SignMaster 101: Creating a Custom Logo From Scratch

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[Music] okay so I already wasted a bunch of time by screwing up the beginning so we're just gonna get right into it you guys can see the screen there and so we're gonna we're just gonna go for it so here we have this logo that I made this this arrow Realty we're gonna be recreating this today because in you by doing this we're gonna get to see a lot of different features of sign master pro now sign master Pro is very good very capable software and I really really like it but sort of asking if we make logos with this tool can we sell them to our customers to use for commercial purposes and if they wanted to trade mark them could they yes this you totally can you you can actually consider sign master probe or sign master basic it's an it's just another graphic design software and it does allow you to Co with your with your vinyl systems cutters but stuff that you create in here like this logo if I wanted to sell it to a company this arrow Realty if they were a real company I totally made that up um I could I could and I could get this and I could export it to export it as like an EPS SVG PDF I could make p.m. G's out of this and and it's just it'd be just the same as if I had made it in any other program so yeah you could totally sell these if that's what you want to do so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna copy this coppy we're gonna have a new document right here I'm gonna paste it but just as reference and really what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna we're gonna go through this one piece at a time and so what the first thing I'm gonna do is we're gonna show you guys how to do we're gonna we're gonna run through this with basic shapes and I'm gonna kind of skip ahead and we're gonna make the arrow now this this page here is just kind of an idea you don't know you can work off the page however you want to make things as big as you want doesn't really matter we're gonna make the arrow and to make the arrow what we're gonna do is we're gonna start with a the fuselage I don't really know what you call the the body of the arrow I'm gonna call it our fuselage because I don't have a better word for it alright and this is just with our rectangle tool so with the rectangle tool you're able to make basic shapes and everything that you've done if you guys saw my silhouettes to do tutorials you know that we're just working with basic shapes and we're making them work for us alright now here's what's cool so we drew another rectangle these are gonna be the little feathers at the end again those have a real name and I don't know what that name is so this right here what's cool about the rectangle tools if I wanted to make that a rounded rectangle you know I can just adjust it with that little tiny part there let's zoom in a little bit there you go um but I don't want this so this is a rectangle but it's still editable in the sense that I could round it whatever right I want to convert it to curves which is gonna lock it in to just a shape with four points this is where we're getting to point editing now point editing is something that you're gonna find in like Adobe Illustrator you're gonna find this in all the great vector graphic editing software's and so you see I have four points one two three four and here's a cool trick alright so what I'm gonna do is I want this you see these arrows those are kind of skewed right there right so what I'm gonna do is I'm in point editing and I'm gonna draw a box around these top two arrows I'm actually sorry I got a double click it there we go so now I have both of these selected and so if I click I'm gonna move both of these arrows at the same time so I could do like that hit and I just hit control Z to undo by the way I do like to make use of my keyboard shortcut so we're gonna draw around here and I don't want to take too much time now if you hold the ctrl key if you hold the ctrl key it's gonna lock in and it's gonna go perfectly left and right I'm gonna lock that in right I'm gonna go back over here in a copy and I'm gonna paste now I believe when you paste in this program it's gonna paste it directly over your what you had just copied so but don't worry it's right there I'll make it a different color just so you can kind of keep track of what we're doing and here in our tools oh no not on our tools oh yeah so I'm right here you see top right gonna open up my tools panel and then right here in the drop-down lots of different tools depending on what you're doing and right now I need to align these properly so and I always aligned to the last object selected so just keep that in mind I'm gonna click this first hold the ctrl key so I can click this again watch is it the shift key yeah it's the shift key sorry hold shift and then I'm gonna line the bottoms of these right check that out now here's what I'm going to do I'm going to double click this to get into point editing mode gonna select these two and holding the shift key I'm just gonna bring that in a little bit right and now what I could do is gonna go back to my select gonna copy gonna paste and now right boom boom boom of course I want all three of these are I'll just hold the shift key and click them I do you want them all to be aligned properly and I'm gonna scoot them over a little bit to group them you can just hit ctrl G so now when I copy and paste the whole group gets copied and pasted oh there we go transformations I want to mirror it vertically I'm gonna kind of eyeball this check this out hold again click this hold the shift key now I have both of these I want them to be centered with each other and then I'm gonna group them by hitting ctrl G and now these are all gonna be one group so behold the shift key click the fuselage whatever you guys want to call up the shaft I don't care and now boom so arrow is taking flight I do want this all to be a same color so this is looking like a pretty cool arrow now one thing now some people and you if you look on like shutterstock people are selling this this element right here this is this is really popular with a lot of logos people are using like the cross you see this here like I've seen a zillion bars and like bakeries and like food-related like restaurants and stuff use this and one thing I guess I should have said earlier is you the principles you're about to see that you're seeing today if you don't have sign master you could do this in silhouette studio you could do this in adobe illustrator but if you have sign master I wanted to show specifically today how to do this in sign master all right so we're back on screen now it's time to draw the arrowhead and I really hope that's the right term before I'm pretty sure in my in my heart that's what it is what's cool about sign master Pro is that you do have this general clipart which your and I sign master your basic has some clipart this is all like there's a lot of stuff going on in here and there is a this one except boom now if you want it now that's free if you wanted to make something like that what you would do is you could just draw this right right click it and oh there we go convert to curves and it's kind of a long way to do it but it's important to show you guys you could just morph it to be whatever you want you know that's the cool thing about once you get comfortable creating stuff and once you get comfortable using these tools when you see a basic shape like this you'll you'll know in your mind just the steps necessary to create something like this now if you click on this of the ruler on top you'll be able to set like a guideline so moving this what that's gonna help you do is and these are gonna snap to the guidelines so if you want to make sure that everything's centered right there we go and then you could set your guidelines like I want this arrow to be exactly like two inches tall so you'd set the guideline to oh you so drag the ruler on top oh where is it oh I'm in point editing sorry you have to have your select tool drag the ruler from the top set it to you know whatever 12 inches and said it's a fortune you know you can use these to your advantage because when you're in point editing they're gonna snap to the guide line so when you're creating stuff and you do want it to be perfectly even you know feel free to use that if you're gonna sell these things I recommend it me I'm kind of eyeballing Center because I'm just showing you how it's done I don't intend to sell this but if any you guys want to pay me ten thousand dollars for it I will sell it to you I promise all right and so I made the arrowhead I do want it to be a little smaller and one thing you'll notice about this is that it will size and scale which I do appreciate I don't want it that small now if you hold the shift key it's gonna expand from centre which I like a lot or if you don't hold the shift key is just gonna expand in the direction that you're pulling it so shift key right there I want it just a little bit bigger and then of course I want to align it with the shaft now this means he's doing that that means that I didn't Center it properly so we'll just pretend I'm gonna eyeball it from here I'm just gonna pretend I made the perfect Arrowhead okay all this is done I might need to lengthen the shaft later actual let's just do it now cuz I know I will and again I'm eyeballing all of this when you got if you guys are making this for somebody or for a very uh you know someone's paying you the big bucks to do this you definitely want to take a little more time make sure everything sized and spaced properly but of course we're just kind of doing this as an example I'm gonna rotate this about 45 degrees now it is gonna lock and I don't have you see on the screen in very tiny letters it'll lock um so twenty-two and a half degrees it'll lock again or snap at forty-five it'll snap at sixty seven and a half and it'll snap at ninety so using that I'm just gonna snap it at 45 and on my keyboard I did a copy and paste ctrl-c ctrl-v and let's object Ahmir horizontally and right you see they're not aligned I could eyeball this one but instead again holding this shift key I have this selected I'm gonna hold the shift key this selected there we go boom now if that doesn't look good to you the it's the it's the shafts that make it look like it's not centered so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna move this one over a little to the right so the bottoms are gonna stick out a little further than the tops but that's okay get me get everything here and I'm going to group them for now and then for the final thing we're gonna weld everything together so check that out so that's just part of it all right and one thing I do want to say again is if you go on like Shutterstock if you go on these other sites where people are selling their SVG's like dude you're finding these people are trying to sell this and things like it the arrows with the crosses this is just one example there are so many cool things that you can make and that they'll be exclusively yours and you could sell them if you watch it or you can just sew your arrows don't look like everybody else is add a little touch of flare angle to or they call the flights angle the flight so the little feathers angle them differently you know make it however you want so it looks you know best for you alright so I'm gonna go ahead and we're gonna finish this so now it's time to draw a circle yay oh and when you draw circles that's my bad the circles are gonna kind of start from Center so go to your circle tool alright and now I'm gonna go to my outline tools because I need to make an outline of a circle right you the color just you could see what I'm doing so now I'm going to click outline right and do you see how it's making another line outside of my circle here we go I'm gonna apply it and now I'm gonna select just these two and we're gonna go over here and our weld and shape tools I'm just going to punch it out and that's how you make a circle with whatever thickness you want where it's gonna cut properly now here's another thing that is kind of interesting so this is not perfectly centered so if I Center this to my circle I'm gonna go back to our align space I just not half-bad so I'm going to group these and I'm gonna shrink them so it's a little bit more manageable cuz we've still got more stuff to do and let's zoom in there we go alright now in the original logo it's we did it we did a realty company so I've made a little house you know we're gonna we could you could really at this point make this logo whatever you want and let's see so depending on on oh sorry one thing I did want to show you guys I'm gonna zoom out real quick for that is this is probably the easiest way to do circle text all right it's easier than illustrator it's easier than silhouette studio it's easier than so many other programs so you're gonna right click here you can do vertical text you could toggle to vertical architects fit text to path which is all very cool architects is gonna be what I want I'm gonna click the center right and I'm gonna zoom around a little bit and now she's gonna make up a name for a business I want to call it good business company uh and of course and what's cool is you can get this as close to the center now you do want you can you can probably see the outline you do want to Center it with the circle all right there we go and you can change the font over here on our toolbars I'm going to open up my text tools and I there's lots of different fonts I could choose from that's abolition I believe I used anthology regular for my other logo I have lots of dumb fonts here bubblegum is I don't know why I'd ever used that I'm sure bam be bold okay and then of course we can you know lower the size of the font here you can increase the tracking which is that you know space between letters if that's what you're into and then of course if you want them to be a little further from the center of the circle you just click up and drag boom right there now here's why I like it one of the dumbest things to do is I hate when I have to put the text right here there's a little arrow I'm gonna click on it and right here this so if I hit enter it's just gonna stack more letters under it right but when I click this one instead and I hit enter now it's gonna allow me to type you see that do you see that that's the easiest way I've found to just to have text match on the bottom and be on the same path so it's really cool it's been in business a long time I just made it up so they've been serving you since 2020 and then of course you can click on the select tool and this like you can the center of the circle is right here you can really move it to however you want whatever is gonna look best for your graphic there we go and this bottom text is a little bit too big so what I'm gonna do is gonna go over here just gonna shrink it but I do want to increase the tracking oh that's gonna increase the tracking for all of it another thing you can do is you can when you're done with this one you could just create a separate text one and that way you can edit everything separately I'm just gonna leave that there cuz I like it and check it out and so that's how we're so art you can really see that our logo is coming through really nice and now we're just gonna fill it in oops there we go now we're just gonna populate it with some stuff now good business company they could make buildings good business company can really make anything and so what's cool about sign master pros there's lots of clipart here just really everything like is good business company a barber shop we have some scissors right there if good business company is a I don't know there's a briefcase right here oh we sell gold bars I don't know there's lots cool clipart that you can put in there but what I've seen a lot of people do is they'll just put good they'll put the initials there and then we can just put it that's why I love these logos by the way if anybody ever tries to hire you to do a logo and you have no idea what to do give them one of these they're super trendy everybody digs them and then you don't really I mean you could put logos if it was like a firehouse you know I'd be put the fireman logo here and like an icon of a hose right there something I don't know you can really customize eases gives you want but if they you know you just put initials and and they love is it like I've done this several times for clients of mine looks great as a pocket logo on a t-shirt by the way that's one thing I will say is oh yeah instead and then I don't want to I don't want this guideline anymore I think I can get that out of there yeah you just drag it up and out of the way and so now we've seen good business Co one thing you do want to do is you do want to convert everything to curves and then you do want to curve you want to combine them so that way you know anything that's overlapping oh see right here that's exactly what I meant so wherever there's an overlap it's gonna be a negative space when we hit control Z there we go and instead of combining I want to just weld it there we go so now when i weld it yeah all the overlaps are just gonna combine they're not gonna get that negative space that's very important to keep in mind welding is very different from combining I'm gonna show you guys how to do a house really quick right so you get your rectangle you've got to convert it to curves in this program not every program requires that copy and paste I just hit control V control C or control C control V get a double click it and I'm just gonna bring this one in a little bit and then I'm gonna bring this one in a little bit then I'm gonna select them both and I'm gonna bring them down a little bit all right and now it's time for my chimney and my chimney I do want it to be red oh there we go just so I could see what I'm doing right chimneys a little thick okay and we want the chimney right here I'm gonna copy and paste this one there we go this one's on top I want my outline to be a little bit there we go cuz I needed to cut out of it out of the chimney you know apply another thing that you want to do is okay so click that when you want to bring it to the front and so you just right click it and then object display tools or to bring it to front cuz when you punch it out you want to punch it out of this we're gonna go to our weld and shape tools and I'm just gonna punch boom so if this was a building company you know you just put that there if you go to last week's tutorial until it's 2d I showed how to make like your own toilet paper rolls like your own skull-and-crossbones your own baseball champions with a banner there's so many different things you can create on your own we want to see you guys create your own stuff because first of all you're not having to pay anybody to make it for you and if you really like it you could sell it you know another thing that you can do is when customers come to you and they don't have a logo charge them to make their logos say hey I offer logo design services for you know X amount of dollars and and that's a really great upsell to great service um for them and it's a great way to just make extra money on on your sales so somebody says hey I need t-shirts I don't have a logo you don't have to send that business elsewhere you can start creating your own logos like this one a good business company you know and again we could fill this with clipart you know depending on how much they're paying you if they have a budget you know some some companies are paying big bucks for logos so if they have a budget sure you know get the clipart to fill in here make sure it's licensed properly don't steal but yeah that's something that you guys can do so so this I've already welded this together it's one single image and of course you don't have to do that you could save it as separate elements if you want to it's up to you what I'm setting a customer like if they want the vector and they've paid for the vector I don't want them to be able to split and of course they could anybody with a decent background can but it just makes it that much harder I don't want to send in the individual elements I want to send them like a flattened vector towards one single piece anyways so once that's done you're going to go to file export export to file and you're gonna see this is just random stuff that I've done and you can I prefer to export as PDF you can export as any of these illustrator bitmap AutoCAD EPS EPS is what you're gonna see depending on what site you're using so if I wanted to post this for sale on Shutterstock shutterstock uses EPS for all of their vectors there are other websites that use SVG's for all of their vectors so you just want to you know have it however it's gonna be so just name the file whatever you want oh whoops man the file whatever you want and then you can you can see all these are all my different I don't have any oh I did have some illustrator files nice uh yeah me personally I usually go for the PDF unless someone is asking me specifically for different projects or for different formats and that's how you would export it to whatever you need if you have any questions about today's what we talked about today I'll feel free to email me Jared I heat press if you have a question about purchasing or any other products you want a vinyl systems cutter and it comes free with this sign master pro software um you can call us 800 two one five zero eight nine four um yeah and and for any other questions you can also go to contact maybe you don't feel like getting on the phone you don't feel like waiting on hold you can just go to heat dot press slash contact it'll take you to our contact page that's it if you have a question that's not really urgent but you're just kind of curious heat dot press / contact or of course for the webinar replays heat dot press / webinar replay actress on YouTube and Facebook wherever you can and I think that's gonna be that's gonna be it for all of the questions so thank you guys so much for tuning in for this week's my expert live training my name is Jared it's been a pleasure and I'll see you guys around adios
Channel: HeatPressNation
Views: 48,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: heat, press, nation, heat press nation, heat pressing, pressing, sublimation, printing, sublimation printing, vinyl, cutting, heat transfer vinyl, htv, heat transfer paper, screen printing, t shirts, t shirt press, custom t shirts, diy business, t shirt business, how to, home business, apparel, tutorial, custom, self employed, do it yourself, diy, craft, crafts, crafting, graphic design, graphics, vector, from scratch, vinyl systems, signmaster, myexpert, live training, webinar
Id: nSWUzkIjzi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 57sec (1437 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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