Shrink Rap - Billy Connolly

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[Music] Billy Connolly is one of the world's funniest men he's also a successful film actor and one of the few British comedians to make it on both sides of the Atlantic but his comedy was born out of a troubled childhood his mother abandoned him when he was four leaving him to be brought up by his father and two arms it was a cruel and confusing life and only when he left school to become a welder in a shipyard that he really began to feel valued as a clinical psychologist his biographer and his wife I already know a thing or two about Billy including the fact that psychologically he's always capable of surprisingly well I must say you're having a particularly good hair day I am indeed it seems to me that that hirsute nurse is quite important to you yeah help me to understand why because it makes me so attractive I kinda like to look like my image of myself I you know I don't want to look my best for you like what you mate like people say when going for an interview it's best to look like this we're going to do something that's best you look like this all of it that's I think you know to me a three-piece suit I look on them as liars clothes that's it you wear when you go into court you know show up in that then you can live till then until the cows come home but if you dissolute lit yourself people find it as I can a threat a lot of the time I phoned over the years you know and they'll meet with jokes about you if were you wearing there you will not for a bet or something but I've always I've always late very colourful clothes and the whole hippie long hair era had a profound effect on me and I've never really lost it what effect did it have it freed me up let me let me loose it let me outta jail you know whereas they say people say the great escape from the working class to go to the factory life and all that as music and show business or listen that they always forget that if you want you to skip upper class middle class working class any class the secret tunnel the escape route is in the library the library is free it was any escape from where I was where I was was quake it was quite an exciting place to live we're always being brought up you know in part it can Glasgow I remember street fights where we used to make hatchets from a tin can and a stick you you put a stick in the tin can and you beat it with a brick until it's flat you know and so you get the flat tin can let's finish out when the end and you can throw it like that and it was and you could you chased after the other guys or these and you can do pack up with it or throw it you know you actually did that you actually yeah loved every second of it yeah but wait a minute what kind of injuries did people sustain cuts and scrapes and bruises you know somebody else could tell that story and I'd be sitting here gasping part of it's horrifying but it's glorious to me there was a guy called Geordie st. Clair he lived in the corner from me and here the gang you know and I had my little gang civilian you know it took us to you know to do shrink wrap together for me to discover that you were actually once a gang leader I had no idea you know there's a spy here we used to say he's a spy from the st. Louis you talk you know and all that and and Pete children would sing in the streets and and girls would play that game were balls against the wall under the leg you know you hit the ball under your leg and bench up against the wall it's a triangular thing and skipping ropes and they would say there was a lot of singing when I was a child and what exactly was happening it in your the rest of your life at that time I joined an organization called the children of nearly that was quite holy when I was about 12 you know and we used to go around people's houses seeing the Rosalie you know what was all it's all founded on a lady of lourdes who appeared to these children and lured and and and one of the secrets of that she told them which was released was that the world could be saved by the saying of the Rosary so we used to go round houses with a shoe box with Our Lady of Lourdes in it you know the reefs that you and the rosaries there was usually three or four of us you up to people's doors you know women as welcome as hemorrhoids you know you better commend the guys just then from his work you know Iran kneeling on the floor this tides you and people would you could hear people honey in the prayers because it's a good television program coming he'll feel grace the Lord is with thee blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus and you see that and the reply as Holy Mary Mother of God pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death amen but as Coronation Street the soap was getting closer in the people gonna the second half of the film another men feeling full of grace the Lord is with thee blessed that very much blessing they meant seven gotta make sense to get them here honey and other players up it was a nice time in my lane you got a lot of people today saying kids are not the same we weren't always oak play and they're all doing the computer you've live you've stolen on the plate Blaze's even laid the street with cars and everything we used because I was born just I was born in the middle of the Second World War so but I grew up just after it and so there was bomb sites you could go and play and we thought about haunted houses you know just big houses full of rooms and things that people had left lying around you could play all of those Speer ground all over the place and I I don't envy modern children's you know the act that said about that physical it's because when our kids were growing up remember I used to I'm sure I was really boring and saying remember our kids you would have playdates friends would phone up and ask if they could come over and they'd play now they could go to where they lived and they would play well neither of us would have let them play in a bomb site I would [Laughter] [Music] a lot of comedians and you used to be like this used alcohol to get themselves on stage and they rely on those things - well I didn't use it to get on stage I just liked it it was delicious and because I was a drunk welder - you know I wasn't just a drunk comedian there was a drunk world and loved it my pal Huey Gilchrist he introduced me to the joys of the drinking court we used to go to the Saracens head and again Berman was Angus he was always lifting paint so say there over your head you not with rain and cider on you of course you had your suit on to go dancin you didn't want cider so we got these things called Packer Mike it's a plastic raincoat this is you're drinking you're miss drinking oh no I don't miss drinking for us you know I don't miss it's taken me by surprise I don't miss it but I miss the crack you know I miss I miss the the joy of all then then the head-banging stupidity and loveliness and craziness of it and I miss it terribly which is probably all an illusion cuz you know how everybody always seems much funnier when your truck I was there it was funny it was wonderful you know drunken single and couldn't give a toss for any living man I'd my banjo hairy face don't care no everybody who drinks black so from time to time I don't mean falling down in the street and so waking up in the morning I'd say Oh God where was I what did I do and slowly it comes back over a couple of days sometimes eventually all filter sir well it stopped coming back but when a drank I've got all I remember now psychologists call it state dependent learning you've learned something in a particular state oh do you have to go back to the state to experience it again to remember it oh so well wherever they call it it's quits right now yeah because I didn't hang about with people who knew of it state-dependent lament animals I've cared but that was the most frightening thing I thought I thought then beware billy-boy beware all it's not well you know do something and then you started seeing like that'll do you know make a choice you know there's Nancy whiskey or me and I made the choice and I'm delighted we know a lot of people wouldn't have been able to listen to that wouldn't have been able to act on it no they're not frightened enough EFT is that it yeah well first of all the memory think it's frightening the living daylights oh yeah and the other thing is if you go away I'm on my own as I've got nothing you know got no one here you know there's only be in it so you the choice becomes very apparent as I got older I am beginning to realize and I wish more people would that those things you just don't get and you never will like Brussels sprouts I don't get it that somebody can actually pass them fruit of mouth and into the stomach to me they're repulsive dreadful things well you and Brussels sprouts have a history yeah but what I'm seeing is you can apply that to pick a song some people think it's a stone Dan and other people think it's a scribble or some people you can listen to Stockhausen or Mozart or Beethoven or The Incredible String Band or the Rolling Stone as crap it isn't crap you just don't get it and you never will because it's like Brussels sprouts it just isn't for you it's just isn't your chemical your mental your emotional makeup that isn't good and bad there's stuff that you don't get and it took me all this length of time to get there you know is all that living before I wish I'd known that in the first place I wouldn't a struggle to like the stuff you know are you then becoming more tolerant about for example people who like to play golf no I don't get it I just say you still do like them right what's wrong with because I have Weaver history because I was brought up as a Catholic in Scotland and golfers were Protestants I seen golfers were blazing wearing conservative Presbyterian Freemasons you couldn't be a Catholic or black Pakistani or gay a woman anything to what well sure to me they were foreign they were foreigners and I know law and all more wanted to be part of them than fly in the air what is your relationship with Catholicism now I mean and and in fact with open eyes any relationship with Catholicism anymore I don't I don't adhere to it I don't I don't want to say tradition saying I don't approve of it but I don't I find it primitive and and frightening and I find the whole child molestation on an international scale a disgrace that should be a United Nations cause so I have deep a deep distrust and dislike of the Catholic Church and any and any other organization that brainwashes people do you think you'll ever get over your own sexual abuse by your dad yes it's it's such a complex thing because a thing I've come to realize as I've got all those are big you know so as a haven't really grown up but I've as I've become more of a man is the realization that my father loved me and that I loved him and he did a stupid thing a bad thing and and for like most victims of that I felt like an accomplice so I I never thought it was all a bad thing he had done but I have dealt with it a lot better than I imagined I would I it bothered me terribly terribly for many years he just that we've been growing and growing and growing until after my father's death because I remember you were the first person I told just after his death and the guilt that I hadn't confronted him yes you know you feel you missed that opportunity yeah I'm glad I didn't actually I'm glad I didn't confront him on it and why are you glad you didn't confront him because at the time that's all we know that I don't feel like an accomplice and so if I had confronted him then it would have been a lie it would have been rage and stuff and I think I think the Catholic Church's is also to blame there that whole divorce thing there's a lamb divorce you know instead of London I don't know frustrated or you know sexually frustrated only part of it I guess you know so you think there's a direct relationship between him being Catholic and not being divorced this it was hounded in his head with Catholicism you know the guilt but the whole marriage thing and the whole nonsense what makes you think he loved you I mean what was it about him and about the way that he was a man like a lot of men of his era I've heard it from so many guys he couldn't he didn't know how to love he didn't know he didn't ever tell at me how you loved me you know he couldn't but then again night all my friends see this their fathers it was a very rare thing for you for parents to tell you they loved you when I was growing up it's not like today you're calling out by I love you by that stuff that's new no it didn't exist before the 60s believe me there was no such thing I was there let me tell you when the world was in black and white I was there in the 50s well Beach came in first and then the rest of the colors I lived in very cruel circumstance you know by my my aunt who was bringing me up with was a vicious of a woman and and her sister Margaret who also lived in the house was weak and she would do it also you know and she humiliated me on a daily basis and that's why I'm the man I am today it's it's relentless but what I love about it is I am living proof that that doesn't work never think about your mom these days never well occasionally she crosses my mind I feel really sad about my mother we met she left when I was four and with another fellow and raised a family and and we met when I was about 18 or so I went to see my grandad one day her about her dad and he said your mother's in town and I went up and she'd had camel hair caught on and it's just she was worried about me being on a motorcycle I was a baker after and and it was a kind of awkward little well nice to meet you and we never met again until I was I was playing I'd be 23 oh no I was Manny that must have been be on 26 and in a gig and I thought she was a fan want an autograph when she came up when I was my mother and I went home to her house and stayed the night instead of the hotel idea but we actually the sadness is she's a nice enough woman she's dead now but we never go along which we both tried to like each other and I don't think she liked me very much I think she tried and I tried and but but it didn't kind of happen I don't regret it but I'm sad about it I wish I'd liked her I wish she'd like me you know I was I remember Peter MacDougal the Scottish play I had in one of his plays you never forget your mother smell and when I saw it I nearly cried because I remember so distinctly when I cuddled her I smelled her don't hear no Bell went off in my head I knew this was my mother she wasn't lying this was a real deal but we didn't know each other too much had happened and what's happening and and all that too many lies have been told about her and then there was by my family and and and she was a intense dislike of some of the family and and I really found it very difficult to deal with and she'd abandoned you at four just left you in a house and well do you know what the funniest thing I've never felt abandoned by her my mother was a teenager my father was in Burma Phaeton a bloody war the Germans were drop roll sorts of crap undeterred we lived at the docks so that's where all the bombs were happening and she's a teenager with two kids in a slum a guy comes along and says I love you come with me given the choice I think I'd have gone with him you know early you were four years old no I was a wee boy you're four years old but then again look there's a one 'old war and yet a teenager and young man's gone and it looks as if it may all end makes Wednesdays from where your standard choices are different I see you can't make salient seen choices I I don't have an ounce of feelings that she abandoned me she should she tried to survive I understand you're being very you know understanding and generous about her now and you know your life has you know been good in in many ways but she left you to the fate of the ants and your father you know and that was she couldn't have seen what was gonna happen you know she couldn't have seen you you are being remarkably generous but that's perhaps a position of growth you know you've got to the point where you can but it's a position that growth or no it's just a fact of life you know you can see her point of view you can see why you can see the reason so perhaps you're now not taking it as personally as you might have not consciously when you're a kid yeah but you know when you don't get to know a parent early on there's all that mystery you're growing up and yet in my position your mother's gone you're with these ants you can't stand them the cavity making your life a misery well it compounds whatever felony may have occurred exactly but I never felt that I was always always linked on my mother's I wish I was with you you know I don't even want to be with them I want to be with you but I never felt you ran away and left me no no no no it was it because that's an intellectual idea it was the feeling of wanting to be her you with her wanting to be protected by her mother with a fantasy man someone who would protect you and you had the immune prep perhaps imagine that she was like that yeah so it must have been very disappointing when she wasn't oh no it wasn't she was another nice woman this is just she was kind of nice and generous and well you just said that you didn't really like it we didn't didn't click it didn't happen we tried we both tried and it's just a nice woman it was just there was there was a barrier happened I don't know where I couldn't dare to explain it there was this glass wall just in many ways your sister your older sister Florence was was your mother yeah she was my great defender you know she always looked after me to this day I meet guys is he gorgeous just a you know we do we didn't dare beat you up your sister was a nightmare and this is my sister who's a schoolteacher this cultured woman you never used to get after them now you come here but I remember one of the saddest things I've ever had my mother said my mother lived in a town called Dunedin in the and their river-clyde the nice little town and it was a holiday resort you know seaside town and she said to me one day I saw Florence one day and I said you what and she she was on holiday and Danone with her husband and the two children one in the pram and one walking beside they were walking along she said I saw her walking along and I followed her I said did you speak to her oh no I didn't I didn't like you know I thought oh my god it's like being a ghost while you're still alive you know walking behind your own child having a look you know I couldn't bear that [Music] I'll never forget I was at a Pete Seeger concert in the early 60s in Glasgow and I've watched him I mean he's just I just bought a banjo I'd seen him on television and I thought that's what I want to do and and I couldn't believe he was just exquisitely good and then you know he was doing all his usual stuff singing polish songs and American songs that playing the banjo brilliantly guitar and talking about Lead Belly and Woody Guthrie and I thought oh what is this and then he said I would like to sing a song by a new hero of mine he's a young man Bob Dylan and and he sang hard rain that's gonna fall and I'm almost crying I've just hang on do it Billy behave stop it he sang yeah but it was it was sensational what was it that that made you cry about that I mean I don't know I just remember it what's it and I became another guy what what other guy did you become me more truly yourself yeah yeah just he sang I saw a white man he was walking a black dog and I thought this is different you know it changed me forever in a way I'll be eternally grateful for and the man has just brought out his latest album in his 89 amazing it's just I could see the I can see the tunnel you know you know the tunnel the escape when I was you know look at a second tunnel going captain you know a new light had shown and it was lovely I was no one was gonna beat you until you ate your Brussels sprouts nobody was gonna make my nose bleed for not eating Brussels sprouts it was over nobody was going to take advantage of me and him I could hear the music and and and the world was wonderful then his music part of your coping mechanism I'm just wondering if that helps to calm you music part of my coping with the world I don't I don't get it I don't really get the modern world because I don't really like it very much you resisted having a cell phone for a long time yes I think it was something to do with preferring to be a wild beast yes I always regarded my car as my ashram it's my place where's Billy where he wants to be go on with your life you know but no you you always on tap you'd always gettable you know when there's nothing by you you don't like me but but you'd always people can get you know in your nice quiet moments that you used to love you know what I mean I don't like that world and don't understand the world and people don't believe me when I tell them these things that I don't know how you buy a house I genuinely I wouldn't know who to form you know which I'll get my manager to do it I don't know how you buy a car I've never bought a car you know thanks well none of this reflects on your level of intelligence because you're an extremely bright man but I'm you know just your response to that doesn't suit me the way I think it doesn't seem to suit me well I mean part of it is that you've been smart enough to focus on the things that really work for you you do have an unusual brain and you're very right brains you're extremely creative and the left side of your brain which is you know this sort of organizational side isn't as strong and so you capitalize on what you do with the right side of your brain which is your your comedy and your you know everything that this total phone has made you successful what's terrifying about smelly frightened because I'm supposed to be a comedian and but I very rarely get funny ideas you know from the stage they come when I'm there so I think what I've got onto the stage and then apply what's happening to me at that moment to what I've got and but it always just before it seems as if it's not there ladies and gentlemen Billy Connolly oh thank God it's here again but before before there's nothing I mean I could have months off and not get a single idea and and and it was to say with us you know I don't remember having ideas and so I saw it's constantly very frightening it must be you know under so my life is kind of frightening because I really don't know either I don't know the core do you see I don't know the pin number and and and I it's not until I'm challenged that I get the idea well it never lets you down it has never let me down so far I'm just delighted it shows up and the same day as me it's but maybe there's other guys I'm sure painters all of that people who paint pictures I'm sure they don't say I'm going to paint that with a little stroke there and a thing there things like that just get themselves in a zone they get into well it happens and go on with it well my own in recent years I've noticed that you really like to sit with other men usually in a cigar store somewhere Julia and and you tell tell stories yes I love the cigar store and I love my friends I love the company of man I laid the company of women and every bit as much but there was a part of my life that I liked to spend with man and I like the way men talk to one another and think and and and late with it and women think they talk about sex all the time and they don't you know talk about Paul in sport and sex and whatever comes into the conversation and have a laugh and and I have the time of my life and I love smoking cigar and and passing the time and I know it's bad for you but I don't care I don't care the that bad for you in the way motorcycles can be bad for you or wonderful for you you know you take your pick but the choice is yours and and I can live with that and I hate the attack and smoking bye-bye and I understand it's bad for you and I don't I don't inhaled smoke and all that but for instance in Vancouver there's a place I used to go to the Havana room many a happier I spent in there with all my pals smoking and laughs and like a drain and learn and interesting things well the local authorities have taken upon themselves and for our own good to close us down we can't smoke that oh and where you can buy us together but you can't smoke there anymore as a matter of fact you can't smoke anywhere indoors and then and then Canada under winter that's you you can't smoke but half the damn year you're freeze to death and but the same people in the wisdom have opened a room where heroin addicts can go and fix you know and so I was seeing well what's next a special lien for drunk drivers what's wrong with me all of a sudden that's all I want to see why if I was 20 years younger yeah do you find that people get on their high horse a lot with you nobody has a higher horse than me sometimes it isn't a horse high enough I just love my high horses you turned that into a great strength that's actually a great strength and that's what I'm saying is it's not what you've got it's what you do where you've got it isn't certainly isn't what you haven't got and it's taken all my life for these things to do just like getting it and not getting it you cuz with with again they're not getting it it's so good cuz you can then put something aside I don't get it next it's not a sin Phi don't I understand that that is not why that only has an is in an isn't you know in an appeal concentrated more on how and never main fly yes we've been such better shared you know now there was Sarah Palin advice wanted to be vice president of America which would make her the second most powerful person in the world and if McCain unfortunately died she would be the most powerful person well this is a person who thinks the world is four thousand years old you know because she because she's int if I do a bit how how it happened and under the wire at the window you realize the why is and take your invisible friends with you it's crap it's Juju's although I love that I was in a sweat lodge recently up and British Columbia I told you and D and it was cleared but when I was there to met these guys from the nice guy he Indian tribe and they they took me in British Columbia and they took me on to the sweat lodge it's one of the greatest days of my life I don't know why I haven't a clue why but it has changed me it may even have hurt me a wee bit I find myself close to tears a lot more than I used to be it's it's the most astounding thing when they heat these lava rocks you go you gather them first with the Indian guy and an Indians okay incidentally is it yes and SUSE sq more you don't need to say all it's much better to learn what tribe they come from yes I call it that yes but they're quite comfortable with Indian and and the anyway comfortable with theirs come on yeah you're talking about the sweat lodge we go and gather the the lava rocks there's a there's a whole pile of them when you get there and a big log fire built up Andy that they get quite hot and you get get your gear off there's a bit a bit as deep as that poof either he and I were sitting round it and it'll get toll because you sweat profusely and and I'm thinking I can handle this the minds talk and you know they speak with that old wisdom you were men have to be treated the earth has to be treated in a certain fashion with deep respect we are the gardener's which I had thought for years you know I thought my god these people have been reading my mail then he he's got a bucket in that branch and it was this heat I have never felt the lakes of it in my life and then to get the drum and started hissing hey yeah of sweater I thought I'm in heaven this is I love this and it deeply deeply moved me you know the whole egg so said they were so honest and and and gracious with me and generous I got so close to them you know is there anything from that that you feel would be appropriate to share with me now I said I'm saying to them you know you're so grateful for everything yet you're everything you you you say you're gratitude for your world for your mountains and your trees and your bears and the thing you know you're just so grateful I I said and I find myself being ungrateful a lot of the time I said when I look at my life you know the way I live the money I found the the lifestyle and my family you know my security it's very good I think I'm ungrateful a lot of the time you know but I'm not consciously ungrateful but saying I should have more than I have Sam or not but I sometimes think I don't treat it with enough respect I wouldn't even attempt to guess it will happen to me but I know I'm a different guy it's just a different thing about me there's a different aura about me I feel different in my skin and I'm not sure what it is I'll take me awhile to find it but there's something has changed in me and it changed that day you told your biographer a few years ago that you felt that you were only four years old yes how old are you now oh my god what number just came into your head six you grew two years hi this is that wee boy inside me you can you can you can poo poo that stuff all you like that inner child stuff I am living proof that it was very powerful well it really he loved it in there in that tent you know he was with you in the tent Oh without question yeah he's with me a lot you know he's sometimes forget about I'm Lenny it remains me is there it's astonishing that anybody who doesn't know it sir if you get to know the child that you wear when you stop development emotionally and and try and be friendly with him funniest thing is when I did this in Los Angeles in therapy and therapy I had to write a letter to myself as the wee guy and I spoke about fishing and I hadn't been fishing in years and he wanted to go fishing and now you know I love fishing and you wish all the time and it's a lovely part of my life that alone so you can poo poo all you like but I am living proof that it's it's a very viable entity it's for which I'll be eternally grateful [Music] [Applause] [Music] now as a six-year-old how do you feel about this white hair and oh I'm all for it I always wanted to be an old guy but this is my favorite this is for a movie as you know and but I'm going to keep it and I know that there was the Japanese I told you I wasn't the Japanese restaurant just yesterday the day before yesterday and I got the takeaway and there and the guy said who's the owner and I don't think I'd ever met the owner of that we'd asked him before and he said I'll see you in Christmas morning and I thought oh I've forgotten something he only went Santa Claus Santa Claus before so I think I'll keep it for Christmas because I remember being at Fashion Square and Los Angeles with skylit a lovely daughter and and there was a Santa Claus and my beard was bigger than his I was on a sitcom head of the class and enough when I arrived I had a beard and they said we've done a demographic study and with and people think beards a sinister I thought well Pooh told Jesus and they're just stupid hanger I mean these demographics heard it because they also said we've done a study with the demographics bill they think you should have a dog I said you kidding me people look at me and he looks dogless crap you know and when I grow up I want to be an old guy you know is it everything you expected it to be pretty early party's weird or found myself running like an old gay the other day I just was on the sidewalk and I had to spot across the road I went oh my god I'm running like an old guy we deliberately have no beanbag chairs in the in the house I'm stated for many years you can tell you the age by how long it takes you to get over being bacteria I wouldn't dare game having said that I've noticed that your closet is full of beige cardigans I've been given as presents yeah the Biscardi printed on it and I and I dearly love them I love them beige is a lovely color but it's it can be beautiful on your clothing but but the beige attitude is like I had somebody today talking about centrist they said that we're going to be a centrist government centrist there's no such thing as a centrist a centrist as a cop-out there's no nice guy let's believe in the nice government and the nice market and that's where the babies live because you don't need to admit anything we get in the middle you can see a wee bit there's nobody better that I came to believe in God I believe in a certain energy bull make up your mind well this conversation is not the sort of thing that most married people do is it no how has this experience been today talking about it's really Pleasant I think it's nice well I do think psychiatrists all over the world will wonder why I didn't cry at child abuse and did it well they would I think it'll wonder well well but it's a testament to how far you've come you know to the fact that you've you've you know a lot of that stuff you have moved on from it's it's really become you know as resolved probably as it will ever be but isn't it true that most married people sort of certainly most married people that I've counseled don't they don't have these kind of conversations they certainly wouldn't sit down for what most people don't have conversations with the people this they really should have because they're so comfortable and a wonderful thing happened I I don't know if you know where did you see Jimmy's interview and efficient program no our son Jamie Jamie's never been interviewed before he just comes along for the ride because he's a good angler and the guy John Bannerman and interviewed Jimmy about me and he said Jamie I was so proud of his answer he said how is it efficient were your dad he said everybody should go fishing with a dad he said because I was such an intelligent answer he said fishing takes a long time to do and it generally takes a decent length Ortega to weigh efficient and to get back from so that sort of whole exercises it can be enormously long time he said and the daddy stuff is good for an hour or two and after that you have to talk to each other Wow is it so Alfred the luxury of talking to and getting to normal father is it Anna normally quite well that's great and then he said o alaikum he's a nice guy he's a friend of mine and it was a lovely thing you know it was a lovely thing to happen to me it from my own son but it would have been a lovely thing from someone it to watching someone else's son saying it see the car I must if I was a dad watch and I would say economize spend some time with a kid you know it's also but I think you know waves are the same you know I know that we don't talk like this all day well I was just thinking when you were talking about your experience in the sweat lodge and I remember you did sort of you told me a bit about that but you know I'm sure I was doing something at the and we were talking across the kitchen as you do and it was only when I sat down now that I understood the profound effect it had on here and so it's been very nice for me to sit down be forced to really talk I wasn't forced yes I was special little thing you like [Laughter]
Channel: Fraser Horne
Views: 316,593
Rating: 4.8443437 out of 5
Keywords: billy connolly shrink rap glasgow scottish comedian pamela stevenson big yin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 22sec (2842 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 05 2019
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