Should We Move?

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- We love when our fans say hi to us, but we don't necessarily love it all the time. This video is sponsored by SimpliSafe. In February of 2020, we finished this house and moved into our, basically our dream home. You saw the entire process. We filmed it. I think we have over 40 videos of our house. So why in the world would we want to move away from our dream home? - There's lots of reasons, but... We'll get into it. - In today's video, we're going to cover all of the reasons why we are actually considering moving away from our beautiful home, and what would we build and where would we move if we did move? So, let's explain all this. First of all, Leslie, the house that you designed is beautiful. - Thank you. - [Dan] I love the house. - I love everything about it! - [Dan] Would you design a very similar house? - It would be super similar, because I love everything about it. I love the design on the outside, the exterior, the interior, the design is perfection. So, it would be kind of hard. - I think minor changes... - [Leslie] Yes. - To this floor plan. So, it's not necessarily us moving because we don't like our house. We actually love this house. I even love the books that are turned backwards inside of the house. One thing that has changed since our last home video is we have neighbors, finally. The house that was getting built right here, next door to us is finished and the people have moved in. It took them about two years to build. We have neighbors across the street on the other side. Luckily we still have our beautiful view looking out at this mountain, but across kiddie corner, they are framing this house. Our same builder, Christensen Homes are building this beautiful home, kiddie corner from us, so... (Dan chuckles) Those guys are cool. (soft music) I told you earlier that this video is sponsored by SimpliSafe. During the pandemic, the cost of everything to build a home has skyrocketed. And so there's been some bad actors that have come in and done some really bad things. This is hundreds of thousands of dollars of wood, and what's happening is some people are coming in the evenings and they're taking wood and throwing it in the back of the trucks and they're stealing it. Or they're going into houses and taking out all of the appliances and stealing them while the house is under construction. When we were in our rental home, before we bought this house, we used SimpliSafe for the doorbell and the security system. But now for the first time, a very highly requested feature, an outdoor wireless camera is something that SimpliSafe now does. So last night, Jonathan came over. We set up a camera on this two by four, so that he could survey, in the day and in the night, this property, so that nobody would steal something. Or if they did, we would catch them. So check this out. (Dan grunts) On the very end of this, you can set up a SimpliSafe 1080p camera, basically anywhere outdoors. There is a very easy to change battery that goes inside of here. You just have to have the base set up in your home, which we have connected in my studio, so the wifi reaches out here. You connect the magnetic base to here, and you can just put the camera at whatever angle you want. Now via the SimpliSafe app, you can see exactly what... You can see what the camera's seeing. See look, there's Hunter, right there. Say hi, Hunter. - Hi! So there's a security camera. It's 1080p. At nighttime, it does have a night mode. You can zoom in eight times and it also notifies you whenever something is happening, or you can talk through it. You can hear the audio, or you can talk through the camera. And the nice thing is there is interactive monitoring services that are available, where they can call the police. We have some security cameras already built-in to our homes. At this point, we don't need additional cameras, but if you're somebody that is looking for a security system and you're not building a house from the ground up, and you'd like to add something, check out the link in the description. SimpliSafe is offering 20% off of their interactive monitoring service and the first month free. If you use the link in the description that is I kind of wonder if we should put a camera on top of Zack's head and let you guys have access to it. So you always know what Zack is seeing. Maybe not a good idea. (upbeat music) So yes, we really do love our neighborhood. We love our home, but it's all about the location, so... (Leslie knocks on door) (Dog barking) - Hi! - [Dan] Hey! - Hi! - [Dan] We want to look at those lots. - Oh... Okay. Let's do it. (Dan and Jonathan chuckle) - [Dan] Not staged at all! (Dan laughs) - Okay! Be faster answering the door! Let's try again! (Dan laughs) - Okay, so we came over to Jonathan's house. He is going to take us to the lot. We asked him to come to the door and say, yeah, okay, let's go. And then, yeah, we're not the best actors here. Okay! So, Jonathan Christensen, he built our home. You know Jonathan and Susan. He's the one that has some of the lots that would build our house. So we're going to ride over there in his truck right now. Sorry about the awkward thing. - Yeah, let's just get... - [Leslie] It's just your little eyes! Your eyes went to Dan, to me, to... (everyone laughs) - [Dan] Are you developing all the lots inside of this neighborhood? - I'm personally not developing all the lots, but I'm involved with them, yeah. - [Dan] Okay, so, we've got a big truck over here doing something. Why would we move from where we live now to somewhere else? When we've already established that we love our house. We'd probably build the same house. So, what is the difference between this street and basically where we live now? - Well, first, you'll be my neighbor. - Yes! - Okay. So, Jonathan and Susan would move and be like, right next door to us. - It's going to be a lot more private. We'll have a gate here. - So it's a gate. - Yes. - So, a gated street with how many houses? - [Jonathan] Eight. - Eight. So we'd have eight lots on a gated street. They are three quarter acre lots, all of them. We love when our fans say hi to us, but we don't necessarily love it all the time. When people come to our house, they're always really, really nice. - So nice! - Everybody's so nice. But you always worry about like, maybe that one that's not so nice. And so, to have some sort of security where we're behind a gate, that's nice. This is the plot of dirt that we would likely be moving to, if we move. Our house would be at the end of a cul-de-sac. Over here along this wall would be our lot. Now, if you follow this wall all the way down on this side, this is where the Christensens' lot would be. The one thing about this lot is there is one house over here on the side, that's been here for quite a while. It's massive. They have their own pond, their tennis court, their pool, and their wall is basically the border of the entirety of this property. So, that side over there would be the Christensens' lot. And then this side would be our lot at the end of the cul-de-sac. This is going to be farmland for quite a long time. There are no plans for that to be developed. And then this side also pointing toward the mountain, there's also farmland and that does not have any plans to be built on for a long time. So, whether you build on that side or this side, you shouldn't have any house behind you for a long time. Now we love where we live right now, but at some point somebody is going to build a big house behind us and our view will be completely gone. So you have the Pine Valley Mountain view, but then this side you have the temple view. There is a temple getting built right down there. That's going to be a really big, beautiful temple. And if you are on this side, you will be able to see the temple. It's not quite as pretty of a view as what nature and Pine Valley Mountain. But for me, I really want to be able to have a south facing backside of the house so that I can get the solar panels' full efficiency versus where we're at right now, where we're facing to the east and the west. When can we start building? When is this neighborhood going to be ready? - Probably January, February-ish. So the first of the year. - [Dan] That will be like the asphalt, everything, and then we can start breaking ground, building the house if we have plans ready. But there are three things, three very specific things that we would change, if we did build the same house again. - First, the size of the girls' bedrooms. It may look big on camera, but it actually is a little bit smaller. And as you can see, Claire does dance, so she always is wanting to do dance in here. It's kind of small for that. - Lincoln's room is plenty large, but the number two thing that we would change with the house... This is Lincoln's closet, and as you can see, he has lots of shoe boxes and lots of clothes. And he's not very good about hanging up his stuff, so we could use more drawers. He only has this many drawers and it is packed inside and he needs a bigger spot for his shoes. A small thing, but it would be nice to have. This one you guys are probably going to laugh about, but we need more garage space. Yes, we still have the blue Roadster. We are shipping it out this next week to Eli. Sad. Goodbye. But Lincoln, like we said, is turning 16 soon. We will likely have another vehicle inside of the garage. We have so many electric bikes. We have all of these ones. We have two there in the box here that we haven't even pulled out yet. We have our Tesla over here. We have some storage over here for some of our merch. And we also do have the RV garage, which would work great. Except we put a golf simulator inside of there. I'd like to take this garage and take the studio and attach the studio to this. And then maybe just like a little mini kitchen. It could be like a mini apartment that's out and attached to the garage. The fourth thing that we will change. And we will for sure change this because I really, really want this to be effective. We do have solar, but it's very inefficient. It's only like half of the day that it actually works. I want to take that part of the roof, and have it be completely solar and all facing south. That's why we would buy the south facing lot. And then all day long when the sun is out, it's going to be shining on it. It's going to be super efficient, super effective. Let's use them what it's intended for. Look how tall Leslie is right now. - No, that would be weird. - She wants me to not throw her into the pool. - Oh, no! Please don't! - Kind of want to just jump in? - No! Don't please! - Don't? Okay. All right. So, make the decision right now. Are we moving to the new lot or not? - I didn't think we were making it right now. - Make the decision. If you say the wrong answer, I'm throwing you in. - We haven't even talked about it though. I have, I go back and forth. I go back and forth truly. Like I really do. - Oh, I don't know if that's the right answer. - What's the right answer? We have to talk about it still. - We're going to talk about it. We'll tell you on a later episode. We would be neighbors and basically best friends, which is pretty cool. Sorry about the awkward thing. - Yeah, let's just get it. - It's just your little eyes! Your eyes went to Dan, to me, to... (Leslie and Jonathan laugh) (Dan laughs) - [Dan] Why are you laughing all the time? - I don't know! - [Dan] I don't know!
Views: 530,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what's inside, what's inside family, what's inside home, dream home, dream home construction, st george, st george utah, new home build, dream home build, new home design, home building ideas, home building tips, dream home tour, interior design, simplisafe outdoor camera, simplisafe camera, simplisafe security system, simplisafe motion sensor, simplisafe, real estate
Id: x6l4QuQZ7TA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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