Should you use Bootstrap?

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I [Music] [Music] hi guys so I hope you're all doing really well I wanted to make a Q&A video as I had mentioned before so the purpose of this is to talk about some concepts more than other things and it's why I'm not sitting in front of a computer because it's something more than you know to talk about and so I thought I'd go for a little walk and it would give me time to think about my answer I won't be putting at one of these types of videos every week maybe once a month but it will depend also on how often these types of questions are coming in but I do want it to be a semi-regular feature on my channel and what was the other thing I wanted to say about that they won't interrupt the regular flow they're going to be released during the week but not on Wednesdays you still get your your regular Wednesday video which I know I think you guys are enjoying so the question comes from Joseph Alvarez which was how or what do I think of bootstrap and when should we or should we not use it and that's an awesome question and it's an awesome question for a few reasons and it's why in the comment I said that it was it could have a really long answer and I give him a bit of a short answer but the more I thought of it the more I wanted to give a better answer and I find what you know a awesome question like that I'd like to be able to give a thought-out answer but not only that he'd be able to see I think it would benefit more than than just the one or two people who might read that comment so yeah I thought this would be a fun format to do for these longer types of questions that do come up so what do I think of bootstrap first off I think it's amazing I love bootstrap it's a really really cool system it's awesome really well built so that's you know it's a fantastic fantastic thing that some people have made and it's incredible really but it's also really really overused and massively overused and that's a problem so the other part of Joseph's question that was really good was that it was when should you or should you not use it and that's something that you should definitely always be wondering about you know all the time pretty much when you're doing these types of projects because even if it's jQuery or if it's now react is really sort of the in thing and I was reading an article recently on CSS tricks but react and just how it's because it's trendy people are just using it they're not thinking about why they want to use it so I think it's important that you think about what you want to be doing and why you're actually using different things no matter what they are are you just needing a grid system then you shouldn't be using bootstrap man there's other frameworks out there that are just literally just a grid you can look up skeleton or I'll put the link to that in the description down below which is just a bare-bones framework it's just a grid system I remember correctly and there's others that are sort of a middle ground they're a little bit more robust they have some buttons they might have a navigation but they don't have all they don't have the JavaScript libraries and they don't have you know the tons and tons of stuff that bootstrap does have when you are going to be making your own website it's something you really need to be thinking about you need to ask yourself do I need it am I going to be using a lot of the features that bootstrap is giving me because bootstrap gives you tons of stuff right but if you are going to use it make sure you actually read the documentation and I know that sounds incredibly boring reading documentation you know it's kind of dry but if you were going to use bootstrap or any other one there's foundation which is another popular framework you should understand what you're doing with it it's one thing just to take something because it's popular learn the basics of it and use it it's another thing to really understand how it's working because then you're actually going to use it properly and that's the most important thing too many people don't use bootstrap properly you know use it the way it's intended to be used with all the bells and whistles that it does have so you're not doing more work than you have to be doing the other advantage with that I know for me when I learned how bootstrap really worked and I finally got into the documentation and took the time to understand really how they were doing things it made me a better coder for sure I wasn't very good until I started getting into bootstrap and that sort of showed me a lot of the things that people who know what they're doing do the people who made bootstrap are super-smart these are intelligent people they know what they're doing they've been doing this for a long time they're forward-thinking and it's a lot of best practice that's included in there so you know it's something to think about and when you look through it and it might give you ideas on how you can improve your own code I improved my code so much so even when I'm not using bootstrap I'm using some of the things that they use in their code and for me that it honestly improved my code a lot so I strongly encourage not just using it but thinking about how you're using it seeing how they actually do things and you know doing it I think it's going to make you a better coder overall we've got a helicopter coming by by the sounds of it yeah so not only will it be a great tool for you to use and to make you know that will help work your workflow and help you work faster because you're using all these pre-built things but I really do think that if you study it properly you will become a better developer it's one thing to practice but not an I don't think enough of us study and you guys are you're here you're watching my channel you're listening to this that means you're interested in becoming better developers so another part of that can be studying and seeing you know that studying what other people are doing not just through video but through things that exist out there today like bootstrap like foundation yeah thanks again for the question Joseph geez now I'm being blinded by the Sun first the helicopter and other Suns come out from the clouds one thing I'd love for you guys to do it down in the comments below is if you could tell me what you think a bootstrap how you use bootstrap if you use bootstrap I'd love that this conversation could continue down below in the comments and if you have any general other questions that you think might be good for this type of thing - by all means leave them down below in the comments one last comment about bootstrap of course a bootstrap I will be doing a video series on bootstrap shortly ish I know a lot of you been asking about it so I have started working on it I'm just not sure about the best way to approach it and exactly how I'm going to do it but if you have any ideas for a type of site you'd like to see designed with bootstrap leave it down below because I'm thinking about doing it as a design followed by the code so I'll show you how I'm designing it followed by how I'm coding it but I just don't know what type of site to design so if you have any ideas or input on that also leave it in the comments below and that would be awesome so that is it thank you so much for watching and until next time take it easy guys [Music] you
Channel: Kevin Powell
Views: 70,013
Rating: 4.7617412 out of 5
Keywords: HTML, CSS, How to, Web development, tutorial, web tutorial, html5, css3, Kevin Powell, front end, front-end, front end coding, web coding, programming, front end programming, What do I think of Bootstrap, should I use bootstrap, What is bootstrap, when should i use bootstrap, how should i use bootstrap, Kevin Powell web, Bootstrap, Is bootstrap, Q&A, should you use bootstrap, bootstrap or not, bootstrap why should i use it, when and when not use bootstrap, should you use boostrap
Id: P_qsfOHDwts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 14sec (434 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2017
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