Simon Jordan GOES IN On Jim Ratcliffe For BLASTING Newcastle Over Dan Ashworth's Gardening Leave! 😠❌

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[Music] into the final half hour here with us in dled off Germany Jim White Simon Jordan coming to you live this lunchtime we have been streaming live of course on YouTube and Facebook as well and so many of you told us last night at the England game against Slovenia in Cologne they enjoy watching the show as well as listen to it and that's fine by our we're absolutely thrilled to hear that one of two England fans last night Manchester United fans who were asking Simon and myself about how we saw the landscape at Manchester United in the coming days days and weeks and what we know is this the Manchester United co-owner uh sir Jim Ratliff has been speaking to Bloomberg uh covering a whole host of issues as he continues to double down on the environment needing to be right for any manager to succeed so the big question at the moment is Will Eric tenh actually be given a longer term pass than many people think and then sir Jim go onto the topic of gardening leave gardening leave and the issue that uh this have when it comes to the speed of change with inside the football club this was to Jim on that topic one of the biggest issues in football which I have to say I wasn't um I wasn't fully prepared for was the the gardening leave issue which is not something that you know I bump into in my sort of business world and and I I see absolutely no point in the gardening leave thing that they have in football but of course it just makes it difficult to check change things with Pace right because Omar's on 6 months Dan ashw was on one and a half years uh Jason Willcox we had a very sensible conversation with Southampton we managed to find a solution to that Newcastle are just being very difficult and very awkward about Dan so but that you know until you get the people in it it's quite difficult to drive the change you know and uh it's just frustrating what is your take on that Simon gardening leave even I know what gardening leave is and this goes on in business and so does sir Jim um so I I don't know quite what his point is his point is steeped in the frustration that the man united can't do precisely what they want to do when they want to do at the pace that they determine if Dan ashv didn't want to sign a contract that had a particular restriction upon his ability to move to a direct competitor in a direct space then he shouldn't sign one with a big notice period all that Newcastle are doing is enforcing the obligation that the employee has to them in the same way they have an obligation to him now gardening Le wasn't a terminology I invented I was the first person to put a football person on ging Leaf because I put Steve Bruce on ging Leaf because I saw the inequity of contracts with managers which basically I put you into a situation where you get a job with me in you come you spend all my money on whatever it is that you fancy buying and you bring in all your staff and then when you fancy leaving off you go with no real uh structure in place for me yet if I want to get rid of you I've got to pay you all the way up to the end of your contract so I wanted some some equity in the thinking about how managers could just walk in and out of jobs so I put Steve on gardening leave and injuncted him to enforce the gardening leave clock contract now I didn't manufacture that Clause it was a clause that existed in senior Executives in most businesses if you're selling a business it's a non-compete clause which means that you can't go and open a business directly relational to the one that you're selling in football because of the uniqueness of the industry because contracts are fixed terms they're not normal employee contracts where you get x amount of notice you come in and you've got your statutary rights and your salary is paid but if you don't do your job very well they can fire you uh and give you statutary uh the statutary requirement in terms of how much time they can give you or make you redundant with a fixed term contract you have a fixed period of time that the employer is obligated to have you in their employee so Jim Radcliffe sitting there Naval gazing over the reality of what he thinks is unreasonable is a bit silly I I mean I'm not debating the coherency and competency of a genius of a man who is a brilliant business operator of the highest level a genius so why is he acting as if he's surprised by it well he's acting out of frustration rather than out of the reality of the world that he both inhabits commercially and understands literally he's not a stranger to the football industry he might want to suggest that he's going to be able to put nce in trust for a year because it playing in the European competition somehow that makes him scratch his head why people would think that was a slightly ludicrous scenario multic Club ownership might bring conflict to it but he can't really suggest this this Clause is something that he well he can deal with if he wants if you want Dan or if it's a really easy fixed gy write a checkout and pay because if you're going to say as he has said and it's interesting that he hasn't got any Clauses in his purchase of man united about non- criticism because often you have non- criticism Clauses in there because he seems to be spreading the criticism around quite thickly about what's happening at Man United and it may well be true so why doesn't he just pay Newcastle for ashwar because he doesn't probably think he has to he probably thinks the lure and the luster and the power and the influence and the stature of man united should mean that newcaster should be quaking in their boots and deliver up Dan Ashworth lickety split without any complications and they don't want to and fair play to them and fair play to them if man united want to come along you know um you know as Jack Dash telling everyone what they're going to going to do then they should pay for it they're quite happy to spend 80 million on that that Bloody buffoon up front they've got Anthony pay pay2 million for the person that's going to be changing the direction of travel instantaneously or over three uh two seasons through transfer three summer Windows as Jim has alluded to get on with it so I don't know why he's protesting or sitting there thinking well I don't like this particular Nuance of the football industry Garden leave I've never seen like that before yeah yes you have sir Jim I also want you to to to react to what he said on this topic to Bloomberg he was also asked what he makes of the Premier League landscape uh right now and the host of legal challenges that it it has apparently become involved in the latest of which Manchester City over of course Associated party transaction rules this was Sir Jim well I can understand why they are challenging it because I mean they're basically saying Associated parties should be able to invest in their Club so I think they've got is it ety Hadley Airline that's investing in in Manchester City so you could you can understand why why they would say that and they want an open market free market uh but it's not really for me to to sort of Judge I just think the Premiership needs to be careful it doesn't get itself into a you know an endless Wrangle legal Wrangle with you know lots and lots of clubs because at the end of the day you know the Premiership is is probably the most successful sporting league in the world certainly the most successful football league in the world and we we have this expression up north in England if it ain't broke don't fix it and um you have to be careful if you start interfering too much bringing too much regulation in and then you finish up with the Manchester City issue you finish up with the Everton issue you finish up the Notting Forest issue you know on and on and on and if you're not careful Premiership is going to finish up spending more time in court than it is thinking about what's good for the league and you know we got the best league in the world don't ruin that League For Heaven's Sake and then we were there was all this conversation about anchoring you know and you know what would anchoring do anchoring would then that would inhibit the top clubs in the Premiership and what the last thing you want in the Premiership is for the top clubs in the Premiership not to be able to compete with the real madrids Barcelona a by Munich PSG something that that's absurd and if it does then it ceases to be the finest league in the world so and then we've got the government regulator you know we're now talking about a government regulator coming in and they you know if you got a government regulator at the end of the day they'll interfere and that won't be good so I mean I have a few concerns about the Premiership in in in that you know um when Richard scoore ran it it was you know it was a a really fine League it's very successful and over that I don't know how many how old the Premiership is now 15 years it became extremely successful and then everybody starts interfering and messing about now on that I would have thought most of that you would agree with a lots of it yeah I don't agree with the pre fact the Premier League is 15 years old or it's called the Premiership but I understand the Central Point U and he is writing a lot of things he says because there they come out of my playbook not that I'm suggesting he would follow my playbook but the sentiment is too much overregulation too much involvement what are we trying to do here what is it that we think we're doing we're Str a league economically he goes on to talk about the the broadcast value of the top six clubs and how really and truly they're their they're the only valuable Commodities in the Premier League and talks about those clubs being the real reasons why the Premier League is successful which gives you some insight and of course he doesn't want things like anchoring and and opportunities for the league to be given an outcome which isn't just defined by the top six clubs I used to believe in the principle of financial governance because I felt it would do one thing which is create some deflation in transfer fees and in wages which is where the real issue lies within football um but it didn't and what it what it did is it provided protectionism for the man united of the worlds and for everybody else so that's the reasons why the Man City argument about how were they supposed to punch their way into to this top club if they weren't able to invest so I've kind of changed my position on it that doesn't alter the fact that if Manchester City have disguised Equity funding as commercial Revenue under Associated party transactions which is why this ridiculous argument from Stefan that comes in and says well this court case that they're bringing or this uh independent hearing has nothing do with a bigger case because it clearly does because if you can if you can denigrate the argument that associate Associated party transactions are not part of any conversation then you start to denigrate the argument about what man city have done previously in this industry and Jim full well knows it the the idea that you can judge it by other commercial standards it does have to have special characteristics and that is that ultimately there's a Level Playing Field under the rules as they exist whether you like those rules if you don't like those rules change them now man city suggesting that him saying that whatever sponsorship deal however far farfetched it may be in commercial reality is what should be able to be done really Advanced advantages clubs that have huge ownership models so that means if you happen to be a Manchester City or you happen to be a Jim radliff that has very big Associated businesses and you don't care what the cost implication owning a football club is and you'll manufacture some per se value a commercial sponsorship to get yourself out from underneath but it comes down to the central theme he's right we're over complicated ating it we're strangling it what is it we're fixing what are we fixing in the Premier League what is it that this this regulation is actually fixed it's fixed nothing how many clubs inside the Premier League have destroyed themselves okay maser's created anorm Act of self harm but Everton will change ownership and it will move on so what is it that is what we're trying to install in the Premier League I get the reasons why the regulator comes in because the fans think this is going to be a good thing and they're going to regret it wait and see they don't know what they've done there and if the regul comes in and starts really swinging some lead it's going to create problems but the one thing it will do is maybe get a better distribution for the efl very briefly twister twister state do you think he's going to end up paying Newcastle what what they want for Ashworth oh he's going to oh they're going to sit on the sidelines and wait yeah if he if he's so important to Manchester United and he is right to some extent when he when he talks about the coaching framework if you don't give a coach a really significant environment to work in it is more difficult for them that doesn't alter the fact that you some really good people can do things in spite of their circumstances yeah so no I think he'll have to pay Newcastle and I think Newcastle should absolutely double down and tell him and whoever they're liasing with at man united to do one and pay the price that they want for for Dan Ashworth and get on with the consequences of not paying it okay uh here in Germany we're going to do one uh as such because very shortly we'll finish off not here in dorf we'll spread our wings a bit and head up to Berlin it's Jim White and Simon Jordan live in talk sport Jim White and Simon Jordan Monday to Friday mornings from 10 on am on da via the talk sport app and on your smart speaker talk sport
Channel: talkSPORT
Views: 74,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool, Man City, Manchester United, Reaction, Tottenham, White & Jordan, football, funny, premier league, simon jordan, sport, talksport, talksport caller, talksport funny, talksport live stream, talksport rant, man united, manchester united, man united transfer news, manchester united transfer news, manchester united breaking news, man utd news, united stand, manchester united news, ten hag, jim ratcliffe manchester united, sir jim ratcliffe, jim ratcliffe
Id: mcYR1B5491M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2024
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