Should a C# Web Developer know Angular/React/Vue?

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welcome to this episode of dev questions with tim corey join us as we tackle the questions you are asking about a career in software development understanding the industry and new technology now here's your host expert developer and online educator tim corey should a c-sharp web developer know angular react or view this is a question was asked recently by stephen that's gonna be a great one to dive into it there's a lot of confusion around when do you learn these javascript frameworks as a c-sharp developer so my first answer here is no not at first you shouldn't learn these yet because there's an order to doing this and the reason is the reason why i say that is because that the problem is that people think that a basic knowledge is worth something and it's really not having seen a framework isn't enough having seen c sharp isn't enough having built a small hello world isn't enough you really can't even say that you're a c-sharp developer if you haven't gone some into some depth into it at least not for a business perspective yes you have written c sharp when you've done a hello world but that's not going to help you in business so there is an order here so let's talk about what the order should be if you want to know c sharp or maybe you do know c sharp some and you want know when do i learn these web frameworks so the first step is to learn c sharp when i say that i don't mean learn a web framework in c sharp i mean learn c sharp the language people often get confused with the user interface of c sharp and c sharp itself there's a difference you want to learn the actual code because when you learn c sharp code that's when you really can go to any user interface and use that code so start with certain console applications just writing c sharp code learn c sharp code learn well learn oriented programming learn about interfaces and inheritance and all the rest that good stuff that goes on in there and then learn data access and the different user interfaces and and so on but really learn c sharp well and i don't just mean at a high level i mean write applications in it build actual things with it don't just go through a few tutorials and say okay got it now i'm gonna move on because otherwise you just have that top level knowledge that high level knowledge that really doesn't help you when it comes to doing the job you need to be able to build something in c sharp that is of consequence before you can say okay now i can move on once you're there then move on to learning html and css learn those two really well and again no it's not just saying okay i know a div tag i know when h1 is therefore i'm good on html nope i want you to go deeper than that learn about how layouts work how the structure of html should be set up learn about the new tags and the reason for the new tags learn about how to build an actual website and then do that actually build a website actually use some more advanced css topics like um grids and flex and and all those other things that are newer that you really need to understand how they work in order to build a really performant functioning website that looks good okay so learn html and css next after that learn vanilla javascript now you may familiar the term vanilla in vanilla javascript but basically what it means is learn javascript without the frameworks not jquery not angular not react not view not some other library learn just javascript itself again this is like learning c sharp before you learn the project types for the web because by learning just javascript itself you will have the skills necessary to move into angular react or view and even move between them because you understand javascript itself so learn javascript well again and build something real with it at that point as a c developer move back and spend more time with core okay all five project types and yes there are five there's api mvc razer pages blazer server and blazer web assembly use all five because as a c-sharp developer the only thing you have to really do is know the quirks about the actual ui you're working with and since all five product types use the same underlying core there's a very few differences between them when it comes to your structure the rest is just you learning how the differences apply in your application so it's it's really not that hard to go from one to the other so learn them well and again build something with them master them after you've done all of that and you may be thinking man that's a lot of time and a lot of effort it absolutely is that's that's part of the learning process is putting in the time people want to shortcut this but it's kind of like shortcutting weight loss or uh gain muscle it's not something you can really do there's not a quick fix here and just saying oh well i'll do it in a quick way you're not going to do it that way it's not going to be actually helpful to your career to bounce around so yes dive into these build real things with them before you move on otherwise you just won't have a skills necessary to do the actual job at that point after you've mastered all of these things then i would consider i don't say you have to i would consider if adding angular react or view one of those will improve your well-roundedness as a web developer you don't have to but it might improve your odds of getting a job it might improve what you can bring to your job so think about that now i said one of the three because again trying to learn all three at a very high level means you don't really know any of them now having a good foundation in javascript and understanding how object-oriented programming works with c-sharp that's going to bring a lot of skills to the table when it comes to all three of these so there will be some things we're going okay that makes sense and i can understand even at a high level i can understand the structure of this and could probably do it but you still want to get in practice and build something of consequence so which of the three should you start with when you're at that point well view is probably easiest view is beginner friendly especially again if you know javascript it's pretty beginning beginner friendly but if you're saying well yeah i don't really care about beginner friendly i want the the best one well there isn't a best one it's up to you to figure out which one either works best for your scenario if you're going to be building something yourself or you need to look at the market and say which one is most common where i am now that doesn't mean you have to choose the most common one because there's probably jobs in all three of them so you don't have to have a thousand jobs you need one job so saying well this is the most common one doesn't mean you have to choose that one but choose the ones gonna give you the best success in your career with your project or however you're gonna use it if you have a choice pick the one you like the best pick the one that you think works best with your style and in development and pick the one that's gonna supplement your work already in progress the best all right so that's my advice for if you should learn angular react review as a c-sharp web developer there's an order to learning this stuff it's not just hey jump in because otherwise what happens is it becomes just this shiny object syndrome where you're you're looking oh it's a shiny habit go do that for a little bit and you're basically wasting your time don't waste your time learn in order learn c sharp the language first learn html and css next then vanilla javascript then go back to the core web project types all five of them make sure you master all of them and then consider which of the three javascript frameworks to move into next and yes you can add two or three frameworks just know the more frameworks you add to your toolbox the more diluted they'll become the learning you'll become because you'll start to forget how to do the nuances of each it starts to blend together and it makes it harder for you to get a job in some ways because you'll have experience that's all over the place and not really deep in any one area it's better to go deep in one area than it is to go shallow in five areas so think that through before you just jump into the next shiny object you see all right thanks for listening to this week's episode of dev question if you have a question about being a developer definitely check out the previous episodes of this podcast it's both on youtube as a video podcast as well as on your favorite podcast player thanks for listening and as always i am tim cory [Music] you
Channel: IAmTimCorey
Views: 15,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: c#, c# developer questions, dev questions, dev questions series, developer questions, how do i, iamtimcorey, learn c#, tim corey, web development, angular vs react vs vue, react vs angular vs vue, javascript frameworks
Id: 9WnRInVlWbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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