SIMATIC PCS7 tutorial start from beginner

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hello everyone welcome back to my youtube channel today i would like to create the new project for pcs7 for simulation with the pcc explorer so first let's go to open the schematic manager in this time i will use pga7 version 9.0 cv page 1 to create the project for dgs and then we can simulation with the princesses explorer okay so let's go to step by step with me and then we can simulation with the dcs system yes okay i will close our british first to create a new project so first let's go to file and then go to new project wizard and then go to next and choose the cvu yes that we want to [Music] simulation for example i will use af4 1 6 1 h cpu number of communication module i will choose 0 and then click next cfc chat sfc chat i don't use i use pcs os and then click next and we need to put the project name yes i will create a new folder for the project name example pcs7 first project okay example sim project and then brow to find the folder that we already created on desktop yes and then choose finish to create the project so with the moment for create the project it take time a little bit for create the library and create the project yes foreign okay so the project was created then click ok we will got the tool page of the project the first one for hardware configuration and the second one for screen yes for object and then we can go to hardware configuration okay so right now we will got the cpu yeah four one six five eight p and select dp and we can go to config the profinet part here is the ip address of the cpu profinet port so we can create new example etm1 we will cut like this yes and then we can go to simulation yes so go to simulation and make sure we choose the plc sim tcp ip and post run p for simulation and then we can go to handrail configuration sale and compile and then we can download to the simulation we will stop the cpu for simulation and then restart the cpu again okay so we are the put the simulation and then download the cpu yes and we need to add the hardware for a simatic pc station here go to configuration and then we will go to insert the ie yes so go to schematic pc station go to uh cp industry ethernet go to general and then insert the sw was and 8.2 and here we need to put the same as our computer so i will put the ip address of my computer example so i will got and put this one to that where and click here and then click ok sale and then compile and sale and then close so right now the hardware configuration we already created so now we can go to insert the library for the object or library the logic so go to open and then go to library go to pcs ap library okay we have a laptop library let's see here we have a motor to speed pid dry yes so we can copy the wall pid control motor yes can copy and then close sorry we can go to paste on the project okay we can go to paste on the project so i will copy select and copy again and then paste here so if we would like to use another library we can use from here yes we can copy okay and then we can open [Music] yes it is the library so the block is already created you can download to the cpu so wait a moment for download to the cpu for simulation yes okay then we can close i will stop the cpu yes so uh right now we already download the block to the cpu and then we can go to [Music] simulate pc station go to os yes we can go to open but first we can compile yes so right click on os one and then compile the project so the first time it take time a little bit for compile the project so we need to choose the network yes let me choose the network here so before compile i will go to insert the configuration for netflow configuration and here we can see the two devices the first one is semantic 400 station the second one is vcc schematic pc station so we can add the new connection i will choose s7 and then we can sell and compile compile and check everything yes finish with no error and then we can sell and then close and then we can compile again click next next again and then choose s7 program one yes that you can connection we will use this one choose net next again and compile it take time a little bit for compile first time yes so wait for compiling the program for a pcs7 software need the computer with the high performance because the it is the big software yes when the compile it make the cpu is cpu and ram yes let's see nearly 100 yes foreign use around 4 gigabyte mega miura is 16 gigabyte and cpu is 2.59 kilohertz so need the computer with the high performance it is compiling right now so take a time a little bit for compiled object to the project so first time it take time for second time or third time it will faster than this i will test after we successful build this object we will test with the second time so it will faster than this step okay it create thing the group display error sheet so it will send from schematic manager to vncc explorer yes okay compile was complete with warning no need to show the warning yes it is no error and then we can go to uh the message station and then open the object sorry we can go to the os and then open the object between uh open the wind cc explorer and first let's go to computer property and go to property go to start up parameter okay now this one we need to change yes title we tick full skin no need to tick this one no need to check and then click ok ok again and let's go to tag management so open take management and then go to tcp ip yes system parameter unit and make sure we choose the plc sim tcp ip yes because we use the simulation and then we can close the vinci and then we can open again to refresh the option that we already port site i win cc sorry uh poc sim yes so we need to open the vintage cc explorer again and we can activate so it will open the project for us we got the first plate so so wait a moment for open the activation it take time little bit more 50 percent okay opening open the vin cc runtime yes so not yet complete right okay complete so we can click and then let's see the unit one we will got three objects the first one is one yes we can open the first plate for one the second one we can open the pid control flash plate the third one we can open the wow the motors yes so here we can simulation example we would like to simulation the motor so we can go to uh manual example i go to simulation mode so we can click simulation and then on the simulation and then we can go to home and then we can go to uh start stop motor yes and then we can press that and then click ok the motor will running yes and for the while we can go to simulation mode also go to turn on simulation and can go to home and then can we can go to uh open the wall yes click ok to open the one so while it's opening yes and for the pid we can also go to simulation yes we have set point we had feedback from the pid yes so we can uh control it for simulation yes so this is the example about how to create the project of pcs7 this is of plc siemens that we can simulation for this software so thank you very much for watching my video and if everyone have any question please drop comment under my video i will reply soon and i would like to request all of you to like share and subscribe my video also to get more notification and more new videos that i will create step by step so in this time i would like to say thank you remind again and see you next videos bye [Music] hello everyone welcome back to my youtube channel general technology knowledge today we will create the new project for pcs7 to simulation with the objects then i will create the privacy the same as page one peg two and pick three and pick four by using the pc seven and vince's explorer okay so here is the win cc explorer and pc seven that i already installed in my pc and here is the engineering or operating system yeah we can call engineering computer or we can call operating system computer or operator computer and here is the asaf we can call automation system yes and we will connect with the ethernet cable between central processing unit yes and our pc but in this section i will simulation with the schematic plc sim yes for simulation with the objects okay so let's go to create the new project step by step and review simulation together yes okay so first let's open and create the new folder pcs7 create objects let's open the schematic manager right now i use version 9.1 for pjs7 and vcc explorer version 7.5 yes so first let's go to file and then new project wizard and we can preview the project yes and then go next and here is the cpu it means that central processing unit that we will use example i use this cpu yes af4 1 0 2h and this is a number of communication for the module yes i will use zero and click next and here is the number of level it means that number of plan have you see uh in my slide i will do four because we have page one page two page three and pick four yes so i will choose four and for the ax object i will use cfc chart language and pg seven os single station system and then click next and we need to put the project name example pcs7 objects and then brow to find the folder that we already created on desktop this folder and then click finish the project will automatically create so wait a moment for create the project it take time little bit for this creating after that we will do the hardware configuration yes it depends on the computer performance if the computer is performant good the speed is so fast but if the computer is low performance it will take time yes so with the moment for creating the program or creating the project foreign okay so preview got like this after creating the project by pcs7 yes and then we can go to create the hardware configuration yes before create the objects here so far we will configure the hardware configuration here i will rename this one as psri one and rename this one to be os one yes and here we can go to create the hardware configuration so double click and then we will insert the simatic pc station internet industrial so drag and drop to the slot and here is the ip address so i will put zero etm002 two and then save and compile and here we need to create the hardware configuration also do so go to the profinet yes and then create the new atm zero zero one and then we will download the hardware configuration to the plc sim right so we will go to netpro and insert the new connection and choose the s7 connection wow and then we can compile and sale okay no error occur and then we will go to create the pegs right this one pick one pick two and pick three and pick four so let's go to create the pack here yes i will rename this one to peg one yes and i will rename this one too screen one yes and i will insert the new pegs if we would like to insert the new pack we can go here right click insert the new object and go to insert the folder right rc folder we will got like this and then we can rename as page 2 yes and this one we can create the new and then we can create the picture it is the screen tool yes so if we compile like this okay let's compile we will got peg one and peg two yes okay go to os one and then go to compile niche we've got page one and pick two right so next again and then don't forget choose the connection here we might choose the etm001 yes net net again and compile [Music] so we will got peg one in page two let's see after compile after we create the pack so we can create the graphite and create the objects on the page 1 and pick 2 so when the moment for compile the program so compile first time it's take time a little bit after a second time or third time we will go fast okay finish without error and then we can go to simulation and make sure we select to plc sim tcp ip so i will download the hardware configuration to the simulation okay and then right now the cpu is running so we can go to open objects and then we can see the peg one and take two on the vinci explorer page so far i will set the property to be [Music] this one title maximi minimi no need full screen and this one on it and then click ok ok again and for the take management we can double click on take management and then change the connection to be poc sim yes plc sim tcp ip1 and then close and we can activate the pcc explorer to see the page we will got two pegs okay vncc runtime is opening so not yet finished okay finish so right now we will got two pages right pick one and pick two so we will insert the peg three pick four also if we click like this there is no object line because we not yet create the objects okay let's close first and then go to create the page three and pick four right so to create the peg three and pick four let's right click and then go to [Music] insert the percy folder and change to be peg 3 yes and one more insert here's the folder change to page four we've got four pages and then we can go to uh compound yeah yes chang only and then this one we can compile together we got page four pick three pick one and pick two right this one already assigned and this one not assigned so we will compile this one make sure we select the correct connection here okay after that we can open the wind cc to check again i will deactivate first and then activate again so when cc run time is opening again and let's check together after open we will got four pages finish right okay so let me close and then we need to download right i will compile and download again so i will close the vinci first okay i will close the vmc first and then i will compile again we need to create the peg first right picture so insert picture screen three and this one insert feature also screen 4 and then let compile again this one also and then we will download to the cpu also yes before activate the winches explorer [Music] okay compile voice complete with our error and warning and then we can download to the cpu again yes on and run the cpu back so receive view is running so we can go to open the objects actually this one is the cpu redundant so i will explain in the next video go to tech management to check the tcp ip again yes so we use the plc sim that's correct so we can activate so wait a moment for activate the vcc explorer and then the screen will open automatically after activated okay finish so we will got four pages pick one pick two pick three and pick four right so right now the peg is empty so because we not yet create any object right so we need to create the object so i will close first deactivate first and then we will go to create the object for example yes on the page one we have unit one right here so i will create the objects cfc yes this one example motor one and then open the objects we will use the library for example in this section yes so let's go to library tab here we have blocks we have chart and we have library so let's go to library tab and then go to pc seven ap library 1 and then i will go to dry because right now we use the motor and here is the example library of the motor so we can use another motor that we want i will use motor latch so drag and drop the cfc block to the project and we will go like this so here we can go to right click and then object property and here is the name of the take example [Music] motor one page one motor one yes this one is this is the command so i will use peg one motor one control and we need to insert the block icon right so to see the block icon we have this is the class or it is the library name motl yes so we can go to windcc explorer and then we can go to graphic design double click on graphic design we will go to check the graphic library on this section so with the moment for open the graphic library because we need to put the blog icon here right so let's go to see the library okay pg seven typical library yes here so double click we will see the many many libraries inside these pages yes okay so here is the library that we will got after open here yes so the class of motor is motl right so we will find the class motl yeah this one mogl so they have one two three four five six star right so if we would like to use another style we just put and check here it is a style one it is a style two this is a style three this is a style four this is a style five and this is a style number six so the first one i will use type 1 yes so we can go to fill this one vr1 and then click ok and we need to compile the program yes we need to compile yes error zero and then close and then we can go to our program and then compile let's test one by one to see the result yes and then i will compile this one also yes make sure the connection is like this next niche and compile okay and then we will got the oneplus page on page number one yes i split one the name is motor one yes and then we can open the screen to see the motor yes i will so step by step for easy to understand so wait a moment for compile the new program yes there is no error occur right and then we can download all yes run the cpu check here make sure the cpu is running like this and then we can go to open the objects we already open right here and then we can activate we will got one object the name is smaller one and then we can simulation yes with the first plate so waiting for activate the vcc explorer okay opening and we've got one object name mother one okay okay let's go to page one and then open the unit one yes we will got one motor here yes the name is motor one peg one motor one is the command that we already put on the command so here we can post that but it may trip because there is no i o connect to the block right so we can start and it will trip because there is no run return yes so in this page we can go to check here yes i will go to check here we can open and here we can increase the size yes and then sale so we can refresh the screen we will got the bigger than before right so it's very easy to uh increase the size or uh for something example the paid one i would like to put some library example i will put this one we can sell and then we can go to refresh the peg here we will go like this okay so for the graphite we will learn later yes so right now we can go to create the some objects on page one yes so i will insert one more motor so cfc this one should be more 2 [Music] and then open to library go to library 91 go to block go to dry and then i will use this style of motor yes and then we can go to object property this one is the tag name example motor 2. and description we can mora 2 control reversible yes reverse symbol and we need to put the block icon right so we can go to check on the page also this page so remember this one m o t i e v l right so m o t r e v [Music] yes this one m o t r e b l so we have one style 2 style 3 style 4 style 5 style and 6 tie okay so if we would like to use the style 3 example this die we can use so here is a size 3 so i will put this one 3 and then compile the program okay and then close it and then we can go to compiler so we will test step by step for easy to understand yes compile again so next next niche it will update automatically update right and then we will download to the cpu also and then page two page three and pick four we will insert some more yes for easy to to see the result okay so we can download to the cpu again all run the cpu and then we can go to see the objects right open the objects deactivate and then we will activate again so page two we can go to sorry screen one we can go to uh he did the screen yes we've got two objects right okay and then we will activate again to see the result after that we can insert the more objects on page 2 pick 3 and pick 4. so peg one we can put the motors pick two we can put the one with three we can put some electrical devices yeah example signal of temperature or pressure or something so we can put on spread the page okay so we will go to pick one right okay right now we got two motor the first one is uh motor this one yes so we will got two motor one and motor two here yes and then we can go to the deactivate and insert more objects right to page two example this one we can right click and then insert the new object cfc example y1 open go to library go to library 91 go to dry and this is the wow example we use the walmart we can drag and drop and then we can go to object property example y1 y1 control open and close and we need to put here so we can go to see the library the same i show or we can put number one first compile and then we can insert more for while too yes we can use another class another library example i will use vlvl example wow two while two control put one first compile the program okay so page two we already insert two wow so uh let's go to peg three pag3 i will insert the big the large motor yes so example 3 go to library go to dry and go to the large motor right speed control also so we can adjust speed also for this motor motor 3 motor 3 control speed and we can go to see the motors sp [Music] dc alright so let's go to open to see the style that we would like to put and then so on the faceplate yes so the class name is m o t s p d c l so m mot spdl here so we can use another style that we want here spd cl yes so i will do this time number six so i will put number six and then compile okay good no error and then we can go to insert the motor for it is the light mode also yes so go to library again go to blog again library go to dry and then go to the [Music] more doll speed right okay i will do this one for dull speed control so the clock is mot s p d l m o t s p d l m o t s p d l this one i will use tie [Music] style 5 yes so i put 5 and then compile the program okay and for the peg 4 we can go to insert the new cfc also example analog one go to library go to pcs7 library go to monitor yes example the monitor limited monitoring and low value so example analog one and log one monitoring and the block is av right so let's go to ava ave we have analog also right so many many libraries that we can use okay we can put one first and then we can compile okay and we can go to insert one more cfc analog two go to monitoring again this one mora analog and now to analog to monitoring i will put one first yes and then we can compile the program okay no error and then we can go to c here yes we need to compile the chart then we will combine the os one go next next again and combine so waiting for compile the program that we already created for page 2 page 3 and pick 4. so it take time a little bit because we add many objects okay no error occur and then we can okay i will close all first for bcc after that we can open again yes close to refresh the with cc explorer yes okay and then i will download the program to the plc [Music] okay and then we can run the plc and then we can go to open the objects to open the windcc explorer again and then we can activate again so wait a moment for activating the project it take time little bit more for activating the project yes okay opening the vinci runtime screen so wait a moment for opening yes so we will go to page one we have two more peg two we have two one pick three we have two more also and peg four we have two analog if we would like to modify the screen we can go here example we would like to modify the screen number two the scheme number two here right now two vowel the small one right so we can go to resize the wall so open object and then we can modify okay i will modify the while to be bigger than before yes like this for peg two and we can sell and then we can go to refresh the vinci for page two we got big one right and there are many many uh library or many page that we can use example we can use the siemens hmi symbol here we just double click and we will got many many objects that we can use yes example 10 we can use here which so for tank we just click we can go like this and we can design the style that we want and i will show in the next video yes so we just said we can refresh the screen so we will go like this so for page number three we can go to open the objects also and this motor we can resize the screen yes we can design everything that we want yeah in this video okay we just save and then go here refresh page number three we will got here and for peg number four we can go to open the object okay to analog right we just sell and then we can refresh yes we will got like this this page we can start and stop the motor slow or fast yes it is low and this one we can set the speed for control yes so i will run the cpu back okay so this is example about how to create the page or create the objects on the pci 7 version 9.1 okay so this is the basic about how to create the project and create the page and also create the basic object that we will got from the library yes so thank you very much for watching my video and if everyone have any question please kindly drop comment under my video i will reply soon and i would like to request all of you to lie share and subscribe my video also to get more notification and more new videos that i will create step by step and i'm also sorry if i have mistake in this video also and i would like to request all of you to like share and subscribe my video also to get more notification and more new videos that i will create step by step so in this time i would like to say thank you remind again and see you next videos bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] so so [Music] [Music] [Music] me foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] hmm [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] 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Channel: General Technology Knowledge
Views: 46,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PLC basic, Industrial automation, PLC control panel, control panel, IEC 6131 standard, PLC tutorial, PLC Lecture, PLC instruction, PLC hardware Siemens, Simatic S7-300, plc s7-300 siemens, plc s7 300 training, plc siemens s7-300, s7 300 plc communication, siemens s7 300 plc wiring diagram, s7 300 plc program download, SIMATIC PCS7, PCS7 DOWNLOAD, PCS7 TRAINING, PLC S7-400 TRAINING, PCS7 V9.1, PCS7 SIM, PCS7 training full, PCS7 simulation without PLC, PLC S7-400 PCS7, PCS
Id: JRl5oHx2KFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 310min 24sec (18624 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2021
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