Showmatch - Programa 20/06/19 - #SalsaDeTres - Invitados Diego Ramos, Cande Ruggeri y Laura Esquivel
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Channel: Showmatch
Views: 430,578
Rating: 4.5311236 out of 5
Keywords: Leticia Brédice, Fernando Bertona, Laura Esquivel, Candela Ruggeri, Facundo Insúa, Lola Latorre, Luciana Salazar, Gonzalo Gerber, Diego Ramos, #SúperBailando, Showmatch #SúperBailando, showmatch 2019, Marcelo Tinelli, apertura showmatch 2019, showmatch anoche, showmatch 2019 programa completo, Florencia Peña, Ángel de Brito, Pampita, Marcelo Polino, Aníbal Pachano, Flavio Mendoza, Laura Fidalgo, salsa de a tres, salsa de tres, salsa en trio
Id: hACfi7G-elQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 28sec (4648 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2019
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