Sindhu Vee Live on BBC Asian Network's Big Comedy Night

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how many of you think that comedians still get nervous before they come on stage yeah every comic gets nervous before they come on stage and everyone has a different technique my technique is a visualization like a mindful visualization of something that actually happened to me it was when I was younger and it was a terrible thing and really crushed me but I came out of it and so I remember that it's something that happened so I was in my 20s and I was applying for work and I was applying to an investment bank and in banking as I'm sure in other corporates you have a series of interviews and then you get to the final and if you get through the final and you get a letter that's bad that means they dinged you ding is like but if you get a phone call if you get a phone call that's good I got the phone call yeah hey Cindy this is Sarah and I'm just calling to let you know you have come so far in our process the entire team is so impressed with you I mean you powered ahead of a lot of very legible candidates but the thing is we had such a talented pool this year that we're not gonna be able to make you an offer the decision is so difficult for us but you know we're sure you'll find a good fit soon so chin up and good luck yeah well exactly that's how I felt I needed this job very badly otherwise I'd have to go home to India and tell my mother I had no husband no job and you know she has a gun I've seen it and I couldn't so I did in that situation what any Indian girl would do is I cried but I cried like a desi girl cries and I had an American roommate a white American roommate who had never seen anything like this in her life oh my god dude are you okay what tissue no I think you need 911 was very upset so the only way I could calm myself down was to call my parents back in India so I did and they had one phone but two receivers you know because they don't stay in the same room because their normal older Indian parents and so they both picked up another drink at the job and my father who is a small scholarly erudite two million man he said to me child you must change your perspective according to our 5,000 year old Hindu Shastras in which time is a circular construct unlike the shallow and immature Abrahamic religions in which it is linear we are told that according to the rhythm of the cosmos what goes up must come down today you are facing a dark and moonless night you are afraid but when you go to sleep and wake up you will see the resplendent Sun will show you opportunities and for this you must have gratitude array just be quiet she throw is a total failure she has no husband she has no job and you are saying ah when you go to sleep at night it's very dark and when you wake up it will be light what a nonsense you please be quiet G send the waiter you listen to be erased stop crying listen to me you phone back that lady who called you that Jenny huh and you tell her hey Sarah arrange any Jack Sarah all have the same name you phoned back that Jenny and you tell her Thank You Jenny for your very good message in which you said that decision do not give me a job is very difficult for you I am just calling you Jenny to say no no it is not difficult for you now Jenny because I will definitely become an i banker you know investment banker in a very good company I think Goldman sack and Jenny in Goldman Sachs I will become a very high executive yes and then Jenny from there I will come back to your company as your boss's boss and then Jenny kutia thank you lord Sonny Mary no Krynica gonggi and then you explain - Jenny you somewhere [ __ ] widow I will take it out your job array - who are you you two-piece HR harems Adi and you tell her two-piece HR lady bastard who are you do not give me a job hon Jenny I will go very high in the sky you will be one bloody homeless under the bridge then you will know Jenny why a decision was so difficult for you yes and you know what Jenny I Spit on your job too I Spit on you too Jenny [ __ ] you [Applause] so that's the mindful visualization I do backstage and then I come out here and some of you don't laugh and I'm like okay Jenny thank you so much [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: ArseRaptor
Views: 2,185,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sindhu, vee, bbc, asian, network, live, stand, up, comedy, arseraptor, big, night
Id: hi528286TIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 19sec (319 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2018
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