Simple Shape Orbits - Adobe After Effects tutorial

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hello everyone in this quick after effects tutorial we are making these simple shapes orbit around each other maybe it's a planet system or maybe it's an atom or maybe it's just some circles I don't really know this is a hotly requested tutorial on coming off of last week's basic patterns this is one of the things we patterned and people want to know how do you make that thing well this is how and also check it out I do honor requests so remember that everyone we're gonna make use of a little classic after-effects 2.5 D trickery and we should be out of here in about 5 minutes so start the clock I'm Evan Abrams and this is a little After Effects tutorial simple orbiting shapes we are in After Effects let's make a new composition we're gonna make a square composition none of this is important hit OK let's start by making the nucleus the middle the planet the bright glowing center that all the pretty things rotate around and you know we're gonna make it blue just so it's easy to see twirl into the ellipse the ellipse path and make the size 300 that's fine that's not important what is important is that you make it 3d so it is now 3d and we call this middle okay we're gonna duplicate in the middle and this is gonna be the orbiter and the orbiter let's make it our different color let's make it I don't know maybe it's gonna be pink purple green minty green wonderful change the layer color to yellow I guess so we can tell the two apart twirl in change the size size down maybe a hundred sure and just move it out grab it and move it away so this is how far away it will orbit we don't really need that transparency grid so here we go we got a thing a thing that's gonna orbit around it let's do it rather than doing anything to this orbiter I'm gonna make a new null object I'm going to call this the spinner make it 3d and parent the orbiter to the spinner and then the spinner toggle open its rotation hitting our put a keyframe on the Y rotation move ahead and just set this to be one so it's gone a full revolution around whoa as you can see it is going behind the planet that's perfect and it comes around the other side so two things to change the first let's make this repeat forever by holding down alt clicking over here on the Y rotation clicking the stopwatch and going L o P capital o UT and some parentheses and you can write cycle in here if you want but it's not totally necessary it assumes you want it to cycle and around it goes whoo now it's infinitely going around however this is not right right you don't want a pancake going around we want a nice spherical moon we want to pretend this is a sphere come on now we're going to make a new camera make a new camera it's a 3d scene you should have a camera and let's go with the 50 millimeter preset just a warning this is gonna work nicer and you know fifty eighty one thirty two hundred and so with the orbiter selected we're gonna go layer transform auto orient meaning always look at something we could make it oriental long path but we want it to orient towards the camera hit okay just like that it's a circle and it's a circle that constantly goes around and around so that's the trick that's a little trick if you just make it orient towards the camera the thing we are because that's what we're looking through we're looking through the active camera if you look through something else you can see it is just constantly pointing at the camera no matter where it goes but since we look through the active camera it looks like it's constantly a sphere and that's pretty good if you want to make the spinner spin this in a more interesting way then you just need to adjust the orientation so we will adjust that orientation you know change the Z orientation a little bit like this and the Y a little bit like so nice so there you go we've got this thing spinning around going around the planet if you want to make more just duplicate you know separate them mess with their properties a little bit maybe you want the orientation to be a little bit different maybe you want this to be closer changing the position like so so it's very close to the planet you know you can even just scale this down and make it smaller just like that you can affect the timing just drag out these keyframes if you want this to loop if you want these things to loop around each other you know for for infinite looping then you probably want to offset them a little bit so it's not robotic and one final thing the finalist thing we probably want those little trails that we had in the example a little trail on this thing we're just gonna go here to the effects and presets call out echo get that echo put that on to the lair as you can see it's starting to make a little bit of a tail let's dial this in get a little bit closer make some more of them like a whole mess of these sweet and did we just change it from add to compass it in front let's play that back look at that it's like a big space worm or something that's how I did it it was that easy call it time if you had any trouble with this please let me know in the comments and I'll try to get you through if you'd like to get your hands on the project file for this head on over to Evan Abrams dot-com or use the links in the description in the cards your hands on these things all the project files are available at pay what you'd like pricing all the donations from that keep the channel going it is much appreciated and if this is the sort of thing you like washing if you like learning about After Effects motion graphics please subscribe to the channel turn on notifications and you'll find out when new content comes up here thank you so much for watching if you want to suggest a topic let me know in the comments or tweet at me at ICI Abrams on Twitter and if you subscribe to the channel then I'll see you around the Internet thanks again and have a great day [Music]
Channel: ECAbrams
Views: 186,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adobe after effects, after effects, adobe, after, effects, fx, mograph, motion graphics, motion, graphics, vfx, visual effects, instruction, tutorial, tut, how to, how, to, help, tips, tricks, after effects tutorial, motion graphics tutorial, vfx tutorial, simple shape orbit, orbits, atom, planet, molecule, orbit, fake 3d, 3d, 2.5d, quick, simple, easy
Id: Ct3HkdQHDqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 56sec (356 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 22 2018
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