Siemens TIA Portal Tutorial (Configuring your S7-1200 PLC)

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alright guys I've recently been able to purchase a somatic @ 7 1200 basic starter kit so this is 2017 and I'm looking at a Canadian site here and the price for these guys around Canada yeah so we're in Canada here so the price in Canadian dollars for this guy is 868 bucks for one PLC so it comes with oh that's cool comes with the Ethernet cable the PLC a nice carrying box the the actual Siemens programming and then it also comes with this little guy right here let's see it can I have it over that now so you can see just in front of the PLC that additional thing with those little switches there so the little dip switches and those tie into your inputs so that you can simulate your in talking your inputs and you can do any program the programming that you wish and just look at your output LEDs to see when they turn on so we're looking at this and looking at using the program factory i/o for the simulation program then you can tie in the factory oh I oh right into the Siemens PLC so let's see how we can get this up and running now so let's drop this guy down first thing to do is open up the TI a portal I use the version 14 most people I believe will have 13 with them in the box that came with version 13 and version 14 on the CD so place this onto the computer and then updating the software actually took forever so I'm not sure whether it was just my computer or just my luck but it took a long time to update this program now it seems to be working fine ok so we're opening up the TI a portal and TI a stands for a totally integrated automation but looks like a pretty cool program and it looks like your drives your PLC's and your HMIS are all programmed using the same software ok next thing that we're going to do is we're going to create a new project so we're going click on this bad boy right here okay and then we're going to name it so we'll just call this test and we're going to do a three wire so we'll do a three wire project okay and then the next thing to do is to hit create so again I went to create new project then I gave it a name and I'm going to create you can also see where it's leaving this program as well you can do like a screenshot and write down exactly where it's saving each of your programs okay now that we're in here and we now to go to do these kind of first steps here so we can do configure a device and then we're going to write our PLC program so the next thing we need to do is configure a device so this bad boy right here so click that okay and we're going to add a new device thing is this the first time we're using this with our PLC so we'll click on this guy okay and then our controller my controller is an f7 1200 but you can see how many variations are so you click on here so I right clicked on somatic s7 1200 now I'm going to right click on CPU and look at all the different variations that are of the s7 1200 now specifically I have the 1212 see ac/dc relay so where is that good 12 to see ac/dc relay okay so I have this guy right here and if I open this guy up it has a number of other options here and mine is the six es7 to 12 one be a 4000 X 0 so this guy right here so I can specifically choose this guy but in watching a number of videos you can just go down here and go to an unspecified CPU so again you can specifically find your controller or you can just go here to unspecified CPU okay and then just choose this guy right here there we go and we're going to add this guy in come on set the left with I was staying on the right after left click on that and that will add this guy and I looks like it's already chosen to open the device view next okay so now that we're in device view we can go here and because right now we have like an unspecified CPU and we want to see the exact CPU that we're connected to so let's connect up here by hitting detect okay and so we're going to use this propria net and then I'm using the surface pro so I'm going to use that surface Ethernet adapter okay and then we're going to start the search and it tones out and sees what's connected to the computer here now I've tried connecting the Ethernet cable right into the back of my laptop and it was able to see the PLC but it wasn't able to detect it and bring it into the portal so I've done some donkey move to not allow me to do that because I've seen in all the pictures you're able to do the Ethernet right to the back of your run your laptop so right now I'm connected into my router and then from the red arrive connected into the PLC and that seems to be at this moment the only way that I can bring it into my portal so right now it has the IP address this will most likely not be set up if you're doing it initially I've done been fooling around with this and I've already put in an IP address so our next step is we're going to take this PLC and then let's click on detect and that should bring it into the portal here okay so taking some time and then hopefully there should be an image right here of my step seven is there we go okay so I'm if we want to see this a little bit larger then we can zoom in so where's the area there's the zoom right there so let's zoom in there we go okay and as we're zooming in now let's just drop this down a touch then we can see all the there we go we can see all of our inputs here I think so it looks like I have eight inputs here and then I've got my outputs on the bottom so I have six outputs on the bottom there matching with exactly the PLC that I have excellent okay the next thing we need to do is we'll double check that IP address okay so if that IP address has not been made yet you can go here to your Ethernet image double click on that guy and then we're already here on Ethernet addresses and if I scroll down here a touch then I can change the Ethernet sorry the IP address I can change the subnet mask if I want to as well that IP address is cool with me I'm just working at home so I'll leave it like that but if you need to change it you could change there and it changes it instantly excellent ok there's one other way that we can double check our IP address ok so the other way you can double check is to go back to the place where we were just before this so if we go here and hover over accessible devices and then let's click on that guy then again we can start the search it'll show us exactly what's connected in and there's our IP address ok so two ways you can do that you can do accessible devices or you can go down here to your Ethernet address and then be able to change that Ethernet address on the fly ok so let's drop this guy down there we go and the next thing we're going to do now that we are connected into the PLC we're going to go to the program block so we're going to hover over this guy to the program box we're going to write looks like left-click is the way to go here I always feel like right-click as we go but on this Siemens program left-click opens everything up so left click on this and then your main programming window similar to like lad - and the allen-bradley would be right here they call it the ob one okay come on you can obviously rename it we have to double click there we go and that should bring up our programming image here nice there we go so there's our first rung here and let's just do a simple circuit let's just do a three wire so we're going to grab now look they label these guys the exact same as the television eek so different than the the allen-bradley where the Alan Bradley had x IC and x io these guys use the normally open contact and normally closed contact so those are their names for the X IC and the x io okay but similar to Alan Bradley you just grab this guy bring it down until you see green let her go and then that drops in our first device there and so that'll be my stop and I'm going to drop in my start push button there we go then I need to do a parallel circuit so I'm going to go right here and go in parallel and I'm going to drop in and examine if close over here so I'm waiting to see green whoops you know took that back over there come on there we go okay let's get rid of that and let's see if we can bring this up to is there we go okay beauty so now we've got our stop our start are holding contact and then we'll drop in our output very nice okay now I can just this program is really cool I like it so far and you can label these guys stop I can label this guy start and I can label this as my coil and obviously label this guy as the coil as well and right now we're in our programming block right here right in the main ob one but we want to go and look at our device view as well so how do we get to the device view let's see it could click over here to PLC one okay so a PLC one is here and let's go over here and I'm just so I'm coming up to into the top right hand corner and I'm going to float that image there we go and then I'm just going to make this a little bit more tight and bring this guy over touch easy now let's just bend this over like this very nice here let's make this a little bit smaller okay and then everything just trying to get the PLC centered here there we go okay so my PLC is there and then I can drop this guy I read about that is nice okay and then what I want to do is I want to address each of these guys so let's see I'm going to grab this guy right here this stop and I'm going to hover over here and then I'm hovering over my first input % input 0.02 drop that guy in there that's nice that's really cool so see what I'm doing I'm taking my start now I'm going to it says my tag start is not defined yet but I can literally just grab this bring it over here and hover over my next input and you might just be able to make out that it's a percent input 0.1 so I'm using the left mouse button I'm hovering over here I'm going to let go the left mouse button and as soon as I do that look at that it's labeled this guy stop my input zero and my input 1 is my start very cool okay I want this to be an output so I can do this I can grab this and bring it over alright and as soon as I drop that in there then it provides me with my output there but then takes away the fact that I called it um my coil I'm going to rename you know I'm going to rename that coil there oh that's interesting okay so there must be a way that you can you can label that as is quo now I buggered it for debate on you okay let's hover over here drop that in there no give me two seconds I screwed up you know that's my self up so now I'm going to grab this bring this over okay label that as % q zero zero so again it's similar to the tell'em Echenique and now I'm just going to double click on this guy because I'm losing my patience and I'm going to label this guy as coil hit okay is there we go okay nice look at that as soon as I change this one right here then this one changed right away very nice so now we've got our three wire connected up here right we've got an exam of clothes and examine it closed we've got an output we're just going to do an open loop and that we're just going to look at the data table for this guy and when this is a 1 right when this turns on this will be a 1 we're examining but that's a 1 and providing another path of logic to keep that bad boy on ok now that we've got this in with our 3 wire we need to download this to our PLC okay so what I'd like to do first is let's see download to device there should be something that says compile here let me see if I can science so right beside download to device is this bad boy right here compiled so we're going to click on this go so left clicking here compiling the main ob1 and this is like a verification of your program right so and looks like everything was cool compiling finished err zero warnings 0 which is always a good thing okay so now let's download this to the PLC so we're going here to download to device left clicking on that guy CPU contain changes that cannot automatically sync that's good enough okay here where it says stop modules and they're asking you to stop everything okay different project persons and a target place okay sure okay and then we're going to go here and we're going to hit load so this going to take some time but it happens so really class okay and it's saying to start modules after downloading to device sounds like a plan so we're going to hit finish there we go and similar to the allen-bradley this guy doesn't go live right away so in order to view exactly what's going on with the plc because we don't see any green lines anywhere saying that we're actually talking to it so let's come over here and we're going to find monitors so monitoring on and on we're going to left-click on that guy there we go so now we've got a green checkmark here we are talking to this guy and we're connected into the plc and you can see that this is connected into the stop push button now I have all of my push buttons open right now so I'm going to close the stop push button right now okay so again I'll close this stop push button there we go so you can see that as I change my stop push button then it changes real time on the screen here and then all I need to do is now close my start push button and that will turn on my control really oh very nice okay and my output just turned on now I'm going to open up my start push button but I should have another path of logics down here oh very cool so my output is still fired on on my PLC here and now I'll hit the stop switch and that should kick out everything very cool okay so the stop push button now closed start push button is closed energizing my control really turning my output on I will now let go of my start push button and then in order to interrupt this I'll just open up my stop push button there we go and that turns off my controller today all right guys that gives us a quick synopsis on how to get the CIA up and running drop in a simple program here like a three-wire download it to the PLC and then be able to see a change real time in front of you alright guys thanks for your patience hopefully that helped you out and hope it hopefully you regularly get your PLC up and running we'll see on the next video thanks guys
Channel: Pete Vree
Views: 442,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: siemens, siemens s7 1200, tia portal, plc tutorial, PLC, plc fundamentals
Id: GgKMGj0aXQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2017
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