Silver's Big Moment is Coming

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so I can get rated four times higher a 400% appreciation my market cap can go from 200 million to 800 Million by silver going to 30 silver is the only asset class Under the Sun that hasn't surpassed its 1980 high of $50 if you are curious where some of the smartest money in the silver sector has been investing then you're going to want to listen to this interview the shareholder base of Dolly bar and silver in includes names like Eric Sprat Frank justra us Global Investors Fidelity heck Mining and many many more today I'm going to be joined by Shan kunun the president and CEO of Dolly Bard and silver enjoy all right Sean thank you so much for joining me again today it's great to have you back on the show man thanks for having me okay so we're going to talk about Dolly obviously there's actually a handful of directions that I want to go today but you've always got an interesting take on the precious metal sector high level so I want to start there um what's catching your attention right now Sean on the precious metals Market that's a really good question um I was talking to a friend who runs a little uh Junior Gold Explorer and he said something along the lines of if anybody says if you say to me this is the worst you've ever seen it like I can't hear that anymore yeah so I guess a lot of people are saying that like they've never seen it this bad and um I I find that encouraging because whenever everybody is really bullish and you know are convinced and have a high level of conviction um that's usually time to be taking some profits so I think I'm quite encouraged that we're in an environment right now where we've had the gold price double MH over the last call it eight years you know TW the 20 December 2015 low was around a th000 we've got $2,000 gold here you've got gold and every currency doing really well um I'm looking at the Gold equities and they're making a lot of money like I was looking at um you know our largest shareholder heckla and I'm looking at where they were in q1 and where they ended in Q3 and they've got mines like um greens Creek or lucky Friday that are spitting out like 30 million in cash each mine right and so I think what the gold producers are seeing is there's these elevated precious metal prices are leading to more profits sure and so I think that's going to play really well as they exited Q4 and we get into q1 and the price is stable up here um and we're in an employment environment where there isn't sort of a um a big pressure on labor you go back a couple Summers Jay and there were um companies that were literally waiting at the airport handing Drillers $10,000 signing bonuses because there's such a shortage of labor but with the level of activity from the financing side Contracting and labor being a 50% input and the highest um cost for any operation um that you know not being in that frenzy labor market you can get incredibly talented people you don't have to pay them an absurd wage and you get High metal prices and it leads to a very profitable environment so I don't know for me I'm I look I take a longterm View and I've been doing this for 20 years and I don't chase sectors I I'm a I'm a mining investor I'm a boring gold if I'm feeling exotic silver if I'm really you know feeling exotic maybe copper so I'm not your typical Speculator sure and um and so for me I just think I know there's going to be a tremendous wealth creation because I've been studying it my whole life I've put in the time I put in the work I've had 20 years of experience and all that experience tells me that we are going on a run and it's going to be a 30% move in the price of gold and if if the if the low is in here we are on our way to 2600 and that move is happening as early as May potentially July or at some point in the next six months and there's a lot of research and time I've put into looking at momentum looking at fundamentals looking at Supply looking at demand um but the biggest takeaway for me is we're in an environment where let's take a look at a company like Pont right and I was actually um guys at year conference guys like G and still um that really reinforced this idea that you take a company that was gold Corp or you know gold Corp Newmont you take Newmont and you look back 15 20 years they're producing the same number of ounces they were producing decades ago but they've had to do extremely dilutive transactions like by gold Corp like by newrest just to maintain their production profile so do you want to own the majors or do you want to go down a tier and look for a company that is either finding ounces or growing a production profile that is going to be an attractive Target for the Nuance of the world for sure for sure and I I love the uh you know the bearish sentiment the image of the investor kind of banging their head against the wall I couldn't get any worse from here um I agree that's the most bullish signal you can see in the market and you mentioned the majors and I think hecka you know one of your largest shareholders also one of the fastest growing silver companies in the world like an amazing partner there um so transitioning then to Dolly uh you just mentioned numont right you're in the same neighborhood that Newman's purchased a handful of Mines I think about $5 billion in transactions in the Golden Triangle a British Columbia in maybe the last six years right that's where you guys are at so um good segue into Dolly what's the significance of the Golden Triangle what's the significance of good jurisdictions because I look at the track record of transactions and value there and I'm like okay good jurisdictions it's like you know a good entrepreneur tends to keep on winning you know good jurisdictions can tend to keep on delivering and so why why Golden Triangle for you guys yeah and it's it's it's funny because um there is like if we were a fly on the wall in a boardroom of the biggest precious metals miners in the world so this is the the barracks the newms go down a tier to the igno and there is a push at the board level which is responding to shareholders which is responding to the money and the money wants to be safe the money does not want to um go down to jurisdictions where the government may say no and whether it's higher taxes or whether it's we don't want an open pit mine um so at the what investors are telling Boards of these major mining companies Canada Australia United States that's where we want to be sure and so um The Golden Triangle you know we're in Northwest BC we're in Canada um it's long stable you know history of um of Mining and the other thing that's happening in the Golden Triangle because unlike other parts of Canada whether it's the Red Lake Camp or you look broader at the abitibi an area that starts in Ontario and goes into Quebec that's produced 200 million ounces of gold those are mature camps you know there's highways and power lines and and the easy pickings are gone and that's why if you look at Global Production grades they're they're going lower and lower and lower and lower and companies are having to go deeper and deeper and deeper to get marginal material sure thank God the technology to find this stuff has gotten better yeah um but my point here is the abitibi versus Northwest BC up until a few years ago Northwest BC had no power before Bruce Jack the Northwest transmission line it uh the deep water sea port hadn't been upgraded like it has now the roads like Highway 37a that go into towns like Stewart weren't paved so if you go back in the history of the Golden Triangle that's been there for 100 years um and let's go back let's just go back to the 90s Gold's 250 an ounce Barrack's flying gold out of SK Creek up in the Golden Triangle and it was profitable at 250 gold using an aircraft to move the material right um you've now got roads power and not $250 gold but $2,000 gold so for me um you've got to be a first mover in an area I made a decision to try to be a first mover in the north because I was inspired by Bob quarter at what was silver standard which was then predium which is then new Crest which is now newm um and the5 billion of transactions doesn't factor in the most recent Big Boy transaction in the area which was Newmont buying new Crest sure and so you got two operating minds but that it's not what the the the key that I actually not pointing out here and highlighting is it's best geology in the world like the the mineralizing events that came in here the SK Rift it's produced a billion ounces of silver Discovery and 150 million ounces of gold Discovery but we've only had access to this area in a modern way in the last couple of years so if you go back 30 years there was only 5 million ounces of gold discovered here it's been the last three decades that another 150 million and why because cuz now you've got access so when I look at this area I think I know it's the richest 20 km on the planet uh that's KSM brucejack what I'm trying to do at dolly is I'm in the shadow of the richest biggest gold and silver mines on the planet and I've now got cheap access in terms of infrastructure and it's incredibly Rich geology so when I came in here four years ago my vision was if I brought Capital science and if I if I was patient could I build that mineral inventory that would attract the new monst of the world right and um I think we've done a pretty good job over the last four years in a in what some are calling the worst mining market for juniors they've ever seen well let's let's dive into that because yeah it was about four years ago and if I recall correctly you were in a boardroom December 2019 with your team the new doly B Team memory right uh outlining your vision for the company and it was a simple Vision but the right one which is increase the ounce count I mean that's the vision that every investor wants to hear right and hear you deliver on um so walk me through the value creation from that point you know what was the resource what is it today you know what do we accomplish thus far and I got to say like four years ago um I was lucky that I put together the right team um so and I got to give a lot of credit to Rob McLoud cuz it was Rob who really drove the vision um as much as I'd like to take credit for the success that we've had at Dolly Varden it's Rob McLoud it's our chief geologist who's now our VPX Rob Van Egmont it's the whole team of scientists and it's it's the people you never hear about and the bankers that brought us the funds um you know I've just been very fortunate to have put the right people around this company but the vision was um we were unsure that moment like we looked at our project we knew there was 40 million ounces of silver in the ground cuz that was the resource yeah we knew was a past producer it was a great history like Jay the richest silver mine in the British Empire the sun didn't set on the British Empire and this was the richest silver mine in the British Empire it was Canada's third largest silver mine so I in Ed in incredible history and then I had people just north of Me Like Walter Kohl's at SK who had the idea about Reawakening past Treasures in the Golden Triangle he partnered with Ron nitzki who had made huge discoveries in the area and it was really the people that the pioneers and the Explorers over the last 100 years that paved the way and the province going what if we built it will they come so it was that it was it was it was the people like the Nishka or the tlan that said hey we want more for our people right so you know I just you know this road was paved by people like Bob quain so when I showed up um I had been working for mining companies for 15 16 years um I just had the idea very simple idea that silver out performs gold in Bull markets it absolutely does and so I thought you know what I I've devoted 15 years of my life to Gold what if I went heavier waiting on Silver okay that was my big idea and so I I asked Rob McLoud because he'd grown up in Stewart just north of the project yeah I said hey Rob what do you think of Dolly Varden and then I called a mutual friend Ivan Beck who I didn't know at the time this was October of 2019 and I said Ivan I'm looking at this area I'm looking at a 40,000 ft level and I see see hom State Ridge and I see Dolly vard and I see hecka and I'm reading the history and I I see this as one project are you open to doing a deal and he was like who is this guy calling me and I'm not sure but potentially and so it was like that moment in the movie Dumb and Dumber where it was like so you're saying there's a chance right and that's all I needed I needed I needed a little little light that door just opened a little bit and I and I jammed through and I I brought $75 million to the table and I convinced Eric Sprat to get behind me I convinced big institutions to get behind me I convinced an incredible technical team and we've made discoveries uh we made an accretive acquisition we've now increased the mineral inventory we've now got in all categories 140 million ounces of silver yeah um the company has grown from 20 million to 200 at a time where our peers are going from billions to hundreds of you're talking market cap market cap the share price has grown up by 300% so that's a return on my investors who got behind me on day one that's hard to do and to maintain um and we've done it and um we're I feel the toughest thing to do is to launch to have the rocket fuel to to go but once you go it's very hard to stop that momentum and um all the mistakes I made in in my first 20 years in this business are helping me make fewer mistakes today and um you know bring in a team align them with shareholders be transparent we're going to make mistakes we're going to fail but we're going to get back up and we're not going to take on debt we're always going to have cash in the bank we're always going to communicate we're going to overc communicate and that's why I'm here I got to tell people what we're doing all the time and that's big part of my day um I got to ask you you know you talk about the capital raise and you you brought 75 million to the table that's the biggest challenge for so many Junior companies and you say the hardest part is launching well part of that's because raising cash is really really tough especially the last 24 months and so I need to pull on that thread a little bit you know your shareholder base we touched on it you're near 50% institutional like 47% I think um hecka 15% Eric Sprat somewhere around 9% I believe you know and those institutions you know us Global Investors people that my audience are very familiar with Frank Holmes and his team Fidelity Fidelity spra spra that's right yeah just goes on so how are you raising the cash like what what is it right now about the team at Dolly barten and the project that's Turning Heads when so many companies cannot turn heads right now so I've got a friend who runs a $2 billion fund and when I first met him 10 years ago it was a $10 million fund and I've gotten to know him for 10 years and he's given me money for years and I've gone out and tried to do stuff with that money in different companies and at varying levels of success sometimes failure and he would keep giving me money and his message to me was you put the money in the ground you always are honest about what you're doing and I'm going to keep backing you CU I know like that that work ethic is going to lead to success so we were putting up a financing and it was a tough financing we launched on a day where silver was getting hammered when was this December of 2022 okay okay and um it was a it was a tough financing and uh he took a third of the deal he took a third of the deal um it was an $18 million deal that we launched on we ended up closing 22 million yes right and uh I've got those types of people in my life that have gotten to know me for a couple of decades and uh and so that's that's the difference it's having incredible people who have had success who believe in what we're doing and you did put that cash to work in the ground I think you guys drilled 51,000 MERS in 2023 off the heels of that raise yeah so walk me through what you found how has the company changed materially uh during that drill campaign the way I look at Dolly ven is you've got this 15 kilometer Trend and there's two main centers of gravity in terms of like the mineral endowment so you've got a 45 million ounce high-grade silver base in the southern part of the property and then you've got a million ounces of gold and 20 million ounces of silver in the north and they're separated by about 5k okay and this is probably an understated estimate because this is as of 2019 and we've probably significantly added to that um so one of the areas that we're seeing a lot of success is so there's a big mine on the property it's called the torbit mine um there's of the 44 million ounces 35 million ounces of high-grade silver at torbit next to torbit we've made a new discovery called wolf and it was actually like I've got all these incredible scientists that are around me people that worked at Newmont for a decade people that are currently working at heckla um just incred scientists it was actually this young geologist Amanda Bennett the youngest person on the team who made the Breakthrough Discovery at the wolf deposit and it tells me that she's hungry she's smart and she was willing to sift through all that old data and take a risk and we gave her the budget and we supported her um even though we thought there's probably silver like silver probably does not exists below that sedimentary cover we can't see it and this is an expensive shot but we needed to um you know we need to get behind her and we did and she was right and where we've added I think tens of millions of ounces of silver and what could be the next torbet mine on the property is Wolf and that's what's encouraged heckla to increase their stake in the company from 10% to 15 y so that's one area of growth is the wolf deposit that's significant I don't want to underestimate all the success we're having there but there's a new story developing at doly Varden and that new story is up at homestake gidge and again we've got a a senior member on the team um he would not like me describing him like that but he's got a lot of experience his name is Andrew Hamilton so after Amanda joined the company he joined the company they were both working together and he kind of helps Mentor her and he's an incredible incredible guy and Andrew said Sean there was a hole I wanted to drill in 2022 that we never got to and I was like well then we got a we got a drill in 23 and we did and we tagged 93 m of 357 G of silver EQ okay okay so it's like 12 O silver equivalent over like and we've we've established this 100 m deep 100 met wide Zone that is like a jewelry box like it is incredible it's silver it's gold and and Andrew wanted to go after it in 2022 um we didn't have Buy in from everybody on the team but I was I was adamant like I was with Amanda know we need to get behind our people and we need to give them the shot and he hit it good feel and um and so so that's interesting CU that to me is better than torbit it's better than wolf and it's up at homestake which homestake was known for the gold not the silver yeah and then what's crazy what totally blew it out of the park this year was our VPX who is a guy when I met him he was the chief geologist on the project and what I've seen the greatest growth I've seen from anybody at Dolly Varden is Rob Ben Egmont who has grown from our chief uh geologist to our vice president of exploration and he had an idea that was maybe there's a relationship between this silver dominated Zone up at homestake and the gold dominated homestake main deposit they're separated by about 350 M so he drilled he planned a hole um it was outside of the resource and he hit something Jay that looks like the color of the walls that looks like the color of the ground the color of your shoes it was very unassuming it was it was like white core okay and there was there was like you normally when you hit something thing you know it especially on this project I get a call hey we're into kilo material like you know it's like the alarm bells are going like it's excitement it's enthusiasm what keeps us going crickets on this drill hole okay crickets so many so much crickets that that hole is still at camp like it wasn't brought down to hey Sean's going to need this to take it on the road to show investors crickets it's at camp we get the assays best drill hold projects ever seen it's Bruce Jack like it's um this quartz carbonate stockwork veining it is it electrum is it the next Bruce Jack what are the numbers 12 M of 80 gram of gold so in a silver dominant Zone we stepped out and we hit something brand new in between two monster deposits and there is a um two and 1 half foot core of that that's grading almost 1,400 grams of gold and it is like it is the greatest hit the Project's ever seen and it was one of the last holes we drilled this season right right right and so you know when we look ahead at 24 we're going to get up there and find out how big this zone is yeah but if it's got legs you know what I okay so I'm going to step it back and take off my promotional hat for a second and what do we have we've got 140 million ounces of silver and under the current silver to gold ratio which is absurd and I'll get into that later maybe if we have time but it's essentially like a 2 million ounce gold equivalent story which is great but it's is it enough to Warrant the interest of a newon right probably not okay they're looking for 10 million ounce deposits yes but I think this gold Zone has the potential to take us maybe from two to maybe 3 million ounces gold EQ um and so that begins to get exciting maybe again not to a Newmont but maybe to the companies that are one tier lower sure but it's um yeah I know it's it's good times at dolly when you're hitting it's easy when you're winning and we're winning um but we it hasn't always been that way and I think it's important for your audience to know that we have navigated moments where the silver price dropped to 1194 an ounce we we've navigated those moments and we've navigated situations where I've had a shareholder come to me and go I need to sell um 20 million shares okay and we found elegant solutions that problem becomes an opportunity to bring a new institution into the name right the silver ETF just puked out a whack of stock we've got a great retail following that was there to absorb it so every challenge has been met with an elegant solution and then worth mentioning when you say 140 million ounces of silver you could increase that ounce count if you chose to drop your grade cut off but you've been very disciplined with that and I believe uh because of conversations you've had with Eric sprot about let's only focus on minable ounces here let's not just get the numbers up for the sake of press releases yeah um I went to Eric when I was contemplating buying Homestay cridge and he was a like 19% shareholder the company was Tiny at the time and I said hey Eric um what do you think of this idea and he just said no he's like no no that's that's your job like I trust you for you know those are your decisions yeah and all I asked he said was do things that are real like I'm not interested in an ounce will never mind I'm not don't don't give me billion ounce inventory of un economic I want to know what's real and um so that's the standard the standard is um and even when it comes to when we put out our financial statements like we want to be the the silver standard in the industry of we want other companies to emulate what we're doing when we put out a press release it might be really long but there's eight images there's full transparency there's um you know and and that's that's what we're trying to achieve okay I love it now uh revisiting 2024 priorities uh talking about cash position any intention to go back to the market and what are the key deliverables you're hoping to hit on for 2024 what's crazy is when you have money people offer you money yeah and I get offered money every day okay but I only want money from people who bus good business is boring good business takes time I don't know how long this is going to take and I need long sticky money yeah and I'm like you know what I Envision is uh a lot of companies rely on what I would describe as like the valley parking or the you know where you know somebody comes in to your stock or your company and they just they want to be there and they don't want to hold the trade over the weekend yeah right I want the shareholders that are willing to get parked down at P10 and I don't know when you're getting your car back right and that doesn't sound very attractive to most investors but if you're a minor and you want ounces and like when I talk to companies or when I talk to uh the the Nishka the plans are not for today they're for the next Century they're for the Next Generation that's how we need to be thinking and planning you look at one of the greatest wealth Creations the greatest you know the China's boom over the last couple of decades how have they done it they're not on the fouryear Electoral cycle of I'm going to make you a promise I'm going to write a check that I can't cash they're looking at it and they're planning in way for the future that's how the industry really operates 100% it does so that's how baric oper operates that's how neumon operates and that's why those companies have 100 million ounces of gold in the ground and they're planning for the next 100 years and so can a junior take that approach you can if you have the right shareholders if you've got a billionaire that owns 9% and a $4 billion company that owns 15% and they're not worried about fluctuations and and and uh if you communicate with them and you're honest with them and you work hard for them they'll back you all day long so to answer your question um I'm looking for new partners always I go all over the world I I'm on the phone all day um and I'm look I'm I'm out there looking for the next group of Institutions and that's why the institutional interest in this company is at 47.5% and I make it a committed effort to increase that so I'm looking for long sticky money um we've got 9.3 million in the bank as of this morning um none of that needs to go anywhere it's not flow through money there's no expiration on that money um we're not spending any money right now in a meaningful way and we won't be for months to come okay um because the drill is not turning and so I don't have a big burn and um what I'm looking at right now is I'm looking at what are the what's the best use of our dollars let's take a step back let's take this moment in the market right now to really examine what's going to drive the most value is a new mineral resource estimate going to drive the most value is following up on this new discovery going to drive the most value we just put out our last results about a week ago so the team has given me a plan for where they want to go and remember like I've got the Andrew that wants to go this way and Amanda that wants to go this way and Rob and so I've got to with the technical committee that includes Michael Henrickson was with Newmont their head guy structural goo for 10 years Kurt Allen who's the current VPX a hecka Rob McLoud so rank these targets and let's go out and drill so we'll be putting out our plans shortly okay where we're Finance to get started and just depending on how ambitious we want to be if if I find the right partner like we we were in a situation where we had good results I showed them to heckla and they gave me $10 million and we closed it in November I'm having a lot of conversations with great investors I'm showing them what we have if the right partner comes with an opportunity that I think is an creative opportunity for our shareholders maybe we get really ambitious this year but we've got money to to continue to go to start drilling to to work on those priority one targets and if good money shows up maybe we go to those priority two Targets and you know if enough good money shows up maybe we go to Priority three and um but I hope that answers your question yeah and that patient approach is so undervalued not just in our business but in general in the investment landscape and it was the number one conversation at my conference in January in Vancouver was time Horizon and you know guest after guest join me on stage and reminded the audience that trading share prices and investing are two very different things and many people think they're investing but they're just looking to trade a share price right when the real money is made via duration right patient trust your process right and especially in this business I mean in the mining sector specifically okay last question for you I have to ask you to elaborate on the uh gold silver ratio I think you called it outrageous so maybe touch on why and how that would impact your gold equivalent uh reserves so when I came into doll everyone said to me you know what are you doing it's too small the grades you know no good and I I thought what are they talking about like this is a 300 G silver average grade deposit this is top one or two in the world but what I didn't realize is they were looking at it through a gold equivalent lens I see using like a 80 to1 ratio and so when you look at it in that lens um okay it looks pretty as my son would say it looks pretty mid or it looks pretty average um so I don't look at it that way I look at it it's silver and it's primary silver and so what I actually think and I don't share this with anybody but I believe because this is what I experienced um historically the ratio has been 50 to1 okay naturally in the earth's setting it's 16 to1 okay so that for every 1 oun of gold that that are in in the earth there's 16 ounces of silver historically you go back to the 5,000 year history of gold and silver it's been 15 to one okay okay um we're mining uh for every 1 ooun of gold we mine we mine 7 ounces of silver okay all the gold that's ever been produced is still with us two olympic size swimming pools worth of it yeah it's not much it's not much the silver though because it's not worth as much as gold it gets sort of discarded particularly if it's used in industry yeah and what's happened is industri yeah so gold is money jewelry less than 2% of gold gets used in in an industrial capacity whereas 70% of silver gets consumed by industry and if you look at the the demand for silver um we had a 237 million ounce deficit in 2022 I haven't looked at the numbers for 2023 but they were forecasted to be about 170 million ounce deficit so you have 400 million ounces of silver um that we fell short on on from a mine mining perspective um and if you look at like you know the the case in terms of the uses the solar industry's gone from 3% of the in of the of the market to 14% it's a big rise in the last decade sure but it's on Pace to go to 50 and so one industrial application is going to take 50% of all mind silver Mexico is saying no more open pit Silver Mines the world's number one silver producer is saying no more MH where are we going to get this silver from and if you look at the fact that um most silver like 72% of it comes as a by product not from a primary silver mine like the historic Dollard and silver mine or the torbert mine if if you look at how difficult it is to get a copper mine permitted how much Co how much how many billions in capital expenditures or take we're going to come into a silver shortage absolutely we're already seeing it manifest in the last two years and so my point is if historically it was 15 to1 and today it's 7 to1 from a mining perspective and we're already seeing these hundreds of millions of ounces there's a reason I'm here Jay there's a reason I went to Dolly it's not cuz it's I'm I'm seeing something that's coming and I don't know if it's this year or next year and I don't really care but when it happens um forget right now we're like 85 to one silver to gold yeah that's absurd there's got to be a reckoning there will be a reckoning I saw one early in my career so in 2011 I was and this is my story my story is I built a gold mining company from inception to a billion 4 when I was in my 20s and I it was like blood sweat tears luck timing um I needed everything to go right for this thing to happen I made more money speculating in silver in 6 months in my underwear than I did working on this gold mine yeah yeah so my lesson this time around was go to Silver and go big um that ratio then went to 30 to1 right silver went from four bucks to 49 yeah yeah that was a crazy run this run on average is a $15 $16 basing period for the last 10 years this Run's going to start in the early 20s Eric sprot thinks silver could go to $300 an ounce there's no silver out there and so gold is going to go higher silver outperform school it's very simple I'll leave you with this because I know I'm probably going you know this is way more information than you wanted but when I took over Dolly we were trading at 40 cents an ounce on the ground actually it was 37.5 cents an ounce on the ground that's right and what What attracted me was the pier the industry average was 75 it's twice so I thought it's an easy double there's some upside there we went from 40 to $4 that summer cuz silver went from 16 to 30 so at $30 silver my ounces are worth $4 an ounce in the ground at $30 silver right now I'm trading at a buck an ounce in the ground yeah so I can get rated four times higher a 400% appreciation my market cap can go from 200 million to 800 Million by silver going to 30 silver is the only asset class Under the Sun that hasn't surpassed its 1980 high of $50 um I look at um I look at so many factors um um in terms of inflation what is the inflation adjusted price of that 1980 high and so I'm not talking $50 silver I'm not talking $100 silver I'm not talking $300 silver but all I know is I'm going to keep finding more of it it's in a safe jurisdiction we've got size we've got the right I think we got the right approach this company has the potential like when I started it was an irrelevant tiny little company my goal was to make it a top 10 silver Equity I'm I'm I'm sitting at like number 33 today okay I've got some more work to do but we've got an incredible project we got incredible people and if I have to to grow maybe I even take advantage of this environment and I pull another homestake Ridge yeah you're open to it absolutely 100% yeah okay go to Silver and go big I think that's headline Sean uh the headline is silver is money Dolly Varden is silver I like it all right okay hey look thanks man thank you so much for coming back on it's always good catching up for of course
Channel: The Jay Martin Show
Views: 51,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gold, Silver, stocks, Investing, money, jay martin show, jay martin, cambridge house, dolly varden silver, silver price, silver bullion, silver coins, precious metals
Id: 1BN7CHSlslY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 43sec (2503 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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