SideFX Houdini - Mystic Tower - Procedural Modelling part02

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hi guys welcome in the part two of this mystic tower tutorial series today we're gonna finish shaping the base of this tower then we'll start walking on the balcony area and it's DOMA if you haven't seen the first part definitely check it out first also I offered some extra tips to my patrons to enhance the railing area so if this is something you'd be interested in consider joining the group now the first thing we need to do before this gets too crazy is organize this mess alright this section was about doors so I'm gonna grab all those nodes and create a network box like so that would be the main shapes all this would be the spiral but we're gonna make some room so it's a pretty tedious part of the video if you wanna just skip to the next step you can head at four-twenty and start walking if you want it's great a network all right so let's make some room over there too I'm gonna get rid of these I don't need those anymore and actually let's move that a little bit give some space alright so what was those nodes about let's see okay this was the central railing at least the base before adding all those boolean's so we're gonna make a network box and let's group all of those as well into a network box so we don't need those anymore let's clean that right so this area was the support of the stairs where we are copying a custom geometry onto all points and actually let's make a red box for the custom input so that we've liked that so little remainder you can heat see on the keyboard to display this color palette it was pretty handy way to apply colors real quick that's gonna be the output rail bottom now I apply a purple color and here it was the stairs let's apply some Brown and some kind of red color for that one which was the main shape alright so we got the spiral supply some kind of bluish stuff and I'm gonna apply also some stickers just to have the proper names for each one of these so spiral setup we can also change the size of the the phone so that can be pretty helpful to spot those Network from the distance if you got big graph it helps a lot so I would advise doing that at the beginning yeah right now a graph isn't too big but can get confusing very quickly if we don't organize at least a little at the beginning so that would beat the stairs that would be the rail bottom and here we got the central rail and support stairs all right and those would be the main shape of the doors that we copy onto wall points and finally we are done with cleaning poof so let's move on we can start shaping the door this was just the geometry to create a hole into a wall so now it's time to actually make some door geometry so I'm gonna extract the bottom of this piece using the normals like like so we are isolating the bottom and let's also make sure that in the poly extrude we export the side group extra side okay so let's blast the bottom or actually the extra side and delete non-selected so right now we can also blast the bottom now so that would be a good base to shape on door and the first thing I'm gonna do is measure the area of each face so let's make that two primitive and in the spreadsheet we can notice a consistent size except for the last ones which are the longest face that we see on our model and we're going to use a group by expression and compare the area so let's set at area smaller than 0.5 and we actually isolate those faces on the top which are the smallest one so let's probably extrude now and output back got a proper thickness and let's add another poly extrude in which we're gonna call it Group one and see we got the smallest faces in there so that's pretty handy I'm sorry I'm gonna move that here to give some proper thickness so we got the measure at the end and let's actually adapt that 0.2 should be fine okay that's probably extrude when I call the group 1 again so the extra should be a bit more interesting like so we got a proper thickness going on and I'm gonna add a little little inset just to make it look a bit more interesting something like that so let's move on we're gonna add some division on the longest phases now to do so we'll use a divide but we're gonna create a group then again based on a measure and the area the area attribute we just need to reverse the sign and we're gonna call this group brick so now if we actually call this brick group let's disable that and let's use the Bricker polygons it's gonna add division only on those selected face right so why we doing that is just so that we got a consistent flow of polygons and I'm gonna crease the weight of a subdivide and just so we get some extra polygons that round up a bit the shape of these doors so it's not perfectly straight let's see first I probably should reduce the thickness so I'm gonna use a transform and reduce the scale z like so let's actually rename that door thickness yeah so now yeah it should work properly see the points all they are relaxing is a bit more interesting so we don't want something too smooth we just want just something a bit rounder but not too much okay let's move on to the central piece of this door little ornament kind of thing so I'm using a box we're gonna try to find out some interesting dimensions and at some divisions so let's turn that into a polygon mesh and add some division in X and two for the rest all right we're gonna position it and we're gonna do that procedurally with a match size and let's plug the doors in the second input and justify why would be max so we are aligning these box to the highest point of the door so let's merge those can refine the dimensions something like that I guess probably we could move it up with a transform a slight translate why something like that so we're gonna need to shape this box of course and okay from here we're gonna create some group based on the normal of this box so the bottom the top this kind of thing let's create a group and it's gonna be by normal let's call that but um this one will be the top and okay I just realize I got confused with the values Direction so let's make sure the bottom is minus one and the top is a value of one and let's create a sub Network that we could reuse and that would be grouped up bottom like so so in the future we'll just keep reusing this Network and imagine a point of up and the transform and this will allow us to distort this box so something we already done in the first part I'm gonna redo it one last time importing the point of the first in second input and mixing that we've relative to bounding box so I speed up this part because we kept doing it again and again in the first part so we'll use a run parameter to distort this box and the distortion will be based on the translate y 0.1 and as soon as we change the spline we can tweak the shape of this box very simple and of course we can set that to be spline to smooth the result and also apply this point up to only the top so it's only affecting the faces on the top we're going to copy that and we'll do the same for the bottom so let's say minus 0.1 in that case and let's group the bottom so now we got another deformation just for the bottom and we can apply something a bit different if we want you could try to play with the spline something like that probably I should leave that linear all right let's say I'm not happy with that we can just do a transform now and the transform will be based on the bottom group and we'll scale this down so it's looking a bit where we needed to Center the pivot with the large ECX GC y and GC z so this otherwise to Center the pivot at the center of the selection so in that case the bottom group and now we can play with the scale and it's working fine those are some weird kind of stretching going on but nothing to worry about it's just a normal display and yeah let's see those proportions a little bit weird we can adjust that probably something a bit more subtle and also the size of this box we could reduce it in Y okay maybe something like that so actually in here I'm gonna add a front group can I call that front and let's change the direction to one in Z so that will allow us to do some extra shaping on this guy so I'm going to add the poly extrude and supply some color so we're gonna call the front group which is created and insert so yeah let's display the proper node and it's working cool we're gonna extract the front group so we can do some more operation in that case another extrude so let's call the extrude front which is created and add another inset so it's a very simple trick to add detail well if we can call that to detail there's a cool shape kind of thing okay I'm actually gonna tweak that a bit more yeah actually it's looking fine like that and let's add the poly bevel now so that the edges are not so straight and you know flat edges so that we get rid of some unnecessary edges okay and that will work for me just adjust in the scale of the bottom group you know something like that so let's see what we have in terms of graph we're gonna select all of these and create a sub Network like so and I'm gonna call that the or network or whatever so we're gonna use the copy to point to position all the doors and let's merge those with the rest of the tower okay so there's a bit of Tristram gap we're gonna have to fix this with a transform let's rotate that properly and yeah we're good so now we need to bend a little this this door so that it fits the so that it fits the tower so I'm gonna reuse those nodes that we created and let's actually translate Z and let's simplify that yeah let's b-spline all right so let's get rid of the group to actually it should be the opposite direction so zero point two and now we got something that bent properly so there's multiple way to bind to geometry but well that one is pretty handy and easy to do okay let's reposition a little bit and yeah we got some pretty cool stuff going on so now we just need to isolate or get rid of the last doors because it's in construction so it's looking a bit weird so one simple way to fix that would be to remove the last point of this sequence so a simple way is to use a group by range set it to point and we're gonna call that end and something like that should help and let's blast and plug that properly and that's all good now see ok so now we have something a bit cleaner on the top and yeah as soon as we finish one spiral turn it's adding a door so it's pretty clean yep that's pretty fun to play with I often like change the height just to see if there isn't anything sketchy going on and we're gonna keep working on the rail now we probably miss a top rail kind of thing so I'm gonna make some space here and let's move those we're gonna copy we're gonna reduce that that transform which was basically translating in Y based on the extra height of the central ray ok so let's maybe try to plug it at the end of the bottom rail and I'm gonna merge it so first let's create a proper output for the top rail and let's merge it so that would be a very lazy way to add a top rail so if we wanna make this a bit more interesting let's just copy this set up of the bottom rail actually I'm gonna move it here instead yeah it makes a bit more sense and yeah from here we can just change those parameters to make it look a bit more unique so it's probably the height and the thickness we're gonna change that okay so let's adapt the width you can play with the inset as well the depth of this inset and yeah this transform we probably pushed it a bit too much now so something like that let's make sure it's not intersecting with the rest so okay that will do let's maybe decrease that okay I'm pretty happy with this shape so was a very simple trick to add the top rail let's create a network box - for this one just keep it clean as we go so wrapped up and let's apply a little color ah look at that it's looking so pretty what a pretty graph so one thing we are missing now would be the windows and to do so we're going to do the same kind of setup that we did to position those doors but instead of extracting just one portion we can actually start from a circle a circle that will be at the base of the tower and we're going to copy the radius make sure that the point we're going to choose going to intersect end up intersecting with the spiral so it's important to make sure the radius is exactly the same we should also orient the circle on the proper axis and that some divisions so if we compare it seems to match fairly well so that's good start now we're gonna carve this circle and the curve node will allow us to define a position on this circle so we're going to use the first you war second you parameter to extract a point on which will copy your line so let's see I've got a display bug now it should be fine yep so if we change the first you we got the point number zero that is always moving on this this circle so we just gonna extract the point number zero so see if we change the first you we always have the point number zero so let's actually do a delete by point and extract this point like so we didn't actually need a group we could have just use the delete by pattern that whatever so I'm going to copy this copy to a point we created that already has the height of the tower and let's use the intersection analysis so now it's also intersecting with the spiral and extracting the points based on this intersection and if we change the first view it's adapting the opponent's intersection so if we increase primary tolerance it will help a bit detecting the intersection in case there is a slight mismatch so it's more like a safety and I'm gonna also transfer the normals that we had before and let's do a group ranch too to get rid of the last point so that we don't have the problem with the weird construction thing so let's create a network box gonna move that here for the window and actually let's I'll click to create a dot all right so let's copy to point now and the geometry we're gonna copy is the door the simple door shape that we have for boolean we'll just reuse it can use a transform to actually scale it a little bit let's scale it down the windows should be a bit smaller than the doors okay so we're gonna try to bully in those new shapes okay let's add a boolean and okay let's plug that here I'll click to create a dot if we need and let's see so I think right now the position of my windows is actually matching with the doors but as soon as you change first you you can define a position for them we see that there is a bit of a hard time detecting the last window so you can increase proximity tolerance and now it should be fine all right it's beautiful now we're going to reposition a little bit this window let's apply a color and call that window scale position whatever and increase translate why just so we can have it a little bit higher and something like that okay I'm gonna create a fuse node because I realized the intersection analysis is creating some extra points so the fuse point will allow us to fuse those extra points that have been created and yeah I think now that should be fine yep so can play with the curve node and seems to work yeah sweet pretty simple stuff but hopefully pretty handy now we could play with the height of this tower and see if everything's working fine noise well that's pretty much it for today at this point we can start walking on the top of this tower the following part is a little treat available for my patrons which is turning this simple wall into a complex detailed brick wall so you can always join the fun it starts at only $3 a month I want to give a big shout out to people who already subscribed and in particular Luka for Ronnie's cell hair and with Eduardo for the support as usual if you learn something useful please like and subscribe that would mean a lot to me and will help the channel to reach more people in the pursuit of knowledge thank you for watching and I'll see you guys next time
Channel: Adrien Lambert
Views: 20,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidefx, houdini, adrien lambert, houdini procedural modeling, houdini tutorial modeling, houdini tutorial procedural, houdini modeling, houdini tutorial, houdini adrien lambert, houdini stairs, houdini tower, houdini rnd, houdini destruction, houdini vray, houdini tutorial vray, houdini environment, houdini ivy, sidefx houdini, houdini beginner, houdini intermediate, houdini patreon, houdini procedural tower, mystic towers, mystic tower tutorial series, houdini free course
Id: k7VZqJPbP1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 53sec (1553 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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