Simple Procedural WINGS Animation with the Noise Modifier - Blender Tutorial

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hey guys I came up with this abstract butterfly and I wanted to show how I create it and talk a little bit more about the noise modifier that they us it for the wings animation so let's break down the whole thing start modeling the wingk with a plane and move it there in edit mode so the origin Point stays at the center adjust some of the vertices positions contrl P to B that one adding a few modifiers like subdivision and switch to simple to retain the shape outline decimate then wireframe modifiers for the win pattern I can bring here the mood board to get some inspiration from images just change it to stay always on top and move it there one side with the decimate we can easily generate different patterns just like that to get rid of these issues disable thickness even enable boundary of the wireframe modifier sometimes we can get great random result with the decimate it's not what I'm looking for now so I'll just apply the subdivision in the decimate add another subdivision with a few more levels for the rendering with crease Edge we can limit the subdivision effect shade smooth and tap to edit mold make the wireframe visible there to refine easier the wing pattle remove few edges move some vertices the knife two is very helpful here to add additional lines proportional editing can help as well I came up with this as final then adding a curve for the body of the butterfly rotating 90° on C axis and applying the rotation this important for the next modifier switch the bevel to profile adding some depth using alt s to scale up and down the volume to some the vertices move the wing slightly on Z axis adding mirror modifier bck the body as mirror object so we have this rotation on the y- AIS checking some reference as you know the backside wings are usually smaller and different than the front side I won't stick to this but I'll still make the pattern slightly different so duplicating the mirror modifier and switch to Y AIS so you can then apply it and adjust it in edit mode proportional editing is our friend in this case duplicating and removing the modifiers except the mirror to get this few inside the frames to make everything easier I'll will pair this part to the front wing and then animate only this part in output properties change to 30 frames per second and with 300 frames that is 10 seconds of Animation open the side panel with n Go to the item top rotate the wing on y AIS and add a ke frame for rotation duplicate the K frame to the end of the animation and switch to the graph editor make making sure the y axis is selected from here go to the modifier stop and add noise we can see what this modifier is doing holding the middle Mouse button and moving the mouse is the easiest way to adjust the graph so press the space bar and the animation is quite checky now but we can scale the curve to increase or decrease the speed another option is the strength of the noise or how far they will go up and down on the animated axis we have to mind something and our other plane to show what is it we'll use it later for the floor anyway so this line here represent the Z axis and if the graph go over this line mean that it's in the negative vales under the floor in this case and we just have to be careful not to cross over this line cck the strength and for something like this we can just offset the graph a little bit another option is the the phase which will give us all these different variations to the graph dep will add more segments to the same graph influence can also be enabled but what we will be using in this case is this option here so we can restrict the frame range so let's say that we want the noise to stop 25 frames before the end of the animation and start a few frames after the beginning another cool option is that you can blend it so it doesn't bounce so hard straight away buta start smoothly and gradually we can do the same here maybe TW the end frames extion and this all is so easy and it's very simple because we have to animate only one part and this will work perfectly if we using IM textures for example however for procedural textures there will be some issues and we will need to do some additional hustle let me change to the Shader Editor to show you what I mean so if we add material to the wings we can add borono or any other procedural texture add the mapping and the texture coordinates with contr t for this shortcut you need the not Wrangler add-on from preferences enabled change to object and bring here the C amp switch to material preview to see what's happened plug everything to the base C click the bars to get this dot so here is what is happening if we play the animation the texture on the mirrored object shifting when we Slide the frames we apply the material on the right side wing and there the texture is fixed but on the other side the texture moves and this will be quite strange when we animate it so we need to fix that what we can do here is to apply the miral modifier making sure that we are on the first frame where the K frame is added in edit mode separate them by loose parts so we have them as a separate object it will look messy at first because we flip at the sides but to fix that we just have to flip with a negative or a positive strength here depending on what you he from the other side and now animation is synchronized and everything looks fine if we change the material preview and slide through the frames we can see that the procedural texture on both Wings is fixed the only thing is that we need to do this with all the parts that will have procedural textures which in this case includes the back wings and the fields inside it's a good to set the animation before applying the miror modifiers but if for any reason we have to adjust the animation later we can still do it and cck the settings we just have to copy and paste to the other side the same [Music] vales another thing we can do is to offset the K frames so if we select the K frames we can move them like that we can lock on y axis and offset with a five for example or any other number then to make them symmetrical we just have to copy and flip with a negative values like in this case minus 5 anyway that was about the noise modifier and we can continue with the scene setup adding a camera control out then zero to snap it to the view control tilt button to adjust position open one more window for the camera view let's change the focal length to 200 you might say this is too much but actually even focal length of 400 mm is common in the wildlife when photographers shooting animals and they have to take close shots from a f distance switching to the rendering preview here and let's set up some rendering settings like changing the Cycles switch to GPO commute enable the noise pick one of these the noers viewport samples to 64 and rendering samples to [Music] 128 we can add the area light and start seeing some things from here we can control the power and the size of the light we can also use the right Mouse click menu where this can be easily adjusted like that making that one quite big and place it behind kind of butterfly in relation to the camera duplicate it once reduce the size change the shape to rectangle area light by default spreading on 180° which can be controlled from here if we reduce it to zero we have the light beam concentrated in the center only but then the Shadows becoming too sharp we want to reduce the spread to something like 45° so we will still get this light Ray but the Shadows are softened with a selected increase a as part two to see only what's inside the [Music] frame jumping to the Shader Editor to add some basic materials first like this gray material for the floor with a little bit of metallic and decrease the roughness for the wing frame we're going to use the ver setup so I'll put it there for now metallic all the way up play with the roughness and Link the material to the other Wing frames for the Wing fuel make it trans Mission and Link it to the other parts if you look closer we have this parts of the mesh that we have to refine to fit better within the frames and what we can do here is to change the orientation to normal when hit the g to move the vertices press also shift and Z so they slide on the plain normal orientation and retain the flat surface double g to slide vertices can also be us it here moving the wing fuels into a new collection to set up the reflections effect later for this we need to add modifier so we can split all the faces and make them separate objects this modifier is H split with Ed angle to zero just copy the modifier to the other parts and convert them to mesh to apply the modifier separate them by loose parts so we have all these faces and separate objects for the material we need go ramp and object info with a random plate here everything into the base core and now we can use the gradient Between the Bars to apply randomly all these different cores to the object we can change this to HSV switch to far and if we add some CS we can get this core for gradient only using the two bars more parts can be added as well you can also add call one by one but that's just a way to get random varations quickly to make the fs invisible we can set the collection to indirect only which will have objects from the rendering but they will still affect the scene moving on with some textures to the floor for this I'll go to the poly where everything is free and search for some to textures I can drag and drop the reflection or even the diffus map just like that and plug it to the roughness so we get some of these variations Andra the plane and other mapping with control te adjust the scale and drop here C to control the texture continuing with the frames what I'll do here is decrease a little bit the metallic and increase the sub surface which is how the materials reacts to the light beneath some objects are semi-translucent and the light rays enter BCE around then exit in different places in blender this effect by default is set up for a skin so it have the appearance but from here we can control the LGB values so if we decrease the red and increase the blue we will have this bluish appearance adding a mix Shader to add a few light dots using the emission note plug the the noise setup flip the bars and make the dot smaller adding some color variations to the dots using col amp for this we need to add gradient texture as well adding a few more colors another thing I want to do here is to add a few slightly visible curved lines using the wave texture plug it to the roughness touch the bars and adjust texture to get this distortions to the lines also I want to add a few more CS to the the body so separating it from the other materials and adding another M Shader using again a wave texture with another principal psf with layer weight and a c ramp with a few more colors to get variations here reducing the scale of the texture and just adding metallic specular all the way up and reducing the roughness a bit add some transparent white parts of the Wings just move the parts out of the reflection collection adding a new material with transmission adding mix Shader again with aoid texture this time change it to distance to Edge to get this pattern mix it with another principal bsdf where only have difference in the roughness mods applying this material to a few more objects and moving them out of the collection so they became visible in the rendering final things like choosing where to be saved the animation change to FFM video container to M4 and output quality to perceptually lossless we can also enable depth of view to the camera using the eye dropper to pick object or just press e on the distance and pick how many meters like that decrease the F stop once we have render we can go to the compositing and add a glare bring the vi note as well to see what they're doing change to for glow and lower this effect a lot for the final animation I twed the wing scores and I changed the image texture for the floor with procedural bricks texture so yeah basically that was everything I wanted to show you hope you enjoyed learn a few things and hope see you on the next one thanks for watching
Channel: Shieverski
Views: 7,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, 3D Butterfly, Noise Modifier, Wings Animation
Id: VuMu4tAzFjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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