Sign Language Detection using ACTION RECOGNITION with Python | LSTM Deep Learning Model

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what's happening guys my name is nicole astronaut and in this video we're going to be going through sign language estimation using action detection so you might have seen some of my previous sign language detection videos so those were done using a single frame so if i put up i love you or thank you that was done using that frame at a point in time this takes it a whole lot further by actually using a number of frames and actually predicting what action is being demonstrated at that point in time so say for example we're using thank you it's actually going to take the entire set of frames for that particular action to go and determine what sign is being demonstrated let's take a deeper look as to what we'll be going through so as per usual we're going to be ambitious in what we're going to try to achieve in this video so the end goal is to produce a real-time sign language detection flow so we'll be doing this all inside of python so we'll be building it up step by step to be able to detect a bunch of different poses and specifically sign language signs and in order to do that we're going to be using a few key models so we're going to be using media pipe holistic to be able to extract key points so this is going to allow us to extract key points from our hands from our body and from our face and then we're going to take this one step further so we're actually going to use tensorflow and keras and build up a lstm model to be able to predict the action which is being shown on the screen now in this particular case the actions are going to be sign language signs so we're going to use that lstm model to do that and then what we're going to do is we're going to put it all together so we're going to take media pipe holistic and take our trained lstm model and actually go on ahead and predict signs in real time let's take a look at how this is all going to fit together so first up what we're going to need to do is collect a bunch of data on all of our different key points so we're going to be collecting data on our hands on our body and on our face and we're going to be saving those as numpy arrays then what we're going to do is we're going to train a deep neural network using lstm layers to go on ahead and predict that temporal component so we're going to be able to predict the action from a number of frames not just a single frame like we've done in the past and then what we're going to do is stick it all together using opencv and actually go on ahead and predict in real time using a webcam ready to do it let's get to it alrighty guys so in order to perform sign language detection using action detection or human action detection using key points there's going to be 11 things that we need to do so quite a fair bit that we're going to be going through but as per usual we're going to take this step by step and sort of walk through it so first thing oh let's actually take a look at our steps so what we need to do is first up install and import some dependencies then what we're going to do is take a look at how we can extract key points using media pipelistic so we've gone through this in a previous tutorial but we're going to do a little bit of a refresher then we're going to take a look at how we can extract those key point values so eventually we're going to take these key points to say for example all of the joints within our hands all of the joints within our body and our face and we're actually going to export those and so these are going to represent our different frames at a point in time for our lstm model then we're going to set up our folders for a collection we'll actually collect those key points we're going to pre-process that data so we'll actually read it back in and create sequences of key points or sequences of frames be able to detect sign language then what we're going to do is build and train our lstm neural network so this is where tensorflow and keras are going to come into play so we're going to be leveraging an lstm layered neural network to be able to make our predictions then we'll make our predictions after we've finished training we'll take a look at how we can save our weights we'll also evaluate our model so we'll be able to build up a confusion matrix for our multi-class model and calculate accuracy and then last but not least we're going to bring it all together and test it out in real time so all of these components we're going to bring them back together and we'll actually be able to perform sign language detection in real time pretty cool right so first things first what we need to do is import and install some dependencies well install then import so let's go ahead and install our dependencies and then we'll take a look what we've got okay those are our dependencies successfully installed so if we scroll on down no warnings or errors there so what we've gone and installed up i'm clicking all in the wrong places what we've gone and installed is one two three four five six different libraries so we've gone and written exclamation mark pip installed and then this is our first library so tensorflow and we're specifically using tensorflow 2.4.1 then we've got tensorflow gpu so again this is optional if you've got a gpu on your machine so specifically an nvidia gpu you can leverage tensorflow gpu so we've written tensorflow dash gpu and then we're importing opencv so opencv is an open computer or opencv is a computer vision library that allows you to work with your webcams and makes it a little bit easier to build our feed so we're going to be using opencv to actually access our webcam and extract our key points then we're going to be using media pipe holistic to actually go and extract our key points so if you haven't taken a look at media pipe holistic yet let's take a look media pipe holistic and i'll make all of this code as well as these links available in the description below so this is what media pipelistic looks like so you're able to get your face key points let's zoom in on that a little bit so you're able to get key points from your face your body your hands and what we're effectively going to be doing is grabbing all of those key points and saving those as our frame so this will represent a sequence of events for a particular sign so we'll be using that in a little bit and then we're also bringing scikit-learn so we're really using scikit-learn for our evaluation metrics as well as to leverage a training and testing split and then we've got matplotlib so matplotlib just helps us visualize images a little bit easier so we'll be using that a little bit later as well so all up what we've written is exclamation mark pip install tensorflow equals equals 2.4.1 tensorflow gpu equals equals 2.4.1 opencv python mediapipe sklearn and matplotlib so those are our one two three four five six different libraries that we're going to be using so now that we've done that let's go ahead and import some of our dependencies so that we can kick off and get into step two okay so those are our initial set of dependencies now imported so we've gone and written it one two three six different lines of code there so the first thing that we're importing is opencv so to do that we've written import cv2 so this is just the standard import methodology then we've imported numpy so import numpy as np so numpy is going to help us work with our different arrays later on and how we actually structure our different data sets so we're going to be using that pretty extensively in this video then we've imported os so import os so that's just going to make it easier to work with file paths and then we've imported matplotlib which we installed up here so from matplotlib import pi plot as plt so matplotlib has this cool function in it called i am show that just makes it easy to visualize images so we'll be using that later on as we're prototyping our ui so you'll see that later then we've imported time so we've written import time and we're going to use time to actually take a sleep between each frame that we collect so this is going to give us time to get into position then we've imported media pipe so import media pipe as mp so remember mediapipe is going to give us all of that good stuff and those are our six dependencies imported so again all of this code is going to be available via github in the description below so if you want to pick this up you can grab it it's all the completed code is there i'm also going to make the final trained weights available so if you want to pick up those weights and skip training all of this you'll be able to do that as well so that is step one now done so we're now going to go on ahead to step two so first up what we're going to do in step two is just make sure that we can access our webcam so we'll take a look make sure we can access our webcam using opencv and then what we're going to do is apply a secondary layer where we're actually going to make detections using mediapipe so let's go ahead and do this first up so first up what we're going to do is make sure we can access our webcam using opencv and if you've seen any of my computer vision videos before this loop is going to look really familiar to you so basically all we're doing is we're setting up a video capture then we're going to loop through every single frame and actually render that to the screen so even though we're looping through a frame it's going to look like a video because we're effectively just that's what a video is multiple frames stacked together so let's go ahead and do this and then we'll take a look okay i believe that is our loop now done so let's actually take a look at what we've actually gone and done here so we've written one two three four five six seven eight different lines of code so again this block of code is going to be really similar to what i've used in previous computer vision videos and it's also going to be repeated quite a fair few times so we're going to use it when we access media pipe holistic we're going to use it to extract our frames and then eventually we're going to use it down here when we go to test it out in real time so let's go ahead and take a look at what we wrote there so what i've written is cap equals cv2 dot video capture and then to that i've set device value zero so this line is effectively accessing our webcam so by saying a video capture zero we're saying hey grab video capture device zero and ideally this should be our webcam so what we're then going to do is have a variable called cap where we can go on ahead and read the feed from our webcam then i've written while cap is opened so this is effectively double checking that we're still accessing our webcam and then colon so effectively this is initiating a loop so we're going to loop through all the frames in our camera then and then over here so let's actually break this up so read our feed so then what we're going to do is run so remember we're using our video capture device and we're reading the frame from our webcam so this is effectively like saying hey grab the current frame from our webcam at this point in time but remember this is running really really fast so by stacking them all together it's going to look like a video and then we're actually showing it to the user show to screen so to do that we've written cv2 dot i am show and then we're specifying what we want our frame to be named so i've just called it opencv feed you could name it whatever you like and then to that we're passing through our frame so when we actually run we get two values back so we're unpacking that so we get a return value and we also get our frame now a frame is actually the image from our webcam so we're going to pass that frame to the cv2.imshow function and this is going to show up back to the user and then everything from down here onwards is this is to do with that breaking gracefully so all down here so this is effectively what happens once we quit or once we escape from our loop so basically what we're saying if cv2.wait key so we're going to wait for a key to be pressed inside of our frame if the current key equals q then we're going to break out of our loop so this is all this line is doing so if we hit q on our keyboard then it's going to break out of the loop and once it breaks it's going to run cap dot release so this is going to release our webcam and then it's going to run cv2 dot destroy or window so this is going to close down our frame so this effectively helps us break out of our loop a little more gracefully so just to recap so we're grabbing our webcam we're going to start looping through all the frames we're then going to read our frame show to the screen and then if we want to break out of it we're going to break gracefully so let's go ahead and run this see if it works so when you do run this ideally you should get a little pop-up at the bottom of the screen which will represent your frame so we've got that there and there you go so that's looking all well and good so we've got our opencv feed so you can see the frame name over there so opencv feed opencv feed and that's looking all well and good so it looks like it's all running it's reasonably quick no issues there if you don't get a pop-up or if it pops up briefly and then closes so for the second era just rerun the cell again it should work if you get a if you don't get a pop-up at all then what you might need to do is play with this device number over here so rather than having device zero you might want to try device one you might want to try device two so on my windows machine it's normally device zero on my mac it's actually device 2 because i've got virtual devices actually set up for video there now another thing to keep in mind is if you wanted to do this particular walkthrough in video you could actually substitute this value here for the name of your video you'll see once we actually start extracting our key points might get a little tricky when you try to do this on a video so you might actually perform the detections on a video but initially you might actually train using your real-time webcam okay so that's our real-time feed and now establish now if we wanted to quit out of this you can just hit q on your keyboard and that's going to close it down gracefully no errors okay so that is that now done now the next thing that we want to do is actually start setting up media pipe holistics so we're going to create another cell and create two variables so we're going to create one for media pipe holistic and we're going to create one for the media pipe drawing utilities so holistic is actually going to be downloading that model and leveraging that model the drawing utility is just going to make it easier to actually draw the key points on our face now we're actually going to set these up as functions eventually because we're going to use them so often so let's go ahead and first up create our variables and then we'll start building up these functions okay that is media pipe holistic now set up or brought in so we've created two variables there so written mp underscore holistic equals so this is actually bringing in a holistic model so let's write a comment there so this is our holistic model then the second line that we've written is mp underscore drawing equals underscore utils so these are our drawing utilities so we're going to be using mp holistics to actually make our detections and we're going to be using mp drawing to actually draw them now what we actually want to do is set up a bit of a function to actually go and make our detection so rather than writing this this out continuously we're going to set up a function make our lives a little bit easier so let's go ahead and do this so i'm going to create another cell and we're going to set it up okay so this is our first function that we're going to go out and write so i've written def so we're going to define a new function and then i've written media pipe underscore detection and then to that function we're going to need to pass two different variables so we're going to pass our image and we're going to pass through a media pipe holistic model now there's a bunch of steps that we actually need to go through in order to make a detection with media pipe so first up what we need to do is grab the image we convert it from bgr to rgb we then set it to unwritable so this saves a little bit of memory and then we make our detection convert it or set it back to writable and then convert it from rjb to bgr so by default when we get a feed from opencv it reads that feed in the channel format of bgr so blue green red but when we actually go to make a detection using mediapipe we need it to be in the format of rgb so we're going to make that transformation using opencv so let's go ahead and finish up this function and then we'll be able to run it inside of our loop okay i think that's our media pipe detection function now done so we've gone and written an additional what is that six lines of code so one two three four five six so what we've gone and written is first up we're doing the color conversion so this is color conversion and this is color conversion back so you'll see that it's sort of symmetric in nature or symmetrical in nature this is color conversion what we're first up doing is we're grabbing our image so we've written cv2 dot cvt color and then to that we're passing through our image so cv2 dot cvt color is a function that allows us to change or recolor our images so if i type in cv2 dot cbt color so you can see that this function converts an input image from one color space to another in the case of transformation from rgb the order of channels should be specified explicitly blah blah blah blah blah so basically this allows us to convert the color of our image so what i've gone and written is image equal cv2.cvt color pass through our image and then we've passed through our color conversion code so this particular line actually converts it from bgr to rgb so by passing through cv2 dots color underscore bgr2 rgb we're actually performing a blue green red to rgb or red green blue color conversion so likewise when we go and unprocess our image here we're going to do the same except we're going to go rgb to bgr this time so again you can sort of see how it starts to become quite symmetrical then what we've gone and written is image.flags.writable equals false so this basically sets our image writable status to false so if we make say image is no longer writable here and then we're actually going on ahead and making our detection so this line over here is actually detecting using media pipe so written results equals model dot process and then to that we're passing through this image now remember our image is going to be our frame from opencv so let's write our comment there so this is make prediction and then this line is setting it back to writable image is now writable so we've gone and read an image.flags.writable equals true so you can start to see how it's quite symmetrical so first up we convert the color from vgr to rgb set it to non-writable make our prediction set it back to writable and then convert it again from rgb back to bgr and then what we're going to do the last line is we've been return image comma result so we're going to return our image and our results back to our loop so if we go and apply this loop or this detection here we're not actually going to see any results we will be able to print out our results but this doesn't actually do our rendering so let's actually go and do this so we're going to in between our feed and between our rendering we're going to make our detection so make detections and we're going to first up unpack our results we'll write image comma results equals media pipe underscore detection and then we're going to pass through our image or right now it'll be our frame and our what are we passing through on our model so now we haven't actually instantiated our model so we've created this variable up here but we actually need to include it inside of a with statement here so let's go ahead and do that so we're going to tab that in and write it up so let's do it beautiful all right so we've gone and ridden there so we've added a with statement to be able to access our holistic model so what i've written is with mp so let's actually add a comment so access media pipe model or set let's write that so with mp underscore holistic dot holistic and then to that we're passing through a couple of keyword arguments so min underscore detection confidence so this is our initial detection and we've set that to 0.5 and then we're actually specifying our tracking confidence so the way the media pipe holistic works is that it will make an initial detection and then from there it'll actually just track the key points so basically here we're setting our initial detection confidence and then we're specifying our initial or preceding tracking confidence so we're setting our detection confidence to 0.5 and we're setting our tracking confidence to 0.5 so again you can play around with these so if you want a higher initial detection confidence you'd bump up this value and if you want a higher or lower tracking confidence you'd bump up or bump down this tracking confidence value and then we've written as holistic so full line is with mp holistic dot holistic pass through our variables and then as holistic and then colon now what we can actually do is take this holistic model and sub it out inside of our function here so this should read like that so now all things holding equal we should actually be getting our results so let's actually print out our results initially so if we go and run this this is actually going to be running with media pipe holistic now okay so that's looking all good and you can see we're printing out media pipe holistic so our results down here so right now we're not rendering anything to the screen but that's okay we can actually take a look at our results so if we hit q again we can escape out of that loop so if we actually take a look at these results now so remember our results are going to be inside of this variable called results so if we type results you can see that we got our solution outputs now if we type dot and then tab you can see that you've got a bunch of different types of landmarks so we've got face landmarks we've got our left hand landmarks we've got our right hand landmarks and we've got our pose landmarks so our face landmarks are going to be all the landmarks on our face our left-hand landmarks are going to be all the landmarks inside of our joint and i've actually got a keypoint map that i can share with you as well if you want to hit me up in the comments left-hand landmarks are going to be in our left hand right hand landmarks are going to be in our right hand and you'll see those um at once we visualize them and then our pose landmarks are going to be we've got a couple for our face shoulders our elbows basically your whole body cool now we can let's actually take a look at these so if we take a look at face landmarks you can see that our landmarks are actually represented as all these values here so x y and z so our x value are going to be the x axis position y value is going to be our y axis position and z value is going to be relative distance to the camera now there's a whole bunch of different landmarks here so if we type in face landmarks dot landmark this is going to convert it to a list so if we actually then type in len you should be able to see how many landmarks we've got there you go so our face landmarks we've got 468. now we can do the same thing with all of our different types of landmarks so if we type imposed landmarks so for pose we've got 33 now the one thing to note is that when you don't have face landmarks or pose i believe pose landmarks will always return a value it'll just say non-visible face landmarks if it's not in this frame you're not actually going to get results likewise if i type in left-hand landmarks this should throw an error because we didn't actually have our hand in the frame now if i run this again and actually put my hand in the frame you'll see that we actually get landmarks so if we run this let's run it again so again i sort of just got that pop up and then it closed we'll just run it again and it'll pop back up and it's closed again third time's a charm okay there you go so that's my left hand in the frame right now so if i go and close this and then if we go and run this cell again you can see that we're now getting our left hand landmark so again your hand needs to be in the frame in order to get that detection i believe it applies to your face mod the face model as well so again just something to keep in mind okay that is our first function now done so we're now able to make our detections using media pipe so we're going to use this quite a fair bit later on now the next thing that we actually want to go ahead and do is actually render this so right now we're not actually visualizing the landmarks to the frame so let's go ahead and write up a function to do this i'm just going to get rid of this color function here so we're just going to start setting up our new function so let's go ahead and do this okay so that is the beginnings of our function done so what i've written is d e f so we're going to define a new function and then i've written draw underscore landmarks and then to that we're going to expect two values so we're going to expect our image again and we're going to expect the results from the media pipe model so what we're eventually going to do is grab those results and render them onto the image so we can actually see our different landmarks so let's go on ahead and actually wrap this up now okay that is our landmark set now done so what i've gone and written there is a bunch of different lines so after defining our function i've gone and started using our mp drawing function which remember we set up over here so we've written mp underscore drawing dot draw landmarks and then to that function let's actually take a look at that function first up mp.drawing dot draw landmarks so this is just a helper function that actually comes with mediapipe that makes it easier to draw landmarks onto an image so through this we can pass a bunch of different values so we can pass our image then we can pass through our landmark list so remember we're actually going to get this from our media pipe models remember we're taking a look at them down here so we're taking a look at these different landmarks so what we need to do is pass through our image pass through this set of landmarks and then we need to pass through what type of connections we want to use so inside of those drawing functions or inside of a media pipe holistic sorry you're actually going to get the connection map so if i actually take a look at that so let's take a look at our face can actually pose connections a bit easier to understand so mp underscore holistic dot pose connections so this actually shows you what landmark connects to what other landmarks so in this case it's saying our nose is connecting to our left eye inner and then our nose is also connecting to our right eye inner so basically it's just showing you what landmarks connect to what other landmarks so let's take a look at a bigger one so our right shoulder is connecting to our right elbow our right shoulder is also connecting to our right hip so that's going to be that joint so you can see that this is actually giving you a connection map effectively so that is the third thing that you need to pass through the draw landmarks function and then the last two are optional so landmark drawing spec and connection drawings back we'll come to that in a second but those last two parameters allow you to apply a little bit of formatting so rather than sticking with the standard formatting which i'll show you in a sec you can make it look a little bit nicer so we'll actually test that out in a second or we'll actually update this uh function to do that so the full line is mp underscore drawing dot draw underscore landmarks then we're passing through our image as we need then we're passing through our landmarks list so in this case we're going to do our face landmarks first up and then we're passing through our connection map so our connection map is available via mp underscore holistic so the first one that we're passing through is our face connections model then we've just gone and repeated this three times so we're doing it for our pose landmarks and then passing through our pose connections doing that for our left hand landmarks doing it for our hand connections right hand landmarks i've actually spelt that wrong right hand and then passing through our hand connection so this is going to draw face connections this is going to draw uh pose connections this is going to draw hand connections and last but not least this is going to draw oh also our hand connections but this right hand connections this is left hand connections right so that is our function now done now what i'm thinking is let's actually do this on our frame so this is where matplotlib is going to help us out quite a fair bit so if i type in plot.i am show and by default once we're using or once we're looping through this actual loop over here we can actually access the last frame so remember we're extracting our frame from our webcam so if i type in frame this is actually the last frame that we actually extracted from our webcam so we can actually take a look at this using the plot.iamshow function so plot.imshow is actually coming from matplotlib over here so it's just a function that helps us visualize so if we type in frame you can see that we're visualizing our frame now the colors are a little bit off because we haven't done a color conversion but if i typed in cb2 dot cbt color actually it's lowercase isn't that cbt color and then convert it so cv2 dot uh what is it color bgr to rgb so you can see that's our colors corrected now what we can actually do is actually apply our landmarks to that so if we go and pass through draw landmarks and then what did we need to pass through to our image and our results so remember our results are going to be available from our media pipe detection model and again because we ran that loop we're going to be able to access the last frame and the last results as a result of running this so if we actually take a look at results you can see that we've got all of those there now we can actually pass this through here so let's do that results if we run this uh let's just add a comma there and we are let's actually apply it on our frame so draw landmarks that's my bad frame results okay no issues there let's run it on our frame there you go so i just had to separate them out sorry my bad there so what we've gone and written is draw underscore landmarks pass through our frame password results and then we can actually go and render that so that draw landmarks function and specifically these mp underscore drawing dot draw landmarks methods are going to apply to the frame in place so it's not going to return a variable it's going to apply to that current frame so now you can see those results there so this is actually still grabbing our baseline frame but it's now starting to draw all of our different key points so you can see we've got our hand connections we've got our pose connections and we've got all of our face connections now it looks ridiculous right now with those red and the green but we're going to change that in a second by applying some formatting first up let's go on ahead and actually apply this to our real-time loop so under making detections let's go and write draw landmarks and apply a draw landmarks method so draw underscore landmarks pass through our image and pass through our results so we're just going to be passing through these two variables to our draw landmarks function so i've written draw underscore landmarks and then pass through our image pass through our results underneath our make detection section but before our rendering so before the cv2 dot i am show bit so if we go and run this now we should be able to see our landmarks drawn to the screen in real time so let's do it and there is our pop-up now what's happening oh okay hold on so we've made an error there we're not an error we just haven't made one last update so if we close this now so what's actually happening is it was drawing to the landmarks but we weren't actually rendering the new image so we actually just need to change this value here so this is still rendering the frame from up here so if we just type in image here now we should see our different landmarks rendered so if i update that and run it again there you go so all of our landmarks are now rendered so you can see that it's all pretty cool or pretty quick so i can put my hands up now what we're going to do eventually when it comes to sign language detection is we're actually going to be able to say so hello hello and we're going to be able to do i love you and thank you so on and so forth but we're actually going to use these key points that you can currently see to make those detections pretty cool right all right so that's uh enough messing around with that you can start to see pretty cool so again really really quickly really really fast and quite fun as well okay what are we doing so let's go on ahead and quit out of this and then the next thing that we want to do is right now it kind of doesn't look that great so i want to make or apply a little bit of formatting so let's go on ahead and i'm going to copy this and then rather than leaving the default rendering function so remember we actually had this drawing spec method that we can pass through so let's take a look at the function again so mp we had it down here didn't we so we can actually pass through a landmark drawing spec and then a connection drawing spec so the landmark drawing spec is basically saying what formatting do you want to apply to the dots so effectively the joints the connection drawing spec is what format you want to apply to the connections so again we can pass through a bunch of stuff to that so let's go ahead and do this so i'm going to create another function so we'll leave our draw landmarks function if you wanted to use the standard you could if you wanted to do it slightly different you could as well so let's go on ahead and make a new function so let's call it draw style landmarks and again we're going to pass our image and results to this okay so what we're then going to do is copy all of this over and this is purely optional you could go and update the existing draw landmarks function if you wanted to no need to go and create a new function i just like separating it now what we're going to do is make a couple of updates to this and then we'll come back and take a look okay so i've gone and updated the formatting for one of our draw landmarks function so i've just gone and done it for our face landmark so far but we'll take a step back and we'll actually take a look at how this applies so what i've written is or what i've applied to this line over here is that that this is the only change that i've made is i've added these two additional parameters to our draw landmarks function so i've written mp underscore drawing dot drawing spec in camelcase and then i've passed through three keyword parameters so i've gone and specified the color and i've specified 80 110 and 10 so i believe this is going to be in bgr because we're applying it after we've gone and converted our color back so bgr gone and specified our thickness as one and a circle that should be circle radius as one and then we've gone and passed through mp underscore drawing so this line here is actually going to color our connections or oh sorry actually going to color our joint double check that going to color our connection wait no going to color our drawings our landmark so this that first line or this first parameter here is going to color landmark the second one is going to color the connection so this is the dot color this is the line color and again i've repeated that this exact same line down here all i've gone and done is changed the color in this case i've set it to 80 256 121 but again you can play around with this to your heart's content so if we now go and replace this function over here so rather than passing through draw landmarks if we pass through draw styled landmarks this should give us different colors on our face all right so popped up and closed just run it again and there you go so you can see that the landmark colors for our face are already different so we've got much smaller circles and we've got this light green line rather than a thick green line but again we can go and tweak this even further so rather than just doing landmarks for our face we can go and do it for our pose model so this is these lines over here so the ones between my shoulders and my elbows these are our pose landmarks and the ones on our hand so these really detailed ones those are actually our hand landmarks so let's go ahead and make updates for the rest of them and we'll see the impact so again if we hit q to escape that we can go and make these changes so all i'm going to do is i'm going to copy these parameters to each one of these lines down here and then once that's done i'm going to change the colors of each one of them just so we've got slightly different coloring so let's go ahead and make these changes and then we'll see the impact of those okay so what i've gone and done there is i've changed the color the thickness and the circle radius for each one of these but again you can play around with this it's purely optional you can change it and suit it to your style as you'd like so again for the post connections i've just got to change the color the thickness of the line and then the circle radius so again i've made the circle radius 4 which means we're going to have large circles and then i've set the thickness too which means we're going to have slightly bigger lines for our pose connections and again i've gone and applied the same thickness and circle radius parameters for our different hand connections so if we go and run this it's going to look way different now got a grey pop-up let's run that again and there you go so you can see that we're getting significantly different coloring this time so again this is my left hand coloring so you can see that it's we've got like effectively like magenta lines with blue circles it's my right hand we've got like pink lines with no dark blue circles and then here for our pose connections we've got dark blue circles and we've got a maroon line so again you can play around with this it's purely cosmetic not going to impact our performance whatsoever but again you can start to see all the different models in action so this is our left hand model well this is my left this is my left hand model this is my right hand model this is my face model and this is my pose model so you can see them all working in harmony all right that is step two now done i think let's take a look so what's uh key points using media pipe holistic so that isn't effectively step two now done so we've done a ton of stuff there so let's clean this up so we can delete that line over there so that was just looking at our media pipe function we'll leave it doesn't really matter so we've gone and set up our media pipe holistic model we've gone and set up our media pipe detection function our draw landmarks function and our draw start landmarks function and then we've also gone and built up our loop to be able to extract those values that is step two now done now the next thing that we're going to go ahead and do is start taking a look at how we can extract these key point values into a format that we're going to be able to use so if you remember correctly remember we can access our last result through the results variables remember this is going to give us this function or this class back now to access our different components we can type in or just type dot and you can see that we're able to grab our face landmarks our left hand landmarks our pose landmarks and our right hand landmarks so say for example we took a look at our face landmarks we've got all of those there you can take a look at our right hand landmarks got none left hand landmarks got none at the moment pose landmarks got posed landmarks okay what we need to do is extract these in a way that is going to be a little bit more resilient particularly if we don't get value so what we're actually going to do is we're going to concatenate these into a numpy array and if we don't have values at a point in time we're just going to create a numpy zeros array so that an array with the same shape with zeros and we're going to sub that in so let's actually take a look and do it for one line and then i'll walk you through it okay so that is one set of landmarks now done so what we've gone and extracted there is the set of landmarks for one of our key points so what i've gone and written is for res in results dot pose underscore landmarks.landmark so i've written test so this is just a test variable and i've set that equal to np.array and then we've gone and extracted each one of those different landmarks so res.x res.y res.z and res.visibility so this is the equivalent of doing this landmark and then grabbing our first value and then grabbing dot x dot y dot z and then dot visibility right so you can start to see that you're able to extract each of those values but right now we've only got the array for one landmark and we don't have any error handling if we don't actually get a landmark back so we're going to need to do that so let's go ahead and update this for all of our landmarks we'll have that in one flattened array okay so what i've just gone and done there is i've just gone and created a holder or a placeholder array so i've written all underscore landmarks equals and then square brackets we could actually just call this pose for now and write pose so let's call it pose so pose equals square brackets and then as we were looping through we're grabbing those array values we're just appending those to pose so i've written pose equal square brackets and then i've added this bit down the bottom suppose dot append and then i've specified test so now if we actually take a look at our pose array this is going to be oh let's run this now this is going to be all of our key point values remember if we take a look at the length of our landmarks what was it i think there was 33 let's take a look so then yep there's 33 values so this if we take a look at the length of our pose variable or pose array again we've got 33 values so again this gives us the ability to work with each one of these landmarks now rather than doing it in a loop like this we could actually just do it as a list comprehension so let's reformat this a little bit so again it's going to do the same thing but it's going to be in a single line so let's do that okay so what we've now gone and done is effectively refactored this code into a single line so again it's going to give us the exact same results so again pose and if we type in len again you can see that we've got all 33 now what we're going to do is just flatten this array so dot flatten and again now what we've got is we've got all of our landmarks in just one big array so remember without flatten we're just going to get multiple sets of landmarks so if we take a look at dot shape we're going to get 33 different landmarks with four values each if we type in dot flatten this is going to reshape it so again it's effectively going to convert it all into one big array because we want it to be in this particular format when we go and pass it to our lstm model down here so right now this works for our pose landmarks but if we actually went and extended this out to our left hand and right hand landmarks let's actually take a look at what happened so if i type in lh and then our left-hand landmarks doesn't have a variable called visibility so we can just get rid of that and then type in left and landmarks let's put this in another cell and if we go and do this you can see that this is going to throw an error now so if i take a look at results dot left hand landmarks remember that you're not actually going to get any key points if it doesn't see your hand in the frame so this is going to throw an error if we don't do something about it so now what we can actually do is just add a bit of an if statement to return a blank array if we don't have any values now the first thing that we need to note is how many values that we're actually going to get inside of our left hand landmarks results so let's actually take a look at this so let's bring our left hand into the frame and run this again and again you're going to get the same number of key points in your left hand and right hand so we don't need to do this twice right that's our left hand in the frame okay we can quit out of it now if we take a look where are we down here so you can see we've now got our landmarks and type dot land mark these are all our variables and you can see that each landmark is going to have three values so x y and z so if we take a look at the length of that you can see that we've got 21 different landmarks and if we multiply that by 3 this means that we need a blank array of 63 values if we don't actually get any landmarks back if we run this line now however we're actually going to get our landmarks because we do have them right so again this is doing exactly the same as what we had for pose but rather than having res dot visibility we've dropped that now now what we actually need to do is come up with a bit of error handling particularly if we don't have our hand in the frame so if we actually take a look at our right hand landmark so if we change this we're going to create a variable called rh for our right hand and then change this value over here to right hand landmarks so this is going to throw an error now what we want to do is if we don't actually have values for our landmark we're just going to replace that with a blank array so to do that we're just going to type in np.0s and specify our shape which in this case for our hand landmarks remember we had 21 landmarks and then we had three landmarks each so we're just going to create a blank array that looks a little bit like that so this looks pretty similar to what we have in terms of shape for our left-hand landmarks let's hope it should be in this variable so but rather than having actual landmark values we're just going to be replacing it with zero values so this means that even if we don't get landmarks back we're still going to be passing through an array with the same shape which is absolutely critical when you're actually going ahead and building your neural network so let's take a look at these shapes so lh dot shape is going to be 63 and if we type dot shape here that's going to be 63. so what we're going to do is just add an if statement to the end of this to return a blank array if we don't actually have any values okay so that is our left hand line now done now let me just show you what that line looks like so effectively got two parts to it so this first pass is extracting our arrays like we did up here so remember we're just grabbing out each one of the values so the x the y and the z and we're concatenating it together in one big array and then we're flattening it so again this line is exactly the same as what we did for our pose model up here but rather we're doing it for our left-hand landmarks we've just gone and added this if statement down the bottom so if results dot hand landmark so basically if we've got results then we're going to extract these values if we don't have results then we're going to replace it with a blank numpy array similar to what we did down here so if we go and run that for our left hand landmarks now you can take a look so our left hand should get results if we go and apply the same logic to our right hand landmarks let's do that and we'll change it to right hand so if we take a look at the variable rh which is going to be our right hand landmarks it's going to be a blank numpy array so what we've effectively gone and done is we've written up some logic to handle and extract our different key points now let's go on ahead we'll combine this all together and we'll take a look at all that we've written now right now we don't have error handling set up for our pose model so let's actually go and do that so if we take a look at how many values we've got in pose 132 so let's add the logic there so if results stop pose underscore land marks then it's going to do that else we want a zero array so mp.zeros then we're just going to pass through 132 and then we're going to do the same for our face landmark so remember our face landmark had a whole bunch of extra ones so we type in results dot face landmarks and we take a look at dot landmarks so this is going to have how many results 468 and remember there's three values in each so let's take a look at that again x y and z so this means we're going to need a blank array with 1404 different placeholders so let's go ahead and apply this last line here so we're going to call this face and again we're going to loop through and grab our face landmarks and then we're going to check so if we've got results in face underscore landmarks else we're going to specify a numpy array with 1404 values okay let's actually take a look at all of these values so if we type in pose we've got an array if we type in face we've got an array if we type in lh we've got an array and if we type in rh we've got a blank array all right cool that is all working well and good now let's actually take a look at what we've written there because i went and wrote a lot so let's actually take a look at the face one because that was the most recent one so i've written face equals mp.array and so this is a numpy array function so basically what we're passing through to that is all of these values here so inside of square brackets i've passed through so for one set of square brackets or passing through res.x res.y so this is effectively doing this over here res.x res.y res.c for res in results.facelandmarks.landmark so let's actually extract this out because otherwise it's going to be a nightmare to explain so let's take a look at each of these stages so if we've got results inside of our face landmarks array then we're going to go ahead and do this else we're going to go and return np.0s and then the np.0s array or the placeholder array is going to have the same number of landmarks remember x y and z multiplied by the total number of landmarks so i believe in the face model it's 468 so it'll be 468. multiply by 3. now if we do have results what we're effectively doing is we're looping through each result so for res in results.facelandmarks.landmark similar to what we did here and we're extracting res x res y and res z so these are the each or each of the individual values for one landmark and we're effectively putting them inside of one array here so this is grabbing the landmarks for one array and then by looping through we're going to be putting them all inside of this big array here so you can see this square bracket and that square bracket and then we're putting it inside of a numpy array and then we're flattening it so dot flatten so that effectively gives us the shape that we need now all these four lines are effectively going to give us our values that we're going to need for our landmark detection and specifically our action detection so what we're actually going to do is we're actually going to put that inside of a function so let's go ahead and wrap this up key thing to note is that all this code will be available in the description below so if you haven't got this or if you want to ask me questions hit me up in the comments below the code will also be available in the descriptions below let's write this function and then we'll take a look at what's next okay so that is part of our function now done now another thing to call that is that we've passed through 132 but remember that each one of these landmarks we could also specify as 33 landmarks multiplied by four landmarks each and then for our face landmarks we remember we had 468 let's actually take a look face landmarks 468 and then we had three landmarks each which was x y and z remember pose has the extra landmark for or the extra value for visibility as well so we could also specify it like this again it's no different but just to keep it consistent we'll change it there all righty so what we've gone and written here is we've created a new function so def extract underscore key points and then to that we're passing through our results value which we'll get back from our media pipe loop up here so remember we're going to get results up there so we're going to be passing that results value and doing that extraction inside of this function so again this or these four sets of lines are no different to what we've got over here so again there's quite a fair bit in this particular line but it's doing the exact same thing it's just extracting those key points and converting it into a numpy array now what we can actually do is concatenate all of these together so concatenate pose face left hand and right hand so we're going to be using all of those key points to actually do our sign language detection so let's actually go and concatenate those okay that is our keypoint extraction function now done so i've just gone and added one additional line there so return and then np dot concatenate and then to that we're passing through all of our different key points that we've gone to a great deal of trouble to extract so extracted pose face lh and then rh remember these are going to be opposed key points which is a flattened array of each one of the x y z invisibility values this is going to be the same for face this is going to be the same for left hand and right hand so if we actually run that now extract key points on our results we've got all of our values there and if we take a look at shape this is going to be 1662. so let's make sure that we've got the right number of values remember our face model has 468 multiplied by three values opposed mortar has 33 by four a left hand and right hand how many did those have uh left hand landmark 21 so plus 21 times 3 plus 21 times 3. so this will be our left-hand key points and our right-hand key points we've got all the values so again so this basically means that we're getting all of the values inside of a flat array so if we take a look at it we've got all of those values there so take a look at the first 10 values so those are going to be those and those ideally would be the pose landmarks if we take a look at the last 10 values those are going to effectively be our right hand landmarks over there okay so what are we up to now so that is all of section three and now done so we did quite a fair bit there so again it's quite involved but again all this code is going to be available in the description below if i didn't go through it in enough detail here so you can pick it up and run with it the next thing that we're going to start doing is start setting up our folders for our array collection so what we're actually going to be outputting as a result of going through our data collection is these key points so our key points are effectively going to form our frame values so we're actually going to use those extracted key points to go and decode our sign language so this is almost like human action detection so it's one step even further now we're going to set up a couple of variables first up so let's go ahead and do this so under step 4 create a new cell and let's get to it okay so i've gone and set up four new variables there so we've written four new lines of code so let's take a look at each one of these and then i'll explain them in detail so first up what i've written is data underscore path equals os.path.join we'll set that equal to mp underscore data this is just going to be a variable that holds let's actually add some commentary so this is going to be path for the exported data which is effectively going to be our numpy arrays right numpy arrays that we're going to use this extract keypoints function for then i've gone and set up a variable for our actions so these are going to be the actions that we try to detect so we're going to be detecting three different actions in our action model right so we're going to detect hello we're going to detect thanks so thanks and then we're going to detect i love you right so i love you cool right so hello thanks and then i love you so again what we're actually going to be doing is we're actually going to be using 30 frames so this is effectively 30 different sets of preceding key points to be able to classify that action so if you've watched my previous object detection video so i'll include a link somewhere up above you can take a look at how we did that but that's actually doing it on a single frame so again it's not true action detection in this particular case what we're going to be doing is use 30 different frames of data so 30 multiplied by 1662 key points to be able to detect that particular action so way more advanced than what we did previously and we're specifically going to do it for each one of these actions so effectively what we're going to be doing is we're going to be collecting data for three different actions multiplied by 30 frames multiplied by the number of sequences that we want to collect so in this case we're going to collect 30 sequences so i think of this as 30 videos right so 30 videos worth of data and then each of those videos videos are going to be 30 frames in length so the two other variables that we've gone and created are no underscore sequences so number of sequences and set that equals to 30 so think of that as the number of videos that we're going to be collecting so we're effectively collecting 30 videos worth of data for each action so remember our different actions are going to be hello thanks and i love you and then each one of those videos are going to be 30 frames in length so we're calling this sequence length so sequence underscore length equals 30. so effectively we're going to be collecting 30 videos each of which are 30 frames in length multiplied by three actions multiplied by 1 62 key points so quite a fair bit of data that we're going to be working with but again we'll take this step by step so remember we've gone and created our data path which is where we're going to store this data we've gone and created our actions variable which represents each one of our different actions we're going to try to detect and again if you wanted to detect more actions you definitely could so if you wanted to detect the different alphabet letters or the different poses you could definitely do that as well and you can go and create this until your heart's content the cool thing is that later on in step 11 i'm going to show you how to concatenate these words together so that you can actually put a sentence together which is something that i haven't done before but i really wanted to show it in this video so what are we up to here okay so we've got our different actions we've got our data paths we've got the number of sequences we're going to collect in the sequence link so now what we're actually going to do is we're going to create some folders that we're actually going to use to store our data so let's go ahead and do this so we're effectively going to loop through the number of actions loop through the number of sequences and then create those folders so let's do it okay so what i've gone and written there is one two three four five six different lines of code so what we're going to be trying to do here is create a bunch of different folders so effectively we're going to create one folder for each action so we'd have a hello thanks and i love you and then within each one of these subfolders we're going to have a folder for each sequence of action so we're going to have 0 one so on and so forth right so we're gonna have one folder for each sequence or one video right two all the way right up to the end of our sequence which should be 29 because we've started at zero so what we're effectively going to be doing is we're going to be storing each one of our 30 frames inside of these folders so for sequence 0 which is going to be this particular loop here we're going to have 30 different frames worth of data so 30 different key points worth of data from abstract keypoints values now these are going to be stored as numpy arrays so inside of each one of these folders we're going to have 30 different values so this block of code down here is actually doing that so what i've written is for action in actions and then so that's going to loop through all of our different actions and then for sequence in range number underscore sequences so this is going to loop through the 30 different videos that we're going to be collecting or 30 different frame sets i'm just going to call the videos because it's going to make more sense and then what we're doing is we're going to try to run and make these directories so if they already exist it's going to throw an error so to keep it a little bit cleaner i've just written a try except block so try colon os dot make deers so this is going to make the subdirectories as well and then to that we've written os dot path dot join and then we've passed through the data path which is this value up here so it's going to create a new folder called mp underscore data and then it's going to create a sub folder per action so again it'll create this folder and then i'll create a sequence folder so again i've passed through str and then sequence so that's going to create these folders here so 0 1 2 all the way up to 29 let's add dot dot so it doesn't look like i'm skimping up and then if those folders are already created then we're just going to skip it so accept and then pass so if i go and run this now all things holding equal inside of our folders we should now have that folder structure so i'm just going to open it up so you can see that we've got this mp underscore data folder and if i step into that we've got our three folders so we've got let's make this a bit bigger so you can see it so i've got hello i love you and thanks hello thanks i love you it's sort of it's just going to follow the path that we had up here hello thanks i love you and then inside of each one of these let's zoom out inside of each one of these folders we're going to have the individual sequence folder so 0 1 2 3 so on now inside of these eventually we're going to have 30 different arrays worth of data from our key points again we're going to have a stacked value so we're gonna have a let's zoom out here so we're gonna have three actions 30 videos per action and then 30 frames per video so again you can start to see how that starts to build up now again if i delete this right so let's delete it mp underscore data and if i run this again it's just going to go and create a new folder directory so you can see that's back there cool that is step four now done so we've now gone and created our folders now the next thing that we need to do is actually start collecting our data so let's go on ahead and start doing this so in order to do this we're actually going to start out with our media pipe loop that we had right up here so let's copy this and we're just going to make a couple of changes to it so if i copy that and bring it down to here what we're now going to do is rather than looping consistently through our webcam we're actually going to loop through and specifically take a snapshot at each point in time so we're going to loop through each one of our actions so we're going to collect our actions and then we're going to loop through and collect a set of frames per video so remember we're going to collect 30 frames per video and we're going to click 30 videos and then we're going to do that three times for each action so we're going to tweak this to do exactly that so let's go ahead and do that so first up what i'm going to do is i'm going to change this loop so rather than running while cap is opened we're going to change this and loop through our sequences and our actions so let's do it okay so that is our first change there so i've gone and replaced the wild cap is open bit with our different loops so first up we're going to loop through all of our actions so this is going to loop through hello thanks and i love you so hello thanks i love you then we're looping through each one of our videos so we're going to loop 30 times to get and capture 30 videos per action and then we're looping through each frame so remember our video is a sequence of frames so we're going to loop 30 times so we're going to collect 30 key points per video right so for action in actions and then i've written four sequence in range no underscore sequences so number of sequences and then colon and then we're looping through a different frame so for frame underscore num in range sequence underscore length and what we're going to do is we're going to tab all of this in so that can stay there so this is all going to go in a little bit then what we need to do is apply a little bit of logic to actually collect our frame so right now this is going to go really quick if we were to try to go and run this right now it'd be collecting frames so quickly that we'd barely have time to actually go and collect those different frames so what we're going to do is we're going to apply a little bit of logic to take a break between each one of the frames that are being collected or each one of the videos that are being collected so let's go on ahead and do this actually that's key thing to note we're going to take a break between each video that's collected so we're effectively going to go move our hand that's 30 seconds move our hand that's 30 oh sorry move our hand that's 30 frames move our hand that's 30 frames break move our hand that's 30 frames break move our hand so you've got a little bit of time to move and go back into the sequence so let's go ahead and apply this logic okay so that is our collection logic now done so all we're really doing here is we're just outputting to the screen and taking a break actually we've actually skipped the main bit cv2.weight key 500. so that is our collection logic now done let's bump that up a bit okay so what's actually going to happen here is first up what's going to happen is for each video if we're at frame 0 we're going to take a break right and that break is going to be 2 seconds in length so what i've written is cv2 dot weight key down there let's actually take a look step by step so if frame underscore num equals zero so this means that if we're at frame zero then we're going to take a break down here so cv2 dot weight key 2000. all these lines are doing so these these two lines up here all these two blocks of code are just outputting text to our screen so again these are optional if you don't want to do this you can skip it but it's going to be hard to know when frames are starting and not so the first thing that we've written or the first block is going to print out starting collection in the middle of the screen so i've written cv2 dot put text and then to that will pass through our image we've passed through the string that we want to print out to starting collection and then we'll specify the position so 120 pixels by 200 pixels so i believe this is the x value the y value and then we've gone and specified the font that we want to use so cv2 dot font underscore hershey underscore simplex pass through the font size pass through the font color so b g r so this case is going to be green pass through the line width which we've set for and we've passed through the line type which is cv2.line underscore a8 so that's the first block of code that we've written here so this is going to print starting collection right in the middle of the screen if we're at the start of the video and it's also going to pause as well down here remember then the next line that we're going to print out is cv2.put text and again image and then we're actually going to print out what we're collecting so we're going to say collecting frames for a particular action so we're using some string formatting to pass through that action there and then we're also going to specify the video number so in this case or the sequence number so video number and we're going to print out the sequence there and then we're specifying where we're going to start that so this is going to be in the top of our box so 15 comma 12 and then we're going to pass through our font type so cv2 font underscore hershey underscore simplex pass through our font size which is going to be 0.5 pass through our line color or our font color so remember b g r so it's going to be red pass through the line width and pass through the line type and then remember we've got cv2.weight key so this is going to take a two second break between each video and then if we're not at frame number zero then what we're going to do is we're just going to print out the same line down here so we're not going to print out starting collection and take a break we're just going to keep printing out what frame we're currently collecting so you'll see this in action in a second okay but right now we haven't actually collected the frame so this is just giving us a little bit of weight logic so rather than saying collection logic let's write weight logic so let's now go in ahead and actually collect our frame so remember we're going to use our extract keypoints function from up here to go and ahead and grab these values and what we're going to do is you can actually use so and if we say so let's call this results up here result test right so result test is going to be our example what we can do is write and save it down so if i type in the name of the file and then result test that's going to save our numpy array so we're going to use this in a second so if we go back to the folder that we're working you can see that we've now saved numpy.00.npy let's take a look so you can see that right there so zero dot npy so what we're effectively going to be doing is saving each frame as a numpy array inside of our mp underscore data folder so we'll have 30 numpy arrays in here 30 numpy arrays in here so on and so forth to load these back up you can actually use np.load and we can just pass through the name so 0.mpy and that's going to load back up our array so let's go ahead and apply the final couple of steps to actually go and collect our images so remember we've gone and written two new blocks of code so these are new and then these are new as well so this weight logic so let's actually write this out so this is new and then this block here is the new new loop okay let's go on ahead and apply the keypoint extraction and actually save it down into its folders okay i think that's the last set of key points now collected or the last bit of logic they're collected so what remember what we've gone and done is we're looping through our actions our sequences aka our videos and then each of the frames within our videos and what we're going to go ahead and do is apply a same logic so we're going to go through read of capture from our frame we're then going to apply a media pipe detection draw our styled landmarks then we're going to take a break if we're at the first frame in a video and then we're going to go ahead and extract our different key points and save them into our folders so the last three lines that we've actually gone and written are key points equals extract underscore key points and then to that we're passing through the results that we get from our media pipe detection function and then we're creating a path so this is where we're actually going to save our frame and it's specifically the frame name as well well the full path to this specific numpy array so what we've got in written is os dot path dot join and then we've written data path which is mpe data what we had up here pass through the action pass through the sequence number so this is our video number and then pass through the frame number so remember we're going to have 30 sequences and we're going to have 30 frames per sequence or 30 frames per video then we're using so and then we're passing through the numpy path and then the keypoints so now all that's left to do is actually go on ahead and start collecting this data so as soon as we run this we're going to kick into the loop and actually start collecting our key points so let's go ahead and do it now actually before we do that remember we're going to have three different actions so we're going to have hello we're going to have thank you so thank you is going to be sort of like this maybe i'll move the mic out of the way so we've got a little bit more room so thank you and then we're also going to have i love you so i love you right we're going to move our hands around so let's run this cell here and look we've already got an error uh this should be if frame equals equals num let's try that out and again we should get our pop-up so as soon as our pop-up pops up we should be able to kick things off there we go oh that's looking a little bit janky up there let's just quick quit out of that hold on let's just double check what's happened there so that was looking a little bit looks like the line width was a little bit too thick so let's change this down here frame underscore numb it wasn't actually picking that up okay we might have missed it let's try that again what have we gotten done there so line 32 should be one so i'm just going to change the line width because you saw up there as it was trying to collect it was getting a little bit um the line width was too thick so you couldn't actually see the font and right now my webcam is still activated but that cell is exited so i'm just going to run cap.release and cv2.destroy all windows so that's released okay let's try running that again okay that's our frame say hello we're not getting the starting frame that's a little bit annoying hold on let's dig into this a little bit okay issue solved i worked out what it was so let's just and release our camera so this line down here just needs to be tabbed in so what we need is this break gracefully section which actually gives us a break we need this to be in line with our loop so you can see that there right now all things holding equal if we go and run our collection now what you should see is that we get a graceful break between each one of those collection runs that we actually get and again i'm just going to clear out our folders actually what i'll do is i'll just delete them and recreate them so we can just right click on mp data delete those so we don't have any leftover messy data and we can just rerun this sequence generate or their folder creation so that will recreate our mp data folders all right and we should be good to go now so ideally what you should see is that it will initially say starting collection we'll then get two seconds to get into position we can then perform our action for 30 frames it'll then go to starting collection again so we're going to do that 30 times per action and that will give us 30 frames for 30 sequences for each individual of our three different actions so let's go ahead and kick this off fingers crossed this works this time let's wait and see all right so let's go and run this now so again you should get a little pop-up and it should say starting collection and we can kick things off and collect our data all right there we go there you go and try to keep your hand in the frame as well i'm just moving around and if you wanted to sorry the mic's a little bit quiet because i got it out of the frame if you wanted to you could also do this with um to shorten the break as well you can see every time we're starting the collection i'm putting my hand back in position and i'm just moving around so we get a bunch of different angles and i'm doing it with both my left hand and my right hand that one's probably a little bit screwy and so as it's collecting it's actually collecting 30 frames each time lean a little bit further back you can see it's printing out what video number we're up to at the top right so we're up to 28 be switching soon thank you now there we go we'll now do thanks just going to make sure we're fully in the frame and even go out of the frame for a little bit because remember when we're outside the frame we're not going to get landmarks so it's just going to set it to zero and so we'll test it out we'll see what performance looks like and again you could always add additional frames as well if you wanted to do it a different angle now found having 30 sequences of 30 frames tends to work pretty long or pretty well if you wanted to do it for longer you could definitely do that as well right so you could start collecting sequences of 60 seconds in length you play around with it it should be i love you oh thanks so i love you we could start from the bottom bring it up and so you can see each time starting stating starting collection i'm sort of stepping back and resetting my frame right so you could do that come out from the side and even though i've got the green screen up you could do this without the green screen i tried it yesterday so again the green screen i've just got it up because i'm recording right now but and start to see what's possible and the beauty of using the key points with media pipe is that we're actually collecting um [Music] we're actually collecting the key points so we're not so concerned about what the image looks like we're concerned about the sequence of key points which makes it a lot more resilient in a different in different scenarios let's do a couple of stationary ones and that is our data collected so we've gone through and collected a ton of data now so if we go into our d drive or wherever you've got it stored so if we go into mp data and hello so you can see we've got all of our numpy arrays so let's zoom in on there so you can see we've got 0 all the way out to 29 and if we zoom out and go to hello let's just close this so you can see that we've got all of our different sequences stored as numpy rates if we go into i love you likewise and if we go into thanks again likewise okay so that took a little while to get to but we've now got our data done and collected so that is step five now done and dusted so again we did quite a fair bit in there so we started off with our initial loop which we built up in step number two so this loop and we added three key things so we added this new loop so rather than looping through each individual frame in real time we started looping through our actions our sequence and our frame numbers so remember our sequence is effectively one video and each video is going to be 30 frames in length and then we applied our new weight logic so this allows us to take a break between the image collection so it gives us a little bit of time to get into position and then we went and exported our key points to numpy arrays and breaks gracefully remember that was a thing that was blocking us from getting that nice transition now we're up to step six pre-processing our data and creating labels and features so first up what we're going to do is import a couple of additional dependencies so specifically we are going to import train test split from scikit learn so this is going to allow us to create a training and a testing partition and we're also going to import the two categorical function from keras utilities this is just going to help us with our labels so let's go ahead and do this okay those are our two dependencies now imported so i've gone and written two lines of code there so we went and wrote from sklearn dot model underscore selection import train lag in a little bit train underscore test underscore split and then we imported from tenseflow.keras.utils import to categorical so our trained test split function is going to allow us to partition our data into a training partition in a testing partition so this is just going to allow us to train on one partition and test it out on a different segment of our data and then our two categorical function is just really useful when you've got one hot or to convert your data into one hot encoded data but you'll see that in a second so the next thing that we need to do is just create a label map so basically we're going to create a label array or a label dictionary to represent each one of our different actions so let's create that label map okay that is our label map created so what we've gone and done let's actually just take a look at its structure so what we've just gone and done is created a dictionary and our dictionary just has the label word so hello and then that's set to zero thanks that's set to one and i love you and that's set to two so we're going to use this when we go to actually create our training data so our training and our testing data so we're actually going to create a segment or a set of labels which represents these different ids so 0 1 and 2 in a second now in order to do that we've written label underscore map equals and then squiggly brackets label colon num and then we're effectively looping through each one of our actions that we had from over here so we're looping through each one of those so four num comma label in enumerate actions and we get this now what we're going to do is actually start bringing all of our data together and structuring it so remember we've gone and collected all of our different key point sequences now what we're going to do is we're actually going to structure those in and bring them in so remember we had what was it 1662 values per sequence what we want to do is create one big array which actually contains all of our data so effectively what we're going to end up having is 90 arrays with 30 frames in each one of those arrays with 1662 values which represents our key points in each so let's go on ahead and do this so we're going to bring in our data now okay that is our data now read in now there's quite a fair few lines there so let's take a step by step so first up we're creating two blank arrays so sequences and labels our sequences is going to effectively represent our feature data or our x data and our labels is effectively going to represent our labels or our y data so we're going to use our features and train a model to represent the relationship between our labels now what i've gone and done is we're looping through each of our actions each of our sequences so remember each sequence is going to oh we're going to have 30 sequences or 30 videos and then we're creating a blank array called window so this is going to represent all of the different frames that we've got for that particular sequence then what we're doing is we're looping through each one of the frames so for frame in range sequence length so remember our frame or a sequence or our video is going to be 30 frames in length and we're using numpy.load to load up that frame so in order to do that we're passing through the full path to our different numpy arrays so i've written os.path.join and then i've passed through data underscore path the action the sequence and this is which video number we're effectively up to and then which frame number so remember we're looping through all of our frames up here so this is effectively like saying hey grab frame zero add it to the window grab frame one add it to the window all the way up to frame 29 so that is what these two blocks are doing and then we're basically saying all right that's video one now done now append that to all of our sequences so what we're doing is true once we've loaded that numpy array we're storing that inside of a variable called res and then we're appending that to our window so again we're going through each one of the 30 frames and appending it to our window and then we're grabbing our window or effectively a video and we're appending it to our sequences array which we had up here so this is going to mean our sequences array is going to have 90 different videos effectively represented in it each one of those is going to be 30 frames each and then what we're doing while we're doing that is we're appending the label to that so i've written labels dot append and then we're using our label map up here and passing through our action so if we take a look at our sequences remember this is going to be all of our data so if we type in dot shape should be in the shape 90 comma 30 comma 1662 so dot shape uh what do we have there so this should be a numpy array let's do that there you go so we've got 90 videos each which is 30 frames each and then each one of those has 1662 different key points cool and if we take a look at our labels as well this should be in the shape 90 comma 3 because remember we've got three different actions well actually it's going to be 90 comma 1 because we haven't converted it yet um let's convert that to a numpy array right cool all right that's all looking well and good now the next thing that we need to do is actually start pre-processing this to get it into a format that we can start working with so let's go ahead and do that so all we're really going to do for our sequences is we're just going to store it inside of a numpy array because that's going to make it easier to work with and then if we take a look at x that's all looking good dot shape we're good to go there for our y values however what we're going to do is we're going to use this two categorical function to one hot encoded so let's do that and if we take a look at y there you go so what we've basically gone and done is we've converted our initial labels which remember is just going to be a series of numbers so zero one and two once we've passed it through our label map and we've converted it to a one hot encoded representation so basically it's like a binary flag so one and then one in the two position and then one in the three position so this value over here represents hello this value over here represents what is it thanks so the second having one in the second position represents thanks and having one in the last position represents i love you so that's our data now ready now the next thing that we need to do is actually perform a training and testing partition so what we're going to do now is use the train test split function to do that okay that is our training and testing split now done so all i've done is i've unpacked the results of the train test split function so x underscore train comma x underscore test comma y underscore train comma y underscore test equals train test split and then two that will pass through our x values and our y values as well then what we've gone and done is we've specified the test size so test underscore size equals 0.05 so this means our test partition is going to be 5 of our data now if we take a look at our data you can see that we've got 85 frames or 85 sequences inside of our training data if we take a look at our test we've got five sequences if we take a look at our y train we've got 85 labels which is good and if we take a look at our y test we've got five labels all right we're all good so that is section six now done so we what we did there is we imported our new dependencies created our label map we then went and read in our data from all of our different numpy arrays created our x variable and our y variable and then we set up our training and testing partition now comes the good bit actually going on ahead and training our lstm neural network so for this we're going to be using tensorflow and specifically keras so let's go on ahead and get started so first up what we need to do is import a couple of key dependencies so we're going to import the sequential model the a lstm layer and a dense layer so let's go on ahead and do this okay those are our three dependencies now imported so what we've gone and done is we've imported three different things there or four different things actually so from tensorflow.keras.models import sequential so this is going to allow us to build a sequential neural network now if you haven't seen my tensorflow crash course by all means do go and check that out i'll have the link somewhere above so you can see how that all fits together then the next thing that i've gone and done is i've written from tensorflow.keras.layers import lstm and then comma dense so this is going to be our lstm layer so this gives us a temporal component to building our neural network and allows us to perform action detection and then i've passed through dense which is a normal fully connected layer then what i've also gone and written is from tensorflow.keras.callbacks import tensorboard so this is going to allow us to perform some logging inside of tensorboard if we wanted to go and trace and monitor our model as its training now the next thing that we're going to do is just create a log directory and set up our tensorboard callbacks i'll show you how to do this now okay that is our tensorboard callback now if you haven't dealt with tensorboard before basically it's a web app that's offered as part of the tensorflow package that allows you to monitor your neural network training so if you want to monitor your training and your accuracy as it's being trained highly recommend you take a look at tensorboard so i'll show you how to actually bring up those logs while it's training now the good bit let's go ahead and build up our neural network architecture so let's do this so i'm just going to create a couple of additional cells and let's go ahead and do it okay that is a neural network now set up now it's been a long time getting to this step but this is at least the initial bit of our deep learning process now kicked off so what i've gone and written is one two three four five six seven different lines of data now let's take a look at what we actually wrote so model first up we're instantiating the model so specifically the sequential api so i've written model equals sequential and then open and close parentheses so the nice thing about sequential is that it makes it easy to build up your model you can just add in a bunch of layers pretty straightforward again if you haven't dealt with the sequential api by all means do check out my crash course again i think it's like 20 minutes but it'll give you a better understanding of how this works then what we're doing is we're adding three sets of lstm layers so i've written model dot add and then we've gone and passed through an lstm which is what we imported up here and then we've passed through 64 lstm or pass through what is that three keyword arguments and one positional argument so i've passed through the fact that we want 64 lstm layers or 64 lsem units then we've specified return underscore sequences equals true so key thing to know is when you are using tensorflow with an lstm layer if you're going to stack them together you need to return the sequences because the next layer is going to need those so by specifying return underscore sequences equals true you're going to be able to do that then i've gone and specified the activation function which is going to be a relu again you can play around with this and then most importantly i've gone and specified the input shape so in this case our input shape is going to be 30 frames per prediction multiplied by 600 or 16 062 values so remember this is effectively x dot shape it's effectively this here so remember each video is going to be 30 frames by 1 62 key points then we've gone and created another two lstm layers so model.add lstm this one's going to have 128 units specified return sequences equals true because we've got one more after it and then activation equals relu then our next lstm layer so ls model.add lstm 64 return underscore sequences equals false and then activation equals relu and then oh so keep in mind so this one this particular line is going to have return sequences set to false because the next layer is a dense layer so we need to not return the sequences to that layer again for more on theory i highly recommend taking a look at andrew ing's deep learning specialization so there's a lot on this there now in this particular case i've sort of skimmed over but if you'd like a little bit more on it hit me up in the comments below i'm more than happy to help out so our next three layers are all dense layers so this is where we're using fully connected layers so model dot add dense and then we specified that we want 64 dense units or fully connected neural network neurons then specified the activation equals relu again another dense layer as a model dot add dense 32 activation enclosed value and then the piezo resistance the final layer which is going to be our actions layer so model dot add and then dense and then we specified actions dot shape zero so this is effectively extracting actions dot shape zero which is effectively three neural network units so this basically means that the return output of our model is going to be actually let's talk about the activation first and then i've gone and specified the activation equals softmax so this is going to return values that are within a probability of zero to one with the sum of all the values returned adding up to one so effectively we're going to get something like this so zero oh let's fix that up so zero zero point nine nine or it'll be zero point let's make it easy 0.7 0.2 0.1 so what this would effectively mean so if we get a result back that looks a bit like this so what this will mean is that we can type in mp.argmax once it's finally trained and this is basically saying that our action is position zero so if we go to actions and extract that value our model is effectively saying that the action predicted is hello so we're going to pass through our 30 frames plus 1 662 key points and out of it we're going to get a result like this which we can then pre-process and extract our actions so let's take a quick sidebar and let's talk about why we use this type of neural network a quick sidebar guys i wanted to talk a little bit as to how we actually got to this stage for using this particular type of neural network so specifically media pipe plus the lstm lays so about two weeks ago when i started research and development for this particular walkthrough i did a bunch of research and actually found that sort of state-of-the-art models or models that are currently out there tend to use a number of cnn layers followed by a number of lstm layers so specifically some people using a pre-trained mobile net followed by a number of lstm layers so i trained with a similar number of sequences that we did in this video so i think about 30 different sequences per class so that would be 90 sequences in total and i was just getting nowhere near the level of accuracy that was going to be actually useful so quickly i sort of transitioned and started using media pipe holistic combined with the lstm laser now the reason that i ended up doing this is one we needed less data to produce a hyper accurate model two it was a much denser neural network so rather than having i think it was in the realm of 30 to 40 million parameters in our neural network we had around about half a million parameters which means it was going to be way faster to actually going ahead and train that particular model and the third reason was because the neural network was a lot simpler and meant that it was going to be a whole heap faster when it comes to detecting in real time so just a quick note i wanted to give you a little bit of background as to how we actually went and formulated this neural network back to the tutorial alrighty so we're back to it now what we're going to do is we're going to compile our model and then we're going to fit it let's go ahead and wrap this up okay that is our model compiled so what i've written is model dot compile and then we've specified the optimizer that we want to use i've just gone and specified atom you could play around with a bunch of different app optimizers i like using atom then we've got an unspecified loss so this one you can't change so you have to keep this loss function the same so i've written loss equals categorical cross entropy so this is the loss function that you need to use when you have a multi-class classification model if you're using a binary classification model you'd use binary cross-entropy if you were performing regression with your neural network you'd probably use something like mean squared error but because we effectively have a binary classification model which is going to be oh sorry a multi-class classification model which is going to be doing something like this or returning something like this we need to be using categorical cross entropy and then we've also gone and specified some metrics this metrics bit is optional but i've gone and specified it anyway so we can track our accuracy as we train so we've gone and specified metrics equals categorical accuracy inside of square brackets so we're now pretty much good to go so the next thing that we can go ahead and do is actually fit and train our model so to do that we can write model and then pass through x strain y train the number of epochs so we'll set that to i think we'll do 2 000 to begin with and then we need to pass through our callback so callbacks equals and then tb callback which is from up here so the full line is dot fit plus through our x-train data pass for our y-train data specified at epochs equals to 2000 specified our callbacks equals to square brackets tb underscore callback now the cool thing about using the media pipe holistic model in this particular case is that more often than not your data is going to be able to fit into memory so you don't need to build a data generator to be able to build up a pipeline of data fits in more often than not it's going to fit all into memory and you'll be able to train this on the fly so in this case let's go ahead and kick off our training we're going to let it run and then while that's happening we'll take a look at what tensorboard looks like and then we'll take a bit of a break and come back once it's all done so let's go ahead and run this and just make sure it kicks off successfully all right so that looks like it's all running so you can see that we've got our epochs running and that is all looking good so let's go ahead and take a look at tensorboard in the meantime while that's running so once we've kicked off our training remember we set up our tensorboard callback so if we go into our folder that we're training in you can see that we now have this folder called logs so if we step into that and step into that we've now got these tensorboard logs or tensorflow logs so let's actually open this up and actually run it so to do this we can just open up a new command prompt i'm going to go into that folder and we need to go into logs so cd logs cd train and then if we take a look inside that folder you can see that we've got those logs to open these up in tensorboard all you need to do is write in tensorboard equals uh log dr what is it logged here equals dot so what this effectively means is once you've navigated into the training folder that you can see the logs in if you run tensorboard dash dash logged out log or dash dash logd equals dot this is going to open up tensorboard from within the current folder so if i run this now if it opens up successfully you should see that it'll give us a link to go and access tensorboard there you go so it's running at localhost 6006. so if i copy this and go to that you can see our model is running and it looks like our categorical accuracy is performing pretty well so what are we at right now so right down there looks like we're at let's move down that down what are we at so in the bottom corner so our value is 0.8471 so already our model is performing pretty well and what are we at we're only at 80 epoch 80. so again it's performing reasonably well you can see that that's training really really fast looks like our categorical accuracy is 94.52 so performing really really well but that sort of gives you an idea is how you can open this up inside of tensorboard so you can take a look at your neural network architecture take a look at your time series data so again this gives you the ability to look at all of these charts you can make it a little bit bigger and take a look at that so this is our accuracy up the top here so this is actually our training accuracy so keep in mind we're only working on training data at the moment so training accuracy and then we've got our epoch loss down here as well so this ideally you should see this come down over time already it looks like it's getting pretty low so it's training pretty well so again i think once we get to a certain level of accuracy we could probably stop this this is actually performing very well so it looks like it's already looks like we've got a bit of a drop off we could actually stop this here and see what it looks like so 93 92 okay we can actually stop that training so it looks like after running for about 173 epochs we've already got a categorical accuracy of 0.9375 it looks like our loss could potentially go a little bit lower looks like we might have started hit over training we got down pretty low then it started going up but again you can play around with this you can train for longer you can train for a shorter amount of time but at the moment it looks like it's training successfully so this is a really really good sign so now that that's done what we can actually go on ahead and do and again you could let this run for the full 2000 epochs but it looks like it was already performing pretty well so if i go and refresh this you can see that looks like we had a bit of a drop off which might mean that we might have hit over training but it looks like it's bumped back up so it looks like we're good now in this case we got looks like we hit a reasonable level of accuracy after just 154 time steps so or 54 epochs so again pretty pretty well now the next thing that we can go on ahead and do is actually take a look at what our model looks like so we can do this by running model.summary and you can see here that we've got our three different lstm layers followed by our dense layers now again as i was saying in the sidebar the beauty of running it like this is that you've got a reasonably small number of parameters that you need to train so it's got 596 000 rather than the millions that i was getting when i was using a cnn layer but again if you wanted to explore leveraging a cnn layer you could you're just going to need a ton more data okay now that that's done what we can actually go on ahead and do is try making some predictions so remember we've got our model so we can type in model.predict and we can actually pass through our test data so x underscore test and this is giving us a different prediction so again we need to unpack this a little bit so to actually get these values or get the results of these so say we store our results inside of a variable called res now if we grabbed the first value to get what this actually means we can use np.argmax so remember this array over here is almost an exact representation of what i was talking about up here so this value if i actually sum these values you can see that the sum of each one of those values sums up to 1. so what our softmax function over here is going to do over here is going to give us an array of probabilities that add up to one the highest value or the highest probability within that array represents the action that's been detected so if we actually take a look now and type in np.argmax this is saying that position one is the detected action so if we type in action this means that uh what are we doing there it should be actions there we go so this means that that for that particular value it's thanks that's been detected now if we actually compare that to our y train data which were y test state of my bad and if we grab the first value you can already see that it's the right result but i'll sort of walk you through it what's happening there why test zero oh we need max it's thanks so you can see that it's accurately predicting the right result so what i've gone and written there is np.argmax and then passed through our first value from our results array and then i've gone and passed that into the actions array so if we go and change this now did one let's take a look so again one is thanks what about two two is hello let's see if it picked up hello picking up hello so already it's performing reasonably well three three is hello i'm always skeptical when i get really good accuracy three's hello four is hello as well okay so that looks like it's already performing pretty well now what we actually want to go ahead and do is save our model so it's always good practice after you've gone and trained a neural network to go on ahead and save your values this just make sure that you've got it if you want to leverage it later on so let's go ahead and save these weights so i can type in and then we're just going to call it action.h5 cool that's our model now saved so it's just a single liner so if we go and take a look inside of our main folder you can now see that we've got action.h5 if i delete that let's just just to prove you i'm doing it so load go and save it you can see it's there now if we wanted to reload it say for example we deleted our model what we need to do is go back up to this section over here and run our model rebuild and then go and compile it so just run the compile cell and then what we can do is run model.load weights and then pass through the name of our weights which is going to be action.h5 there you go so that's our model reloaded now what we should ideally do is do a little bit of evaluation to see how this is actually performing so what we're going to do now is import a couple of metrics from scikit learn to evaluate the performance of our model so let's go ahead and do this okay so what i've gone and written there let's actually add in a couple of extra cells so we can see this a little bit better so from sklearn.metrics import multi-underscore label underscore confusion underscore matrix and then comma accuracy under source score so a multi-label confusion matrix is going to give us a confusion matrix for each one of our different labels and this allows us to evaluate what's being detected as a true positive and a true negative and what's been detected as a false positive and a false negative so let's go ahead and test these out now so what we're going to do is first up make some more predictions so we're going to call it y hat and then we're going to call our model.predict on our test data so x test and then what we can go ahead and do is extract the predicted classes so let's do this so all i've written there is i've just converted the y original y hat value to something that looks like this so it's just the individual numbers which represent the classes and i've gone and converted y test back to the same so let's take a look at that or why true again similar so what i've written is y true equals mp.argmax and then to that i've passed through the y test value and then i've specified access equals one because this represents that we want to convert that or the second dimension in that array then we've gone and converted it to a list by passing through dot to list and then done the exact same thing on our y-hat value so now if we go and evaluate this so let's run our multi-label confusion matrix and pass through our y true and y-hat so in this case we've only got our first two labels in our test data so this is going to sort of skew our results but that's fine let's actually interpret this so what we're actually getting back is a confusion matrix of the shape to two so in this case here you what you want when you're evaluating your model is for all of the numbers to either be in the top left-hand corner or the bottom right hand corner so this these are true positives these are true negatives true positives true negatives the higher the number that you have in these values represents the poorer performing model that you've got so if i zoom in on that you can start to see that there so right now model's got all of our values in the top left and the bottom right top left bottom right we're actually performing really really well now if we actually go and pass this to our accuracy score method again the higher the number that we get here the better our model is performing so if i pass through y true and then y hat again that is a hundred percent accuracy on our test set now this is obviously a really small test set so if we actually did this on our training data which is not ideal but i know but it allows you to see it in a broader perspective and if we go and evaluate it so to do this all you need to do is change what you're passing through to the modeled or predict function so in this case i'm changing it to x underscore train and again i'm passing y underscore train to this line over here so if we go and run this now you can see that in this case our multi confusion matrix shows a slightly less better performance so we've got 51 values in our true positive cell 26 values in our true negative cell seven values over here and one value over here so again it's performing reasonably well maybe could perform a little bit better but again forming not too bad to be honest and if we go and run it through our accuracy score function again that's giving us about 91 percent accuracy in or 90.5 percent accuracy so you can see that there okay that is our model evaluated now we've got one last step to get this all done so that is step 10 evaluation now done we're now up to testing in real time so what we're going to do is we're going to bring this all together now so first up what we need to do is re-establish a loop so remember similar to what we had where is it damn we've written a lot of code what we wrote over here so we're going to copy this loop and bring it down up we're zooming out so what we're going to do now is make a bunch of updates to this loop in order to perform our real-time detection so first up we're going to create some new variables so let's go ahead and do this okay those are our four detection variables now created so i've gone and created oh sorry three cr detection variables now created so i've gone and created one called sequence so this is just going to collect our 30 frames in order to be able to generate a prediction so as we're looping through our frames using opencv we're going to append to this sequence and once we've got 30 frames then we'll pass it to our prediction algorithm to start kicking off our predictions then i've created another variable called sentence so this is going to allow us to concatenate our history of detections together so we can actually concatenate those and then last but not least we've created a variable called threshold which is this one down here so this basically is sort of like our confidence metric so we're only going to render results if they're above a certain threshold now the next thing that we need to do is actually implement our prediction logic now keep in mind that in order to generate a prediction we need 30 frames of data so what we're effectively going to be doing is concatenating our data onto sequence then once we've got 30 frames of data we're going to be able to make a detection so let's go ahead and do this okay at a bare minimum that is our prediction logic now implemented so let's take a look at what we wrote there so first up what i've written is key points equals extract underscore key points and then to that we're passing through results so remember that is using this function that we wrote from over here to extract our key points then i've gone and written sequence dot append and we're effectively appending our key points to the end of that and from there what we're going to do is we're going to grab the last 30 sets of key points so this is going to allow us to grab our last 30 frames to be able to generate our prediction so initially we're not actually going to have 30 frames so what we're then going to do is implement a little bit of logic so if the length of length of our sequence equals 30 then and only then will we run a prediction so in order to do that i've written if len and then two that will pass through sequence equals equals 30 and then we're actually running our prediction so res equals model.predict so no different to what we're doing over here to generate our prediction but what i've actually gone and done is run np.expanddims so if i actually show you that so mp.expand dims actually let's actually take a look at a proper example so if i run model.predict on x test that'll work fine right but if i grab one sequence what it's going to what's going to happen is we're actually going to get an error and this is because the shape is incorrect so the shape of this particular value is incorrect so if i type in dot shape you can see that our shape is 30 comma by 160 1662 but the shape that our sequence is actually expecting is what is it one comma 30 comma 1 6 6 2 or number of sequences right so we actually need to encapsulate this inside of another array now this is really easy to do you can just do np.expanddims and then pass through access equals one and you should be good to go so if we take a look at our shape now we're good oh this should actually be zero there we go we're good to go now if we pass this to model.predict we should get a successful prediction and there you go so that allows us to pass through one sequence rather than having to pass through a bunch we can pass through one sequence at a time so that is all well and good so let's actually test this out now so right now we're only going to be printing our results so let's actually do this mp.argmax and then grab actions and let's see how that goes let's run that okay that's looking good looks like we're getting classes predicted getting hello looks like it's still predicting i love you i can't keep up i thought we had a change there let's actually implement our rendering what about thank you okay there we go we're getting hello heading thank you looks like we might have had a bit of an error in our logic there and what about thank you and then we're getting thanks okay cool so we had to make one tweak so let's stop this so the one change that i made there is that rather than appending to the end i'm inserting the key points at the start so this is going to sort out i believe our logic i need to actually double check if this is the right way to do it but again it looks like we're getting proper predictions there now so what we're going to do now is actually add some rendering logic so let's go on ahead and do this so just to quickly recap so what i did is rather than having sequence dot append i've actually gone and run sequence.insert so this is going to add our key points to the start of the frame so the start is going to be the main action and then we're going to have the trailing values so let's go ahead and implement our visualization logic okay we've gone and written a ton of code there looks pretty complicated but let me quickly walk through it so first up we're checking whether or not our result is above the threshold so to do that we're first up extracting the highest score result so mp.argmax and then we're passing through res also by the way i've got to double check if this is the right way to do it i think there might be a little bit of a weird thing in the logic so if you've got any ideas on this do let me know so i'm tossing up whether or not you sequence.insert or sequence.append we'll take a look at and see the performance between using either of those i think it should be sequence don't append but it looks like sequence.insert is working so again we'll come back to that later for now let's take a look at avi's logic so if res and then inside of square brackets np dot argmax and then we're passing through res so this is effectively grabbing our threshold so let's take a look so res and then we're going mp.argmax and then res so that's doing that and then we're actually grabbing the threshold so basically it was saying if that is above the threshold true then keep going then we're checking if the length of the sentence is greater than zero so this variable over here so this is just checking whether or not we've got more than a certain number of words or whether or not we've got words in our sentence already now the reason that we're doing this is that we don't want to double up so again our model is going to be continuously detecting so we want to only want to append the next sequence or the next action if that action is different from the last and this is effectively what this is doing here so what we're doing is we're checking if the current action does not equal the last sentence in our string if it does then we're not going to do anything this should actually be back here so effectively what we're doing is if we check we're checking for the last word matches the current prediction if it does then we're not going to append to the sentence length if it does then what we're going to do is we're going to append the current detected action onto our sentence array then if our sentence length is above five words or if it's already been established what we're then going to do is append the initial action now the reason that we're doing this is if there's no sentences in the current array then the current action can't match what the is already in the sentence right so like if there's nothing in there then the current action is not going to be the same as what's in there because there's nothing in there so effectively we're just doing a check to do that then if our sentence length is greater than five words what we're effectively doing is we're just grabbing the last five values so if len sentence is greater than five then sentence equals sentence and then inside of square brackets minus five colon so this is just going to grab the last five values so that we don't end up with this giant array that we're trying to render and then what we're doing is a little bit of rendering so we've written cv2 dot rectangle and then we'll pass through our image pass through the start point so this is going to be the top left hand or right hand corner effectively the top corner and then we're going all the way to the other side so we're going all the way to 640 by 40 specifying the color of our box and specifying negative one this means it's going to fill out a rectangle and then we're running cv2.put text and we're actually going to render our sentence so again no different to how we currently use cv2.put text the only difference now is that we're concatenating our sentence array together so we've written cv2.put text pass through our image and then open quotes dot join and then sentence so this is effectively going to concatenate our sentence together with the space between them so we can print it out and then we specify the starting position the font the font size font color the font line width and then the line type so if we go and run this now let's take a look and see what our detections look like oh we've got an error there add a colon okay so that's detecting hello accurately and again because we're doing hello so if we do i love you doesn't look like it's picking up i love you oh there we go i love you thanks hello i love you probably could do better on i love you thanks and there you go that is our sign language detection now working so pretty cool right so again if we do i love you i love you on my right hand doesn't seem to be working as well as there we go i love you i love you there we go pretty cool right thanks that is it working in a nutshell we can always put down the green screen check this out so thanks so i love you is coming in from the side as well i love you hello i love you there you go i love you thanks thanks is working perfectly i love you hello there you go that is our sign language detection in a nutshell so this obviously gives you the ability to do this works pretty well let's actually try using the append method so if i stop this now i tweaked this line to see if that worked any better so if we change this from insert to append in theory it should be a pen but it looks like inserts working better let's try that run it again yeah so that's a little weird so when we're using append it's only detecting i love you out weird might need to dig into that a little bit more about things strange yeah so this should be in this case it we're going to leave it as insert so that it works but we might need to dig into that a little bit more but that gives you an idea as to how to actually get this running so if we stop it and run it again run cap.release cool thing as well is like i took down the green screen and it's still working so again this sort of shows you that it's not dependent on your background and that you can actually use it in a bunch of different circumstances so let's run this again and so if we use hello thanks and then what's another one so i love you hello hello how cool is that so that's obviously working pretty well what we can also do is bump up the detection threshold so right now we're running it at 40 so let's say we did it at 70 rather so let's try that so that's obviously performing a whole heap better now what was it i'm getting confused hello i love you again working way better once we bumped up that threshold so again that sort of gives you an idea as to what's possible now there's one last thing that i wanted to sort of show you and that was the ability to render the probabilities which makes it look super cool so what we're going to do is we're going to write up a quick function to render that so let's do it okay that is a probability visualization now done now let me actually show you what this looks like so if we type in plot dot i am show and remember we've got our last frame right so plot.i am show frame so that's going to be our last frame now in this case we don't actually have anything detected so let's wait and see if it actually works so if we pass through prob underscore vis which is the function that i've just gone and written and passed through our results which should be called actually it'll be called res which is coming from and actions input frame and our colors actually let's use rather than using frame let's use the image because the image is going to have our key points drawn on it i thought i am sure yeah so our image has already got our key point so let's use that one uh looks like we've got a slight uh this should be output frame there you go so what i've actually gone and written up there is a probability visualization so it's a little bit small there let's actually make it bigger so you can see that we've now got this dynamic visualization and this allows us to see the different actions and how their probabilities are calculated in real time which makes it a lot more fun so let's take a look at how we've actually gone and written this so first up i've gone and created a array called colors and this is really just for the coloring of these arrays so it'll appear better when we actually run it in real time because we'll have the cv2 color flipping as well so we'll go from bgr to rgb so i've written colors and then i've passed through three different color combinations one for each action you can play around with these and then we've created our function so we've written def prob underscore vis and then to that we're going to pass through three positional of four positional arguments so the results that we get from our predicted model our actions our input frame which is eventually going to be our image and then the color so this over here then we're making a copy of our frames i've written output underscore frame equals input frame dot copy and then we're just looping through each of the results that we've got in our variables so what i'm doing is read what i've written is for num comma prob in enumerate results so this is going to be all of our different probabilities so we'll have three values and then drawing a dynamic rectangle so basically what we're doing is we've written cv2.rectangle and we're putting that on our output frame and then we're dynamically positioning it based on the position or the action that we're currently working through so 0 comma 60 plus the number of the action so 0 1 or 2 multiplied by 40. so this just moves it up and down dynamically and then i've written int prob multiply by 100 so this is going to change the length of our bar depending on how high our probability is so right now you can see thanks is the highest probability value so the bar is longer and then we've specified the end point for our frame then we're going to pass through the color that we want to put so in this case the first color is going to be hello the second color is going to be thanks third color is going to be i love you and then filled in the box and then we've gone and done a similar thing to basically output our text so again just a standard cv2.put text method and then we're returning that output frame so we can now go and bring this prop viz function into our loop and visualize it in real time so let's do that so all i've gone and written as image equals proper underscore vis pass through our results that we're getting from our model.predict function over here pass through our actions our image and our colors now remember our colors is defined up here but you could bring this down into here as well so let's go on ahead and test this out so ideally we should see our probabilities visualize in real time now and there you go so it's already detecting our difference so if we go and try hello you can see the probability for hello bumps up so if we do thanks automatically switches to thanks if we do i love you you can see our probability for i love you pops up how cool is that hello oh but didn't get it hello so it looks like hello works better on our right hand thank you oh this is awesome sorry i'm always fascinated by this i love you i love you it doesn't work so well with that right head uh we can start to see that i love you on our left hand perfect thanks thanks works really really well hello hello thanks i love you come on i love you thanks on that note that about wraps it up so this is everything that i've wanted to show you so again you can see that there's a whole bunch of applications for this we can play around until your heart's content but this sort of gives you and again we can take this down so you can see it a little bit better so again hello thanks i love you wait i love you works with this hand it doesn't work with the other hand so well but again you can start to see what's possible with this so this is obviously using action detection works in a bunch of scenarios but on that note that does wrap it up so we've gone through a ton of stuff in this video so let's actually stop this and take a look at what we've done so we started off by installing and importing our dependencies we built up all of our functions using media pipe holistic we then went and extracted our key point values remember we wrote our abstract keypoints function function set up our folders for collection we went and collected our key points pre-processed our data built our lstm neural network we then went and made our predictions and eventually we went and tested this out in real time so eventually we were able to run this and effectively get our detections running in real time including our probability visualization which is pretty cool right so again we can go and run i love you oh this is running hello i love you thanks and again you could extend this out you could do so much with it if you wanted to add additional actions you could if you wanted to add different colors or different visualizations by all means the world is your oyster thanks again for tuning guys on that note that about wraps it up what's happening guys editing nick here it was bugging the absolute hell out of me that i couldn't work out what was happening with that sequence append slash sequence dot insert step now i ended up doing a bunch of debugging after the fact and actually worked out that what was happening is that when we were using sequence.append we were grabbing the first 30 frames which would have meant that we're adding to the end but we're still grabbing the first 30 which meant it wouldn't have actually worked out so i ended up updating the code and this is what happened so guys after recording the video it was absolutely bugging the hell out of me that this didn't make sense in terms of what i wrote so i ended up doing a bunch of debugging and what actually was happening was when we were using sequence dot append here which is in theory how it should have worked what was actually happening was we'd be appending to the end of the sequence but then we'd be taking the first 30 frames because this is exactly what this line is doing now what i ended up doing is just flipping things around so i wrote sequence dot append and then key points and then this new sequence line would be grabbing the end 30 sequences so say for example i let's take a look to see if we've got a sequence right so that's our sequence now what i'll do is i'll just to demonstrate i'll append to it right so append and we'll append a random word to abc so if we take a look at our sequence now right so you can see that we've got abc at the bottom there let me zoom in on that so if we used this type of capture so sequence and then the colon at the front and then 30 what would have ended up happening is this right so we would have skipped out on the last frame so you can see that abc isn't there this would have meant that when we actually go to detect our action we wouldn't actually be picking up the last frame now sequence.insert worked because we were grabbing the first 30 frames and we were appending the current frame to the start of the array that's why that actual flow worked but in theory we'd want to keep it in the same structure as the way that we actually train the model which is appending the current frame to the end of the sequence now this is a really easy fix all we needed to do is move this colon around and add a negative to the front of this open that up and you can see that now it would be grabbing the last frame which is exactly what i've gone and done here now i did add one extra thing to this so i actually added this line here now what i actually noticed when i was training is that so sometimes we would get a random detection as we were transitioning between frames which would mean that i might go hello and then it might accidentally detect i love you as we're in the middle of transitioning to thank you for example so this line here is actually appending all of our predictions to a new prediction array which i stored up here and what it's doing is it's basically grabbing the last 10 predictions and it's using a numpy.unique function to grab the unique prediction so say for example let's actually take a look predictions so you can see this is my predictions array so what it was doing or what it is doing is it's grabbing the last 10 values so let's do that and all this updated code will be available in the github repo so i'll actually give you the code that we wrote in the main tutorial and i'll also give you this refined code so you can see the differences between both so if i write 10 so this is going to give us our last 10 arrays and then by running through numpy.unique we're going to get the unique values so what we're basically checking and then i'm grabbing that value out of that so what we're basically checking is to make sure that the last 10 frames had the exact same prediction so this gives us a little bit more stability when actually predicting our actions now we can go ahead and test this out so you'll see that again it works so if i run this cell now again the only changes that we made were adding this predictions array which you can see is now implemented here and here so this line this line and this line so this is actually the check and then we went and updated this sequence logic as well so again only like five lines of change so one two three and then four and five again and so ideally this should make it a little bit more stable when it comes to actually making predictions and i've also tabbed this stuff in just to make it a little bit more resilient particularly if we're doing our first detection so let's go ahead and test this out so you'll see what it actually looks like okay grey box run it again cool that's us so we can go hello you can see a lot more stable now let's transition and did you see there how we accident we actually had an i love you detected between the thanks but because it didn't hold for the 10 frames it didn't mis-detect that particular action so again it performs way better so again now we can form i love you and you can see it actually holds a little bit between detections now so we've actually got the ability to minimize our false detection so again we'll throw up thanks and there you go so again it did that false detection with i love you but it held so hello there you go hello so you can see it's way more stable when actually making those detections now by implementing that additional logic but again that is our action detector model now working pretty well there you go hello thanks i love you pretty cool right so that i wanted to give you a little bit of an update as to how to actually make this a little bit more accurate and a little bit more resilient particularly because we are detecting so frequently now the other thing is that i'll make the trained weights available inside of the github repository as well so if you wanted to leverage those you definitely can thanks so much for tuning in guys hopefully you enjoyed this video if you did be sure to give it a thumbs up hit subscribe and tick that bell and thanks so much for sticking along for this ride i know it's been a while to get to this particular video but we finally got there hopefully you enjoyed it and i'd love to hear what you end up doing with it thanks again for tuning in peace
Channel: Nicholas Renotte
Views: 399,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sign language, action recognition deep learning, action recognition python, action recognition tutorial, action recognition deep learning tutorial, action recognition in videos, action recognition computer vision, sign language recognition, sign language recognition using machine learning, lstm model, lstm keras, lstm tutorial, lstm tensorflow
Id: doDUihpj6ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 13sec (8833 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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