Shroud & DrDisRespect at the PGI Charity Showdown

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oh wait a minute wait a minute gentlemen what does what but I see well you know what we're doing we're grabbing him when you got a love of the dog [Applause] [Music] Jesus we had a dilemma last night this is assassin and I true story we take a high executive all-black suburban uber to one of the hottest German techno nightclubs in the area I think it's Watergate we get dropped off right in front of the club boom six seven people I thought I thought it was you know I thought it they rolled out the red carpet or something right six seven people come attacked mrs. assassin and a doctor why they wanted to sell illegal drugs right then and there I knew we were in the wrong area we stand in line for five minutes five minutes too long we get to the front there he is six foot four six foot nothing the bouncer we caught thinks he's a hotshot I get up right in his face I say do you have music inside he says yeah I say how many floors deep he says two so I walked away it wasn't a five-story deep German techno nightclub they just had me in my cutter I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this thing but today it's when the real fun starts because we've invited 40 of the world's best streamers team them up with 40 of the world's best players to compete in a charity showdown do you think that your experience as a counter-strike pro for cloud 9 has given you the edge over someone like dr. disrespect cuz you're used to playing in big spaces like this aren't you yeah I mean that experience doesn't matter I just you know I know I know I'm better the dog so I got that okay you have to break this you you're on the same a team you're on the same team how does that feel to be blasted by your own teammate doc it's not it's it's trust me it's not a good feeling okay one of the games I'm actually walking away from the station I'm gonna go get something to eat I'm gonna come back when there's a top-10 situation I'm gonna clean up the rest of the survivors I mean if niche is one of them doc must be boiling hot yeah the AC in years is Jim actually we got a we got a fan right here look at this I hope that fan is blowing straight on the marble bag trust me it is trust me it's game time you didn't bring your dirty keyboard I didn't but I did and don't get a mistaken okay right we did that way I get to drag my mouse all over my crotch the entire day we're playing with an elite team we're not here to hide we're not here to get one or two kills and win the game right we're here to get 20 kills match starting here we go baby all right ladies and gentlemen let's go all this get a warm cup okay this is what I'm thinking we go all the way to serve Ernie then we slow play through the shooting range make sure we're all loaded up and then we maybe hesitate and go to rock just because well I don't really want to run into anybody I'm just joking all right a little bit of a push out trials coming as well McCrory go flank there you go baby Rob's got me to help him and he'll be there in time wow boy claiming two of them but they will keep Bravo's hopes alive but wacky Jackie's gonna get knocked through the rest of the rest of bravura now pushing in hard [Applause] I need to wake up anyways I need to wake up anyways but do they still know that moon eye is staying in the tree it's staying in that small little corner he's hiding looking for the right moment shroud will do the execution inside the bathroom he's checking the corners he's worried and now he loves ducks under the bullets of Moon died this guy's moving across from right to left him once I move to the west 280 shroud is he trying to keep this together but I think they don't have the agility to keep talking a lie ahead ash rounds running back McCoy will have to go with them and just see if they can push further around to the north shroud looking say goodbye to McCoy shroud now the last Soul Survivor Ball goodbye Bravo limited in 15th position you know what that was a good run for them they found themselves in a lot of teamfights shroud has kind of shown here that he can swing with these pro players they went toe-to-toe with one of the most skilled squads and did come out on top I'll be it with a little bit of help but that was good showing for the first game I like the flow of that game though I was just a kind of a weird area like two three teams just floated right into that little trifecta of a mountain the ruins those houses you know I get excited too when the dog looks like he's ready to Ashley murder somebody don't warn B himself like that whole snap like yoga's not gonna be the doc himself as he did go down pretty I think he's ready to murder Mike the time I think that he's uh you know I did a very high-energy individual clearly and at this stage that was just a warm-up as they say and getting getting used to it getting used to the environment making sure your chairs ride height which game number is this and how's it going this is game number two out of four first one I mean we're playing aggressive lets plane is simple let's not beat around the bush we're landing in a hot zone we don't care who comes with us gun and out of it we're listening for gunshots rotating to them and we're getting involved in every single fight that's what's happening Ballack they're holding for the ache a shroud going for the med golf is pushing they're going for it trout is chilly end him the matters is there [Music] biggest stage for docs since 1994 I believe what can it take home another championship he's up battling the odds are the only two left standing on the team has he still got it after all these years I don't know I mean the back to back I see them just keep right yep we go there's one more up the hill keep on keep on yeah but you can make it over yeah good choice here from Doc and ballot to grab this house this could be good this could be good looks okay three drop drop drop drop drop around the side hang up and smell the grenade just enough to get the knock he's telling another one how it's balanced it's an armory nades after nades after nades they're gonna push this doc actually out of position PM's look no right Ward knows component Dalek on the jump out look around the cone like he's gonna get lost it's up to the dog bunkie is pushing bone he wants to finish your claim in court doc where are you it's right outside of the hello jump on a fro I'm feeling it [Applause] now he's got to get right in their face good cos Rob I'm dancing around looking good you know a zone and there's the dark a little bit upset I think so close yet no cigar better still a great performance I'm not happy about it but I still look good [Laughter] can you get shroud to jump so we could see his vertical leap people want to see your vertical leap yeah I don't I can't jump I've never heard another human being say that I don't know okay that's fine well we just won't talk about it I got I got short legs you can't be Gibby bears with me like that all right we can't all be six eight well six eight doesn't mean you I'm just like a crazy rare athlete right that can jump and who's tall because a lot of people whenever I go to the park to play ball you know big big big they size me up real quick and they go oh this is another tall white guy I got this guy it's a mismatch and that's where I remind them and dominate him and then I walk away on top yeah I've never I've never played baseball before so baseball yeah you're talking about playing baseball right yeah yeah sound resumed sound resumed turn that off trout I feel like you have an answer for everything and it's it pisses me off how cocky you are it's a couple things man I'm just saying oh okay oh I forgot you don't use teamspeak I don't you use that uh that what's that what's that Batman I called I you want to say for sure it's called $550,000 in sponsorships this guy's one shot up top left foot sink top left window right in front of me hit his helmet she says good teamwork Meowth from Team Bravo flash goes up I don't know if it call the other player it certainly didn't oh my god this could be a disaster yes I got two bullets remember sure we can just break through the door any is that the smart play from the coin take no chances take no prisoners takes the kill and it's frights ghost gaming's player but it's team Bravo working their way through pachinko yeah we kind of have to like leave these guys yeah he's right here on me there you go baby so last game trap oh yeah if we win the next game we win the entire thing because of our high-level placements it comes down to the final game and I love it shroud how pumped are you hot I'm real hot and it pumps with sweat and hotness [Music] deep in the dark alley wave the doctor finds himself in a world of destruction faced often in the last game of the biggest battlegrounds tournament ever alongside and McCoy and Ballack and shroud frontal police right now I'm down to one yeah oh my goodness sick chef I think the second guys updated everything please route please thank you let's see we can the rogue is going up it comes down shroud of you win this game for us I'll signing my new lease for team okay there you go you do you throughout you just smoked the to sit upright [Applause] thanks guys firm handshakes everyone we'll see you on Monday thanks for tuning in on this extreme special edition live broadcast from Berlin Germany oops man oh man oh man oh man have a good night [Music] you
Channel: DrDisRespect
Views: 1,443,443
Rating: 4.9154649 out of 5
Keywords: pubg, shroud, shroud pubg, drdisrespect, charity showdown, shroud charity showdown, pubg drdisrespect shroud, pubg pgi, pubg global invitational, pgi, pubg global invitational 2018, shroud pubg charity tournament, dr disrespect, pubg charity showdown highlights (ft. ninja, pubg highlights, pubg invitational, shroud highlights, drdisrespect pubg, shroud nade bug in pubg pgi 2018, dr disrespect invitational pubg, charity showdown round 3
Id: -rQJeEq1z-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 29 2018
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