Should You Buy a 2023 Toyota Sequoia? In Depth Review By a Mechanic

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hello and welcome to the car care Channel and welcome to the 2023 Toyota Sequoia all updated all new ground up everything has been changed in the Sequoia which basically was a dinosaur and now it is no longer a dinosaur latest high-tech equipment drivetrain everything it's been updated it is even hybrid now so in today's video we're going to do a proper proper tour of this thing so you know if you should consider one or you should just keep your old one or look elsewhere right after this let's start with the technical review under the hood now the Sequoia completely got updated the V8 is gone and we have this beautiful new engine so the Sequoia is a hybrid but let's start with the engine itself this is the v35a FTS it is a 3.5 liter or 3.4 liter whichever side you want to go on Twin Turbo V6 this engine has so much technology that is such a departure from the old ancient V8 that it almost feels like it's like jars the Sequoia lineup same thing with the tundra by the way this is a very similar drivetrain to that of the tundra hybrid so this engine has Toyota's d4s direct injection system so basically you have direct and Port injectors at the same time that means no carbon buildup that means life is good this system has been out in a lot of models proven viable to a point proving that it does not have carbon buildup or does not cause carbon buildup so I suppose that is a big plus before we dive deeper let's start with kind of the mechanical aspects of this engine so the first thing is let's start from the very top this engine has plastic valve covers the jury is still out on that plastic is always not good with heat but they seem to be well made and hopefully they will last for a long time the second thing is the cylinder head the cylinder head has a lot of unique features some this stuff you're going to find in other newer Toyota models but you'll see a lot of it here first thing this is a two-piece cylinder head so basically there's a cam cradle at the top that has the camshafts in it and that is separate from the cylinder head itself it does have an integrated exhaust manifold so basically a turbo bolt on straight to the cylinder head there's no exhaust manifold in between other stuff is the valve seats so they are laser clad valve seats and the angle of those valves create something called a very high tumble flow so instead of the charge kind of just going in and getting dispersed it actually creates a circle and that it means high efficiency and very high thermal efficiency this is sounds very nice engineering talk but basically this engine is very efficient that's what we're trying to achieve here by the way this is not exclusive to this engine we have similar technology in the a25a and the m20a the 2.0 and the 2.5 liter which basically now is in every single Toyota and Lexus model then we move into the cylinder block the block is probably a better word very simple it is a standard Toyota block the liners are cast into the the block itself so they're not serviceable that is also not news basically every single Toyota engine Modern Toyota engine is like that this block has two oil pans there's an upper oil pan and a lower oil pan that is also a design that we've seen with a lot of Toyota engines nothing really special about it now let's talk about the timing chain of this engine this engine even though it has all this technology and all this all new braking stuff it actually shares a lot of the design elements of older engines that make them reliable for example it only has three timing chains for a big V6 like this it's actually not a lot so there's one big timing chain that goes from the camshafts to the crank and then between the two camshafts there's a little chain that drives One cam to the other and that's how this engine is timed does have three timing chain tensioners one for each timing chain something else about the cylinder block that is slightly a concern and it is new and I hope this does not end up being a problem so they decide to put a coolant passage between each cylinder so you'll have coolant passage that sits right in the middle now the last company I did that was Ford and they had so many problems with head gaskets early now this engine has been out for a little bit of time there hasn't been issues with that yet but that is a slight concern on paper and in theory that's a good thing because now you can call between the cylinders but in reality you're severely compromising the ceiling surface of that head gasket time will tell if this is an issue but that is something that Engineers love to do here and there that you know we've had engines they never had this whole in this cooling passage in the middle why add it now that's what they did now this engine similar to the a25a does have a two-piece front time and cover so basically you have a piece of the cover in the back then you have all the timing components the chain the gears everything then another outside cover that you can actually see from the outside they did this in an attempt to prevent one problem that plagued many Toyota engines the place where the front timing cover meets the cylinder head meets the block that corner always leaked in the past in this engine that area actually does not have sealer literally the back cover kind of Loops over it so that was an attempt to remedy that one problem that many of you have heard of seen it on my channels heard of it somewhere else this doesn't have that issue hope hopefully because they had to really over complicate things to solve that but it is the solution they came up with something else about this which is interesting the oil pump is actually integrated into the front timing cover this is a design that is not new they've been actually doing this for a very long time very successfully oil pump never really had issues service becomes a little bit more intricate because you have to make sure that the ceiling between the front timing cover and the rest of the engine is done well but that has to do with service design wise actually very compact it's a great place for an oil pump brighter than those of the crank no additional chain none of that now this engine has a few interesting things first one is only the Germans think that more is better usually the Japanese like to simplify things and keep it simple but when it comes to this engine I feel like there was a German involved in the some of the additional stuff that got added to it for example there is not one air filter there is two there is not one mess airflow there is two now could they have done this with one air filter one mass airflow yeah but they chose to do it the German Way and you have two air filters two Mass airflows two air ducts going in why not that's but then it goes more German than that let's talk about the turbo and this is where the biggest elephant in the room this is a twin turbo engine so there is one turbo on each Bank of the V life is good right well service is extremely complicated and this because usually servicing anything with the exhaust manifold on the old V8 even what's a nightmare because you have the frame in your way because this is after all a body on frame truck so the location of the turbos is tough this is the better location putting it in the middle it creates a lot more problems like some of the German manufacturers have done now this turbo has an electronic wastegate I wish it didn't because that is an electronic component that is put in such a hot area of the engine Bay and we've seen that with the tundra they had a few issues hopefully they were just manufacturing issues but that is a problem where that actuator is and the best thing about it is as far as I have looked as the data film in this video it is not a serviceable part so basically if the wastegate goes you're replacing the whole turbo that is not a good idea now let's talk about how this turbo actually functions now this turbo is coolant and oil cooled pretty standard nothing really about it but the intercooler here is very high tech I actually like it it is liquid to air cooled but here is where the German part comes in so in order to cool the charge that goes into the engine we have an air cooler this intercooler uses coolant to cool that charge life is good but then in order to cool that cool length that now is cooling the charge we need to have a whole separate cooling system for that now all that is okay there's an electric water pump that circulates the coolant life is good there but then we decided to have two radiators one for each Bank charge to cool the coolant for the intercooler so this beautiful thing has way too many radiators we have the big Radiator in the front and then we have the condenser behind it and then we have two complete additional radiators just for the intercooler I think that's a little Overkill but that's what they went with but wait there is more germanness going on here so the cooling fan for the longest time Toyota trucks had a mechanical cooling fan every time you started it blows all the leaves and dirt around you and Roars into life then they quiet down people love that I I own a GX I love that it's kind of character of the old school truck but here they did not do that we still have a mechanical cooling fan but that mechanical cooling fan has a clutch that is electronically controlled so it would be operated on demand I'm sorry isn't that what electric fans do you know put two electric fans have they come on when you want shut off when you want control the speed and whatnot I don't understand the over complication of this mechanical electrical fan why can't we just put electric fans that is the last German part hopefully let's talk about the hybrid system on the of the new Sequoia so this is very similar to the tundra and I have a video where we kind of really talked about every little detail of the system but I'm going to give you this summary of it this is not like conventional Toyota hybrids where you have an ecvt and all that this actually has a 10-speed automatic transmission between the engine and the transmission there is an electric motor that has a clutch it can engage disengage start the engine drive the car or completely disengage and do nothing controlling that motor is the inverter that sits right here where in the none hybrid Tundra this is where the 12 volt battery would be in this the battery is in the back this does all the magic this basically drives the motor charges the battery and runs the AC compressor which by the way in this car it is electric which is good now this does not have a boost function where it can boost the voltage like regular hybrids this does not have that because this hybrid system is not really meant for kind of that kind of efficiency this gives the the drivetrain kind of a boost for towing for better torque slight better efficiency but it's not really focused on gas mileage flat out you're not going to get 25 miles to the gallon with this actually you're not even going to get close to 20. let's we'll talk about that in a little bit but this inverter just like all hybrid inverters generates a lot of heat so it does have its own cooling system it has its own water pump on coolant reservoir and everything so yes the Sequoia has three cooling systems with many many many radiators that's just the way it is and there's a lot of coolant hoses everywhere and this is perhaps a tad bit too complicated going from the old dinosaur to this but that's the way they had to do it to integrate this hybrid system into this and I suppose it works but the one thing I will say is this is completely different than your standard Toyota hybrid this is not the same you will not get that EV range where you can drive it for a bit that doesn't it doesn't even have an EV button one thing I will say that it's kind of important even though this is a hybrid it still has a starter and that starter will come on in certain conditions only so if your battery is very low or you've just refueled the car it'll actually use the starter to start the engine otherwise it is using the electric motor to start the engine but I like that they left the starter there because this is not really a full full hybrid so having the starter there for those little emergencies is nice let's take a look underneath the 2023 Toyota Sequoia the first thing you notice it is not all covered up because this is a body on frame truck the first thing there is the only cover that we have is this little one four 12 millimeter bolts this comes out exposes your oil filter very simple service unlike the previous one where it had metal covers all over the place this actually doesn't have anything this is basically a paper cover looking at the front suspension here I can say one thing things are similar design wise but they're actually larger if we look at this massive soy bar I mean it is massive and that is nice to see front strut is a very similar design to the previous ones but one thing I noticed about the upper control arm it is kind of skinnier and it's more Hollow than the previous one probably trying to save weight there something else the tie rod aluminum the knuckles aluminum the bottom ball joint kind of holder is aluminum there's a lot of aluminum here because they're trying to save and wait front differential is aluminum and that's kind of interesting in trucks like this this is a massive unit it's pretty open and wide open basically you can easily service it see it two axles coming out of it pretty much similar design to the previous ones but it is Aluminum oil pan is right here grain plugs right here pretty simple there's not pretty much to it as we go to the back you're going to notice a lot that's going on in this general area first thing is this little unit right here from here to basically to the engine this is where that hybrid kind of Clutch and motor lives does have its separate fluid it's the same kind of fluid but it is separate than the rest of the transmission and then the transmission the 10-speed transmission is actually not a huge transmission and that's pretty cool I mean this is a 10 speed enormous transmission it's only this big that's actually a pretty compact unit and then the oil transmission oil pan is here only has one plug this is a sealed system basically it has a tool behind this this is how you set the transmission fluid level but we look here and this is where things will make some people happy this is a transmission cooler it's not an external one it's one that goes to the radiator but nonetheless we have a cooler with a thermostat the thermostat is something that we've grown accustomed to newer Toyotas pretty interesting and then another thing that is interesting is this this is actually a shifter cable on a 2023 Mega complicated hybrid system we have a shifter cable folks this is the kind of stuff that makes my heart Happy we don't need some electronic Gizmo this and that we just need things to be simple shifter cable Simplicity nothing really will go wrong with it and life is good this is the secondary cat there's actually another cat up front same thing on this side this is a secondary cat and the main cat is up there a little too exposed I hope the catalytic theft situation is calming down but these are pretty exposed as we make our way back we look at the transfer case now there are two things about this transfer case some of them are good if we wrap around we'll show them here two things about this transfer case first this actuator is actually now serviceable from the outside you don't have to disassemble the entire transfer case to service that actuator but then there is a little details do you remember when we talked about the german-ness of this design there is more germanness here are these inverted torques on the transfer case of a Toyota that is a very German Fastener right there I don't know why they used inverted torques on the transfer case but they did it's pretty interesting and then the other thing that this is not exclusive to this they've been doing this for a little bit with the tundra and Sequoia these plugs I don't know what was wrong with a regular drain plug with a gasket but these plugs are this is the fill this is a drain and basically these are one-time use you have to replace them every time I don't know why we went to that but we did and that's unfortunately what they did then we look over here to the world's longest fuel tank I mean this thing is enormous Starts Here ends all the way here it had to be done this way because the giant Muffler sits here giant drive shaft is here so there was only one way for it to make this enormous fuel tank it works but it's just it's an interesting shape and the way it's sitting in this truck then we look at the rear end and something interesting happened here as a major change bring a sequoia has probably one of the most complicated rear suspension setups because it had a differential and two axles that are like CV axles this one has a massive solid rear end I think this is better believe it or not and basically the alignment in the rear is fixed there's no adjustments here and this was something of a nightmare in the previous Sequoia aligning the rear was very tricky and it had way too many moving parts and complication this is much better much more suitable for a truck like this now equally to the previous Sequoia they still have air suspension in the back as an option and there's this giant air shock right here folks I don't remember the last time as a Toyota technician that I've really dealt with any air suspension problems with the Sequoias some of the older gx's on Lexus side you know the bag starts leaking you replace it or you convert it but this is probably as reliable as you're going to get an air suspension ever in the in the automotive industry they're very basic they don't really they're so slow to operate and don't count on it being a proper air suspension but they work and they're not something you should shy away from just because it has air suspension then we look at the rear brakes we have electronic parking brake that is something actually new in the Sequoia the previous one of course being a dinosaur did not have that I like this this works better than the super complicated parking shoes and all that actually older Sequoias they had a problem where every time you replace the rotors there's all kinds of noise and problems because of the parking shoes this doesn't have all that got rid of it all together we have a motor works great Life's good the rear suspension on this is rather simple kind of like every single other Toyota trucks few arms that locate the rear end and that's about it never really had issues with them in other trucks and I don't think you're going to have issues with them here and when you look at this beautiful sight right here now this is not a full-size spare but it is a pretty massive temporary spare tire because of course there's a big truck you need something big it's nice and there's one thing about it this does not have a tire pressure sensor which is nice some people think they should have them but actually I'd rather they don't because that's one less sensor you have to worry about and the tire is constantly low and the light is always locked on and all that this doesn't have it so that is a good thing let's talk about the exterior of the 2023 Toyota Sequoia starting with the front end now this is a very very similar front end to that of the new tundra there are a few things that are worthy of talking about since the Sequoia is only a hybrid model we have a very light blue on the Toyota symbol that is actually a nice touch it's not the normal blue that you see on regular hybrids it's a little less indicating this is not a full full hybrid but it is in a way and then something interesting because the Sequoia is so high the radar sensor is actually not behind the emblem it just sits a little lower it had to be lower for it to function so it sits right here instead of behind the emblem then there is another thing that is interesting and this has to be said the paint quality is how should I say it could be better especially on the black trim it's going to be near impossible to show it on camera but the orange peel or the look of the any black kind of object on the car it's just it looks like it was painted in a backyard not very confidence inspiring that's not really very good and then there's something even bigger than that at least in this Platinum trim I mean usually people buy SUVs because they're high off the ground you can go over anything with them right but then we look at the very very low balance right here I mean this is sport car territory height this is very low to the ground and I wish they could have made this this little balance at the bottom it could have made it a little higher or like the tundra where it kind of retracts it does not and that is a problem but then as we go around of course this has the iForce Max and the max is blue indicating this is the hybrid model which is okay because nowhere on this entire ginormous thing doesn't say the word hybrid and I understand that because this is technically not a hundred percent hybrid but then we look at the side profile so if you look at this right here it is actually all flat there's nothing protruding from the body but this is something that they've been doing in the automotive industry not just Toyota they will create a double buckle kind of given it when you look at it from the side it looks like it is wider than it is but it's actually completely flat pretty cool design you'll see this design a lot in the automotive industry these days I think it works because we don't have to make the cars wider but we give them kind of the indication that they are wider and then speaking of wider the giant toe mirrors this mirror extends back and it is uh if you're towing it's great if you're not we'll talk about it in a little bit later in the video as we move our way back and what I like about this is the handles are not unlike the tundra which just has a black handle looks like a base model handle this actually has a little piece that goes on it that is body color it looks better in my opinion something I don't like about this and it has to be set this is a smart key car you know you got the lock unlock only in the front though eighty thousand dollars and you only get in the front I wish the backs were like that too but I suppose they reserved that for Lexus then as we move back we have the same deal in the front going on here the double buckle to give the car kind of a wider appearance but it's actually not wider because this is completely flat and equally to the front all the black trim is really poorly painted the quality of the paint is not really that great and even the regular body is not that great and this is the problem with the Sequoia then we take a look at the back and here I like how the back looks I feel like it is it has like a hint from the LX 600 or the 300 series Land Cruiser it just has that same overall feel equally we have a giant sequoia lettering written in the back of course I think it is appropriate of a truck of the size and then the Toyota badge also has the blue very subtle not as much as the regular hybrids which does give it a little bit of a character an interesting character I like these taillights they are not over the top but they have a nice design to them they are sequential turn signals on some of the higher trim models I think the back is unique to the Sequoia and it does look nice I don't like the very high glass and we'll talk a little bit about that when we look at the interior but overall I think this is a good looking truck with some compromises on the outside and then this particular Sequoia has to me one of my favorite features in any larger CV like this you open the door the automatic side steps I really like those however we'll have to say one thing be careful with these because there is something if you're just gonna you have something in the front seat and the car is closed you're gonna have a habit of opening the the door and just going right in and this will hit your leg ask me how I know that it actually has happened to a member of my family be careful with these while they are great because you can easily step and get in the car then they disappear be careful with them when you're going in quick just to grab something and out as the only warning I'll give you let's talk about the interior of the 2023 Toyota Sequoia and there's something here that is very sequoia-like I mean this is a super comfortable I mean this thing is massive let's put it this way there's no other way to say it if you're not comfortable in this I don't think there will be ever a car that you're comfortable in this is so well thought out the materials we'll talk about those in a little bit but the layout of everything is very very good now this is basically the exact same interior as a tundra however that is not a bad thing when we reviewed the tundra I actually like the interior except the fit and finish which is exactly the same here first you have a proper shifter no button rotary dial nothing and then there is so much storage in here it is just incredible and that is something even the same with the previous Sequoia but here you really notice that it's kind of on overdrive then in the middle of Dash you have a massive screen I mean it is massive but again this would look very out of place in a smaller car but in here it almost Blends in perfectly because this is such a large interior the infotainment system here is updated it's the latest system from Toyota it is great it does have a lot of features but it is glitchy and I hope software updates will take care of that down the road but as of today it is pretty glitchy something about the Sequoia that I love even with this massive screen and all that you still have all your controls with a physical button you look in the middle your climate controls they are all physical button including your heated and cooled seats that is very cool because the last thing mom and dad want to do when they're hauling their large family is figure out where do the heated seats in the screen and all that that doesn't exist physical buttons are very easily laid out they work great addition to that the volume knob is also a physical button so is this very intelligent and knob that changes between your drive mode and Tow hole I like this this makes sense and then right next to it you have your two high four high low four low of course this is four wheel drive it's it's a very nicely laid out interior and my favorite thing about it is the way the wireless charger is mounted it's literally straight you put your phone it's right there it's not going anywhere the first thing I thought is well the minute you take off your phone is going to come down and fall actually it doesn't this is well thought out it's a super comfortable interior but where this interior kind of starts to fall off a little bit first the gauge in this High trim the gauge is an enormous useless screen some people like screens that are gauges and all these gizmos I don't because I think all they do is raise the price of the car and really you gain nothing some higher end cars you can get your navigation there you have real customizations well here you have nothing you basically have mimicked gauges in a screen so why don't we just have gauges and have a small screen and maybe save yourself some money so you can put gas and go take the family on a trip that's just my opinion and then the biggest elephant in the room the fit and finish now in the tundra at least the lower trim Tundras you expect it to be not really perfect fit and finish because it is a work truck but this is not a work truck this is a family SUV and this is very expensive at almost eighty thousand dollars the materials here are not good and the fit and finish is even worse and this is a problem that the tundra suffers from and unfortunately the Sequoia as well I mean I sit here and everything rattles it just doesn't feel like an eighty thousand dollar truck and I understand that that price has to do because it's a hybrid and it's a big car and all that but they could have done a lot better here and the little nice materials that you have it almost feels like we have samples of it here and there and that's it they could have done better on this interior material wise and fit and finish wise let's talk about the back seat of the 2023 Toyota Sequoia and the first thing I have to say the second row I'm not even going to say this I'm 5'7 and I have all kinds of room here this is huge I mean you will really not find a lot of places that the second row is this big maybe the tundra which is basically the same thing I like the second row a lot because it's super comfortable it just you have so much room and you have this platform right here it's a great place to be and then you have HVAC controls right here you have heated and cooled seats all physical button I really like that you also have a power outlet a standard household power outlet you have USBC and a USB but we have a few things see remember when we talked about the hybrid system we said that the battery lives underneath the back seat which it does and that means the floor is pretty high in the back which means the third row is not as comfortable as you'd expect from a sequoia that is probably the only drawback in the third in the Sequoia basically is the third row seat it's not as sequoia-like because of the battery location because of that high floor it's not the most comfortable place in the world for just full-size adults basically let's take a look at the back of the Sequoia but before we open the door if you press this button the glass opens but here's when things perhaps they didn't think about everything I'm five seven uh I'm trying to reach something here this is not a good idea this glass is too high and then small technical detail this wiper has the same mechanism as an older Highlander not the greatest mechanism in the world and they did have a lot of issues with them I hope they did something here to make this better but that's on top of the useless 3D glass unless you're tall and this mechanism that perhaps could have skimmed over this whole thing let's open the back door which is enormous then we come to another problem we already talked about third row being too high because of the battery that's fine you can live with that but then we have the Shelf I mean every single ad or something that has to do with the Sequoia they are so proud of the shelf that you're going oh put multiple locations I don't need a shelf I need more space that's what every Sequoia buyer will be like the first thing you can do is good news is I guess you can take this and keep in your garage and never use it again so you can use the full space here which does have a few problems when compared to the previous Sequoia let me fold the seats so you can see their power which is nice and this higher trim then they hit the back seat and they stop well that one didn't which is nice so then we have to start beeping at you you have to go back here fold the seat up [Music] and then continue our operation and then you end up with this that is not a very large space and you have the seats in your way that's a problem this is all you can move the seats I mean couldn't we have thought of a better situation than this this is uh not good well wait let's we can follow the second seat I can fold this one but then the third row is in your way not exactly the ideal situation is it I feel like they started really good with the second row folding and then they just kind of put the third row just keep it on top of it being too high now it just stands in your way of storage so you only have really if you have something very large you have this space you have to go over it and then you have tons of space I feel like the design was great into the second row and then it kind of started falling off I really don't like the shelf that may they mean such a big deal about and I really don't like that the third row seat they could have done better folded to the side do something with it but not just have it stand in your way that is probably the only compromise in this interior that could be a big deal for some and I really feel like the back was not really thought out because this window unless you're tall it's useless let's talk about some things I do not like about the Toyota Sequoia while the interior is functional to a point I don't exactly like the way it's put together the materials are not very nice and the fit and finish is not impressive for a price that this thing commends it's just not good the bottom line of that is that it's not put together well now when you go to the previous Sequoia it also fell plasticky and felt like it was not really perfect on the Finish but it also cost a lot less than this one this one costs a small fortune there's no other way to say it but the biggest problem is you're stuck with one drivetrain you only have the hybrid model and the gas mileage is not exactly impressive so why can't we just keep a big V8 that doesn't get gas mileage and drop the price I don't know probably for emissions and I understand that but we didn't need to over complicate this only to get a few miles per gallon more just doesn't make sense but then the biggest problem with this is the back area I feel like by making this a hybrid to get a few more miles per gallon we had to make the shelf and then we had to kind of raise the the third row seat look the third row seat is still usable but they could have thought of the whole seating situation A little better but the biggest problem is the competition comes with to this car not from the outside it does from the outside to a point but it comes from within recently I attended the grand Highlander reveal and for like a better word the third row seat on that is better it is not a truck so it doesn't cost as much and it basically does almost the same thing except the giant seats that are super comfortable which there has to be said they're really nice on this one it basically does the same thing as a sequoia so I wonder why do we have a sequoia competitor within the Toyota lineup That Remains a big question mark when we get the grand Highlander we'll do a full review and talk about it but from what I saw it basically makes this feel a little overdone too big unnecessary to a point and then something on the options of this car this has the cartoon-like towing mirrors and if you're not going to be Towing don't get them because they produce a massive blind spot basically if there's any car that is lower than you to your left the blind spot is unbelievable because of this massive mirror so if you're not going to be towing with this and if you are towing with this it has to be said they are really cool mirrors for towing but if you're not don't get them because that blind spot is scary at times so what is the final verdict on the 2023 Toyota Sequoia I really like this new Sequoia it is very very well thought out inside and out the updates are done well and it kind of brings an old dinosaur that a good old dinosaur into the Modern Times And does it well it's not perfect though I mean this is a hybrid and it kind of in a bad way departs from the standard of Toyota hybrids it's just not efficient you're not going to get 25 miles to the gallon with this being a hybrid you're actually more gonna get more like 15 16 and that's about it that is not good but what's even more than that is the interior that the price these command these days it just doesn't feel like a 80 000 truck like it's very truck-like very plasticky not really put together well there's gaps all over the place so that kind of plays into this but if you've owned a previous sequoia or you've owned a previous truck of this segment this is not going to disappoint you because I think the powertrain is decent I think the updates they did to it brings it more into this time although the previous Sequoia buyers really liked it being a dinosaur but this still feels every bit as much as the Sequoia as the previous one if you own the Sequoia you're getting this you're going to feel that Sequoia feel and that it did not lose and I like that about it folks I hope this video was helpful informative I hope you learned something new if you like it consider giving a thumbs up if you're not a subscriber consider subscribing to the channel check out some of my other videos and until the next video folks may the Lord bless you and keep you and you have yourself a wonderful day
Channel: The Car Care Nut
Views: 609,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2023 toyota sequoia, toyota sequoia 2023, toyota sequoia, toyota sequoia 2023 trd pro, 2023 toyota sequoia trd pro, toyota, sequoia, toyota sequoia hybrid, toyota hybrid, toyota hybrid system, toyota new hybrid, 2023 toyota, the car care nut, toyota sequoia review, 2023 toyota sequoia review, car care nut, tccn automotive, doug demuro, car wizard, south main auto, scotty kilmer, best toyota truck, toyota truck, toyota problems
Id: oCk7BJzvCmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 40sec (2500 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2023
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