Silent Home Lab-Server Rack Set Up- Unraid-TrueNas-Proxmox-Plex

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all right welcome to Creator hardware and today we're talking about well building a virtually silent server rack now silent it's never going to be 100% silent you've got fans moving air you've got heat Etc building a rack like this you have to make concessions there's just no way around it used server parts are generally going to be out you can't have Delta fans screaming at 10,000 RPM underload this is my office this is where my wife works from home I edit videos I play games I can't have Delta fans screaming in the background I just can't so you have to make concessions on the equipment that you use now I did a video swapping out the fan on this 10 gbit ethernet switch swap that out noise levels much more tolerable in case you haven't watched my channel before I've got two Network switches a gigabit and a 10 gigabit I've got a true Nas scale server here it's my video Nas I've got a proxmox server here and then I've got a unraid server in this for you in order to make the rack as silent as possible you're going to need to go to commercial Hardware commercial ATX power supplies sfx power supplies knua fans be quiet fans now currently the two noisiest servers in here is the proxmox server my unraid server uses a stock AMD cooler unfortunately when I swapped it over to a rack case the be quiet cooler I was using in a PC Tower doesn't fit so I had I just had to swap that out to get it completed and back up and operational I need to swap that out now the proxmox server the fans are running pretty high gone in the bio set it to silent reverified that are set to silent still makes a little noise so it's the it is the noisiest server in this rack right now and you're going to want to swap out any case fans that come with any of your cases now the unro server case came with case fans Molex powered threw those immediately out replace them with be quiets so it's a much quieter experience so quick note normally in my videos I use processing to eliminate lower noises get rid of air conditioning fan noise Etc I'm not going to be doing it in this video and that's why I'm sitting right next to it is so you can actually hear how loud the server is while I'm talking and doing this video it's not bad it's like sitting next to a computer that's air cooled but there's three of them now the battery backup that's in the bottom of this server is basically there for ballast it's not used because it is obtrusively loud and I've got a battery backup it's just a desktop style behind the rack simply because I can't have that much noise when I'm editing Etc now they all are running I don't know if it'll come up on camera but all three of my servers are running and this is the noise You're Going to Hear I mean my mic may not be able to even pick it up very quiet the battery backup is a no just no so it is on battery backup just not the one that's in the rack because it just will not the fan will not shut up now one of the issues with where my server rack has to go is because of well ethernet this house does not have any Cat 5 cat 6 ethernet anywhere in the house except from the outside wall to that wall right there that's it and that one that one was modified by me to make it so in order to use 10 gabit here in the office between the various PCS it has to be here because because of that I can't have it in like in the garage upstairs room anything like that cuz I would not have full throughput in order to get it offsite I would have to do something to fix that situation and chances are itd be a EO hook to it and then just put somewhere else but I would never be able to get 2 and 1 half gig 10 gig Etc and for editing needs I need at least two and a half gig so that's why I had to FOC focus on building a silent server rack so if you want to have something like this in your own home lab you're probably going consumer knock to a be quiet fans eBay and all those are probably going to be out there are going to be some exceptions where the servers actually don't make that much noise at idle and under mild loads but you're stuck if it doesn't and now one other caveat about having three PCS well a total of six PCS in this room is heat doesn't matter it they use electricity they're going to produce heat that's why you have to have cooling fans on CPUs and gpus and all that for me not a big deal this is the coolest room in the house this is literally the coolest room in the house so it's you're going to need to keep that in mind it's going to heat your room up so that you can't fix it's the way of life either you shut them down let your room cool off or or you deal with the heat or you turn the air conditioner down so hope you enjoyed this video as always thanks for watching this is Creator Hardware
Channel: Creator Hardware
Views: 3,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: network attached storage, seagate, editing pc, western digital, 3950x, corsair hydrox, fractal design r5, elgato wave 3 review, elgato wave 3 mic test, elgato wave 3 setup, elgato hd60s, fractal design, ryzen 3600, amd ryzen, creators, sony a6400 review, sony a6400 video test, nas, synology, hard drive, truenas scale, truenas, plex media server, plex server, unraid plex, unraid, TrueNas Scale, trueNas Core, truenas core vs truenas scale, proxmox 8, proxmox
Id: 4kAG1DIoK88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 38sec (338 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2023
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