Short but Wise Mongolian Proverbs and Sayings | ancient Mongolian Wisdom
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Channel: Wisdom Reborn
Views: 14,194
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Keywords: mongolian proverbs and sayings, mongolian proverbs, mongolian sayings, proverbs and sayings, mongolian proverbs about life, best sayings and proverbs, proverbs and sayings mongolia, mongolian quotes and sayings, mongolian proverbs and meanings, mongolian idioms and proverbs, proverbs, mongolian wisdom, wise mongolian proverbs, mongolian sayings proverbs, wise mongolian quotes, sayings, mongolian quotes, proverbs and saying mongolian proverbs, proverbs and sayings mangolia
Id: kGPah3TQkYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 17sec (317 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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