SICK KiDS SURPRiSE *emotional surprise* 💄💋🎬⭐ $100 HOLLYWOOD STYLE BREAKFAST
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: The Norris Nuts
Views: 7,765,422
Rating: 4.8297768 out of 5
Keywords: Family vloggers, Daily Vlog, Family Vlog, Family friendly, Kid friendly, Funny, Fun, Happy, Prank, Pranks, Comedy, Challenge, Vegan, family fizz, fizzfam, family, kids, mom, baby, for kids, kids channel, mum, english family, pregnant, pregnancy, dad, try not to laugh, kids video, funny videos, hollywood, kids makeover, los angeles, LA, california, kids transformation, hollywood transformation, hair makeover, usa, america, beauty, makeover, beauty makeover, transformation, hollywood style, hair cut
Id: j8WO12EldOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2018
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.