Should we play the game of life? | Philosopher Slavoj Žižek and gamer Destiny take on gamification

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yeah well I mean it seems like we all agree that life is a game so there's not going to be any screaming back and forth I guess um I mean what do you mean by this what do we mean by game yeah [Music] yeah I think what I said earlier was there are many games that we can be playing and I think the most important games are the ones where we're kind of in competition with ourself uh vying for things that aren't necessarily shared with other people or that other people are competing for I don't see any reason why for instance every person couldn't reach some baseline Proficiency in mental health and physical health and strength and even level of educational attainment it doesn't even have to be formal College in the pursuit of some hobby or passion like these are all types of games that people can play that can enrich their lives in a plethora of ways I think that the issue that we run into especially in the western world is a lot of the games that we're looking to play are in competition with other people there's a saying that um is it jealousy is the thief of Joy or like like the idea that basically you can have something you can be nice and feel good about it but then as you see that your neighbor has something bigger or better now all of a sudden you don't feel good about the thing you have you know you have the iPhone 12 he's got the iPhone 13 you have the Mustang he's got the Bugatti that all of a sudden the things that you have are no longer good anymore I think that the the games as I said earlier the games that we play seem to be increasingly more consumeristic and a consumer game is often measured by the the actual value dollar amount of the things that you're acquiring and in that sense it's very easy to compare from A to B is my house worth more than his house is my car worth more than his house am I in the top ten percent five percent or one percent of earners I think that if you're stuck on playing these games where you're in Relentless competition with other people then necessarily you're going to have winners and losers and necessarily there's going to be a big chunk of losers that are going to feel like losers and it's going to inhibit even their ability to navigate life and play the individual games that I think they should be more focused on so I don't think games necessarily have to create inequality there's only going to be so many winners in a given video game tournament or in a given tennis tournament or in a given NFL or NBA league but I don't see any reason why we you know can't all win at for instance not being homeless or for instance having a person that loves you or having a good relationship with our friends and family yes but first a very brief theoretical point I agree with some of my friends not fully but like varufakis Jody Dean and so on who claimed that what is happening today is that a liberal competitive capitalism is already approaching the end I think it is Meaningful to say although the term is may be too radical it's not as simple as that that we are entering the ERA with new federal Masters this Ultra Rich corporations are owned by individuals how did Bill Gates become so rich he monopolized our comments if we want to communicate we have to go through his products so it's not profit in the sense of exploiting his workers it's rent we are paying him rent we are paying just business rent and so on and so on so this is a new phase but let me go to the basic point about games I also agree with both of you who got it correctly that Earth there is no spontaneous tendency towards equality inequality in in games but they are contradictory in what sense first there is for me a strange psychological fact that uh often you cannot say something in reality but if it's put in the terms of a game even theater play you can do it for example the great classic Jane Austen's Mansfield Park a young couple is in love they are too constrained to say this openly but they select Shakespeare peace I think where they in the game but they they can say it so this is what jacquela comment I think when he says that that the the truth has the structure of a and I deeply believe that in this sense masks are never just masks when we adopt a mask to play a game we can bring out there something that we are not ready to confront in our so-called in our so-called real life in this sense also let me give you another example I'm ashamed to mention it it's so stupid but you saw for weddings and the funeral that moment when Hugh Grant declares love you see he does it in the sense of uh you know he started repeating himself but precisely through this apparent breakdown of the game he gets his message through sometimes the failed game is the only way to get the message through that's why incidentally I hate male chauvinist too when a woman reports to be raped they say but you see she contradicted herself and so on sorry but I would be very distrustful if a woman were to give totally perfect cold report on okay I wouldn't discard it but you know what I think sometimes the truth can only articulate it through failures and so on and so on so uh uh the uh the last thing I want to I emphasize this I don't believe in going deep into your inner self sorry to be brutal if you go deep into it you find deep heat that I claim monstrous fantasies and so on I believe that the only way to uh overcome yourself is to identify with your mask to continue watching this video click the link in the top left or in the description below or visit for more debates and talks from the world's leading thinkers on today's biggest ideas
Channel: The Institute of Art and Ideas
Views: 22,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learning, education, debate, lecture, IAItv, institute of art and ideas, IAI, philosophy, slavoj zizek, video games, video game addiction, personal development, slavoj zizek interview, zizek interview, free speech, political correctness, slavoj zizek debate, slavoj zizek lecture, destiny streamer, self improvement motivation, philosophy quotes, steven bonnell interview, steven destiny bonnell, destiny gamer
Id: 5gh4P_pBydo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 46sec (406 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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