Torta de Aceite para el Mate sin Horno (Fácil y Económica) "El Rincón del Soguero Cocina"

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Easy Oil Cake Hello everyone! How are you doing today? Today I woke up from my "siesta" and saw that it was poring outside. and I felt like having some "mate" with cake and since I had some requests from my followers from Instagram and Facebook that have seen me making this cake today I decided I was going to share it you guys. because the idea of this channel is to share a few things that is not only raw leather and braiding. As you could see I interviewed other leather craftsmen from my town and also the idea is to share with you traditional dishes from Argentina. And today we'll start with this cake, so prepare your ingredients you'll see it's super easy to make. Let's get to it. Let's begin. But... instead of using this plastic bow and the wisk let's use something more "vintage" Now I'm ready. I'll use instead this old soup bowl, that my grandmother used for the "Puchero" when she lived in the country, and that she also used to make this cake. For this cake we are going to need some eggs, three of them. one, two, and three whisk then we bit our eggs for a couple minutes using a fork. Now I'll add a cup of sugar and this is also an old plastic cup mix very well and bit your eggs until the mixture turns foamy and turns to a whitish color soft and airy next I'll add one tablespoon of vanilla extract. and six tablespoons of vegetable oil bit all together very well once it's all well incorporated I'll add the flour. three cups of self-rising flour one at a time or all at once. remember, Self-rising Flour. mix to incorporate start slowly so you won't make a mess once it's well mixed and smooth we'll add a cup of milk. always using the same measuring cup start mixing slowly we should end up with a butter like this you can bake it in a cake pan in the oven or in this stove top grill I'll show you what it is this part goes on the stove top this one has this pan for cakes and the lid. I'll take the cake pan accessory, and we'll need to oil it and dust it with flour about a tablespoon of oil and with a kitchen towel spread it to coat add a bit of flour to cover all surface of the pan get rid of the excess flou Now I'll pour in the butter move it around a bit to even it up and if you like you can dust the top with with sugar this will form a nice crust and now to stove set your the burner to le lowest position first we place this part then the cake pan cover with the lid and wait 45 minutes to an hour How can we tell it's ready? When smell of cake fills the room. It's been more than 50 minutes and I started to smell the cake Look. I'll use a wooden stick to see if it's ready If it comes out clean means that it's done. and it is, so now I'll let it cool and will be ready to enjoy with the Mate I'll cut a piece to see it's done. look what do you think? I hope you make and enjoy it So what did you think? I just hope I don't get a lot of thumbs down Super easy and to add some new content to the channel So if you liked this video give it a thumbs up, comment and let me know if you want me to make more videos like this one. In the next I could make some Tortas Fritas (Fried bread) or some Fritters. So let me know. Like, share and subscribe and until the next time. Thanks for watching!
Channel: El Rincón del Soguero
Views: 2,145,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TRADICCION, guasqueiro, torta matera, DIY, SOGUERO, torma para el mate, cake, oil cake, argentina, torta de aceite, bizcochuelo, bizcochuelo fácil y económico, economico, macrisis
Id: QbW7W0z4YGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 44sec (464 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2017
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