Should Pioli replace Spalletti as Italy’s manager? | ESPN FC Extra TIme

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welcome into the latest edition of extra time we're delighted to have Frank La buff here in the studio with us always a pleasure uh Stevie nickel it's always great to have you in the studio with us too I mean it and uh we've got gab M say that you think she's it's like saying honestly yeah before you something we call that acting we call that acting you know I'm telling the truth now okay it's great to have you that's the same thing you've done it again believe me when I say this I'm so pleased to see you well I know you are but he is an actor don't believe him oh he got me there good acting Frank you know who wasn't acting tonight gab marcotti furious at Italy's elimination don't remember the last time he was so upset never seen that he's been so happy in Germany as well how are you feeling gab he did have every reason to be he did how are you feeling gab I'm all right I'm I'm I'm okay this two short pass the one thing you know I I can deal with with losing when somebody does somebody does a better job than you but when you when it's made worse when you self-destruct because of because of one man and the other thing is somebody who acts a little bit like a punk as well it's endearing when you win and you act that way and you give it the big one and you call your players lazy and you know you you come out and you say what he said to uh one of the reporters in in the press conference a couple days ago which I can't uh repeat on air I'm sure I'll get in trouble but he basically said that you know basically if you please yourself every day for the next 14 years then maybe you'll be as wise as I am you say these things haha you're a funny eccentric when you win but when you lose it just kind of doubles down and I I just don't want this weirdness around the Italian national team but he's he's okay he's but yeah he's not in any feeling okay has lightning ever stopped Play In your experience obviously we saw that in one of the games today did it ever happen to you no never the only time that I had that kind of lightning and uh and storm uh was when I came the last time here and on my way back from the studio to the hotel but in Europe now I never seen that once well actually no more than once but the worst ever was with the revs season I think it was North Carolina I think we're supposed to kick off at 8:30 at night cuz there was camps and stuff on and they were finishing and of course the the we're warming up for the game and the lighting started we never kicked off till 10:30 at night now of course there was nobody there by this time only the two teams it was Bing we rain I mean you talk about nobody wanting to be there horrendous rubbish it wasn't too long today though thankfully cuz we were getting told some of the stats of when it had happened before it's okay we had the time to go for the to the makeup room with with Stevie yes uh and it took us like 15 minutes walking I didn't know and we some stairs to to climb forv it's quite a long walk to the makeup room and Frank wasn't very complimentary about St Stevie's form in walking to the makeup room especially when there the thin stairs talk about telling the truth Stevie what well he's not sh L frank is he let's be honest yeah but he did attempt the stairs didn't he it was K liping I tell you what I'll tell you what happened he tried to be clever CU actually we were talking so he was only rude when he got back to tell you but clearly cuz cuz we were talking away and I said to me I said my knees my knees have like seized up recently so like going down hill the shore and going up steps I've got it's they're no good so Alec here decided to run up the steps the problem is it took them 10 minutes to stop breathing heavy they won't quite a smart man talk cuz he talks a little bit so he try to talk and he's Brea he's yeah but I I ran no you did all right he did um for all I thought with the stuttering run off was we saw again with Kai HTS today you weren't allowed to come to a complete stop HTS definitely itely did let's go to our rules guy on the panel tonight gab marcotti tell us about this this whole rule why was habit allowed to do that tonight and obviously levandowski as well yeah twice y all right so I I'm not a referee I I'm not going to play one I guess I will play one on TV uh for your benefit um I it looked weird to me just like the levandowski one did apparently the idea is that he's as long as is it's sort of a forward motion if it's kind of like a a stutter and there is no faint involved in the stutter which I guess in uh in the referee's uh view there was no faint involved um then it's okay then you're allowed to do this apparently again news to me but that's what the rules say sure go should when you stter that's the reason you try to F the the goalkeeper yeah that's kind of that's what it's for yeah and I I and for me as we saw for levandowski and on his run he did it twice really even slow motion you check and it seems to to uh to stop at some point really and it doesn't really move for like like maybe one t of second but it's enough for to distract and to faint for me so they have to stop that I mean it's not respectful towards uh the football overall towards the opponent I guess they don't care but I do I do care and uh it doesn't sve football because at the end of the day when you miss the goal and you are stopped by the the goal the ball is stopped by the the the goalkeeper you look stupid really and those runs are yeah go on I have the rule here oh good fainting to kick the ball once the kicker has completed the runup and then in in parenthesis it says fainting in the runup is permitted then the referee would get caution if you but you have to faint to kick the ball once the kicker has completed the runup them's the rules guys well that's really clear isn't it that's a great way to have rules make sure there a load of great area in it so while we so so while we are talking about gray areas gab what did you make of Anderson's hand ball in the Germany Denmark game because obviously Denmark's coach is furious after this match tonight yeah and like I don't know what what maybe he hasn't watched much television much football on TV in The Last 5 Years uh that's a penalty that that that that's a penalty in countries that have V that's a penalty in CIA that's a penalty in the Premier League um that's just a penalty because that's what the rules say and now they have this other fancy Gadget which tells you exactly whether the ball actually touch his arm I don't think you needed that fancy Gadget to measure the intensity of the touch on the ball uh so saying things like oh what's he supposed to do with his arm uh I'm sorry that's how football is played these days and Anderson by the way knows this because not only does he play in the Premier League but he played in s before that and I have physically seen him put his arms behind his back on more than one occasion so while it's unfortunate while obviously you know it's difficult to keep your body coordinated those penalties will be given and I think you know the referee Anthony Taylor in this case just simply applied applied the rules as they are now all right for gab is it time for Stephan ooli to take over the atsui and rescue them like he did Milan well bii of course has time in his hands now that uh he's unemployed um I think he certainly seems like better suited to the National side than spalti is you know he he can play many different Tactical Systems he may not be the most inspirational uh figure but he's not going to embarrass you when he speaks in public and he's going to be supportive of his players and I think those are are three basic criteria I I don't think they need to rush into anything but if p is interested in the job I think and they do decide to move on from spalti I think he should certainly be in consideration can I ask question to to gab gab you know we fight in France between to know who's the best in term of fashion between France and Italy what do you think about the Italian jacket that we saw who looks like more like the ' 70s uh uh time you know that the modern time you know with that jacket with the Italian with Italia written behind what what happened to uh to Italy yeah I I I think I think this is Cutting Edge fashion I mean we see we see people wear things like that at at the Met Gala and um you know I think luchano spalet is clearly very much at home in those uh High fashion uh environments personally I think it looks stupid I think it looks ridiculous people said they look like waiters at the last uh Euros but at least they were stylish waiters uh this time around no not to my liking okay we agree we together agree okay Frank do you foresee D desam continuing to coach the French national team into the next World Cup if he continues to achieve success when do you anticipate him stepping down what if if he continues to achieve success why do you want him to to to to to stop if it works he loves the job uh he has the the support of the of the Federation and Mr gallo and also the the support of the teams because I think the players they love him he should he should carry on we all know that we want to see the experience of zidan being the national team head coach but as long as DJ performs the national team I don't see why he should live did you see who the question was sent in by Dan's fancy dress shorts oh yeah my God I I I have I have a dinner after we done and the first thing that he said he I'm going to come with my beautiful shorts of course I say me too which will never happen he doesn't have beautiful shorts no he has a swim shorts or I don't know what it is you know Bera as we call it it's not fun it's not classy you can do that in summer if they are classy you can put a belt on and gab will know that but maybe you'll have a a Blazer say in England on the back oh yeah yeah from the ' 70s yeah for sure for sure well that's done what he doesn't have the legs for it either but he he well I don't know spin the we say we don't talk about the the body I think he I think he's quite proud of his legs he's actually spoken about them here on the show I've just seen that picture from Spain in Spain when he was behind the net when he was modeling you didn't see that picture in the oh my in theab was like a Top Model yeah 50/50 with those legs we snapped in about two seconds okay okay guys all three of you have lived in the United States at one time or another what was the one thing that surprised you when you first got here you not surprise me the way the kids spoke to to the adults yes sir and yes momam oh yes Mom and yes sir hi like that F really we very polite here yeah at home well and everybody says hello I mean at home nobody if you say h if you're walking down the street in your town and you just randomly say hello to somebody W past they'll be be looking at you what me for Frank and I are from places where you probably would say hello to people right and you better you better you're going to be on well you live in New England right that's the one place you've always lived right everybody's always friendly I find here even though they the na say they're not when when I got here it was always yes so it was Mom which was like Hey so that surprised you you didn't say hello in the street to people back home not even in Liverpool I knew them not if I didn't know them people hear what and you're in your in your your town people you'd never seen before say hello to you yeah but that's that's that's normal that's polite we out of an education in Liverpool of Nottingham I've stayed in a few places and that's first time Em's done now maybe it's not them it's you that's possible but I doubt it what surprised you Frank um I wasn't surprised I had the confirmation that the positivity of American people is amazing uh where I live in a country where we all think that's one day is more disaster than another day we have the the election right now everything is very positive in in in United States and I have to say the landscape I live in a country in France which is a beautiful country uh no doubt about that but the landscape and I've been around United States where I saw wow I've been in the in the Grand Canyon I cried in front of the Grand Canyon because I saw the creation of the world you know and the step that you can see from thousands of years that's beautiful and saw the forest you seei and when you go here I'm happy I see to see the forest and everything it's a beautiful country with the Fantastic landcape you weren't allowed to what why are you been let well last time I cry was when I lost my wallet I don't know if he s in front yeah he he lost his wallet gab gab what what are the differences that surprise you all right so I when I first lived in the US I was I was three years old so I'm not going to give you that experience I'll give you experience of when uh I I came back for college and obviously big Sports Country a lot of people are into that I went to a a Sixers game uh in in in uh Chicago Bulls were in time and and you know Philadelphia fans have a reputation for being passionate whatever and so I thought oh great everybody's going to be booing Michael Jordan and Scotti Pippen and whatnot and instead no a good three qus of the crowd were like applauding them and the Sixers were really really bad at the time which may have had something to do with it but I didn't quite understand that I I I'm not and obviously people are very very passionate about their Sports in the in the US and I highly respect that but this idea of of going against of of attacking your rival um and also maybe has to do with the fact that it's the NBA and it's 82 games and most teams make the playoffs so maybe people didn't really care I don't know but I remember that really really stuck with me I I was just thinking Michael Jordan's coming to town here's a chance for you to boo him to get him off his game you know and no people were applauding him and maybe it's a good thing maybe it's a healthy thing maybe I'm the one who's sick and unhealthy you know that is amazing cuz if you think about it in MLS first time I saw that was Beckham and then obviously Messi so you know for example Beckham coming to to to Gillette Stadium all of a sudden we go from 25,000 home fans there's 45,000 people there but the problem is they want they want Beckham and they want mity score want to see them you want to see them scoring then when they score they go absolutely mental yeah but it's where I want to go that's how we te I saw the first game of um uh of bham at the OM Depot and he was a substitute and when he came when before coming on he was warming up and suddenly randomly the ball came to him and people all got up because he touched the ball but he was outside he wasn't he wasn't he was still outside and I say okay they know nothing about about the game in fact it's full but they know nothing it was really funny but uh yeah yeah MLS yeah but I I went to the um Home stle Center seeing a game and I thought the Rivalry would be good half time they were fans from the other team and they were both thinking and uh in France or in everywhere in Europe they would have be fighting they were singing together they were just boing a little bit each other but that was nice and they were they were nice they were polite yeah there you go they were very nice stories guys all right last question Frank start bench or sell socks on the beach shorts in a restaurant or chocolate vest in charity what is oh my ve oh my oh yeah oh wow wow wow wow wow wow I will start my chocolate uh vest in charity because I think it was for charity so you have to oh my God Dan you see that um you know I don't know what to choose between the shorts in restaurant and the socks what what were you what are you doing you need you don't like the the feeling of the sand don't want sunburn sunburn you will have the mark above the uh the socks if you you actually do a little bit yeah no but no but no but it doesn't I don't know why you're doing that because really you don't need told the sand it's nice to put his his feet and and his toes on on on in the sand it's nice the feeling is nice no it's not don't go on the sand go then you know everybody home not everybody likes being down the beach by the way so why do you go cuz I had I was going with the grandkids the grandkids love it oh you're not the you you're not the boss at home that's what you say some well no nobody is wor you have to sacrifice yourself oh yeah and I sacrific myself and you like to sacrifice with socks was I protect myself at the same time okay but Dan Dan shorts I mean it's it's leg it's awful I mean you gab will understand me I mean you need a little bit of class you know I would say when you go out well you talk you telling me you don't think a clash when you look at that picture of me in the right hand side is that what you say no no definitely not you know you you look like a real redneck and done is too VOA so so um gab you obviously we've had the fashion chat earlier you get your say on this one as well start bencher cell these locks from our panel I mean look I I just think the absolute worst sorry Stevie is the socks on the is the socks on the beach I I understand not good look there's other ways to deal with it you know what you you could wear maybe some why don't you wear some nice linen trousers that that come all the way down and maybe even cover your your your little feet uh something like that that would be would you think get that would be preferable I think now the thing gab gab the thing I'm just suggesting gab gab the thing is is why do you allow somebody to take a picture of you in that situation that's the thing I didn't know it was getting taken I think Ste linen trousers a linen shirt and a little fedara oh yeah oh my God so you have nothing against me and the chocolate G well this because of the charity but no I I I I that's sh that's fine I can live with it and as for the shorts you know my view I think it depends on the context of the restaurant and it depends on the shorts and the outfit that you're putting together but it's it's not a blanket band on eating out in shorts I don't think it should be no it was as Dan's house so he's allowed to wear shorts at his house that was yeah but he did that for fun the first time he did own house the first time he did it was in a restaurant though yeah yeah yeah when I see him coming and I saw him coming and I said what are you doing you going on the beach or what are you doing you going home he said no I'm going to have a dinner well with shorts he said yes and he was very proud of it whatever he's definitely very proud of it I'm telling you he's proud of them legs I know it he's said recently on the show he was all right we're going to let gab go to bed it's had a tough day Italy are out of the Euros sorry gab it's still smiling gab smiling all right we'll get back we still have those four stars that's fine all right uh thanks so much for being with us thank you for sending your questions in and yes Frank is going out with dinner tonight with Dan so no doubt he'll have some stories about that on tomorrow show sure to tune in and find out how it all went down [Music]
Channel: ESPN FC
Views: 45,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: italy, italy loses, italy vs switzerland, spalletti, luciano spalletti, stefano pioli, pioli, euro 2024, espn fc italy, gab marcotti italy, espn fc euro 2024, italy switzerland reaction, espn fc, soccer on espn, espn soccer, ESPNFC, #ESPNFC, ESPN FC, espn fc tv, soccer, futbol, extra time, espn fc extra time, fc extra time, #fcextratime, kay murray, frank leboeuf, steve nicol, gab marcotti, gabrielle marcotti, espn, sports, steve nicol funny
Id: rBBGh3bhcms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2024
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