SignalR Tutorial 1 - What is SignalR?

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hey what's up everybody its Caleb from a Caleb's video maker - in this video we are going to be going over signal are sorry it's kind of the way there well anyways this whole series is going to be about signal are and trust me guys you have got to watch this signal are is one of the coolest things I have ever used ever all right so what is signal arc I'm going to throw out a bunch of big words and then I'll break it down and we'll kind of explain it a little bit well basically signal are is a way to allow us to create real time applications over HTTP as many of you probably already know HTTP is a standard protocol used to communicate from the client to the server it's used for websites it's why you go to HTTP colon slash slash whatever whatever if you don't already know this HTTP is what's known as stateless meaning you make a request and you get a response you make a request you get a response and the server doesn't really remember anything about the previous requests everything is stateless and you have to figure out ways to maintain this state such as using cookies or whatever well with signal are it changes that and allows us to create real time applications now real time what I mean by that is when something happens on the server all the clients are going to know immediately this could be great for chat applications video games automatic updates of like news or stock market prices anything like that that needs to be updated automatically this will be a great candidate now signal are can also be used for phone apps and other things like that but generally it's used for web applications now is the way we create websites using framework hence the dotnet well what languages are these well usually c-sharp or Visual Basic this will be completely new endeavor for us meaning my YouTube channel because I've never done videos over c-sharp but that's the language we're going to be using for the server side of things and we'll be using some HTML CSS JavaScript and the standard client-side garbage for the client-side now if you don't know these languages for example if you're new to c-sharp it's no big deal because over all the videos are not going to be super challenging so you should be good now let's just go a little bit more in detail on how this works now when we're talking web development everything is split in half we have the client side and the server side so let's just kind of draw that out here over here we have the server and over here we have the client and there's a disconnect here meaning there are two separate things the only way they can communicate is using an accepted protocol so in this situation a client is any connected device not a person right so if you have a phone and you also have a laptop and you go to a website on both of them you would be two clients hopefully you understand that because we're talking clients as in devices not people so any device that makes a request to the server is known as a client so the way this is done now is using HTTP so a client makes a request to the server and the server checks to see if it has anything useful to send back and if it does that's what it does it sends the data back so you can you can see how this works you go to your web browser you put HTTP colon slash slash kalcker com wait a couple seconds and the server responds with more information and then we're back to that disconnected stage the only time it will send another request is if we click on another link or make some other kind of request to the server signal our warps this a little bit and now we can think of it as a tunnel so we have a server and we have a client and within between these two we have a signal our tunnel and this is what's known as an open connection or a persistent connection by that I mean the connection days open and whenever the client wants to send data to the server or make a request it can just go right through the signal art tunnel and the server can do the same thing at the same time so we have this bi-directional communication between the two that's really all I have to say in this video in the next video we will be discussing a little bit more about how signal are actually implements this I mean I know you guys understand how it works but what tools or techniques to signal are use to make this possible that's what we'll be discussing in the next video so I will see you then guys peace
Channel: Caleb Curry
Views: 166,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SignalR Tutorial 1, What is signalr, real-time, realtime, real time, http,, C#, visual basic, .net framework, websockets, eventsource, event source, server sent events, forever frame, ajax, ajax polling, ajax request, long polling, negotiation, bidirectional, asynchronous, full duplex, multi user, app, chat application, calebthevideomaker2
Id: kr8uHeNjOKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 2sec (302 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 13 2016
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