Simple Relativity - Understanding Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity

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you time you can't see it you can't hear it you can't wait but we experience it every moment the whole piece of time is a landscape and we moved forward slice by slice but do we really understand time is time same for everyone to understand time let's go back in time and make a small journey with a certain young patent clerk Albert Einstein imagine you're travelling with Einstein in a train moving at a certain uniform speed the Train relative to the outside environment is in motion the two of you sitting inside on the other hand observe each other as stationary objects as for you and the train are moving at the same speed hence relative to the train you are stationary and the laws of physics stay same inside the Train as they would on the ground when you are standing still now let's consider you get off the train and observe it moving across in front of you now you are stationary and relative to you Einstein is moving with the same speed as the train this is the phenomenon of relative motion and we observe it every day does everything in the universe observe this relative motion the same way yes everything except light light behaves in a different way imagine you have a light clock with you this light clock has two mirrors in the opposite directions and a light beam bouncing between them now let's say the distance between the two mirrors is D and the time for the light to cover that distance is T for the sake of simplicity let's say it's one second so when this clock whiz with you at rest position the light bounces between the mirrors covering distance D in one second which gives us the speed of light s now remember speed is distance per unit time now consider Einstein also possesses the same light clock with only this time he's travelling in a spaceship along with the book when einstein travels in a certain speed the clock travels with the same speed of the spaceship in the same direction here light has to travel an extra distance in the same one second let's consider this distance to be capital D and represent the speed of light here as capital S which has to be greater than smallest but something's wrong here because in the late 1800s the michelson-morley experiment tried to detect the relative motion of the matter through an ether and concluded that the speed of light is constant this cosmic speed limit is known as C so in our little scenario small s and capitalist are equal so for the speed of light for both you and I instant to remain constant something has to give way that something is time it turns out time slows down when you travel faster and faster during the speed of light so the faster Einstein travels slower the time passes volume hence what could be a day for Einstein in space could be as much as 50 years for you on the ground this became the fundamental conclusion of the theory of relativity a theory proposed by Albert Einstein in 1905 this theory broke the traditional understanding of time as a constant entity and proved that time in fact is different for different observers the theory of relativity led to many other invaluable findings the most famous of which is the equation e equals mc-squared but more on that later
Channel: Vinit Masram
Views: 4,504,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: General Relativity (Field Of Study), Theory Of Relativity (Literature Subject), Albert Einstein (Academic), simple relativity, theory of relativity, Industrial Design Centre (Educational Institution Campus), Indian Institute Of Technology Bombay (College/University), Special Relativity (Literature Subject), University (Building Function), College (TV Genre)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 56sec (356 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 01 2014
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