Short but Wise Mongolian Proverbs and Sayings | ancient Mongolian Wisdom

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an onion can be as sweet as honey if it grows in your motherland [Music] better to be the head of a wasp than the tail of a lion better to suffer in Liberty than to Delight in captivity [Music] conquer one with your hands a thousand with your head [Music] do not keep sheep you will not see well [Music] even foul water will put out a fire [Music] even when a friend does something you do not like he continues to be your friend [Music] excess is the Folly of stupidity [Music] they like the wind spreads quickly [Music] foreign likes to eat fresh fish but will not go near the water [Music] goats meet while it's hot [Music] he who wants to build high must dig deep in Anger as an action doomed to failure [Music] it is better to see one time than to hear a hundred times it is easier to catch an escaped horse than to take back an escaped word [Music] men and women sleep on the same pillow but they have different dreams prepare the pot before preparing the milk rich as he who has no debts fortunate as he who has no handicap [Music] the distance between Heaven and Earth is no greater than a thought [Music] the last camel gets the heavy load [Music] the more you listen the more you give yourself room for doubt [Music] the one who conceals poverty will not get rich the one who conceals loneliness will not get a family [Music] the people's wrath can destroy even fortresses the rope breaks where it is thin [Music] the Supreme treasure as knowledge the middle treasure as children the lowest treasure is material wealth [Music] time as the source of success [Music] to the crow his child appears white to the Hedgehog His Child appears soft [Music] wolves come during rain [Music] wise men talk about ideas intellectuals talk about facts common men talk about food [Music] women who cheat can be recognized by two things but nobody knows what they are foreign you can't put two saddles on the same horse foreign [Music]
Channel: Wisdom Reborn
Views: 14,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mongolian proverbs and sayings, mongolian proverbs, mongolian sayings, proverbs and sayings, mongolian proverbs about life, best sayings and proverbs, proverbs and sayings mongolia, mongolian quotes and sayings, mongolian proverbs and meanings, mongolian idioms and proverbs, proverbs, mongolian wisdom, wise mongolian proverbs, mongolian sayings proverbs, wise mongolian quotes, sayings, mongolian quotes, proverbs and saying mongolian proverbs, proverbs and sayings mangolia
Id: kGPah3TQkYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 17sec (317 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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