Sick of Being Shy and Introverted!

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hey we got some new shows come we go into San Antonio or listen Dallas Houston Bakersfield Austin Texas Kansas City Oklahoma City Denver lib reveal total yet go to Hawks twin for tickets all that damn face action title to see male shy and introverted believe it or not when I was younger we were both really shy yeah I couldn't talk to women yeah now I can don't man now mystery snaps I go up to Jose yeah or I get my dick in my ear hey Kip miss farm this little kids over yeah she ducked it in my face it may keep it down it's for little kids over here man hey Hawks twins how's it going I would like to remain anonymous but I go by the name sunshine how you gonna remain anonymous you just told me your name that name is gay for man how you know it's a guy sunshine what makes you think it's a guy cuz I Madrid of our Father was a male hey I think he jumping to conclusions huh I'm 20 okay it's female huh see her name in sunshine you know what he called his sunshine ray she probably got some good sweet walls on them I'm 23 old black African ain't jumped it why keep putting your hot chest on me any move you get you damn showed off a team touch understand radio how much CD no no no no some wrong no I got a mental disorder you have to stand back here about this [ __ ] stay right there I'm gonna stay right here I'm a 20-3 old black african-american female from Dallas Texas I have a bit of an issue regarding the shyness and I can only tell you now that if I rank my social life on a scale of one to ten it would be an absolute zero she needs some tip in my life I have no social life whatsoever don't have any friends not even associates the hell's wrong with you calm down - girls are introvert you and you've got an associate or colleague nothing what do you do all day just talk to yourself now don't get me wrong I would like to have at least one or two clothes for or just hang with people in general but with me being an introvert night and don't socialize as much if not at all it's extremely difficult to open up to people as I am hesitant to get to know people look let me keep reading I don't even socialize with my own family often and I hate having to urge I hate having the urge to isolate myself from others I seem to associate myself more with music and literature I mean I colleagues right now is starting to pick myself up after getting out of I'm really bad and stressful for relationships yes what did it I get together than drama going I get the feeling that me being antisocial will not help me in the long run but I just don't have the confidence to open up and socialize and plus I'm too insecure about myself because my childhood trauma I don't want to make this a very long email because it's a lot to write about so much that I could write a chapter book any good advice would do thanks in advance I will see y'all November 17th don't be expecting any photos because I did not send any I'm camera shy and don't like taking pictures of myself alright okay I give you pass on that and you don't like talking to people let alone take pitches alright so just put you two took a picture your toes or something so just what you do girl first of all you need to relax yeah chill out yeah sound like to me you would do a horrible relationship you just need to pick yourself back up get off of me you've taken everything too serious see us yeah I used to be shine introverted yes you need to do you take everything so like it's life or death yeah you some saying who cares if someone don't like you who cares if they like you who cares about anything just live your life and just whatever happens happens you worried about things is not even your control like when was younger family will come over and visit us me and Kevin would take off running yeah in chill Brady we just like you and we're just weird with like six seven years old I wouldn't wear clothes we just take off Freddie some are coming out who is that show Uncle Joe take off running but Nick down the hill into the woods it was just really weird babe hey you probably from the city we'd country s what introverted cursor dude right so just what you do you say you you don't even socialize with your family start there yeah okay baby step talk to your mom your daddy you said you talked to your family start there first yeah and then look look when they come over that'd be your opportunity to help break out of your shell you take baby steps like the postman comes over say hi mr. postman gave mr. postman hey bye postman I'm just just Oh baby steps cuz I don't we've been now yeah a lot of people been there I did started colleagues say hi to your teacher you practice going tell her you see a teaching just be back here like it's looking crazy say hi to people just stop saying hi bye again and be cognizant of how your face look like I had no idea what my face look like and stuff start doing YouTube videos now I like to do videos like damn I look evil yeah so what I try to do is I try to put a smile on my face yes smile for me see so say sup still it crazy so be cognizant of that how you lookin cognizant I like that word don't I get to cotton right just means to be aware yeah just start talking to people and you right now you are seed in the ground you start talking people you go start the bug on grow you gonna pop out the ground yeah you need some water you need some nutrition and how you get your nutrition you just start little start having little conversations with insignificant people like an old man cross-strait hey old man watch out for the cars old man before you know it your seeds gonna turn to a beautiful flower you have dudes going deep inside leaving them nuts hanging out you just need that water to bloom you need that nutrition yeah and only way you gonna get that nutrition she's gotta open up a little more yeah before you go go to harsh 20v Sony $2.99 a month just damn near free and if you sign up today he'll we can feed our kids tonight you'd be doing a noble thing yeah taro this email happily married but can't stop thinking I'm married to my husband DeAndre he's 26 so what did DeAndre why don't you just go at Andre Andre was the perfect name you had to put D in front of it deandre you saw dream look that's like taking Kevin de ken de Cree Kevin became and a Audrey look even though he satisfied every need I have he cooks gives me great sense he's a great listener I always seem to think about sucking another man because I only had two in my life oh you want some on tip in your mouth oh man so you Syd Network just hold up nearly I found it that morning y'all got up he did you good your man DeAndre he laid it down cooked you breakfast you ain't work he sucked him off he blew the back of your neck out right swallowed all his bait sex was great now you at work your coworker let's just say your co-workers name is Keith and I walk in I'm like hey girl how's it going and all you can think when I'm talking to you you're sucking me off you a little girl yeah and I like it sucked off duty I bet you want enough my bigger than your husband's let me feel you
Channel: askhodgetwins
Views: 168,771
Rating: 4.9589949 out of 5
Id: c_N_GzmRzHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 28 2019
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