Singapore Green Plan 2030

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Quoted verbatim below, with links to details in the webpage:

Our Key Targets for the Green Plan

Plant 1 million more trees.

Increase solar deployment to 1.5 giga-watt peak (GWp) by 2035, and at least 2 GWp by 2030.

Expand cycling network to 1,320km by 2030.

Increase rail network to 360km by early 2030s.

All newly registered cars to be cleaner-energy models from 2030.

Reduce waste sent to our landfill per capita per day by 20% by 2026, with the goal of reaching 30% by 2030.

Increase share of trips taken on mass public transport to 75% by 2030.

At least 20% of schools to be carbon neutral by 2030.

Promote sustainable fuels for international trade and travel.

Phase out refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment that use high global warming potential (GWP) refrigerants from 4th quarter 2022.

Use 15% less energy in HDB towns by 2030.

Green 80% of all buildings over the next decade.

Produce 30% of our nutritional needs by 2030 locally (30-by-30 target).

Introduce an Enterprise Sustainability Programme, to help enterprises, especially SMEs, embrace sustainability and develop capabilities in this area.

Create new and diverse job opportunities in sectors such as green finance, sustainability consultancy, verification, credits trading and risk management.

Be a leading centre for Green Finance in Asia and globally, by building up the financial sector’s resilience to environmental risks, developing green financial solutions, build knowledge and capabilities, and leveraging innovation and technology.

Promote homegrown innovation under the Research and Innovation & Enterprise Plan 2025, and attract companies to anchor their R&D activities in Singapore to develop new sustainability solutions.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/pannerin 📅︎︎ Feb 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

Looking forward to a greener future. Hoping they are moving into a car lite future. Making it more beneficial to people who used human powered means of transportation.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/Immediate-Instance 📅︎︎ Feb 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

removing forests to build residential parks is not green

👍︎︎ 55 👤︎︎ u/p1nkp3ngu1n 📅︎︎ Feb 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

Where is HSK?

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/atr101 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

I tend to be rather critical of our leaders and civil service at times, but credit where credit is due, this was a well thought out and executed video!

Glad that they managed to communicate clearly this time! (Granted, I have not deep dived into the individual policies to see how they hold up to scrutiny)

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/AlexHollows 📅︎︎ Feb 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

Really looking forward to sg adopting more and more EVs. Doesn’t it make so much sense??

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/MisoMesoMilo 📅︎︎ Feb 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

very conservative and tepid goals especially that million trees thing imo

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/FitCranberry 📅︎︎ Feb 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

I’d like to see a mention of what we can do with single use plastics? Or at least try and raise awareness that it’ll be around for 1000s of years...

My heart hurts every time I see a plastic cup with lid, in a bag being drunk through a straw... there has to be a better way

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Large_Chart 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

i read NEA fb about the latest news on e-waste. immediately my thoughts were FINALLY!!!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/icelemonteaftw 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] our nation is rooted in a few core beliefs upholding the rule of law and sharing non-corruptability and meritocracy fostering racial harmony and an inclusive fair and just society and always thinking ahead for future generations these beliefs have kept us together and taken us forward leading to national priorities policies and programs that have benefited generations of singaporeans after more than 50 years of nation building one imperative is growing in importance and that is sustainable development climate change is an existential threat of our times bringing rising sea levels and extreme weather patterns putting millions of lives and livelihoods around the world in danger singapore as a low-lying island state is particularly vulnerable we embraced sustainable development decades before climate change became a critical global priority today singapore is a city in a garden and is one of the greenest cities in the world we set aside large nature reserves with about a third of our island covered by trees we knew public cleanliness and hygiene were important to prevent diseases in a hot and humid urban environment and took tough measures to enforce them [Music] we are the only country in the world to freeze the growth of our vehicle population we are one of a few countries to have closed its water loop and to reuse every last drop of water we moved significantly away from co-generated power many years ago we do not subsidize the use of fossil fuel and in fact we tax the admission of carbon we will continue to build upon this strong foundation and launch a sustainable development movement for a better and greener future this will strengthen ongoing efforts to implement our commitments under the un's 2030 development agenda this 10-year plan is called the singapore green plan 2013 or in short the green plan the green plant is a whole of nation sustainable development agenda with firm action plans touching almost every dimension of our lives but we recognize our challenges being a small city state we are in a very different situation compared to bigger countries we need to provide for defence industries homes and critical infrastructure all within our 728 square kilometers of land we do not have the natural resources land area and climatic conditions for the large scale deployment of renewable energy sources these constraints make it extremely hard for us to achieve net zero emissions in the same way that bigger countries can pledge to do however just like how we confronted many national challenges in the past we can turn our constraints into strategic opportunities and be pioneers in technological and policy solutions for sustainable development we can be a living laboratory which other cities around the world facing similar challenges can pick up ideas from depending on the results of our collective actions and that of the international community we will review our current carbon emission commitments and seek to achieve net zero emissions as soon as we can that way we can punch above our weight and have a positive environmental impact well beyond our shores in this video we present to you the key programs of the green plan some of the initiatives will be familiar to you others will be new by 2030 singapore will be a green and beautiful city in nature we will set aside 50 more land around 200 hectares for nature parks every household will live within the 10 minute walk of a park we will plant one million more trees across our island which will sequester another 78 000 tons of co2 singaporeans will enjoy cleaner air and cooler shade with more green spaces there will be more wildlife amongst us from migratory birds and hornbills to otters and mouse deer but some animals like wild boars and monkeys may get into conflict with people too we will work with communities and ngos to develop programs to allow people and wildlife to live in harmony sustainability is also about you and me and the way we live we aim to be a zero-waste nation powered by a circular economy with a high rate of recycling so that our precious resources can be used many times over we have already closed our water loop by recycling our used water to make new water we will make a similar strong push towards secularity in waste materials to transform trash to treasure we will turn incinerated waste into new sand and use this for construction we will build up singapore's recycling capabilities by sorting better and reducing contamination by 2030 we aim to reduce the waste sent to our landfill by 30 we will front load our efforts over the next five years to achieve a 20 reduction by 2026 by 2030 our mrt network will be comparable in coverage to major cities like london and new york city we will develop new town concepts such as tanga which will have the first car-free hdb town center with roads constructed underground freeing up surface spaces for public transport activities and green spaces at the same time we will encourage walking cycling and active mobility we have announced the plans to expand the cycling network we will actively do more to repurpose roads and implement pedestrianization wherever possible today of all trips taken 64 are on mass public transport that is bus and mrt all these efforts will raise this modal share to 75 by 23rd these environmentally friendly habits will take time to take root in our society we must inculcate them early in our young true education we will start an eco stewardship program involving all schools from primary to pre-levels as part of the program we aim to reduce carbon emissions from the school sector significantly we will get some of our schools to be carbon neutral by 2030 with the rest to follow thereafter we will also use the new science center at jurong lake district to help bring lessons on sustainability to life we will help our students learn how to reduce their carbon footprint make responsible decisions and create a ripple effect on their families and friends this expands the scope of our values in action education with sustainability as a key part of the curriculum we want every student to understand live and practice sustainability geographical constraints limit our options for renewable energy we do not have great rivers for hydropower we have neither land or sea space for large solar or wind farms despite these challenges we will strive to use cleaner energy and become more energy efficient we have shifted to using natural gas which is the cleanest fossil fuel we will quadruple our solar energy deployment by 2025 such as by covering the rooftops of hdb blocks with solar panels by 2030 solar energy deployed will be five times that of today we are also looking to tap green energy sources from the asean region and beyond through electricity imports and hydrogen we will invest in water research and development to halve the energy required to produce desalinated water by this year with floating solar panels on reservoirs all our local waterworks will be powered by solar energy our waste treatment facilities such as twas nexus will generate more energy than they consume we already host the largest biodiesel plant in the world which is being further expanded as an aviation and maritime hub singapore will play active and important roles in fulfilling two international goals in aviation two percent improvement in fuel efficiency every year from now to 2050 and carbon neutral growth from 2020 in maritime to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping by at least 50 by 2050 compared to 2008 levels we can also use 15 less energy in hdb towns by 2030 through measures such as widespread use of smart led lights and solar energy and beyond hdb towns we will green 80 of all buildings over the next decade and develop eco-friendly districts as demonstration projects that we can scale up such as the jurong lake district singapore's urban environment makes us an ideal city for adopting electric vehicles or evs we have declared our vision 2040 to phase out internal combustion engine vehicles and have all vehicles run on cleaner energy to get there we will require by 2030 all newly registered cars to be cleaner energy models we will more than double our ev charger targets from 28 000 to 60 000 by 2030 we will tap the capabilities of the private sector to build up this infrastructure we will also revise the vehicle tax structure to make it easier to buy and to own evs all these efforts in industries residential estates commercial buildings private transport will reduce our energy consumption by more than 8 million megawatt hours per year this is the annual energy use by almost all households in 2030 and this will in turn reduce domestic greenhouse gas emissions by at least 3 million tons per year by 2030 as sustainability grows in importance and consumers pivot towards greener and more sustainable products and services it can become a key competitive advantage for us and present new opportunities for growth and job creation we are therefore seeking new investments that are among the best in class in terms of carbon and energy efficiency we introduced a broad-based carbon tax in 2019 whatever we collect will be invested and used to support worthwhile projects to help enterprises reduce their greenhouse gas emissions the government will introduce a new enterprise sustainability program to help enterprises especially smes to embrace sustainability and develop capabilities in this area we can be a leading carbon trading and services hub which is projected to be a multi-billion dollar industry we will create new and diverse job opportunities and our vision is to be a leading center for green finance in asia and globally we will also promote homegrown innovation under the research innovation and enterprise plan 2025 and attract companies to anchor their r d activities in singapore to develop new sustainability solutions for asia and the world these include decarbonization technologies such as carbon capture utilization and storage low carbon hydrogen and solutions to enhance energy efficiency and enable a circular economy jurong island will be a model for the adoption of such solutions as it transforms into a sustainable energy and chemical spark against rising sea levels we are developing new solutions and a better understanding of our coastlines we will put in place the physical defenses to protect our coastlines along the east coast around lim chukang suai katut and jurong island lying one degree north of the equator singapore will always be hot and humid but we don't want temperatures to be unbearably high urban heat is all around us for example the kind that you feel while standing behind an air conditioner we will moderate the rise in urban heat by increasing greenery and piloting the use of cool paint on building facades we are increasing local food production to make our food supply more resilient we have announced our 30 by 30 target to produce 30 of our nutritional needs by 2030 locally we will do this in partnership with a vibrant agri-food industry and our communities the green plan is a living plan which will evolve as we engage singaporeans through singapore together to harness more ideas and put them into action every one of us can play a part and help seize the moment to transform our nation in 1965 shortly after singapore became an independent nation mr lee kuan yew said over 100 years ago this was a mud flat swamp today this is a modern city ten years from now this will be a metropolis never fear having come from mud flats to metropolis we will turn our metropolis into a global city of sustainability this metropolis of ours will be a bright green spa inspiring the world and our future generations let's work together for a brighter and greener future you
Channel: Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment
Views: 140,266
Rating: 4.8976779 out of 5
Keywords: sustainability, climate change, sustainable development, environment, singapore, climate action, singapore green plan, green plan, sgp30, sgp, grace fu, lawrence wong, desmond lee, ong ye kung, chan chun sing
Id: oNFeOl7pW9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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