Shout 2021 | Shane Willard | Salvation - Here Now Today

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oh it's so good to be here with you live i made it it's so good come on and um i can't wait i count um equippers and the shout family my family i'm so thankful that um they count me as a part of their family and sam and kathy and bruce and helen and you know wayne and libby they've just become friends of mine um over the years and we're low maintenance friends because when we do what we do you can't have high maintenance friends and so but but we're we're great we're great family and i can't wait to be a part of what we do today my my task today is to open is to open the bible and i i take that very seriously so anytime you open the bible you want to ask at least two questions one what happened and two more importantly what's happening in me right now because of what happened so if you talk let's follow actual bible colossians chapter two if you if if you don't or you're taking notes on something else we've created some really easy to follow along slides along the way i find it helpful in conferences like this if i summarize the previous speaker's talk so that we sort of have a flow in what we're doing and last night pastor sam preached an amazing word and and it's it's very hard to summarize 40 minutes in in one statement but it was basically this that we need to be unified in the faith and one of the ways that we could do that is to get into the flow of worship in order to show the world what the divine relationship looks like in the godhead that that as i am and you and you and me let them be in us so that the world might believe the idea is that to jesus the way he saw the world is that if his people show the world what the divine relationship looks like um it it it leads people to believe because they want that kind of connection and unity that's my best summary of what we were talking about last night and and it made me think you know it's interesting that there's been people along the way who've tried to put language around what the godhead relationship is one word was godhead another word is trinity you've probably heard that one and and i'm for all those words because you can't really encapsulate something that mysterious and that deep in one word no one's going to call it something and go nailed it but the the the earliest word to to demonstrate that was a word called pericaresis so the word before trinity was pericaresis perry's a greek it's a greek word peri is a perimeter a circle charisis is where we get the word choreographed from it's what you would do with a dance so the earliest church they called the divine relationship the divine dance the the idea of of three acting in perfect unity and that would that would take this mastery of when to step up when to step back when to honor when to submit when to take your turn when to give someone else their turn it was like a divine dance so to the early church the question wasn't just will you be forgiven it was will you dance it was will you do that will you be in step with what's going on the rabbi said that at creation the divine dance wanted a fourth dance partner so they created you the issue isn't so much will you just be forgiven the issue is will you dance and this is what shout is all about it's about coming together in unity and choosing to be in step with what god is up to which leads me to my task today i started thinking about the theme and preaching into things that unify us because it's very easy to be distracted with unimportant things that don't unify us fringe things but there are things that should and actually i would say must it's essential to unify so this morning i want to talk to you about salvation because salvation is a thing that should and actually must unify us but the problem with the word salvation is that words matter less than how we picture words functioning right so there's salvation is used so many different ways in the bible but for us it tends to get only used one way and that is get saved so that someday you could go somewhere else and listen we embrace that here that that death doesn't get the last word resurrection does and and and there is an afterlife but but in in that sense salvation becomes someday someday someday the lion and the lamb someday no more sorrow someday no more pain but actually there's another element to salvation that's here now today so there is a someday that we embrace but we also embrace here now today as a matter of fact those video testimonies perfectly preached my message this morning in testimony form i just want to sort of break down some of the theology of it because in colossians chapter 2 paul is talking about the meaning of the cross and resurrection to these people in colossae and what do we do with this now this is colossians chapter 2 it says once you were if you could bring that up for me once you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh god has now made you alive with christ he forgave us all our sins so the idea is there's this movement from death to life that the christian worldview is not one that says there is no suffering that those people were suffering i would say greatly that there is no suffering but the christian worldview says that suffering never gets the last word resurrection does death doesn't get the last word life does so there's this movement from death to life there's this forgiveness of sins which later he says happened before the foundation of the world which was an incredible sort of insight that once you were dead in the uncircumcision of us god made you alive with christ by forgiving all our sins and canceling the legal indebtedness that stood against us by nailing it to the cross but then it goes on to say keep going it goes on to say in this way he disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities he shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross so in other words there's this one sense that salvation is about death to life there's another sense that salvation is about the forgiveness of sins but there's an entirely different element of salvation that in one sense salvation is about god's intentional pursuit to confront whatever is there to oppress you that this is why it's so important i can't say this enough words matter less than how we picture those words functioning right and so there's a way to say something true that creates an untrue imagination like i'll give you an example right jesus is your judge true but i promise you it just created an untrue imagination i've asked us all over the world hey jesus is your judge what do you picture almost a hundred percent of people say they picture a heavenly courtroom and jesus in a black sort of robe as a courtroom official so i say jesus is your judge but then people picture jesus as this courtroom official with a gavel the problem with that is is that the hebrew word for judge is not a courtroom official it's someone anointed by god to set you free and and you knew that to be true there's an entire book in the old testament called the book of judges yes and those people aren't courtroom officials they're people anointed by god to set people free from whatever is oppressing them and here's the thing right is we say hey jesus is your judge now press in and get close to jesus ain't nobody want to be in court even if you're innocent you don't want to be in court but if we say jesus is the one anointed by god to set you free from whatever's oppressing you now come press into that that's an entirely different story and so i want to talk this morning about salvation and it's not that i don't embrace the someday salvation we all do but in one session that's 32 minutes long right you can't cover all that i want to talk to you almost entirely about the salvation that's available for us here now today to be in the presence of the one anointed to set us free from whatever is oppressing us as far as i know one of the first uses of the idea of salvation is in exodus chapter three so this is there's a group of people who are enslaved and god is not happy about their slavery and here's what it says if you could bring that up it says i've indeed seen the misery of my people in egypt or the oppression of my people in egypt and i've heard them crying out in distress because of their harsh slave drivers yes i'm aware of their suffering so i have come down to rescue them from the power of the egyptians and lead them out of egypt into a fertile and spacious land in other words i've seen the suffering of my people and i am determined to save them out of their suffering not just someday but here now today now this has an illusion back to the book of genesis in genesis chapter 2 it's talking about eden and adam and eve and the whole story and there's this weird sort of detail that's given this is genesis chapter 2 verse 10. let's look at that together on the screen and a river flowed from the land of eden watering the garden and then divided into four branches the first branch was called peshawn and it flowed around the entire land of havela where there was gold and the gold was perfect aromatic resin and onyx stones were also found there so it says that there's a river called peshawn and it's winding through the entire land of a villa and there's gold in the riverbed and it's not just normal gold it is perfect gold now there's so much stuff going on here you it's it's a river called pishon now pishon is a word that means hope it's actually a little bit deeper than that all ancient hebrew writing was in hieroglyphs because they grew up in egypt and so every hebrew letter is a picture every hebrew word's a comic strip so the comic strip on pashan is like something looks completely consumed or something looks dead and then with with all of a sudden burst forth with life the i the best example i could use is like an extinct volcano like we thought it was extinct but now there's rumblings of new life something we thought was dead is now alive you could also call that resurrection you could call it surprise actually in hebrew there isn't there is no word for resurrection in ancient hebrew because dead people stay dead you don't have a word for things that they don't have any context for so so it shouldn't surprise us that the root word in hebrew for resurrection and the root word for surprise are the same word right and and that's that's obvious like if i died today and you came to my funeral on friday and then on sunday i saw you at the mall surprise sort of cuts it the idea is is that is that something that looks dead is bursting forth we'll call it hope you could call it surprise you could call it resurrection but we'll call it for today hope that the word villa means suffering so the idea in genesis chapter 2 is is there's hope and there's suffering so so the idea is that if you're in the land of suffering there's a river called hope flow and somewhere in it you just got to go find it the issue is there's lots of rivers in the land of suffering there's a river called give up sell out compromise make matters worse you don't want those rivers you want to find the river of hope it says there's a river called hopefully somewhere in the land of suffering you just got to go get it you got to find it it's it's hope and suffering flow together that faith is not enough confidence to get out of everything faith is a profound trust that that suffering doesn't get the last word it's it's this moment of that the issue is how do you find the river of hope well it says you can find it because there's gold in it now how does that help us with anything well um perfect gold this is i had a scientist in perth actually show me this it was just amazing and brilliant if you take one part of perfect gold to a hundred thousand parts of water it turns all the water blood red it he made it for me it was in like a little vial just one part of gold to a hundred thousand parts of water it makes a colloidal suspension turns all of it blood red it's how they make stained glass and things like this i used to carry it around with me if i was going to talk about this and people everywhere would say why are you carrying your blood sample around it looks exactly like a blood sample at one time i was landing in a plane it exploded that's why i don't have anymore but it's there's this there's this gold that turns the whole thing blood red also in the word gold itself there's pictures again the word gold is three pictures it's an eyeball a man harvesting supply and then a house of god so when the ancient hebrew people read the word gold they read behold the one who brings a substance for survival brings it to us in the house of god so there's this message underneath the message underneath the message underneath the message so if we put these concepts of hope and suffering and gold together you get some idea in genesis 2 that sounds like this next slide if you could bring that up for me it's there's a river called hope and it's winding through the entire land of suffering because behold the one who brings us substance for survival brings it to us in the house of god through a river of blood the idea is is that when water turns red hope is flowing through suffering fast forward to egypt i've indeed seen the misery of my people in egypt and i've heard them crying out because of their slave drivers and i'm concerned about their suffering so i'm going to save them i'm going to rescue them think through your sunday school classes how does god get the israelites out of egypt he first does it through a series of plagues think through the plagues what was the first plague all the water turns to blood yes to the egyptians that would have been a curse but to the hebrew people there would have been a buzz in the camp hey did you hear all the waters turning red hopes flowing through suffering we might be in the land of suffering now but hope hey did you hear all the waters turning red years later in the in the middle of the whole thing moses gets them out of slavery into the promised land by walking them through the red red water hope flows through suffering they they get to mount sinai moses goes up the mountain comes back down they've made a cow the cow was made of oh moses loses the plot and he beats the cow into powder and he makes them throw the gold into the water coming out of the rock and he makes them drink it for the remission of their sins if you think if you throw the gold in the water what color is the water red hope flows through suffering this is this is evident in creation like i've never been a part of a child birth i've never seen it everything i know about childbirth is on the internet which is where you get all your facts that's obvious i've never been a part of a childbirth but i do understand it's a hectic thing it takes a lot of energy to get life into the world you know but here's the basic thing that i understand is that when a woman's really pregnant and it comes time to give birth what's the first thing that happens her water yeah the water breaks she'll be standing there somewhere go oh my water broke right and when a woman's water breaks what happens she enters into a time of labor suffering and in labor what happens two fluids mixed together blood and water and when blood and water mix together what happens in the greatest suffering a woman could ever know out comes a bundle of joy yeah hopefully suffering when blood and water mix it's like oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh years later there's this rabbi named jesus right pretty important to us right and he shows up at a wedding in cana and he performs his first miracle by doing what turning all the water into yeah like what was his point to provide adult beverages for the party no like like these people are oppressed by the roman empire and without committing treason and getting himself in trouble with the government he does something only the jewish oppressed people to understand he turns all the water red there would have been a hey did you is he is he saying what we think we're hey hey when water turns red we might be in the land of suffering now but hope is fixing to flow years later he said something called the feast of tabernacles and he stands up on the temple steps and at the closing ceremony what they would do is priests would come in with pitchers of bl of wine and water was called the wine and water ceremony and they would pour it on the altar until the spout overflowed and then when the spelt overflowed a steady flow of blood of wine and water would flow down the temple steps it's in that context jesus stands up and says i am the living water in other words the hope that's supposed to flow through suffering that the temple's been promising you for years and failed to deliver i am here to save the day hope flows through suffering years later jesus is having a really bad day and he ends up on a cross right it's a bad day you walk all day you have the biggest meal of the year one of your best friends betrays you in a midnight arresting they beat him half to death all night before any of his main before any of his other followers could be up to resist the thing he's on a cross by 9 am nothing you could really do by then roman already done their thing jesus is being murdered by romans with the conspiracy of some jews and it's horrible thing and jesus is up on a cross and at the end of the situation they need to make sure he's dead before they pull him down and the scriptures say that a roman soldier to make sure he was dead took a spear and stuck it in his side and what does the writer say that out of his side came a steady flow of blood and water what's the author saying that in the greatest suffering a man has ever known there's still hope flowing that that the cross is god revealed perfectly that you'll never see a better picture of god than in the christ that was willing to be crucified in other words the god revealed in christ would rather be murdered than kill his own enemies this is the god revealed in christ and what does that say it means that hope flows through suffering so is salvation someday yes it is someday the lion and lamb someday no more pain but the salvation in the scriptures also talks about particularly the salvation revealed to jesus that salvation is here now today that god is not just interested in getting you to heaven god is interested to bring heaven to your situation it's that like if if the only way we think about salvation is going to heaven when we die that's okay if you're 107 right like like if i say what's christianity and it's like i'm sitting on my butt waiting to go to heaven when i die that's okay if you're 107 if you're 107 you can wait to go to heaven when you die it's coming quickly right but if you're here today and you're 27 years old and something is oppressing you something is making you suffer greatly salvation better be about here now today the message to the world is not joining us so you can go to heaven when you die that's only a part of the story the other part of the story is hey be a part of what god's doing in the world be a part of that divine dance so that hope can be brought to your suffering situation you start looking at jesus at the times he like just confronted oppression like you can't believe like there's this one time it says that him and his disciples were leaving jericho there was a blind man named bartimaeus sitting by the side of the road begging now remember in those days now we would never think this today you'd have to be a really sort of mod marginalized sort of i don't know dipstick to think this right but but like but back then they thought if someone was suffering they must have done something for god to get them so you had less compassion on the sufferer because you would think well they sort of just god would not treat someone like that if if they hadn't done something and so and so jesus is walking by this blind man who's under excessive oppression from his own sickness and from the way society would have thought about him and if you go back and read the story in the book of mark it says that as they were walking by him he said jesus son of david have mercy on me and the disciples of jesus shushed him they rebuked him because he was interrupting jesus if you fail to see the irony of that the followers of jesus were shushing the beggar in in their own pursuit of jesus in other words it's perfectly possible to submit to god's moral will to your life and still lose sight of his redemptive plan for everybody else right and we don't do that right you have you have this irony of people follow not lost people not pagans not romans followers of jesus shushing the beggar in their own pursuit of their which leads all kinds of questions like are we stepping over the beggar in our own pursuit of jesus like are we are we stepping over the people suffering say like shut up don't you see we're following jesus here yeah but jesus is about them this is the problem when people say i'm all about jesus man i'm all hey i'm me too i'm with you and i think that's what we should be as long as we never lose sight of being all about jesus is being also all about love for our neighbor and in love for the oppressed that you can't separate those two you can't be humble before god and harsh with them that doesn't really work jesus says no no no no call him and jesus does an in-your-face confrontation to the oppression he was facing and he doesn't just save him one day he saves him here now today there's this one time there's this lady with an issue of bleeding for 12 years oppressed outcast she pushes through the crowd to touch the hymn the tassels on the corner the talit hakum my child the presence of god is here yet uh jesus rescues her from her suffering is she saved one day sure but for jesus salvation wasn't just one day it was here now today the message of shout is not hey just go to heaven when you die which let me be clear we embrace that yes but we also say the story is bigger that jesus isn't just wanting to get you somewhere else jesus is wanting to bring the rule of heaven here now today he's the one he's the judge he's the one anointed to set us free which leads me to my least favorite story in the whole bible for most of my life but i think it's the greatest example of jesus confronting oppression but i never would i never would preach on it i actually ignored it i hated the story until i learned the history behind it then it became one of my favorite stories the story is found in john chapter 5. i'm not going to read it i'm going to tell the story you can go back and read it if you'd like it's frankly the oddest weirdest story to me in the entire new testament which is saying a lot and unless you know the history underneath it it's frankly to be honest horrible there was one edition of the niv that in very bottom and very small print they said we're not sure why this story is in the bible but because it is we're including it like it is it is frankly a horrible story on the surface it's a story in john chapter 5 about a pool called bethesda and i i'll i'll tell the story fairly and well this is basically what it says it says just inside the sheet gate in jerusalem there was a pool called bethesda and it says occasionally an angel would stir the water of the pool of bethesda and when the angel stirred the water the first person in got healed and everybody else stayed sick is anybody okay with that what a horrible story this is how this is how that story on the surface paints god that god's in heaven somewhere and he's bored because there's not enough problems and he's like man i'm bored i need something to entertain me give me an angel over here angel get over here get over here right now now listen you see that pool yes sir you see it you know what i'm talking about yep now only when i tell you and only when i tell you i want you to go down there and use your finger and stir that water right you got me now here's what we're going to do when you stir that water the first person that notices and gets in we're going to heal them and nobody else will successfully create a race amongst the afflicted because nothing gets my god heart beating like a bunch of crippled people trying to move fast this is gonna be awesome and there's like bookies in heaven going 20 to win 80 20 to 180 301 on the wheelchair guy that guy's got no legs three thousand to one right so they're taking bets in heaven who's gonna be the first i hated that story frankly i've never heard a message on it in my life then i got invited to study with a history expert in jerusalem without boring you with the details of it this guy heard something i did at a conference he rang me and said would you please come speak to my messianic synagogue and as a part of your payment i'll teach you history for the week we'll start as early as you want we'll go as late as you want i'll teach you history for the week he teaches phd level ancient near eastern history at the university there i was like well why don't i just come and let you do that without me speaking anyway so one of the days we walk into this i'm turned around and we we walk into the sheet getting in jerusalem and and according to john chapter five what's right inside there the pool of bethesda this is how interested he was in the pool of bethesda this is what he did he went yeah yeah yeah yeah that's the pool of bethesda and then he walked away well he had told me that i could stop him any time and i just thought he thought the story was horrible too and we ignore these stories right but but look everybody has an imagination right so when you read the story the pool of bethesda how big is it like i'll tell you what i thought i in my imagination i thought the pool of bethesda was about the size of the bottom floor of this room and i thought it was about two feet deep right it can't be very deep why because crippled people trying to jump in right if it's too deep it's going to be very it's not going to work right it's got to be like shallow that's what i thought so he says yeah yeah yeah that's the pool of bethesda i could not believe what i saw i i took a picture let me show you the picture of the pool of bethesda so if you bring that first picture up for me that's the pool of bethesda now the reason that photo is of such high quality is because i took it myself photographers everywhere are trying to get strangers hands on the top of their photo i pulled it off get some of that the pool of bethesda is 100 meters long by 30 meters wide by 40 foot deep just to give you some context that's in the upper right corner there that's a bridge with a grown man walking across it it's huge so i said to ari ari was the history guy i said excuse me did you say this is bethesda he said yes i said well he sure got my story straight is this where the angel stirs the water and only the first one in gets healed he said yes i said he said do you have a question i said i do um how many people died here he said what he looked at me like i had nine heads he said what i said well follow my logic bro if the idea is is that the first crippled person then gets healed no one else imagine like being paralyzed and you're sitting by the side of that and somebody else angel's during the water and you're like oh right and you don't realize till you're in the water that you're number two you're so dead bro he looked at me and said this is his exact words you're joking everybody knows this i said which kind of took me back follow my logic here if everybody knows something and i don't know it that literally makes me the dumbest person on earth right he's like you're joking everybody knows this i said yeah yeah yeah bro why don't you why don't you do me a favor and let me know what it is everybody knows you know he asked me two questions one first question what religion was ruling jerusalem and jesus walk the earth the answer was roman caesar worship every religion operating in jerusalem did so under the authority of rome there was upwards of 40 pagan gods operating in israel in jesus's day there was dionysus there was almond the south there was the goat god pan in the north there was um there was addis adonis horus mithra that was all he's got second question he asked he said you didn't think the angel in john chapter 5 was the angel of our god did you i said it crossed my mind his eyes got bigger he said what no way he said he was like grieving he's like shame are there people who think the angel in john chapter 5 is the angel of our god i said there's a few um mostly aussies mostly mostly aussies or or people from gore there's a few there's there's a few of us he said no man he said he said we got to talk about this then he said this is so obvious i don't even include it on the tour i was like you might you might ought to start including this one on on the tour he said no he said um he said bethesda was the headquarters of the greek goddess of healing serapis he said basically where we're standing is is that big if you could put the main uh that first picture up again he said where you're standing right here is the ruins of the temple of serapis this was their front yard it's a big giant pool the problem was it would overflow and then water would go down into the city and this was dirt roads and so the roman officials said you got to do something to stop that and so what they did is they dug a tunnel underneath the temple and they created a second pool that was a flood retardant it was a catchment like a um it kept water from going down and when the water was getting too high in the big pool they would just pull a lever the water would go underneath the temple and it would fill up the water in the smaller pool to keep water from flowing into the city he said he said the one you're reading about john chapter five is the smaller pool let me show you a picture of the smaller pool next slide that next picture yeah this is the smaller pool which which is about it's about what i pictured it's about the size of this room it's it's about two feet deep as you can see there's pillars and where people would be sitting and there's holes where they would have moved the water now think about it if you move water from a big pool to a small pool underneath a building what's going to happen in the smaller pool the water is going to bubble up so here's what the romans did the romans said to the priest of serapis hey if serapis is the god of healing let's tell the people it's the angel of therapists stirring the water and only the first person in gets healed and here's what we'll do we'll charge a premium for people to sit closest to the pool so that they'll have the best chance of being healed this is what they did they put a plant next to the pool who was already healed they told him when they were going to move the water he was always the first one in and magically came out healed which only exacerbated the myth and kept the oppressed poor marginalized sick people paying the fee to the roman government now i can preach it so jesus comes into the center of oppression of the poor and the afflicted and the marginalized and the sick and if you think about the story he doesn't just pick a random dude he picks the sickest person in the room it says he's been paralyzed for 38 years that's a long time if you're not 38 you have no idea what that is right 38 years is a long time and he says he's pretty sarcastic he says what's the matter bro the water doesn't work for you and remember the paralyzed guy he's like but rabbi you know the rules only the first guy in gets healed and i have no legs and so the guy with the sore throat always gets in first and they don't take numbers i've been here 38 years you know and then and then without the help of stirred water jesus heals that man essentially saying the god i have revealed to the world does not charge people for healing you can sit here the rest of your life under this nonsense or you can see a different way to see god that is an in-your-face confrontation to massive oppression so i said to the historian i said everybody knows this he said shane look around you it's everywhere that picture right there do you see where that shadow ends there's a yellow plaque you can't read it so i blew it up for you let me show you what it says next slide it says temple of serapis it's on a plaque in the middle of the pool everybody knows this it gets worse next to the plaque was a billboard let me show you the billboard next slide this is the billboard this is the thing of bethesda this is the history this is the top of the guy's head teaching me brilliant right but but but i just want you to see what it says about bethesda it says pagan medicinal baths pagan medicinal bass which leads me to all kinds of questions like if we were wrong about bethesda what else do we need to rethink maybe we should open more conversations about god instead of shutting them bethesda is an amazing story of the god revealed in christ walking into massive oppression not for some day but here now today a person sitting there oppressed for 38 years paying a fee for something that didn't exist and jesus is like no no no the god i'm revealing to the world does not do that to people this is an in-your-face confrontation to oppression there's blood in the water now great sermons are not meant to be agreed with nor disagreed with they're meant to be wrestled with so let's ask a few questions next slide what is driving you that you need deliverance from i'm actually going to call the musicians back and i'd actually ask you all to stand you've been city long enough let's let's all stand together and um i want to minister to you and um i want us to answer these questions inside what's driving us that we need deliverance from not for some day but here now today what's what is the slave driver that's demanding that you understand you are less than human you just can't beat that thought that addiction that problem whatever the case may be what's driving you what is it that you need deliverance from what are you doing to help free others from their slavery where are we participating in other people being set free for bringing the power of god to them to help them be set free but the primary thing i want us to wrestle with in this session is this question next slide where do you need salvation for your house today not someday but here now today i am here to proclaim to you that there is blood in your water your water is turning red now if you're here today and you say last night a lot of you chose to accept jesus and i'm so glad about that but my question right now is is where do you need salvation for here now today where would you say hey i'm in the land of suffering and i need to find that red water of hope if that's you won't you throw your hand up real quick we're going to pray together throw them up all over the room all the room yep yep yep yep all over the room we're going to believe together yep all over the room yep yep yep yep yep yep we're going to believe together that your water is turning red i said your water is turning red what we're declaring here is that your water is turning red that god is not just interested in you going to heaven he is here for an in-your-face confrontation to whatever's oppressing you here now today so lord i pray that an unction of your spirit would come over this place and you would help us see it for what it is that suffering is what it is but it never gets the last word would you do for us today what you did for the world and take on death and defeat it by dying and resurrecting lord would you bring resurrection and hope and pashon to our hevilla may you do what you did and confront our oppressor here now today would you look this way i bless you to know that god believes in you more than you believe in him i hope jesus got bigger the cross worked better the resurrection is central and scriptures got bigger not smaller for you today i've blessed you to know that salvation is not sitting on your butt waiting for someday salvation is about god's intention to bring it here now today to do an in-your-face confrontation and your water is turning red grace and peace everybody god bless
Channel: Equippers Church
Views: 1,057
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: YhZtjHo8HOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 42sec (2442 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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