SIM800L V2 tutorial with arduino (Send SMS, Receive SMS, Make a call)

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now let's try to call i type c and press enter and  there is incoming call on my phone this is SIM800L   version 2 module in this channel i  have made many tutorials on SIM800L   the version one now in this video i  want to talk about this the version 2. there are some differences of course compared to  version one like the board size and appearance   but the most important is that this sim   has power enabled with 5 volt which make us  easier to use with a microcontroller like Arduino   in version 1 we know that there are many issues  regarding how it is proper power supply since   it is recommended only to use about 3.4  until 4.4 volt which is arduino doesn't has first i will put an antenna on it   now we can insert the sim card with a position  like this once you are confident let's start   the wiring this is the wiring diagram  it's the same as the SIM800L version one wait before we continue the video  you can make me really happy by   subscribing to this channel and tap the  bell so you won't miss new video from me and as usual this module will blink once  every second and try to register to a network   when it is registered it will blink  slower about once every three seconds   wait some seconds until the led is blinking  slowly if you already wait for long enough but   still cannot be registered check your sim or your  power from arduino maybe the voltage is dropped when your SIM module blinks  slowly like this means it's   already registered and your  sim module is ready to use now open the arduino ide and i will use the same  program that works for SIM800L version one too   this is the sketch to send an  sms receive sms and make a call   this is the pin we use to communicate with SIM  module and this is the destination number you   should change this to your destination and this  is the baudrate we use to communicate with the   c module and if i type "s" in serial monitor  this program will call send message function   and when "r" typed it will calls receive message  and if "c" it will call the call number function   and this is the inside send message function it  just actually an AT command that we send to the   SIM module and this is the sms content so make  sure you edit this content to what message you   want to send and this is to execute the sms  content so the SIM will send your message   and inside the receive message function  we have this AT command to set the   SIM module to text mode and this is to  make the SIM module to receive a live sms   now inside the call number this is the ATD it's  AT comment to make sim call number and then   it's execute the call now upload the sketch if you  want the list of AT command used for SIM800L you   can find the link in the description below and  also of course you can download the full sketch   there too now open the serial monitor i will  type "s" to send a message i type "s" and press enter   we can see on the serial monitor there are reply from  SIM module and in my phone there is incoming sms the content is how are you  greeting from admin now let's try to call i type c and press  enter and there is incoming call on my phone and then i will try to receive sms so i type  r and now the SIM module is in receive mode   i try to send a text message to SIM module  the content is yes admin what happened and we can see now the sms  displayed on serial monitor   now we have successfully used this SIM module  to send and receive sms and make a call   do you think i have to make video tutorial on how  to use this module with GPRS connection please let   me know by leave your comments below and this  SIM is perfectly works with the sketch for   SIM800L version one so you can use my  another video tutorial sketch for this module   so i think this is the end of this video and as  usual please subscribe and thank you for watching
Channel: miliohm
Views: 137,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SIM800L, SIM800L V2, GSM, network, sms, call, arduino, IOT, yt:cc=on
Id: THCJWWsyh10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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