Should YOU Visit Santorini, Greece - Watch Before You Visit!

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everyone welcome back so I'm on the popular island of Santorini in Greece to go and check out the island because it is a lot more than what you might think you may have seen Instagram photos you may have seen TV shows you may have seen YouTube videos on Santorini but what is it really like this is the town of IA it is very pretty but what is the rest of the island like it actually has got beaches and a lot of people don't think of Santorini and beaches that they go together but it does have a few we'll go and check them out and so much more come with me oh [Music] good though it's a pretty steep drive already having to use mostly first gear I'm not even at the top yet but there is already some breathtaking views so to get one of the best views in Santorini you don't need to drive to ear you just need to drive up a rather steep hill and come here on the south east of the island to get one of the best views come on put on my car there but be prepared it is extremely windy up here there's actually a monastery up here too you can see over there towards the airport when you come in to Santorini and what's great about coming up here if you have a higher car is that there's not many excursions that come up here so it won't ever be too busy and here we are breathtaking views over Santorini you can see the Caldera over there here in the far distance and what's also good about coming up here is you can visit the monastery as well which is absolutely beautiful let's have a quick look inside be very quiet first thing I've noticed it might be a monastery but it's open for tourists there's not many monasteries that I've ever seen where they vending machine inside we can head into one of the little mini churches something Santorini does have a lot of these mini churches wow look at this look at the way the chairs are all around the side that is beautiful you have to have long arms but this view is also amazing too so we're looking over the Southwest I think it's Southwest Southeast and Southwest of the island you've got red Beach over there one of the main Beach is black Beach is over there and just around the corner as well so like I say coming up here you get views of the whole island you might not be able to stand and get a whole 360 degree but you get a good view from this side I didn't expect to see a gift shop in a monastery what kind of stuff are they selling three euros all hand painted as well crosses you can buy little pendants look at these little plates how cute are they now compared to ear where you buy trinkets for Santorini they'll be a lot more expensive I mean yeah it's it's a trek up here but actually from here it's around about 25 minutes from the middle of the island it's about 15 minutes so why wouldn't you come up here if you've seen any of my videos you'll know that I always go on about hiring car it's the best way to go and see anywhere you stay you can go off the beats and track and this car in Santorini cost me 80 pounds to Hyatt for three days now the ladies said that I was getting a free upgrade Nissan Micra which is seen slightly better days now again it's around about a 700 pound deposit or you can pay 70 euros to get the deposit down to zero and it also covers you for scratches and let's face it it might not be your fault people might actually just knock into the car they might open the door onto the car and then bam they've charged you 700 euros on your credit card so I always say if it's affordable go for the extra insurance now something you don't associate with Santorini quite a lot is Beaches but there are quite a few in fact there's Blackness red and there's white yes there's black Beach white Beach and red Beach we'll start here on black Beach which is one of the biggest and one of the best beaches on the island so along the whole sea fund here there's loads of different beach bars there's also a place to get a hammock I'm just trying to figure out how you get into a hammock because this could be quite embarrassing not quite sure which way to start sitting in it I've seen so many people injure themselves on hammocks let's hope I'm not one of those statistics here we go okay well I'm not really in ah yes I mean oh this is the life hammocks easy get some fresh barbecued sweet corn wow check that out there's loads of flavors on there as well look a bit of lemon garlic and something you don't normally associate with Santorini water sports and jet skis down here on the beach but obviously it's volcanic and um it's very Stoney it's also extremely hot so if you're walking around with no flip-flops on your feet will get burnt and just off the beach as well the little seafront with loads of restaurants it could be any Creek Island some nice seafood restaurants actually and being Santorini they do things a little bit classier there's plenty of beach clubs here as well and another famous Beach on the island is red Beach let's go and check it out the reason will become clear why it's called red beach in a moment it's nice as a calf up here actually a bit of a sun trap there get roasted so there is two entrances to Red Beach there's one that that's further down and there's this one this one's slightly better because obviously there's a cafe close by how much are they 20 euros a lot of the tourists get dropped off over there as you can see there's quite a few people over there you get a better view of red Beach from over there especially when the Sun goes around a little bit more even the beach here obviously has that red tinge to it from the cliffs the beach does look a lot more dramatic from up here so we'll have a climb up trying to come up here in uh flip-flops probably not a great idea it's weird isn't it it isn't the best beach in the world let's be honest it's not overly that nice to lay on but it's a tourist attraction here in Santorini because of the redness of the beach and the cliffs I suggest you come down here in the morning because later in the afternoon it gets extremely busy now what slightly concerns me walking next to the cliff is all of this or just fall away I don't know if you can see it but just there there's a huge crack in that and they don't do anything to protect it they just say you know be careful when walking down to Red Beach but yeah that's a bit of a disaster waiting to happen because I'm a bit nervous walking near that do it quick if I run so the last Peach is white Beach and it's only accessible by boats you can take a boat for 15 euros and actually you can visit red Beach white Beach and black Beach so yeah it's only accessible by boat but like I say you can go and see the other beaches by car wow everything in Santorini is expensive so I've got a bit of a headache I thought I'd go into the pharmacy to get some paracetamol and ibuprofen cost me nine euros so if you are coming from the UK make sure you go and get those 40p paracetamol before you come out here it will save you a lot of money so there's a lot of sightseeing in Santorini but if you're ever in the car and you drive past this place the Lost Atlantis experience I suggest you go in there because you can learn about the history the geology of how Santorini was formed and more importantly how it could have been the birthplace to the lost city of Atlantis which was in theory in the middle of the Caldera and then of course the second largest eruption known to man happened which of course wiped out the whole civilization but do you believe it let's go and check it out there's also a 9d cinema in there because you're 14 euros to get in here floor is lava oh I have to stop from here stand here to begin oh I see right so this is pretty cool it tells you all about how Santorini was formed and how after you know that second biggest eruption in human history we lost the city of Atlantis possibly hello hello thank you thank you so it is also a 9d cinema this would be interesting I've heard of 4D I've heard of 5D don't think I've heard of six or seven d and I definitely haven't heard of 9d so this should be good I've got earphones I've got glasses [Music] and this is a little model of what it could have looked like [Music] and here look you can hold the powerful Trident of Poseidon you can grip onto it wave right hand and I can be dressed as a lady look at that oh hang on I've gone well for the price 14 euros yeah I guess it was okay the 90 experience but it was great to learn about some of the archaeological finds that proves that that city did exist but was it the lost city of Atlantis tell me the comments so Sunset is almost upon us just looking over the Caldera there and over to thira which is where I'm going to go for a little bit of a walk this evening I think a lot of the cruise ships are they heading out because normally it gets very busy over there um this is actually quite a nice place to come for sunset you could probably see ear right in the distance there but let's head to Thera now it gets pretty busy at sunset in theater and this is one of the few car Parks here certainly is a busy evening here a lot of people choose to stay here because it's actually fairly cheap compared to ear some amazing places to eat though these narrow streets get very busy while Sunset is one of the busiest times become into the city we're gonna go down here a little bar here look at the view wow literally all these streets are so narrow and people are just winding their way through them trying to get a seat for sunset you don't like people it's probably not the best place to come because you just can barely move you see over there that's the Royal Caribbean Odyssey of the Seas I still want to go on that ship it's got like a water park on it and everything it's just nice just to wander around the streets there are literally restaurants absolutely everywhere unlike IA you don't need to book tables here there are so many restaurants really is amazing they've managed to fit all this in so many restaurants one thing you will come across is donkey poo in the streets see the donkeys go up and down here taking people's luggage and other items wow look at this this is lovely imagine having dinner there I do have dinner reservations tonight in ear but because it gets so busy I can't book around Sunset so I have to go later on in the evening which is a little bit of a shame what can I do I just I don't know how the donkeys do it up and down these steep steps especially during the heat of the day so no matter what we say and do they probably won't ever stop doing it at the same time doesn't mean that I'm going to use them to put my luggage on you've got to remember that thousands of people come up here every single day which creates a lot of mess coming off the cruise ships as well and if you've ever wondered how all the tourists get up from the cruise ships they go on this cable car which brings them up pretty fast actually and just so you see the sheer weight of people coming off the cruise ships this is the queue for the cable car it keeps going I'm going and actually it stretches all the way around here to the end here that's a long queue and if you want to get the money shot being here in Santorini three bells of fader just here and it's sunset so there's no path here so people kind of stand just there and get their photos taken [Music] thank you foreign if you've always wanted to know what one of these looks like inside we can go in we do have to be quiet it's coming up to Harper State at sunset so everyone's enjoying the sunset they're not coming in here but I just wanted to show you this wow I'm glad that no one else was in there because that was quite a unique experience best time to come and visit obviously one of these old churches at Sunset and everyone's enjoying the sunset everyone's having dinner what's that about coming in here so Sunset has just happened I thought I'd get myself a drink this cost me 18 Euros it has got some alcohol in it it's even got a bamboo straw cheers morning so I've come to EA first thing in the morning because apparently this is when it's not as busy it's still extremely hot it's 10 o'clock and it's like 36 degrees very warm so I'm here to check out the blue domed Church of Santorini which apparently is very nice also going to have a walk around the beautiful streets of here let's go oh by the way this also is a is a great place to have a photo because of that backdrop now it's quite scary when you think about it as you look around the volcano rim you realize that all this is the Caldera the middle of the volcano and obviously all the sides would have been all the way up and then when this exploded remember this was the second largest explosion in history it cooled temperatures around the Earth by two degrees it must have been hell on Earth being here when it erupted I mean it had a sonic boom that went halfway around the world I mean just crazy and now some say Paradise on Earth and first thing you notice when you come to here is that the streets are all laced in Marble compared to fear over there which the streets don't overly look they're great this is lovely not so great when it's raining though and even when it's not raining it can be quite slippy so these streets are laced with restaurants boutique hotels and amazing views over the Caldera look at that look a bit of photo shoot going on that's what you'll see on a lot of postcards for Greece the shops are quite expensive up here though I'm not gonna lie people using umbrellas here for the sun to be off them which is probably quite a good idea this is also so pretty at night definitely worth now if you come up here at Sunset like I did the other night it was just ridiculously busy my little cave houses down there look you can actually book this out to get married or for a proposal I could put flowers everywhere and turn those on at Sunset I think it costs quite a lot of money though you can also getting married here look at that for a view though imagine doing your valves in there look at those little mini Blue Dome churches you find yourself popping into these shops just to cool down because walking along here even in the morning it could be so hot so to get to the famous Blue Dome church here in Santorini we kind of have to go through some of these houses you can see a collection of people over there who are taking photos of it it's kind of hidden from View it's obviously where it gets busy you might see this in a lot of videos of Santorini people trying to push past and you're getting very busy there's these tour guides taking photographs and charging you for it everywhere that's not the church we're after you can see all the people going in there this is the church we're after almost there and there's no real sign to it to be honest but you go left here the only reason why people know is because uh the amount of footfall coming through here even though I've seen people with drones Mine stock footage and here is the money shot you can walk a little further down as well all these little cave houses someone else taking photos look so that was my tour of Santorini tell me what you thought in the comments is it what you thought it would be for me um IA and Thea are as what I thought it would be beautiful streets tiny little towns blue domed churches but the rest of the island isn't as beautiful as this makes out unfortunately but it's still definitely worth coming here and in fact a lot of people that I've spoken to when they come to Santorini they come to eat or fear and they don't really go anywhere else and if they come on a cruise ship this is all they see of the island so that's probably why it gets this reputation that it does don't come in July and August like I have because it's ridiculously busy although to be fair it's not as busy as I thought it would be sunsets are the most busiest if you like the video please give it a thumbs up make sure you hit that subscribe button if you want to see more of the Greek Islands check out my videos here or here and I'll see you next time and it's going to cool down
Channel: Walk With Me Tim
Views: 236,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KClxEtYe4qA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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