Should You Make Your Own VPN?

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which VPN provider can we trust at this point Nord VPN failed to disclose their hack in a timely manner tunnel bear and then P ia got acquired by McAfee and cape technologies respectively both companies with spotty histories with respect to user privacy I mean it's enough to raise the question can't you just roll a VPN made by the one person you can definitely trust online yourself the answer is yes you definitely can but whether or not you should treat your eyes to long lasting comfort and vision performance with a free trial of Cooper vision by affinity energist contact lenses made for today's digital lifestyle threat the link below [Music] the first question needed to ask yourself is what do I need a VPN for we figure there are roughly four main uses for a VPN at least for now the first is to secure and encrypt your traffic against prying eyes like your internet service provider or bad actors on an unsecured Wi-Fi like say that guy with his hood up in your local coffee shop I'm not saying he's a bad guy I'm just saying you might want to use her credit card first Netflix subscription right which brings us to reason number two accessing region-locked content like BBC or Netflix by masking your IP address and making it appear as though you are accessing it from a different country and well I'm gonna have to stop you right there because Netflix specifically aggressively blocks any connection coming from a server VPN or data center related IP address so your DIY VPN isn't going to work for this unless of course a us-based friend agrees to host a VPN for you at their house giving you access to their network which happens to be used case number three using a VPN to access a remote secure Network let's say you've got a home server and you want to be able to access your files or whatever without opening up an SSH server to the entire Internet using a VPN server inside your networks firewall lets you tunnel into your network remotely via an encrypted connection giving you access to all of the devices on your network as if you were sitting right next to them from anywhere so if you fall under any of the first three feel free to skip ahead to the tutorial portion of this video where we show you how you can set up a VPN server by yourself on cheap cloud hosting add a friend's or at home or remote access number four is using a VPN to mask your IP for torrenting totally legal stuff like like Linux is OS real talk though many avid torrent Ertz use VPNs to avoid DMCA notices and potential service throttling that's why the data encryption that a VPN provides is so important for these use cases if your ISP knows what your traffic is they can easily after you for downloading and sharing copyrighted content shoulda worn a stealthy hoodie from LTT but but seriously unfortunately for you DIY VPN folks out there if you're trying to run your VPN off of a rented server from a large hosting provider any abuse reports from your totally legal torrents will simply be forwarded along to you if the account is in your name now you could get around the in your name bit by using fake information but we obviously can't endorse fraud and that doesn't help anyway if your provider just throttles your connection or suspends your account for accessing pirated content excuse me Linux is OS so the only way to combat this is to set up your VPN on a virtual machine from a company that's in a country that doesn't abide by the DMCA that way any takedowns they receive will just be routed to the trash now we're not gonna mention any specific providers but if you google DMCA ignored countries I'm sure that you can find one that suits your needs once you've selected a provider that works for your use case we can move on to selecting a VPS tier at a bare minimum you're gonna want at least one core half a gigabyte of RAM and enough bandwidth for your application for our example we're gonna be using the lowest tier ipv4 compatible plan from a cloud hosting company called vulture at just three dollars and fifty cents a month it's quite competitive with existing public VPN providers if all you're looking to do is hide your casual web browsing from your ISP and Wi-Fi snoops tutorial time then if you intend to follow along we've got a step-by-step text version of this at the Ltd forum which is linked in the video description including commands that you can directly copy pasted into your terminal for the video portion we're gonna assume that you've already booted up your sent OS VPS as per the tutorial set up the firewall and that you are SSH tin ready to go the next thing we need to do is install VPN server software there are lots of options here but one of the easiest that we found is an open source project called pre tunnel they've nicely laid out the exact commands that you'll need to get their VPN software installed and working so copy over and run each command individually to add the required repositories and their GPG keys these ensure that the software that we received has not been tampered with then install pre tunnel and MongoDB start them and set them to run when your VPS boots at this point you should be able to access your pre tunnel web interface remotely by entering first HTTP colon slash slash then the IP of your VM if you cannot access it you likely didn't configure your VPS firewall correctly so make sure you double check that once you've successfully accessed the panel use the supplied command to get the setup key click enter and then use the other command to get the default user and password login and you'll be prompted to do some initial setup we recommend changing the default username to make it harder to brute-force and you can also specify a custom domain here if you don't fancy typing in the IP all the time next create an organization this is basically just a user group and helps keep things well organized following that create a user while being sure to specify a secure pin with your user in your org setup head over to the server page and create your VPN server you're gonna want to leave most of the settings here on their defaults except for the port that you previously specified in the firewall and you might want to disable inter client communication and enable multiple device support after linking your organization to the server you can go back to the user page and download the pre tunnel client straight off of the panel along with your VPN profile now you connect and bam you've got a shiny new IP address with all of your data encrypted along the way even with our test server located in New York which is almost 3,000 miles away from our office our latency was obviously worse but we were still able to get speeds of more than 150 megabits at just three dollars and fifty cents a month offering us a near line level experience it's perfect for shopping on public Wi-Fi or watching online content without interruptions and without anyone's snooping on what you're doing except maybe advertisers but if you watch our other video on piehole an open-source Network wide ad blocker you can actually fix that problem too maybe though check that one out right now being you're checking things out check out our sponsor brilliant thank you brilliant for sponsoring today's video brilliant teaches you guys to solve puzzles and problems on their website and app and they've got tons of content over 60 interactive courses in math science and computer science makes it a great website to achieve your goals in stem their courses are designed to puzzle and surprise you adding a lot of fun to the learning process one course you guys might like is mathematic fundamentals is it possible to drag the number titles so that every row and column adds up to the target Sun beside it well you can find out by giving it a try today so go to brilliant dot org slash Linus tech tips we're gonna have that link below where the first 200 of you to click on the link are gonna get 20% off go check it out guys so thanks for watching by the merch personally I I wear multiple layers of merch so you know why stop at just one hoodie when you can wear two it's cold in the studio right now
Channel: Linus Tech Tips
Views: 1,591,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: torrenting, pirating, pirate, free software, free movies, vpn, nordvpn, hacked, pia, private internet access, virtual private network, vpn server, vps, vultr, digital ocean, linux, guide, server
Id: KcxKWudhkpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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