Shure SM57 - The Only Microphone You'll Ever Need...

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so let's do this let's put my money where my mouth is on this still today the biggest video that I've ever made basically told you to just go buy an sm57 that it'll solve all of your problems I told you that you could use it for voice over I told you that it's very easy to power especially compared to the sm7b it's cheaper than most microphones and it's known to be legendary on more than any one instrument you could basically use it for anything but you know what I haven't done I haven't really used it on very many Productions on this channel so let's change that today I'm going to walk you through the production process of the first ever cover on this channel so let's hope we don't get demonetized that means everything was exclusively recorded on sm57's electric guitar acoustic guitar vocals any percussion even Bass oh I have a ghost so uh we're gonna be doing all of that today and we're going to record percussion with whatever things I can find in my room because we're still in an apartment we have to work with what we got one second here you got me looking at me okay cool um so this video is actually sponsored by Shore but they only want to tell you one thing which is for the entire rest of the year until New Year's they're actually doing a 20 off sale for the holiday season so go check out the link below and see all the special deals that they have going because there's a lot of really good stuff there and that's it that's the whole ad read so let's uh let's get back to work so let's start off with the basics here and then we'll get into some production techniques first and foremost the sure sm57 is likely the most prolific microphone on the planet why is that important well regardless of the application you're using it for regardless if it's the most ideal microphone for said application there is likely documentation on the internet to help you out because somebody at some point on the planet probably did what you're doing and on top of that probably one of those people posted about it on the internet for example here is a video on how to record an entire drum kit only using one s and 57 maybe not the most optimal situation but there are very few microphones where you can find information like this readily available the sm57 requires 56 decibels of gain in order to get around optimal levels while many other Dynamic microphones require more than this this makes the sm57 more than optimal for any number of budget setups that might have weaker Hardware being a dynamic microphone that is naturally good at room rejection it's going to work well in less than ideal messy chaotic home studio environments like mine these things all combine to make a killer microphone in almost any setting so let's see how it does an application rather than just Theory we'll be covering like real people do by Hozier today and we are joined by the incredibly talented vocalist Ava Barta she's actually a subscriber so I'm really hoping to feature more people from the community in these kinds of videos go check out her Instagram she is like I already said insanely talented right so let's start with acoustic guitar and I'm sorry if you hear stuff coming from outside it's Friday night in Brooklyn so it's kind of insane now there are a bunch of different approaches that you can take here I'm going to show you two of them one would be just a single sm57 and the other is going to be two sm57s I figured I should show you both because I think the two sm57s sounds much better but I do realize that a lot of you are just going to have the one so let's cover both for the one microphone setup there's pretty much only one position that I find myself using on the regular and perhaps you've heard this before it's a pretty standard setup that would be about four or five inches away from the 12th fret at about a 30 to 45 degree angle pointing at the sound hole let's take a quick video so you can see so a few inches away from the 12th fret pointing towards the sound hole there's a few reasons why this is the most common setup that you find people using whatever it comes to an instrument that resonates within itself and pushes sound outwards different positions on the actual instrument will lead to different tones things up higher here you're going to get more high end you're going to get more string noise it's going to be less full but it's going to be more bright this side of the instrument is going to be a lot darker but also a lot warmer this strikes a nice balance between the two without getting in the way of the sound hole if we decide to put this microphone directly on top of the sound hole all that air coming out of it is going to have kind of a Woofy dark muddy sound okay let's move it down a little bit there we go now that's not to say that you shouldn't experiment with other positions especially if you're doing a bunch of overdubs for example I could pan this position to the hard right or maybe even mid-right and I could pan another darker position on the mid left and make a much more nuanced detailed tonal image I could keep doing this too as many times as I want all with one microphone as long as we're working with a click or something that we can track and Trace or you could do what I'm gonna do on this particular session but before we get into that let's hear what just the one microphone tone sounds like [Music] so what I'm actually going to end up doing is use a second sm57 in that darker tone that I was mentioning before so if I put a 57 here and also have that standard position I was just talking about I can do that stereo miking technique but in the same take I'm going to have one microphone pinned to the right one microphone pin to the left both of them getting different tonal qualities because they're hitting different parts of the instrument this is not only going to lead to a much wider larger tone but it'll lead to a more detailed nuanced tone not to mention filling out that stereo image in a much larger capacity and in this scenario because it's all one take we're keeping that level of intimacy that you would get from just a one guitar recording so let's hear what this sounds like [Music] foreign [Music] let's also hear me move this microphone around so you can hear kind of the differences and tone that we get from different parts of the instrument [Music] thank you right so next up is vocals and again with such a limited setup that we're working with Ava chose to do one of the only few options that makes sense which is pretty much just having a healthy seven to nine inches between the microphone and the Sound Source or the vocal with a pop filter in between to kind of regulate your distance sometimes during the performance singers can kind of get caught up in it which obviously has its benefits but you could also make a plosive you could distort or clip you could very easily engage too much of the proximity effect and maybe get an uneven vocal take so having that pop filter to guard is just like a little hack you could potentially play around with the singer's position of their jawline a little bit you could kind of change the angle and the way that you sing which actually can influence the Timbre that you're making with your voice I made a whole video about vocal production and we cover that so here's that video if you'd like to go check it out so let's talk a little bit about recording electric guitar which means I will I'll be right back with electric guitar we're gonna work with something pretty simple once again because of our limited setup that being said a lot of people just think recording electric guitar as a whole is very simple and that could not be further from the truth you can get endlessly complex with how you record electric guitar but we have kind of just one mic okay hon so for this purpose but not all purposes you can kind of think of the amp as a flat plane here hold on so wherever you decide to put the microphone within this plane relative to the circular speaker in the middle you're going to get different tones farther towards the corner Any Corner they're going to result in similar things because we have One Singular speaker in the middle you're going to get a darker more distant tone and then sitting right on top of the speaker cone hi honey this is where you're going to get the brightest tone right directly at the center and as close as possible now the further you get away the more room you're going to hear and also the duller and darker the tone is going to be and Dole isn't necessarily bad I really wanted this to be a really high production shot I hope it is um so I think the best way to demonstrate this is to just have somebody play the electric guitar and I will move the sm57 around the cab so you can hear all these tones live foreign [Music] thank you [Music] now I can tell you just from experience where I'm going to end up putting the sm57 and that is near the edge of the rim of the speaker I'll flip the amp around in a second so you can see but I typically like a good balance between the dark corners and then also the brightness of the center so if I flip this amp around hey get out of it get out of it um so right in the center here that's the brightest tone I typically place the mic right near the rim here close mic close to the speaker right up to the grill maybe a couple inches off and then you know slightly off axis for a medium bright tone if I wanted a darker more loose tone I would get further towards the other side um and if I wanted a brighter tone I might place it right on top of the cone and then just a few inches back to mitigate how harsh that's going to sound so next up in in terms of bass there is a deep low base drone on G because we're in the key of G now the obvious answer here is just to not even use an sm57 and to just do a DI you should probably just do a DI but I made a rule for myself and I'm gonna stick to that rule which is only using sm57 so time to do something kind of dumb I recorded out of our larger hs8 monitors that we have in the living room and then into my laptop on a separate system hey don't do this and especially don't do this if you only have one laptop recording and projecting the sound being the input and the output that is literally the definition of a feedback loop you will destroy your ears you'll destroy your speakers and you'll destroy your will to live this is a YouTube video and we're proving a point about a specific piece of Hardware guess who forgot to record a transition for this part me anyways for the kick drum all I did was slap a bass sounds like this and that's it yeah anyways enjoy the performance and make sure to stick around till the end because I'm going to introduce a new assistant that I just hired [Music] thank you I had a thought dear however scary about the night why were you thinking what did you bury before those hands pulled me from the Earth I will not ask you where you came from I will not ask you neither should you honey just put your sweet lips on my lips we should just kiss like real people do foreign [Music] [Music] I will not ask you where you came from I will not ask you and neither would you honey just put your sweet lips on my lips we should just kiss like real people [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] so what do you think did I prove my point no well I guess that means you're just gonna have to spend two thousand dollars on great Hardware that really sucks dude okay anyways thank you to shore for sponsoring this video remember they're running that 20 off sale all throughout the rest of the year thanks to Ava for joining me on this production it was a pleasure to work with you oh and I have an exciting announcement to make we have a new assistant all right I am excited to have you here are you ready to get to work nice nice why don't you go ahead and show yourself let people see who's on who's doing the operation things like that oh come on why not are you a little camera shy you look great it's a little bit ironic don't you think that you're a little camera shy go ahead let people see who you are so do you have like a like a name or anything hmm okay one second okay well best name in the comments section wins if you'd like you can follow me on Instagram here if you'd like to work on a project with me you can email me here and that is all talk to you guys later [Music] thank you
Channel: AudioHaze
Views: 267,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shure sm57, shure sm57 review, sm57 review, shure microphone review, microphone review, shure, sm57, audiohaze, audio haze, how to record with sm57, sm57 setup, set up sm57, shure sm57 set up tutorial, how to record music, AudioHaze sm57, sm57 audiohaze, music production sm57, sm57 guitar tutorial, sm57 acoustic guitar, how to record acoustic guitar sm57, how to record vocals sm57, sm57 vs sm7b, sm7b vs sm57, how to record electric guitar sm57, sm57 electric guitar
Id: mhEMsqv_358
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2022
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