daughter. How are you? Ma'am. Somebody's here to meet you. Sara! Mom. Sara. My baby... My sweety... I love you. I missed you so much. Mom! I've missed you, mom. I missed you, baby. I am sorry. I was unfair to you. My work drove me away from you and our daughter. I was still had the wrong opinion about you that you got married again. No, to forget my pain of separating from Sara I associated myself with an orphanage. But now I am so happy. Now we're all together again. Hello. What happened, sir? Sara said yes for the marriage. Isn't that good. Where's the drama? Easy is boring man. You're too good, sir. I like this troupe. Invite them for my wedding. Have you gone mad? Please don't make this mistake. Sara, I left your father because he chose the wrong path in life. You'll ruin your life, dear. I never had a life... That's why I never feared losing it. But now I do. You have no idea how much I missed you both all my childhood. I've made up my mind. God bless you. Why are you crying? Your father will be fine. I can't thank you enough for everything you did for me. You cared for me. Risked your life to save me. Took me to Punjab. Showed me the world of relationships. Gave me a new life. My mother. I love you. But I can't be with you. Because I can't lose my parents. I'll miss you. I really... ...really love you a lot. You don't worry, you'll be fine. I am right here. I'll go and tell mom... Sara... No matter where a girl hails from, but she does feel shy. So she told you? Yes, she did. She took her time, but better late than never. I wonder what's going to happen tomorrow after the wedding. The wedding's tomorrow. Wow! Mom, didn't I tell you that I'm going to unite Sara with her mom. And so I did. Everyone's really happy. Well, that's good. And mom, another piece of good news. - What? Sara finally admitted that she loves me. And even I told her. I am really happy, Raftaar. Bless you two. Bless you too, mom. "Come sweetheart and let me take you in my arms." "Come sweetheart and let me take you in my arms." "You're my life, you're my destiny." "I am your Romeo, and you're my Juliet." "How do I convey my love for you?" "All I can say is I see God in you." "Come sweetheart and let me take you in my arms." "Come sweetheart and let me take you in my arms." "You're the bond that controls my soaring heart." "No one's going to love you as much as I do." "You're more gorgeous than Juliet, more precious than diamonds." "Those crazy in love desire only you." "Come sweetheart and let me take you in my arms." "Come sweetheart and let me take you in my arms." "Come sweetheart, come to me." "Come sweetheart, come to me." "Come to me." Sir... Drive faster. It's getting late, please. "Let me take you in my arms." "Come sweetheart and let me take you in my arms." Dear children of God. You've come to this church so that lord may seal your love in the presence of... Why so late? - I went to get these. What for? It's necessary. It's a happy occasion. Isn't that Sara? - Yes. And who's that with her? Mark. The one she's marrying. What's wrong? You said Sara told you everything. She made a compromise with her life. But what will happen to her now? Nice girl! Do you Mark... - Yes, yes I do. Do you, Sara Rana, take Mark as your lawfully wedded husband? Do you, Sara Rana, take Mark as your lawfully wedded husband? Do you, Sara Rana, take Mark as your lawfully wedded husband? Do you, Sara Rana, take Mark as your lawfully wedded husband? Triangle. Love triangle. I am too good, right? Stop. What are you doing? Leave him. Who are you? Singh! Raftaar Singh. Oh. Bond. James Bond. Sardar, this isn't Punjab. This is my area. Mark's area. Wherever Singh sets foot, that becomes his area. I like it. Drama! I like it. This simple wedding was no fun. Easy is boring! Go on, take my place. Show me your strength. Show me. Not here, outside the church. What's a Sardar's connection with Jesus? Ek Om Kar! My Guru taught me. Some address Him as Ram, and some as Lord, some address Him as Gosai and some as Ilahi. The Lord might be revered in different ways and places. But the Lord's abode is one. Come on. Come. This pain's nothing compared to the pain of your wedding. Please don't, he'll kill you. This is my battle. I will make sparrows capable of fighting hawks. Turn jackals into lions. And when I alone fight against a million will I truly be able to uphold my name. "I am Singh." "I am Singh." "I am Singh." Come on, Raftaar. "I am Singh." "I am Singh." "I am Singh." "I am Singh." "I am Singh." "I am Singh." Raftaar! I like it! I underestimated you, Sardar. But I must say, I really loved your charade. You came here all the way from Punjab for the girl. You don't lack anything except for concentration. And I want you to recognize yourself. If you delay, you have a lot to lose. I hope you won't quit this job in the middle. I hope you won't quit this job in the middle. I hope you won't quit this job in the middle. Raftaar! Raftaar! Yeah...what is it? You are too good, Sardar. You kicked everyone's arse. Right. It's my heart's desire. The desire to make you mine. I love you. - No, don't say that. I love you, Raftaar. I can't live without you. Last time you said that, you tried to marry someone else. Tell me what this means? Moron, I'll learn your language too. I am not too great. Yeah, mom. Yes, everything's fine out here. Romania looks really nice from here. Mom, for the sake of God I'll call you later. Yes, I will. I'll tell you later. Will you just keep talking or pull me up? I love you, Raftaar. Come on! Brother is back! Brother Raftaar's back! Brother Raftaar's back! Dance! Come on. Dance. Dance! Singh! "They call you Bling-Bling, Mr. Singh." "You know baby, you're the king." "Bling-Bling, Mr. Singh." "I am Singh, you're Kaur." "We're meant for each other." "You look so gorgeous." "Baby, come into my arms." "I am Singh, you're Kaur." "We're meant for each other." "You look so gorgeous." "Baby, come into my arms." "I am Singh, you're Kaur." "We're meant for each other." "You look so gorgeous." "Baby." "Baby, S I N G H, the name's enough, you know it." "You know that." "K l N G, we're the kings, with a big heart and bigger courage." "I squander B l G money." "The papers talk only about me." "I have many sycophants like you back home." "Come to my home and take a look." "I even show hospitality to my enemy." "I am quite capable alone." "I can face a million enemies." "My heart's filled with courage." "I rule everyone's heart." "I am different from you, baby." "I always wear my crown." "I am Singh, you're Kaur." "We're meant for each other." "You look so gorgeous." "Baby, come into my arms." "I am Singh, you're Kaur." "We're meant for each other." "You look so gorgeous." "Baby!" "I'm the queen, everyone knows it." "I see." "There's always a queue of boys behind me." "Look, l am here too." "I'm the queen, everyone knows it." "There's always a queue of boys behind me." "I admit, yes I do." "That you are my life." "I am your fan too, sweetheart." "I am Singh, you're Kaur." "We're meant for each other." "You look so gorgeous." "Baby, come into my arms." "I am Singh, you're Kaur." "We're meant for each other." "You look so gorgeous." "Baby!" "I am Singh, you're Kaur." "We're meant for each other." "You look so gorgeous." "Baby, come into my arms." "I am Singh, you're Kaur." "We're meant for each other." "You look so gorgeous." "Baby!" "I'm the queen, everyone knows it." "I see." "There's always a queue of boys behind me." "Look, l am here too." "I'm the queen, everyone knows it." "There's always a queue of boys behind me." "I admit, yes I do." "That you are my life." "I am your fan too, sweetheart."
Channel: Pen Movies
Views: 216,318,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: singh is king full movie, singh is bling full movie, singh is bling song, singh is bling, Singh Is Bliing, bollywood blockbuster movies, best of akshay kumar, comedy movie, superhit hindi movie, comedy hindi movie, akshay kumar movie, Amy Jackson, Lara Dutta, Prabhudeva dance, hindi movie songs, action hindi movie, action hindi dubbed movies, pen movies, akshay kumar comedy movie, javed jaffrey dance, katrina kaif movie, old hindi movie, kesari, kesari movie
Id: lg2i2oqnoy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 47sec (8327 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2016
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