Simon (English) COMPILATION 1 hour *Season 2* Full episodes - Cartoons for Children

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[Music] [Music] how many time right I'll go wake up the kids okay and I'll finish packing the car wake up my little bunny come on Simon we're going on holiday come on get dressed Simon we'll close it right there I'm going to put guest-starred in the car what's this hurry up Simon we have to go otherwise we'll miss the boat I'm so tired all right come on I'll carry you gasps miss making bubbles [Music] oh there yet we still have a fair way to go before we get to the boat and then we'll see Grandma and Grandpa holidays great just can't wait with Grandpa and Grandma we take the boat and floats and it floats now caspere's go to sleep Oh gasp I got you sleep small baby small babies small baby yay no way I'm not a baby anyway your song is really rubbish that's not true my song super awesome no it's nice the worst song ever hey boys calm down now [Music] stop it you made me want be mommy gasps let's go to peace punch well I don't care anyway I'm wearing a nappy in any case we have to stop at the petrol station peepee time I can't reach it wait I'll help you no we've got water everywhere don't worry daddy does supersonic dryer that's great ideas Simon [Music] Wow that's a boat he's beautiful [Music] come with me guess but no daddy mom does percent all green I don't feel very well the boat is moving too much oh goodness I did he's going to be sick quick let's get him outside come on come on now breathe in deep gasp Bart oh no I think he's really going to be sick [Music] hey what's that over there funny did you see that did you Wow why those are dolphins dolphins if I am will see my bed from over there you know Oh what was that we've arrived kids hello Oh gasp ah so how was your trip it was great hey mummy mummy where do we go in back home I really want to take the boat again [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm not afraid of the storm and it is for this very reason the bigger Potamus is huge teeth became sparkling clean that's such a funny story grandma bigger Potamus please please it's too late yes but come on it's bedtime now please come back we sleep in the Attic oh yeah grandma in the Attic oh maybe another time but not this evening come on Simon Gaspard into bed [Music] good night buddies good night just look [Music] give me the torch give me the torch Simon oh hey cuspid side before for you yeah okay can we touch [Music] oh hi mr. bunny goes puppy poo oh don't worry Casper it's only a storm huh are you both okay my bun is yeah yeah don't worry grandma we don't talk to you not to toss scared of the storm very well then so go back to bed the storm will be over soon I was good Simon I'm scared well then take the lump so you'll be like scared you feel better now oh yes yes I am less Oh Simon Simon the light's gone out oh yeah but don't worry I'll go get the torch got it wow the winds blowing so hard do you think now she's going to blow down oh no way houses don't blow down gah spot hello it's overs he'll protect us gasp spot but no look he's scared as well I want to find grandpa and grandma all right let's go come on follow me it's nothing just Elvis's teeth don't worry Elvis we'll find grandma and grandpa grandpa grandma are you there don't worry gosh but that was only funda [Music] wait for me Simon star monster he's coming to eat us up it's not gas but monsters don't even exist Simon gasps Bart is that you we saw a monster oh grandma we looked everywhere for you I'm gosh we was so scared oh look I spied the monster is actually grandma's shadow so you actually thought I was a monster come on now bunnies follow me oh [Music] boy oh boy [Music] well grandpa look I found four extreme to help us oh that's great so Simon quick put the bucket under that link over there Oh Dina the rain is making music today oh hey don't worry obvious hey book but gasps bird you're not even afraid of the storm anymore [Music] [Music] [Music] all by myself I'll guess I'm sorry why did you say that I know how to do loads of things all by myself so for example I'll lay the table for breakfast all by myself but that's super easy I often laid the table by myself - hi - oh hi Simon I was saying that it's super easy to lay the table by yourself yeah super easy yeah I do it all the time and I also do loads of other stuff all by myself oh yeah so what's else you do you by yourself well mommy's calling us see you later guys come on it's time to go home now hey Simon you don't do anything by yourself but of course I do like what you don't even put on your pajamas by yourself and you don't take a bath by yourself and even the other day when you wanted to squeeze your toothpaste you got it everywhere Hey the rats we have to go back I've left my book on the bench I'll wait mommy I'm super Abbot I'll fetch it all by myself mummy gasps Bart where are you we're here Simon oh you found it thank you very much serene gasps bard you see I know how to do loads of stuff by myself you little baby hey I'm not a little baby come on kids we have to go home now but before we do we have to stop at the bakery and buy bread [Music] I don't mommy mommy can I buy the bread fine myself oh oh that's so sweet of you my bunny but you're not quite old enough for that well don't worry mommy super Avot is here yeah well then I can buy the bread by myself hmm all right super rabbit here ask for a baguette okay mommy that's easy Oh Chuck the cake yum yum Oh chocolate croissants I love those yep lemon pie oh my coin it fell in the basket hmm what are you doing oh what's the matter darling it's oh it's my coin so I can buy bread no it's fell into your baskets oh well well that's not a problem don't worry here's your coin hmm come on go in front of me thank you very much that's super duper nice of you hello I would like a baguette please oh wow unbelievable please [Music] and there you go thank you very much goodbye goodbye goodbye oh hi there Simon hi further nards I just bought the bread all by myself so cool tada I did it t 3t DT superrabbit is the bed oh thank you big Burnie okay and well tomorrow I'm going to school or by myself hmmm I have a better idea why don't you make dinner tonight all by yourself huh oh hey no way mommy I'm too small to do that and it's yogurts for everyone oh but that's cheating dude yogurt you just found them in the fridge my cute little body a trip in the break down truck hey let's go let's go get the newspaper grandpa and you get bunnies remember your secrets are you ready and we're off my bunnies and then yeah mega-huge fuzzy wuzzy Oh and I'm going to get super curly Switzer yuck I don't like it when it prickles oh but it's super cool they go on your tongue Oh Oh No we have a flat tire what we go see you now don't you worry I'll call the breakdown truck ah no no I mean for the sweeties what are we going to do oh the sweets well we may have to buy them another time hello yes my sidecar my fuzzy wuzzy there's not only a fuzzy wuzzy gasps but how am I going to get my prickly Swizzle [Music] that Juke is amazing hello quick quick you have to fix it tiny quickly so you can go and get some sweeties oh yeah coz I want my was it alright alright we'll change the tower on your by as fast as we can come on climbing you go look guys I'm driving the truck well now it was little bunnies been playing with yawn oh sorry I didn't realize you made so much noise no problem hey listen you can push that button now if you want [Music] [Music] sorry lad ready to go kids yeah precisely sir would you like us to help you oh yes of course oh yeah me too me too I want to help too well then while I'm taking off the flat tire why don't you fetch me a new one it's over there see it it's that one children oh thank you kids and can you go and get me that owes over there yeah right away oh yeah yeah yeah right away [Music] good now listen carefully you have to pull an and/or to turn on the air bolt but when I tell you to close it you have to right away otherwise the tie will explode okay okay [Music] so unfree turn you off one two three okay shut off the air ball oh just a second Simon ultimate great thank you whew well done you guys you're amazing mechanics you did a great job Thanks so the next time Sony breaks down your car's right [Laughter] hey guess what it's a prickly swizzle no problem my [Music] cute little buddy [Music] the SuperDuper big surprise here I come you'll never find me Oh mum have you seen sign noon we're playing hide and seek no darling I haven't seen him hmm hmm what Joe I'm going to find you Simon spot kids aren't here are they no no no no they're not good we have to make sure they don't find out about the surprise yes yes yes okay so can you come and give me a hand outside yes of course after you huh Wow we're going to get a surprise presents oh I'm sure they're going to love it you know that's for sure what present do you yeah I heard them say it's whoa yay I'm going to ask bologna now got some boys it's meant to be a surprise mummy mummy do you have a prison for me no why would have a present for you it's not your birthday I guess but you are fibbing to me Simon there isn't any present at all that's because it's a surprise a mummy didn't want to tell you oh really yes I'm sure it's hidden in the house come on let's go I don't see anything sign then I don't either everything okay kids so what are you up to nothing we're not doing anything I'm not even looking for a present okay come on it must be hittin a mom and dad's room no the presents no it's not here Simon oh hey Cass bud I bet the prisoners hidden in Dad's workshop oh wait for me Simon wait for me kids everything okay what are you doing here uh we've come for the planet we've come to get our ostriches oh yeah yeah yeah we've come for the smerch not the present super idea kids come quick gasp ah hmm you see Simon there isn't any present at all but that's so weird I just hear them they talked about a surprise it would have been so great to have a present oh yeah I know hey buddies go put on your pajamas yeah we no no no put on your snow suit huh but why because we have a surprise for you so are you ready yeah [Music] welcome to the surprise children shall we start Happy New Year Simon Happy New Year gasp Oh it's amazing that really is a surprise [Music] [Music] [Music] frequently the Hedgehog super shoot in the hollow tree I'm not going in there and too scared oh don't worry Gus but I'll go and get the ball gasps Bart - Bart look at this what did you find Simon come here you see Lucas but it's a hedgehog oh oh oh looks I'm that he's so cute right let's take him back with us ouch Oh now be careful Gus but hedgehogs prickle if we want to take him we'll have to wear gloves can you fetch them Bulls Gus watch I'll stay here with him yeah okay okay I'll go and get them we're going to show your rooms you see we have loads of toys I'm back I found the glove Simon super well we can't call him Simon he prickles so we'll call him prickly free clay that's super cute hello prickly Oh dad look what we found Oh Hedgehog hey chog and he's got a name he's prickly sorry bunnies but he can't stay in the house huh oh why not because he's a wild animal he's not allowed in the house you're gonna have to put him back in the garden okay daddy week on he's our friend now but you know kids he'll be much happier living outside we're going to take super good care of him Simon if he stays outside you'll still be able to see you okay dad hmm sorry prickly you can go for a walk if you want oh hey hey no prickly you're not allowed to go in the house hey I know I bet he wants a house too oh yeah you're right Simon come on boys let's go building a house quickly you just come and see we built your super house oh where did he go oh there is he went into the house oh no prickly you mustn't do that quick gasp well we've got to catch him quickly you guys might follow me let's go and look in the bedrooms well where'd he go maybe he's in the living room frankly quickly quickly quickly where are you hiding oh oh I see him Oh No come quickly be nice you know it's allowed in the house oh but he's way too fast Simon oh no I know I've got it gasps bad we have to split up huh you're a natural well I have behind the armchair oh yeah right right okay I freaked Leon don't catch you ah I got you prickly didn't I tell you to put the hedgehog outside but it's not holes it was prickly is that right kids your hedgehog came into the house all by himself but his true dad he's a super sonic hedgehog right well put him back outside now okay kids yeah yeah all right dad hey look this is your new house prickly I don't think brick who likes his cardboard house huh oh yes but I knew Eris houses there you're finally home prickly you see guys boys prickly loves his house oh yeah about the Frog dad [Music] [Music] oh yeah you ruined everything oh I didn't do it on purpose so what do we do now rebuild the whole castle Oh No hey wait I haven't shown you my robots just wait like catch me hmm just pose really such a baby it's lunchtime Oh will you stay and have lunch Ferdinand thank you but I can't my mom's waiting for me but after launch can we play together again yeah yeah of course can we play together oh no I can't I'm playing with Ferdinand Gaspard just remember your friends are coming over to play with you this afternoon quick I'm gonna go see a guy suppose friends Oh No Oh bunch of babies they could break all my toys no they're not Simon everything will be fine don't worry oh hey guys you're here thanks for bringing it over hello children I know I've got a great one Oh quick I have to have my toys be careful we're going to see my big brother super good at hide-and-seek oh right our behind seek with you but after that I'm playing with my friend phone Oh three of you suck at ten and I'll go and hide where is he I bet he's hiding in his bedroom oh yeah yeah yeah sorry trouble my fire truck you've won so why don't we play with a fire truck now oh no not the fire truck let's have a race oh yeah cuz my brother is also super good at races but as soon as fun that comes I'm going to play with him okay so we start here and first that tree wins one two three [Music] whoa you are so fast sided oh of course my brother's a champion now we can play football okay be careful yeah we know Simon when 30-ton comes you're going to play lit in know be careful this is real football and you play come on play with us oh no I don't want to play with a bunch of babies hey hey no that's not right for a nut they're not babies they're Simon's team my cute [Music] let's go to the phone hey guys what are you awake huh Oh morning Simon hey Thomas huh what's wrong with him me Simon good morning children did you sleep well I'm making pancakes [Applause] grandma what are some officers doing [Music] it's like Rena clouds why just look at all the four children oh yes super fruity grandma oh did you see how this you just a a class look I smile you're on just disappeared Simon huh this fog is so amazing look Simon hey Casper look at me my mother's gone [Music] what was that noise come on my little bunnies let's go and see it's no no miss cow grandma a huge cow oh but don't worry boys I know her it's Daisy she gets lost all the time really so she's she's a nice car then you just wait and see come here Daisy come on my friendly girl it's true she's friendly are you sure well I'll give her some grass my face careful not to make any noise children Daisy gets scared easily really she's enormous and she's more scared than us [Music] come on go on guess what children why don't we all take the car back to the farm it's right next door okay [Music] hey stop duck days you get scared easily you're scaring Daisy well doing gas but just look look Daisy say thank you I'm hungry grandma oh of course you are my little bunnies you never had your breakfast come on and you might say for us Daisy [Music] and children lovely nice right blackberries Wow oh you got them all over your face huh where did she go oh no she got away again [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you okay Simon I'm okay grandma stop it Daisy stop it you're tickling me huh Simon he kept it all over you you know what I don't think she's scared of us at all no no hello yes she came to nibble on the flowers in our garden well thank you see we should bring her back right children should we go and have breakfast say goodbye to Daisy I wasn't scared at all Daisy but she was real scaredy-cat scaredy-cat my cute little bunny [Music] he did some purpose gas part hey Mimi my turn now Simon - okay here you go Hey look and think yourself fast hey you watch where you're going gasps Bart [Music] grandma will you play with the big turkey with me of course I will big bunny oh you did us a purpose look I'm all wet now anyway why aren't you playing with the kites anymore because I really want to play with the dokey I meant about a sandcastle grandpa all right bunny hi Mary oh hi Herman how's it going hey look I'm there to build a super castle well I've already built one look at it wow what a super cool castle I'm going to make one just like it okay Simon hey can help you can help you Simon just but I thought you wanted to play with the duckie yeah that's true but what I really want is to play with you hmm all right you may get out here and I'm going to start on the walls okay okay but I don't have a shoe full Simon oh hey Turner smash I can lend you one hello Mary can you lend me your shovel of course take it thank you Mary hey what are you doing turn tick there gasps but ah you broke my castle sorry Simon go for some more sons I'll rebuild the castle okay okay gasps Bart you're so clumsy it looks like you're doing some purpose I'd be better on my own you're not being nice Simon anyway you never want to play with me if you're going to be right now I'm going to go find Mary she's nice so there Mary can i play with you yes if you want you can help you put the seashells on my castle oh yes super I'm guys find a pretty key show haha there you go what did you just do gasps part it wasn't me it was a seashell it was too big oh oh I didn't do it on purpose so get some water fix the castle my sand castle gasps Bard did you just see what you did to my castle oh I'm even broke Mary's castle - yeah but but I didn't do it on purpose [Music] your little brother is a walking disaster anyway I don't need you guys now have more fun my own [Music] hey where are you going buddy did you see that I was sliding all by myself well yes that's great little bunny oh do you think we can fix them I don't really want to don't we play we play guest bugs yeah come ii play I don't know oh come on gasps come on please [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hey everybody [Music] I want to write an attractor whoa hey Gaspard have you seen the tractor it is super duper mega cool well I just love trap - Simon well so that one's red and I just will read crap sirs oh gosh but I'd really love to drive it yeah but you can't Simon you're too small Oh what do you mean cause I could drive it super Robert isn't afraid of anything here we go I've got the eggs children put on your seat belts we're going home is there something wrong with your bike yeah I think there may be a problem with the engine I'm going to see if I can fix it but it may take some time come on how'd you get kids so what do we do would you like to help me feed the chickens children oh yeah super super okay come on let's go me what am I going to do right then so you take some green out of the bucket and give it them to eat me first me first hey chickens you oh so that's puppy ears Simon you can give her some bread if you like oh yes I would thank you hey puppy my name is Simon would you like some bread Hey my finger Simon the duck almost bit off your finger oh don't be scared Poppy's really sweet second I need your help with the pie here kids a bit more bright in case pop is still hungry I'll be right back did you see that Gus both he didn't even pick me see Simon you didn't let me though hmm hey stop that puppy I haven't got any more bread oh oh no this isn't funny puffy boys let's try losing oh good puppies really not very good I didn't see true and why don't we play Heine see - oh yeah superb but who's going to count you want gas part yeah you'll never find me here what was that noise oh it's you again papi Shh I'm going to find you I won't find you Simon Shh papi you Simon what's that let's go and see oh no no no it's way too scary Simon [Music] Oh Lucas but wait have a look have a look it's that big pick who's making all the noise then oh look she's even more babies oh and they're so cute oh yeah they're so cute managed to fix the motorbike no unfortunately I can't fix it here but that's okay we're going to ride home on the tractor so can you see us boats driving a tractor is easy-peasy hey it's my turn now it's my turn [Music] [Music] little buddy [Music] that's our treasure chest you ready gasps Bo's frisbee throw oh here comes a frisbee oh it's too hot Simon wait a minute gasps but I'll show you how oh you ready hmm oh no huh hey be careful you just hit my castle oh sorry I didn't do on purpose oh oh no wait that Gus but I'll go get it what's that oh hey look at that gasps but it's a pirate's chest Wow oh yeah nice let's play pirates this'll be your treasure chest we're going to finish open and hide it I will even make a treasure map so we'll be the only ones who can find it I am super duper hmm grandma treasures near the rocks can we play with it let me see bonus oh yes please one lovely pirate chest and what you going to put in it well some SuperDuper treasure yeah and afterwards we're going to buoy it whoa this will be really super for our treasure chest gasps balls hey and have you seen how pretty my seashell is Simon stinks yeah but the dress chest is mine too so I'm keeping it so they're all right so mean Hey look a Gaspard I've found a seashell that shines super bright and me I found a super pretty rock ha ha and look it's all squishy what is that thing you're that's disgusting okay we still need more things for our treasure - yeah let's go yeah Oh Simon Simon look who I found is the biggest seizure in the world whoa it's SuperDuper amazing oh but Gaspard it's too big it won't free oh you found a conch shell did you know that you can make music with it really grandpa give it to me Simon I'll show you hey me now my turn my turn see oh these shells really hard to play right come on gasps Bob we have to bury our treasure now oh yeah yeah super oh grandpa grandpa can you look after my seashell please of course my bunny okay good let's bury it here okay Simon yeah we're real pirates and now guess what we've got to draw our treasure map come on come on grandma we have a piece of paper and a pencil so make on map please no of course you can children here you are Oh treasure chest hey that's our treasure chest huh no way I found it first huh it's my treasure chest he do got pirate treasure chest don't worry gasps Bart I know how we'll get it back give us our treasures just buckets allergy No hey no way I won't give it back it's mine that's the big fat Phoebe I just the treasure stealer well I didn't steal it I found it and now you're really annoy me hey I've got the treasure chest Hey catch it if you can give it back to me is my treasure chest ah but what's that oh that really stings where had this Jesu is a stinky smelly old sock ha ha we played a trick on you oh well so what I don't care I'm keeping the treasure chest but but no way [Music] well done Simon we got a treasure chest back pirates hey Simon can we put the old sock back in all right unhappy parade for the stinky sock treasure [Music] [Music] the toy tree you guys playing Wow your truck is so cool Ferdinand yeah I just got it it makes an engine noise and even lights up look oh wow hey lend it to me lend it to me please hey guess what why do you like this car look it's shiny and it drive super fast well yeah but does your car light or does it make an engine noise so I'm going with fun nice truck he needs we've still got gas bone it's mine why don't you get one of your own tell me where then huh well on the antler on the tie tree then toy tree yeah it's a tree and on it well those toys like curved robots and nice toys everywhere that's it that's where I found my truck isn't that right Simon what you know where is it where's the toy tree over there in my garden yes what are you talking about there's no such thing as a toy tree oh hey it was just a joke huh but it's not funny fertilize there is no toy tree in your garden what you told me was just rubbish you know I don't want to play these guys ever again hmm that was really clever first now I'm now he's talking huh oh come on gasps Bart come play with us no I don't want to you guys are treating me like a little baby I'm Danny wait why did you lie to me oh well no no no it was because toy trees there they appear and then they disappear again you're just talking rubbish again toy tree don't even exist they do exist except that you need a magic wand under and you have to say the magic word to make them appear is it true this time really true course it is and where the magic wand will find the toy tree yeah going to go make a magic wand with mommy she you talking about Simon Toshi's don't exist I invented them oh well we're gonna make one don't go your toys and I'll fetch mine really are you sure horse I am gone let's do it quick quick that's super and so is that oh that's perfect quick quick quick look at this Simon I found a super stick to make the wand whoa oh yeah super gasps mommy a magic wand oh yes what a great idea gasps bird come on come with me and we'll make your wand so my little bunny how would you like it I want a real magicians magic one and do you have some sparkles as well oh yeah some sparkles would be amazing hmm my truck what's it do not there come on quick finance you got something lots and lots of toys tweets what not my torii time we need loads more my magic ball thank you mommy you're welcome little birthing super gasps Bart come on find the toy tree oh yeah the magic word so what you have to say is aprica' doom blah blah Badu ever could doom uh what did you say Simon I brag ado blah blah Badu and breath over do not let the dews [Music] did you hear that Gaspar truck yes ah it's the same as Ferdinand's oh thank you thank you Simon ah see you found the Tai tree super waiter named Ferdinand look at God truck just right y'all Oh oh yeah that's so amazing gasps but then I true hey don't worry Ferdinand you'll find another one in that toy tree [Laughter] Simon it was you who made the toy tree wasn't it yeah but it'd be too crazy if they actually exist is
Channel: Simon [English] Official
Views: 3,944,470
Rating: 3.9088941 out of 5
Keywords: Simon, simon cartoon, simon rabbit, Simon bunny, here comes simon, simon full episodes, Simon english, simon kids show, simon and gaspard, simon super rabbit, simon netflix, cartoon for kids, kids videos for kids, videos for kids, kids shows, videos for toddlers, cartoon for toddlers, rabbit cartoon for kids
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 40sec (3820 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2019
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