Sinead O'Connor interview on Rosie O'Donnell

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Phaethon cards you can get in the stores next week already getting rave reviews do you read reviews I've had a couple of really when they say bad things does it make you feel bad or you usually they're quite constructive they don't really say things are bad but no perhaps give you guidance and you know good critique which I appreciate obviously but so far so good with this one they've all been really good nothing nothing in yeah I've read some that said it was worth the wait how long has it been in between records well it's been six years since my foot first sorry it's been six years since my last full-length album but I had an epi three and a half years ago right so for six years since my last full length okay and you think you've changed as an artist in that time yeah obviously in terms of grown older Dean I mean right you know like I've had my daughter who's now for you know that brings obviously a certain I don't know if you have children I do yeah I have a 5 a 3 & a 6 right we're kind of having a girl brings out the woman in your life tomorrow doesn't it you know I think it's yes yeah so that I think that's this is pretty obvious in the sound of the record as well how old is your son my son of a 13 in July oh my goodness what is is he into like the malls into Rath isn't a rap you know he wears trousers halfway down his butt really but he teaches my little girl you know there's an IceCube track or it says you can do it get your ass into it teaches my little girl is my little girl is for it does hurt the same thing with her trousers you know they're not being on yeah that's everything now do you live in Ireland all the time yeah yeah no I like your hair a little grown thanks yeah what can I feel it yeah it's nice it's like a chip that's like it's like velour actually now when you first did the whole shaving thing what was that any reason or you just thought I'm not dealing with the head it was never completely bald for some reason people thought it was I think that's because one of the video director made me shave it completely just so we could get covered in to cover me in gold leaf but I wouldn't normally have a completely shaved in so I just I have one of those hair you know it's read click and it sticks out it does that and I can't do anything with this you know I mean them it's really annoying so I just get rid of save time yeah how old were you when you first made that decision because 18 18 parents how'd they feel about that cool actually surprisingly enough my father has a habit of if he's proud of something one of us have Donita throws his head back in laughs you did that my sister was pretty horrified because she was about to get married and she wanted me to be a bridesmaid right yeah so she wanted me to wear a wig but my father talked to her so what you're the bride speaker that wasn't the idea but I did wear the wig in the end my father tried to talk her out of it but wasn't very successful yeah so how what kind of wait was it long hair yeah you know yeah at the reception did you whip it off Leah but I did in fact it was quite funny because the the groom's brother is all day apparently been saying what a lovely girl that was over there with that lovely hair but then later in the day I cut into my own clothes and to go off the thing and got up to perform a song with the band they tried to throw me out because they thought I was a Gatecrasher you're crashing you're onto me I know you're saying brothers likes it but was she angry at you that you did that a no no she said oh no but she'd be just a little more conservative than me but she's my best friend like she's like my mom really like you're saying she's older than me so she feels she looks after me Karina but she'd just be she's into Barry Manilow where I'd be into the Sex Pistols you know that would kind of explain it very scary thing and my family I'm the wild one oh my god can you imagine god I have it sisters a little more conservative than I am too yeah I didn't never do the shaved head or anything I have a friend who used to be into ABBA and his father like burned his Abba collection and Abba clothes just cuz he thought I was really evil ABBA yeah he had an average acket and his father burned just one other evil yeah that's really funny what does evil about ABBA can we even think of any Abba song that's evil no I love the prince song nothing compares to you that you covered yeah how did you just hurt it you liked it you thought I'm gonna do it well my manager at the time was an Irishman named no Kelly and he heard this on on the album that it was originally done on which was by band called a family no and he sits he said that's the song for you yeah he is what guidance was always wise to follow yeah it's really beautiful really the you bocalee it so added so much to the song i think you have the most amazing eyes maybe it's because there's no hair I don't know but your eyes look even bigger and more you know dough like in a good way okay dough isn't a deer okay a female see now they're exactly but it's lovely to meet you I met you a long time ago when I was a VJ we were both at uh charity event thing and you had your little newborn baby son 13 years ago I guess his diaper thing on yeah yeah and I thought it's very sweet and I love your records I really do even though I like Barry Manilow myself but I'm just not as huge fan it's not so pleasant to wake up in the morning the first thing you see be Barry my mother yeah well imagine the first thing you see being the Sex Pistols what to work come on you one well frankly we're not gonna room together Sinead our legs and everything sorry to see
Channel: Christian Petrulio
Views: 96,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sinéad O'Connor (Musical Artist), Rosie O'Donnell (Celebrity)
Id: Lmf0eO0-JJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 19sec (319 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2015
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