Sierra RS500 Barn find....After 27 years it has an mot and its finally complete!!

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[Music] right guys we're at the stage with this um ear said build then with his preservation of the band find hours 500 the part that I think we've all been waiting for especially me and Steve where it's finally going to get the paintwork looking brand new again so I'll hand you over to Adam who will tell you a little bit about the company and what they're going to do with this car for us hi also I'm Adam and this is Tim from CMS portion CMS Prestige detailing some of you may know him from his own Ford group Rolling overal and so we've come up from the Midlands to obviously detail the stuff as Paul said so we're going to start with a full decontamination wash obviously we did in the video it's already has been washed once but our aim is obviously we're going to need to do an IR and Fallout remover and a pre- wash just get all that stubb and dirt off that might he'll be staying in the paintwork the last thing we want to do is get that into the mopin heads or anything like that because all we're going to do is start scratching it further so we're going to get it outside get it washed and then we're going to do a step by- step process all the way through to the finished product brilliant and what we'll do is as they go through the process with the car at different stages we'll update your Adam we tell you what they've got to what the next stage is what they're going to do next so you guys get an understanding of what these guys are going to do for us so keep watching in [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] hey hey [Music] hi guys so as you can see we've got beautiful British weather helping us as always however we are partway through the decontamination wash um and one of the stages we do we first start on the wheels and inside the Arches um which on the time lapse you've probably s we've done um and then the next stage is before we actually work on the body is doing an iron and Fallout remover around the vehicle so if Steve wants to come in with the camera a little bit I've just stopped him at this point um just to show him the purple um contaminants which is drawn off the car so you can see it all along here on the bottom of the quarter and basically what that is is that is iron iron Fallout deionizing so a lot of break dust and stuff like that and years of contaminant from the road which is eaten into the paintwork so our aim is to clean all that off the paintwork first before we polish um so I just wanted to show you partway through what was happening [Music] [Applause] 1 [Music] [Music] hey hey [Music] [Music] hey hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey hey [Music] [Music] w [Music] oh so so as Paul was uh saying obviously we've all MK we' masked the car fully up now as um we said we were going to do in the last video so the aim for this was we just wanted to protect the parts that obviously you can't get anymore and so obviously that's included the moldings which are like hen teeth to try and find you obviously got the door rubbers um the window rubbers and obviously around the boot the U boot spoilers as well the reason we've done that is as I said obviously want to protect some of it but there's also Parts on the car that are designed to be matte black they're not designed to be Pol or shiny so we want to keep the polisher um as far away as possible from those areas so as he said I've just been going around to do a paint depth gauge and the reason we do that is um to try and work out if there's any areas in the car that possibly had paint workor had repairs or any areas that we need to uh check for so on that last panel where you just saw me checking I've just got a reading of 132 microns that's very standard for factory paint obviously all of these cars are a little bit different I'm a mod car you'll get the same kind of readings no matter the no matter the car what both cars be very similar an older more classic car might be a little bit different so so with the next stage so so far Tim has polished um certain part of the car so we will in a minute zoom in to show you he's done half the Bonnet um and we're going to do in the next section if you keep watching we're going to split the Bonnet in half again and show you exactly what compounds he used um and bringing the bringing it up up so if we step over to the Bonnet now um and we can have a look at a half and half obviously we still got a final um polish to do on it which would be what we call a yellow top a yellow yellow we nickname it um so we've still got that to do and obviously we've still got the grills to do because as we did discuss with Paul earlier and typical three though it was not possible we did want to take the grill the the grills out but the screws just would not come UND done which is a common thing on cosw so if uh so if Steve comes closer with the camera and um you can actually see half and half of the Bonnet so when we talk about uh paint depths and using the paint depth gauge the that we're showing pretty original paint means we can't take too much paint off this car so very recently um we did an old Jager type which had been fully restored down by a paint shop in London and the paintwork was lovely however the final finish just was not up to standard however when we did a paint depth gauge we found there was lots of paint on it much closer to about 200 to 250 microns all around the car which meant that we could 1500 1500 sand back the car at 1500 then we could do 2,000 and then we could 3,000 triac and that got every pretty much every imperfection you could imagine out of the paintwork and it looked like it should have with the fact that this is pretty original paint we are limited by doing that and by the fact that the client wants to use this car and we want it to not look like it been fully painted right Adam I can see you've obviously you've spent quite a bit of time today polishing this side of the Bonnet up compared to this side me and Paul was quite happy with that when we first watched this car we were like that looks mint look how much better that looks so you're going to have to tell us how you've done that um before you do I'm probably going to point out there are Stone chips in it there are little imperfections this isn't a restoration it's not being painted and it's the final detail what we're trying to do is get make the best of what we can or make the best of what we have for the customer so he can go out and drive it and he ain't going to start crying if he gets a little stff on the front so the thing is when you've got a car that's completely restored you know nobody wants to drive it and this gentleman wants to drive the car that's his Aim so to get it to this stage as I said it's we still got one part we still got the final stage of the three stage to do on that Bonnet um but so far we've used the two compounds here um which is a Koshi heavy cut um and then the Koshi fine cut as well which is the second stage so the red ones the heavy cut of the the first stage and then obviously you got the second stage as well so where we at is this is this is this finished the second stage no so we've still got one more stage to do out of that and the reason for that is you might see some slight what we call Holograms um in it where it isn't pure you can still see little streaks and things like that so that's what the final stage will do to take that out so we first tried with this um Bonnet was we used what's called a rotary polisher which isn't the conventional choice so for people who don't know that's one that just spins in a comp exactly um so it isn't the the 100% conventional choice and the reason for that is it can be Danger and it's very easy to burn through paint work because it goes in one rotation rather than an orbital which moves around it goes in a circle and it can burn through the paintwork however we have found this car has had a little bit of paintwork in its life and the Bonnet is one of the areas that's been painted very normal for car of this age I would to be honest I don't know about you i' be more surprised if it hadn't had it yeah so because of that that means when I checked on the paint depth we did have a lot more paint to play with on the Bonnet than we did on the other areas of the car which means that we were able to cut it back with a rotary first um and then we jump straight onto the da um or the orbital and with a heavy cut on a microfiber microfiber pad and that's how we've got to this stage so far I'll let them carry on then shall we obviously so next stage is we're going to split this Bonnet in half again and we're going to show you exactly how we got to that level before we do we just take a minute to appreciate he's spent all day masking this out whilst his Pal's been polishing i' I've masked the whole car and he's he's polished half the Bonnet what shall we say to that I'm w [Music] [Music] oh [Music] right guys day two so you was here till after 10 last night yeah morning guys it was a late night we started walking the car yesterday 9 o' this morning finished half 10 think my time we go back to a hotel it's like qu to 12 I think last night busy there then yeah so we've what's that 20 I can't do math this morning 26 hours was it something like that few hours is ad on it so we've done we're about 60% through the car at the moment um so so far we've done the full full cut on this side and so as I said we've got another two stages to do on top that but then a lot quick because all you're really doing is taking out the marks from the from the heavy cut such I think at this point now it's difficult to remember just how bad it was yeah I have to admit when we walked in this morning everyone's gone wow can't believe that's the same car it was yesterday yeah it looks really well does look well so it's coming along it's going to yeah CH with how it's coming along so how much how much more well first of all what's left to do on the car how many more stages is he so we've got two more stages but as I said that is purely uh stage two will be basically to take out the heavy marks um and then the final stage um or what some people stage one is just to take out those final what we call Holograms um and little shadowing and stuff like that that you'll see from the other two stages and say there a ceramic Co or something to go yeah so the ceramic coating so obviously we're just discussing um when to do that we are going to run out of time for these two days um so we're going to look we are going to look to get the car ceramic coated and then a full interior valet which most likely be in a separate video H before the Handover date so it's going to get a proper deep shy into it by the time it's done and it will keep it makes it easier to maintain for the for the owner that's what he wants so indeed when he puts it back in his barn again it'll look like new in another 20 years time and hopefully the the bird the bird marks the bird rubbish and stuff like that won't stick to it right we'll let these Lads crack on and we'll come back to it soon right guys so we've finally come to the end well we say the end yeah the end the end of two very very very long days for Adam and Tim they've worked incredibly hard on this car done a stupid amount of hours in two days um well sort of I I'll briefly explain where where well Adam is probably best to explain where we've got to and what our next step is with this car so after I think between us after my terrible math this morning I think we've done another 18 hours on the car um so we have now done the two stage and we've we've got just the final stage left to do the final polish and which will obviously give it that Ultra depth and then to give it the shine exactly so what the plan is because obviously we've got to finish this car yet we've got toot it we've got to do quite a few miles in it on a Shakedown make sure everything's all right um so what we didn't really want to do was undo all the work these guys had done when they they finished the job off so what we've decided to do is we're going to finish the car we're going to do all the work on it get it ready get it finished and then we're going to drive it down to to their premises where they can do the final polish they're going to um final ceramic coat ceramic coat that's the way I couldn't think of they're going to ceramic coat it they're going to valot the inside and detail the inside for us so so that we then can pick the car up from their premises which is only half an hour from the NEC so we're going to collect it from them and take it directly to the NEC so that it's going to be the best it can be we know we're AR going to get it Dusty we're not going to get it Mooky um you know putting covers on and off because if you don't do that carefully you can you know undo all their work and put fine scratches in so I think you'll agree that although these guys hard to believe it's a same car I mean that's what I'm going to say I mean for from from man and Steve's point of view you look at this car and it's absolutely phenomenal well Adam and Tim are looking at it and going well it's it's all right you know it isn't to us the transformation has just been absolutely incredible so what we've done is we've left the grills till last us if you see in the earlier vide we tried to take them out but there was no chance of that happening um so we've left the grills in the Bonnet and also the the Grill so you can see variation I think that actually really shows the difference T it really it's hard to believe that two days ago this old car look like that absolutely unbelievable we're absolutely made up with it Steve AR we oh you ain't got a microphone so he's just giving a thumbs up so yeah the car is absolutely unbelievable as we've always said there's there's a few marks in it there's a lot of defects that they will never ever get out of this car with the the best will in the world but because it's going to be a user we believe this car now has gone from a band find to a car that when we when we put this on display at the NAC is gonna exactly we said that earlier didn't we that that basically when this car came that's what it looked like when you look at them side by side it's hard to believe that's gone from that really is it absolutely incredible work and you know I can't thank you guys enough that's all right I said we still got a bit more to go yet there still a few more defects we want to take out so it's going to be fantastic when it's done we think it looks fantastic now so God knows what it look like when he's finished but again thanks very much indeed well thank you for the opportunity it's been fantastic absolutely pleas enjoy coming up and we'll see you again in a few weeks we will thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] hey hey [Music] [Music] hey hey [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] he [Music] [Music] oh w [Music] let me just check my as well just double check yours both right are we ready all going right guys we're at the final leg of this um bind long project um you'll have seen early on in the video that Adam from CMS Porsche and um what you the guys called you the other guy who came with here Tim Tim sorry Tim came up and did two stages of a three stage detail on the on the rs500 for us it was decided it was best that we finish the car and then bring the car back to them to do the final stages of the detail so just arriv arriv so hi guys uh it's nice been back it's been a couple of weeks uh so as you can remember as Paul said last time or earlier in the video we'd put about 40 hours into this car and it was nearly complete but it wasn't quite there so now it's back now it's all done we can uh crack again ceramic coated um all the panels red greased re cleaned ready for ceramic coating ready for Handover at the end of the month let's get it out cool [Applause] [Music] [Music] you ready that's the car out the trailer over here we actually had to look around it properly really since we've finished it so Paul's been out and stuck an Mt on it done probably 15 miles of up and down the road making sure it keeps all its fluids where it should yeah everything's all right and then uh I suppose the best have a look so one of the main things as you walk up that we notice is we put fog light grills back in it so when this came to us it still had the fog lights in which is unusual with one of these we've put the fog light grills back in I think one of them was damaged was it one of the fog lights smash so we've changed that that's gone back in and uh we'll just have a quick look around it right so this is first chance we about to really look around it is it it is yeah I suppose yeah or outside anyway it's Workshop so let's quick look and I'll let you tell us what we've got well obviously you mentioned about the grills we've got the grills in it let's have a look under the Bonnet so obviously all we've done with this is is cleaned it we've obviously changed some Jubilee clips that with Rusty done the fuel rails the bracket because they were just so Rusty we needed to blast them and make sure they were in good condition painted the odd little bit that desperately needed doing it but generally table because you having sleep nights that yeah I started to Twitch and everything didn't I that rust was affecting your it was yeah I started sweating dur at night and everything so we did that um and like I said we've just detail cleaned it and we think why we love it don't we because it's original you know one of the main things with these is you you refurbish The Rocker cover and it transforms under the Bonnet doesn't it because the rocket cover is the first thing you see but you just don't come across them like that not refurbished anymore so we thought it was ashamed to do it so we've left it so we're happy we're really pleased with under Bonnet aren't we the rest of it obviously outside looks amazing and yet it they haven't finished with it yet so it's going to look spectacular in it but yeah I don't know what else to say really it's all done in it it starts and runs and drives fine we've had it up road as you said I've done maybe 15 20 mile in it brought it back put it back on the ramp twice hav't we and found you know a couple of minor little things it was a minor fuel leak on the back that we fixed there was a minor brake pipe leak one that we fixed on on testing other than that we're done Wheels over yeah wheels and obviously all the dents have been done we've had the dent man done that will you'll see in the video so they've been done and as Steve says we've got the original Wheels to put back on we really wanted them back on before we brought it to these back to these guys didn't we to finish the detail but Logistics one thing and another we've got the wheels back they look spectacular we've got to get the tires fitted tires cleaned and then uh when when Adam has finished his bit at CMS Porsche we're then going to pick this car up on the way to the NEC out we we're going to drive down collect the car take it straight from here to the NEC so it better be perfect Adam because we've got no room for correction um just put him under a bit of pressure there yeah and then this will be on sh for three days at the N it will alongside another car that kind of look like this before we start exactly so what we're hoping to show you is a before and after really um so you can you know you you'll notice the difference better than we think W you with it before and after and then we're going to W it over to the owner at the NEC aren't we and the lad and CMS plus are coming down and yeah they're going to be with us um to see hand over that's it a it we're done yeah we've officially nearly finished on time Before Time first time ever yeah so yeah so we'd like to thank everybody that's been involved in this project with us obviously uh the guys at CMS porch have been fantastic they traveled all the way up to us to do the two stages of the detail they were there for two days um they'll try and claim they did hundreds of hours we think they were hiding and sleeping but no seriously they did a huge amount of hours on this guy in two days didn't they you know um leaving at 10 11:00 at night to to make sure they got done with they had to get done um as I said we agreed to bring it back to them for the final stages which that's where we are today so we would like to thank them the guys who've done the wheels for us um we'll put their details up uh on screen for you um the suppliers obviously gra good racing have supplied us a lot of parts for this the rideel blast and clean have done all the blasting and the powder coating for us but again all they this information will be put in the video so you can see all the the people who helped us along the way so there we are next bit you'll see us at the NEC with the car completely finished and handing it over hopefully with a happy customer it better be thanks very much for watching
Channel: Paul Linfoot
Views: 22,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rs500, Cosworth, Sierra, ford, turbo, barnfind, classic car, retroford
Id: OR_tmQYgccY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 13sec (1813 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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