Should Men Over 50 Stop Hugging Altogether? | Debate

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men over 50 are scientifically worse at picking up on social cues than I mean there's a lot of research on that and so if you if you're trying to judge is the heart of it you can't I mean fair enough if you're going up to everyone that you meet and go hello bean excuse me do you mind if I give you a hug that's one thing but you don't do you kind of hello good morning hi huddle cuddle with a colleague could be considered creepy according to broadcaster Adrien Charles he's given up hugging he says for good encouraging all men over 50 me to follow sup let's have a look at a few examples of when a hug hasn't always gone to [Music] [Applause] [Music] plan this from an album Marie Mar Marie Marie Marie Marie and it's linger why'd you run that clip so long um so should men over 50 stop hugging all together brand culture expert Nick e believes that hugs build connections while Public Law barister and columnist Sam F says no no no no no they make people feel uncomfortable it's invading their personal space Nick make the case for well I'm 51 this weekend and I want to hug every single person apart from George Galloway of course uh but I you know the thing is I think hugging is so important as we get older it's even more important it's about connection you know ox toin is is produced so serotonin it's very good for you and also I think people do feel more isolated if they get older so actually giving them a hug is a really nice reassurance and a good thing and saying that people over 50 should not give a hug is absolutely you he's got a point when he says it's it could be seen as creepy not at all it's not creepy at all you've just given a hug to Richard that wasn't creepy at all you've got to consent it of course and you can ask people can I give your heart but you know Sam if Nick came towards you arms outstretched what would you do well I Nick looks like a very cuddly person but you know I I if I don't know someone it is a bit creepy if you're hugging hugging someone you don't know particularly if you know you're an older man and it's a younger woman it's a colleague or something like that um there's with people you don't know cuz I actually that's a really good point I'm not particularly bothered about people coming towards me for hugs even when they do know me well you know what I did a I did a bit of research uh for this on on Instagram where all the best research is done and I got I got loads of messages from uh women my age talking about men my age I'm 35 and saying look it really there I there's always one friend right in the friend group that always creeps everyone else out because he insists on hugging people ridic I think that's a shame when it's friends I'm talking about people who are colleagues or people you don't know that's where I have an issue having hugs because I just don't I I don't want to share intimate personal space but you precursor that you've said to people I don't actually do hugs in those situations and that's fine to do though that's about consent and that's saying listen these are my boundaries but you know for someone like Adrian Charles is to say that people over 50 shouldn't be giving hugs it's absolutely ridiculous assuming con this is this is the thing that's men over 50 are scientifically worse at picking up on social cues than I mean there's a lot of research on that and so if you if you're trying to judge is the heart of it it you can't I mean fair enough you're going up to everyone that you meet and go hello Al Bean excuse me do you mind if I give you a hug that's one thing but you don't do you you go in you Lune you put yourself in their personal space and that might creep people we were living in Spain we living in Europe everybody hugs left right and Center when you see football matches people are hugging they don't ask for consent they just do it because they're all part of a group of people together seen a guy prosecuted for hugging and kissing someone who didn't ask for it you know yeah I obviously there that point too but I think the consent side is really important but you know my father was 75 when he first actually gave me and my brother a hug and that is an old man who actually used to say to me I regret not giving you a hug and it's so family isn't it again there's a difference between the relationships if family members that can be really I would hug my parents all day long all but it's not about family is it it's about people that you don't necessarily have that connection withing discussion time is over yeah we have to break you up and we ask the audience should men over 50 stop hugging all together 84% said no that's interesting you got let hug after this yeah never going to happen you're more likely to hug suzan
Channel: Good Morning Britain
Views: 9,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: good morning britain, breakfast show, news, morning news, gmb, good morning britain interview, itv, susanna reid, Talk Shows - Topic, good morning britain debates, hugging debate, men over 50
Id: Tm-jCZExs-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 56sec (296 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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