SIMULATION THEORY (Documentary) - Is Reality Simulated?

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Are you living in a computer simulation?   This was the title of the philosopher Nick  Bostrom's now iconic paper. Published in 2003,   Bostrom's ideas sent shockwaves through the  academic world, through popular culture,   and even religion. His paper suggested that more  than a remote and whimsical prospect there is a   serious possibility that we and our entire reality  are the simulation of an advanced civilization.   Bostrom's paper proved so compelling that in  2016 a New Yorker article reported that many   in Silicon Valley had become obsessed with  the idea, and that two unnamed billionaires   had secretly employed teams of scientists  to attempt to break out of the simulation   technology magnate Elon Musk has also been public  about his personal fascination with this idea,   including his conviction that the probability that  we are living in base reality is one in billions.   So why have prominent individuals scientists  and philosophers taken seriously the seemingly   bizarre possibility? Is it true? And what might  it mean? With the use of ever more powerful   and sophisticated computers, over the last 50  years humans have created ever more realistic   virtual worlds. As far as anyone can presently  tell there is nothing which stands in the way   of these simulated realities continuing to  improve forever. Many now foresee a time   when these virtual worlds will become so  realistic that unless we had direct knowledge,   it may be impossible for us to tell the difference  between virtual worlds and base reality.   This raises the unsettling question - How do we  know that we don't already live in a simulation?   Could this have already happened? Could we  be living in what Bostrom calls an "ancestor   simulation" a creation of an advanced civilization  designed for the purposes of studying its own   past? In truth, advanced civilizations may have  countless reasons to run such simulations and   would likely create astronomical numbers of them.  It would therefore seem to follow that of all of   the beings in existence, an overwhelming majority  of them would be inhabiting simulations. The   likelihood then, that we occupy base reality,  would therefore appear very small indeed. The simulation argument. In his paper Bostrom  lays out three propositions of which he argues   at least one must be true. Proposition 1 is  that all technological civilizations collapse   or go extinct prior to reaching technological  maturity. Proposition 2 is that civilizations   can reach technological maturity but for  some reason they never create the kind   of simulations which could resemble our world.  If we reject either of these two propositions,   Bostrom argues that we must accept his  third, final proposition - that we are   almost certainly living in a simulation.  We will explore this striking possibility   as well as its far-reaching implications,  but to get a better sense of its likelihood   we'll first take a closer look at the other two  propositions. Proposition 1 - the Great Filter.   The first proposition is that civilizations can  never require technological maturity and so never   get a chance to create ancestor simulations.  Initially this suggestion seems unlikely.   After all we live in a universe of hundreds of  billions of galaxies and countless trillions of   star systems - any one of which could be home  to a burgeoning technological civilization.   What then could prevent any and all  civilizations from advancing to this   level of technological maturity? At the outset  the idea that any and all civilizations fail   to achieve technological maturity seems grossly  pessimistic so why entertain this possibility?   One proposed answer is that there simply are no  other intelligent civilizations in the universe.   Proponents of this view draw from the mysterious  observation known as the Fermi Paradox - that   the universe around us seems oddly silent. Our  universe has been habitable for life long before   our solar system even formed it would seem that  more than enough time has elapsed in the universe   for advanced intelligent civilizations to  become an obvious presence in our galaxy.   And yet we see no signs of burgeoning type III  civilizations or their galactic megastructures,   the evidence of which presumably  would be blazoned across our skies.   So what explains this eerie silence? One proposed  answer is that there are evolutionary stages   between inert matter and advanced intelligent life  that are so astronomically rare that they prevent   all or nearly all life from ascending beyond  it. Such stages have been called "great filters"   perhaps in our path of discovery there awaits  a great filter in the form of an advanced   technology - so destructive and uncontainable that  it annihilates any civilization that discovers it.   Some even argue that such a technology has  already arrived in the form of nuclear weapons.   Perhaps all technological civilizations, in  their pursuits of an ever greater understanding   of physical reality, invariably discover the  tremendous energy released by the splitting   of the atom. In their subsequent development of  this seductive power they introduce a permanent   existential danger that invariably  leads to their eventual annihilation.   If it is true that this or some other technology  poses an assured existential catastrophe,   then ancestor simulations might never come into  existence. If all intelligent civilizations are   doomed to destroy themselves then the good news  is that we probably do live in base reality - the   real world. The bad news however, is that we're  probably not far off from destroying ourselves. But a great filter could also exist behind  us. Perhaps in the very genesis of life itself   one candidate is the initial forming of  reproductive molecules the RNA which serves as the   basis of all biological life on Earth. It has been  suggested that as a result of random molecular   collisions, the formation of RNA could be  astronomically unlikely. In which case intelligent   technological civilizations could be so rare that  we could conceivably be the only one in existence.   To many including myself, this is an astonishing  claim and we are right to be skeptical. After all   the great filter hypothesis was informed by the  Fermi paradox and yet many believe that the Fermi   paradox is ultimately misleading. Evidence of  other civilizations could be far subtler than we   first imagine. Consider that if intelligent life  evolves just once in every 10 million galaxies,   there would still be thousands of advanced  civilizations - utterly undetectable by us, yet   any number of which could be creating countless  simulations. Maybe our descendants will build a   Matryoshka Brain - a stellar megastructure that  surrounds the sun and uses its energy to create   immense computational power. Such structures  could conceivably run astronomical numbers   of simulations and yet a Matryoshka brain could  be all but invisible to its galactic neighbors.   The universe, while very ancient from our  perspective, is in fact at an extremely early   stage in its overall habitability for life.  At some 14 billion years old the universe will   remain habitable for much much longer. Some stars  will live for trillions of years - many times the   current age of the universe. There will also  be many generations of such long-lived stars.   Given that intelligent life has emerged at least  once at this very early moment in the universe's   existence, there would therefore seem a good  chance of other civilizations emerging in its   vast future. And as this relates to the simulation  argument, it matters not that from our perspective   those civilizations could exist in the future,  because we could very well be simulations of   their ancient past. For our present purposes all  that matters is the possibility of their eventual   existence. Proposition 2 - No Simulations. We'll  now move on to Bostrom's second proposition, that   civilizations can reach technological maturity and  yet in spite of this they never author simulations   which could resemble our world. As with the first  proposition, at first glance this appears very   unlikely indeed. Presumably simulations would  allow their creators to explore a vast range of   questions, scientific, sociological, cosmological,  even philosophical. Such simulations would serve   as advanced laboratories probing questions that  could well be inconceivable to minds like ours.   In many respects simulations would be the ultimate  theory testers, because the architects would have   total control over all of the conditions within.  Given the vast utility of such simulations,   we are left wondering what plausible reasons  could prevent civilizations from creating them.   One possibility is that simulations of a kind  which could resemble our world are impossible.   Given the advancing realism of our own simulated  worlds, this proposition too seems unlikely.   So why take it seriously? There are at least  two reasons why true ancestor simulations   could be impossible. The first reason is  that simulating a universe like ours would be   computationally impossible because simulating  every fine-grained detail, from the level of   probabilistic subatomic particles to massive  galaxies, would be so computationally expensive   that it would be unobtainable for even the most  advanced technological civilization. The physicist   Michio Kaku dismisses the simulation hypothesis  for this very reason, pointing out that the only   information processor which is up to the task  of simulating a universe is the universe itself.   This objection may or may not be true, but it  also overlooks that a convincing simulation   would not need to render every detail of the  universe - rather only those which are being   observed. Distant visible galaxies for  example, could be compressed to just   a few bits of information depending on  whether observers are paying attention.   Much like in video games which render  objects and scenes only when interacted   with by a virtual avatar a simulation  could dramatically cut computational costs   by rendering only those parts of the simulation  which are of direct relevance. Neither would   they need to render the long past of the universe  or the timelines of the entities inhabiting it.   Memories could be implanted to give the impression  of continuity when in fact the present simulation   could be just moments old. If the architects wish  to create a simulation that appears identical to   our world they would need only to manipulate  the conscious experiences of its inhabitants. This takes us to the second  possible reason why such simulations   might be impossible. Bostrom's argument entails  more than the creation of hyper-realistic   worlds - it invokes conscious inhabitants  originating from within the simulation.   In the matrix films the human  inhabitants of the matrix   remain connected to physical bodies that persist  in base reality. In Bostrom's argument however,   the conscious inhabitants are instantiated within  the simulation itself. Yet there are reasons to   consider that simulating a conscious mind in this  way is impossible. But why might this be the case?   It first needs to be said that we presently do  not understand consciousness, how it exists,   or why we have it. In fact, consciousness  is one of the greatest mysteries we know of.   How biological organisms aggregate  an inner subjective experience   is a millennia old question, that even our most  advanced neuroscience has made no less mysterious.   What the philosopher David Chalmers has called the  hard problem of consciousness is yet to be solved,   with no clear sign what a solution to this mystery  would even look like. In recent years growing   numbers of scientists and philosophers have argued  that in consciousness we have encountered an   impasse which highlights the limits of our current  materialist science, and that to truly understand   consciousness we may need to go beyond our present  materialist assumptions. In fact, Chalmers and   several other academics argue that we should take  seriously the possibility that consciousness is in   fact a kind of fundamental property, which  science must eventually expand to include.   "If you can't explain consciousness in terms of  the existing fundamentals - space, time, mass,   charge, then as a matter of logic you need to  expand the list. The natural thing to do is to   postulate consciousness itself as something  fundamental - a fundamental building block   of nature." While this may or may not be true, it  could also be the case that digital simulations   are simply the wrong kind of substrate on which to  instantiate consciousness. For example, that the   digital language of computation is at its basis  purely syntactic. The interior semantic qualities   unique to consciousness may lie forever beyond  what can be realized by digital computation.   Digital simulations might be able to create a  behaviorally identical representation of a mind,   but whether or not these simulations could acquire  the interior quality of consciousness remains an   open question. Recall that Bostrom's argument  centers on our being in a computer simulation,   but if as the neuroscientist Christof Koch has  put it, "consciousness cannot be computed" then   as unmistakably conscious beings, we could  not be living in a computer simulation.   But what about some other kind of simulation? It  is worth keeping in mind that one way or another   our brains are conscious. Furthermore  our brains are, in a certain sense,   reality simulators of a human experience. How a  brain achieves this feat remains a mystery to us   and yet a much more advanced civilization would  presumably have a much more advanced science of   consciousness - perhaps one that goes far  beyond our present materialist assumptions.   Should consciousness turn out to be a fundamental  property of reality, advanced civilizations may   nonetheless develop technologies for vectoring  this conscious interiority in any way they desire.   Similarly if consciousness is non-computational,  we nonetheless cannot rule out the larger idea   that we are in some kind of simulated reality -  albeit one beyond our current scientific paradigm.   If we proceed under the speculative assumption  that consciousness supporting simulations are   possible, then we must now consider what reasons  an advanced civilization could have in choosing   not to create them. Ethical Impasse. In broad  terms their objections may lie on ethical grounds.   A more advanced civilization may operate  under a comparatively more advanced ethics.   After all, there seem to be many aspects of ethics  that can be rationally derived. Bostrom himself   considers that intelligent civilizations may  universally converge on specific ethical precepts   relating to the treatment of conscious beings. To  limit avoidable suffering as an obvious example.   Perhaps a convergence among advanced intelligences  will deter the creation of fabricated realities   in which conscious beings can suffer. Perhaps  at the stage when simulations become possible,   advanced societies have already in place a strong  law preventing their creation. If this notion of   ethical convergence is plausible, then in  our finding ourselves inhabiting a reality   of much apparently needless suffering, this  might count against our being in a simulation.   We'll return to this possibility but again, this  view depends on the idea that future civilizations   will invariably converge in their moral  principles. While this has some plausibility,   for it to be a decisive factor in the simulation  argument requires the strong claim that it be true   of every civilization without exception. Because  if just one civilization chooses to pursue this   technology the likelihood that we are inhabiting  one of their simulations grows dramatically.   Recall that Bostrom's second proposition is that  civilizations can reach technological maturity   and yet don't create simulations which could  resemble our world. As with the first proposition,   this turns out to be much more complicated  than it first appears. At first glance   Bostrom's argument would seem to suggest that we  almost certainly do live in a simulated reality,   and yet on closer inspection, the other two  propositions are highly ambiguous. Does the   Fermi paradox suggest that advanced civilizations  are astronomically rare? Do great filters   constrain the ascension of life from inert matter?  Could consciousness resist any and all simulation?   And might ethical convergence deter the  creation of simulations with conscious beings?   Bostrom himself makes light of these ambiguities  and so assigns a roughly even probability between   his three propositions. As he puts it. Quote.  "In the dark forest of our current ignorance,   it seems sensible to apportion one's credence  roughly evenly between one two and three." End   quote. It would seem that Elon Musk's startling  claim that the chances we live in base reality are   one in billions, can be replaced by a much more  conservative one in three. - A real possibility   that we should nonetheless take very seriously.  So let us then take seriously this possibility   that we do live in a simulation. What would be the  broader implications? What might it mean for us?   A simulated reality. It is sometimes implied that  if we do live in a simulation then we inhabit   a fake world - a meaningless existence  trapped in a counterfeit reality.   But if the simulation hypothesis is correct, we  might equally view this as a further discovery   that reality is far stranger, subtler,  and deeper than we previously imagined.   That intelligence gives rise to nested realities.  As opposed to living in a fake world of fake   experiences we could see ourselves as inhabiting  the inward fractal growth of reality itself.   If we are simulated minds we are nonetheless  unmistakably conscious. After all consciousness,   as the philosopher Rene Descartes famously  observed, is the one thing in reality that   can never be doubted. A conscious simulated mind,  if such a thing is possible, would nevertheless   be a real mind with real experiences. And would  therefore be an unmistakably real vector of moral   and ethical significance. Our experiences would  matter as much as any experience in base reality. The simulation hypothesis also offers  a thought-provoking naturalistic way in   which certain traditionally religious ideas  might be true including that we live in an   intelligently designed universe presided over by  an omniscient, omnipotent creator or creators.   Furthermore, depending on the kind of simulation,  other religious comparisons can be drawn.   For example, if it should turn out that  consciousness cannot be simulated, there   would still be all sorts of reasons for advanced  beings to create realistic simulated worlds and   project their own consciousness into them. Such  minds could have unimaginable new experiences,   inhabit new identities, and otherwise freely  explore the vast uncharted regions of the state   space of consciousness. And in all likelihood they  would have all sorts of reasons to deliberately   forget that they are having an experience which  perhaps, on some level, they are choosing to have.   In which case, death may not be the  end of our individual experience,   but akin to waking up inside a higher dimensional  reality, perhaps at this point recalling ourselves   as willing participants. It is conceivable that  in a populous future of advanced civilizations   there may be trillions of such simulated lives,  perhaps even outnumbering those in base reality.   If we are such beings, we would be the denizens of  another plane of reality, more real than this one,   in which we are visitors to this world after  which we return home and evaluate our experiences.   A form of reincarnation would  therefore be conceivable,   in which a collection of simulated  lives becomes the experience of a   single entity - perhaps gleaning new knowledge  via the perspective of oneself through another.   Conceivably all minds within a simulation  could become the meta-experience of a single   conscious being. Indeed, a simulation capable of  supporting conscious minds could also conceivably   be conscious itself. In which individual minds  are aspects of a much greater unitive experience Bostrom's simulation argument has captured  the imagination of a generation of thinkers.   It has found its way into popular culture and  even theology and religion. It is an argument that   in some ways came out of nowhere and yet forced us  to re-examine everything from its new perspective.   At the height of the digital age, the simulation  argument emerges as the apex metaphysical question   of our computational paradigm, in which we  as generations before us viewed the world   through the highest technology of our time.  For what is worth i think Bostrom's argument is   sound - insofar that at least one of his three  propositions must be true. And yet for every   argument defending one of the propositions, there  seems to be an equally cogent argument against it.   When I set out to make this video, I expected to  arrive at a much clearer view than i have. As a   skeptic about digital consciousness i expected  to come down against our living in a simulation.   But i find it difficult to rule out  a broader definition of a simulation   that goes beyond computation, and perhaps  also beyond our current materialist paradigm. All i can say is i think we should take the  possibility that we live in a simulation   very seriously that the simulation argument is  another reminder of how mysterious reality is,   and that we should continue to keep an open  mind about our situation within it. One   perspective is that we have always been building  simulations, that from our earliest manipulations   of the physical world with primitive tools  we have been externalizing our intentions   and constructing our own realities. The creation  of convincing virtual worlds might be viewed as a   stage in the maturation of this process - that if  we survive to do so, we are destined to become the   architects of our inner reality and to freely  explore the vast state space of consciousness. There is one final consideration that impacts my  personal intuitions about the simulation argument.   It is that we live in a profoundly unique  moment in the history of our civilization,   in which for the first time we have acquired  the technological power sufficient to destroy   ourselves and yet without the wisdom to  ensure that we don't. One way or another   this period will be comparatively short - a  few centuries at most. The philosopher Toby Ord   calls this moment of vulnerability the precipice  and argues that should we survive this time,   it will forever be remembered as one of if  not the most significant moment in history,   when a civilization either grasps the mantle of  its vast cosmic future or succumbs to existential   catastrophe. And yet for exactly this reason  any simulation architects would also presumably   consider this time of extremely high interest,  for all sorts of reasons - including understanding   their own origins. Of all of the historical  moments we could find ourselves living through,   I can think of none more likely  than ours to be simulated.
Channel: metaRising
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Keywords: simmulation
Id: zmRTC6xhis4
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Length: 29min 37sec (1777 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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