Simple GUI Buttons in GameMaker Studio 2

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Hello everyone, my name is Sam Spade  and I've created a short tutorial here   for talking about GUI coordinates and creating  some simple GUI buttons. Making GUI buttons is   actually incredibly easy if you know how to. The  problem is if you don't know the trick to doing it,   it can actually be a little bit frustrating.  So in this tutorial, I'm just gonna walk through   the basics of how you do it, and you'll see that  you can create a GUI button with just two to three   lines of code—depending upon how you want to do  it. The biggest hurdle to get over, the biggest   thing to understand when creating a GUI button,  is the difference between room coordinates and   GUI coordinates. So let's say that this gray  box is the room. It will have the coordinate 0, 0 up here, to its width and height—which I've just  said are 2,000 and 1,000 down here. Note that this   isn't necessarily to scale, probably pretty close,  but I did just pick these numbers at random.   So if I were to put my mouse up here, the mouse's  position would be 0, 0. And if I put it down here   it would be 2,000 for the x position and 1,000  for the y position. This would be the value that   you would get if you used mouse_x and mouse_y. If I put my mouse in the very center of the room,   you would get 1,000 for mouse_x and 500 from mouse_y.  Now, let's say you have your GUI layer. The GUI   layer is basically your game window. That's a  slight oversimplification, but unless you're doing   something crazy that's what it's going to be. 0,  0 is going to be the top left of your game window,   and the bottom right of your game window will  be your GUI width and GUI height. Here I've   just made it half of room width, room height.  So GUI width is 1,000. GUI height is 500. So if   I put my mouse here in the top left corner of my  game window—you'll just have to pretend that the   game window can only see this much right here—then  this would be 0, 0 for my mouse's GUI position,   but it would be 500 for my mouse's x position and  250 from my mouse's y position in room space.   Down here my mouse position in GUI space would be  1,000 for the x and 500 for the y, and if I put   my mouse here, dead center of the view, then the  GUI coordinates of my mouse would be 500 for the x   and 250 for the y, but the room position would be  1,000 for the x and 500 for the y. And this is why   you can have problems when you try to create the  GUI button, because if you use the room position,   you are not going to be in the right place—your  mouse is going to... the game is going to think   your mouse is somewhere it isn't. Right? Because  1,000, 500 is not the same position in space   as 500, 250. And just to take this example one  farther, let's say we move the view over here.   Well now the view is over here, but this is still  0, 0 in the GUI. So 0, 0. 0, 0. But note that now   my mouse would be at an entirely different place.  If it were over here, my mouse's x position would   be 0 in room space and 450 in GUI space. If it  were over here, in the center, it would be 500,   700 in room space, but 500 and 250 still in GUI  space. So this is the thing to keep in mind when   you want to interact with something on the GUI  layer. You are using the GUI coordinate system,   not the room coordinate system. And that means  two things. Number one, you cannot use mouse_x   and mouse_y because those refer to room position.  Number two, you cannot use any of the built-in   GameMaker mouse events or gesture events that  rely on clicking on the object. You can use the   global ones, as we'll talk about in a moment,  but any of the built-in ones that just rely   on clicking on the object also use the mouse's x  and y position, or the touches x and y position,   in room space—which again will not allow you to  click on an instance in GUI space, unless those   two values happen to coincide, because they're  using different coordinate systems. So how do   you create a GUI button then? Well it's actually,  like I said in the beginning, very easy and you   can do so with just a few lines of code. First you  need to deactivate the draw event, then you need   to draw the object in the GUI event, then you use  the step event—there's actually one other way you   can do it, but we'll use this step event first as  an example—and instead of using the mouse's x and   y position you use the mouse's GUI x and y position.  So I'm going to switch over to GameMaker Studio 2.   I've created a simple room right here. I don't  have the button yet, we're gonna create that,   but I can scroll around the room with left, right,  up, and down. I just created a simple background  so you can see that the view is indeed moving.  And now also in this corner up here you can see   my mouse's GUI x position and GUI y position. And  again, up here close to zero, zero. Down here,   it's my GUI widith, GUI height, and you can  see that as I move the room around the GUI x and GUI y position of my mouse doesn't  change because the mouse isn't moving,   but its position in the room does change. So  I'm gonna pull up the code here, and you can see   that for mouse_x and mouse_y I'm just using the  built in GameMaker variables mouse_x and mouse_y,   but to get the GUI position you have to  use this function: device_mouse_x_to_gui,   and then the device you want to use. Uh, if you're  not using multiple touches, the mouse on like Windows or Mac is always going to be 0. So  device_mouse_x_to_gui 0, device_mouse_y_to_gui 0, and this will get you the GUI position.  So now let's create the object. obj_button.   Got a sprite for it already. It's just a blue box.  So the first thing we want to do is create a draw event.   because GameMaker Studio 2 automatically  draws the object using the room position with   the draw event. This simply overwrites that. If you  don't know, this will simply overwrite that,   and now no object will be drawn. But we do want  to draw the object, we just want to draw on the   GUI layer. So we're gonna go over here, draw GUI, and we're just gonna write draw_self, so we   are just cancelling the regular draw event and using  that same idea, or that same type of draw event, in   the GUI layer. Now we're gonna go to a step event,  and we're going say if mouse_check_button_pressed   mb_left—so that's if we click a button, then we're gonna  say if position_meeting, and here we have to use   device_mouse_x_to_gui 0, device_mouse_y_to_gui 0. Make  sure I got the correct number of parentheses. Yep.   Oh, nope. What did I do wrong here? Oh, I have  to have the third argument, which is this one,   so we're just gonna check for a position meeting  with this instance, and now we're simply gonna   say show_message, uh, "Hello World". Okay, so let's  put this object in our room. And one thing you   can note, is that even though it's gonna be on the  GUI layer, since this view is the same resolution   of our GUI layer, we can actually use it to place  it in our view. So we want it to be dead center of   our GUI. So there we go. Alright, so again, this  is our view. Our view and our GUI layer have the   same resolution. I'll talk at the end about  what to do if that's different, but for our   purposes here, they've got the same resolution, so  we can actually use this as a guide for where it   will show up. And now we're simply going to  stop our current program. Rebuild it. Okay, if everything is working correctly, we should be able to click on this button get "Hello World".   Click in a couple different places. Yeah, so  that's working, and now we can move it around.   So you can see there's a difference, but it's  still working. So there we go. We've created   the button with just a few lines of code. We got  one, two lines of code here, and you—I wouldn't   really count this—so we've got two lines of code  and then we've got our third line of code.  Three lines of code. We've got our GUI button, but now  there's a couple tricks that I think are worth seeing. So number one, we come up here, we can create a macro: gui_mouse_x where this macro   is just device_mouse_x_to_gui, and gui_mouse_y where we've got device_mouse_y_to_gui. And now,   we can actually write this very close to the way  we would normally. We can just say gui_mouse_x,   gui_mouse_y, and if we were to rerun it it would  work the same way. Let's do that. So again come   over here, it works. Alight, so everything still works.  So the next thing that I want to show you is what   happens if your GUI resolution is different from  your view resolution. Well, one trick you can do   is you can simply take a viewport that you're not  using—so let's actually make view 0 not visible—   you could take a viewport that you're not using, and let's  just say that our width and height of the viewport   was double so it's gonna be 2,000 1,000. So yeah,  let's just say 2,000. All right. So now we can see   that this is if this were our GUI's resolution  we can see that this view right here represents   our GUI, and we could take this object and we can  move it around. So now we could actually build up   our GUI, or HUD, or whatever we wanted to, using this  as a reference and it would look correct when we   ran our program. And again, when you're done you  can just say—okay let's say we want this button here—  you just say viewport 1 we don't actually want that one, we really just want viewport 0, so there we go. But it would still work it would show up where you expected it to in the GUI layer. The last thing I want to talk about is an alternative  to using the step event. So like I said all of   these events right here use the mous's x and y  position in the room. But one other thing you could do  do is you could use the global mouse events—and  this is true for gestures as well. And this is a   lot more useful for gestures, so these gestures all  use the mouse's x and y or the gesture's x and y   in room space, but there are some very helpful  gestures that you might want to use in GUI space, so you could use the global events for these gestures,  and then just check the touch's GUI positions.  So let's do this with the mouse let's do a global, ah,  let's do a global mouse released event—so global   left released. And then—get this out—come over here,  we will copy this code global_left_released, but now we don't need to do this check because this  check is already happening as part of the event   for the release, and we'll just say left release. Alright, and let's run it one more time. I think we're   gonna have any error here because I forgot to  make my object visible. Let's stop it. Let's move   it over here. Let's do it up in the corner this  time. And now let's run it. Okay, ah, so actually   I had an error because I didn't comment this code  out and the show message basically interrupts the click.   It wasn't working. So now I've commented our  normal click, we'll just be using this when we run   the code. Okay, so as you can see, our button is over  here, and when we release, left release. Alright,   so there you go creating a GUI button on the GUI  layer that is interactable on the GUI layer,    the basics of how to do it and some tips and tricks to  make it easier, some different ways to do it, so you   can work with gesture events, and so on as well. One  more thing that I want to mention before I finish here,  is that I will have a link to the source code below that you'll be able to get if you want it, it's simple enough you probably don't need it,  but it'll be there. That's it. Thanks for watching.
Channel: SamSpadeGameDev
Views: 2,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gms, gms 2, gui layer, game maker, learn to code
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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