Shopping Spree at EVERY Pokemon Center!

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oh there it is do you see it do you see it right over there breaking family we're in Japan and today we are traveling around Tokyo and we're about to go to our very first ever Pokemon Center the actual physical Pokemon Center stores we are going to them today myself Marie super duper Danny Jordan Fringe and unlistedly for all together traveling around Tokyo and going to the Pokemon centers this is our hotel for the first stay here while we're in Japan here in Tokyo they even have somebody playing the piano right up there as well all right here we go and then we're going through and then we pick it up over here nice okay so we're currently on our way to the subway to go to our first Pokemon Center the squad is all here oh it's arrived ready wow you ready all right we are here here is the view right here right as we got off we just came back from right over there we're lost we're lost [Music] we were just right up there but now we're down here I'm still trying to process everything but I feel like I'm just like looking at a movie like I'm watching a movie right now it doesn't seem real am I actually here right now is this real this is real life this is actually happening oh wait a minute I think I figured out somewhere I want to stop now oh there we go so we are kind of here it is inside of this building however we're gonna take an elevator to go up they just opened up so those doors over there have not been unlocked yet the squad is ready to go let him know here we go all right about fell there six four oh my goodness I'm gonna flip the camera around this is amazing so much goodness everywhere oh there it is do you see it do you see it right over there oh we're here guys we're actually here wow this is amazing this is I I'm I'm at a loss for words right now there's just it's Pokemon everywhere and look at this up close look we're actually here Marie we made it this is this is wild look at the Wiglet oh my goodness oh the little Psyduck puppets up there the adorable Eevee I mean there's just stuff literally everywhere in here it's a lot to process this is this is a lot to process Jirachi plushes over here more look at her sleeping Jirachi now they handed this to us when we walked in not quite sure what that is I'm gonna have to want to have more time to take a better look at it what is this oh it's a fanny back look at this the oven mitt I gotta be careful with how much I buy because we gotta try to get it all home but the oven mitt you think this would go great in our house we can actually kind of need that wait is this mystery bag of shirts right yeah this is a mystery so this is like all the possibilities right here okay so are we getting this stamped right here I don't know what the reasoning is do you know what this is all about Jordan I don't know I just know it's a thing and Follow the Leader yeah everyone looks like you know what they're doing here all right Jordan's get the stamp over here all right I want to do this perfect all your strength press boom we got it we have like a little grievered night light right here all this little ghastly plushie sticking out its tongue wait a minute I think I kind of want that I got stickers over here more uh oh Maria has found washi tape I found all of the uh journaling stuff you found the journaling stuff all right over here we have the trading card game accessories the dice all the damage markers and then on the other side just a bunch of deck boxes then we got binders over here on this side obviously looking for those Psyduck binders look at this we got play mats right here tons of sleeves over here there's a little bit of a crowd got the Charizard sleeves right here from ruler of the black Flame Obsidian Flames we see the Gengar right up there the charger bug over here we got Umbreon sleeves and then 151 kind of design right down here or Charizard I mean there is just there's so many choices right here you really do have to make like a Wise Wise Choice when coming here just shopping along and met a breaking family member right here first time here yeah first time you enjoying that yeah this is why are you buying anything um hopefully hopefully all right I know there's so many choices admiring the jewelry and kind of accessories this appears to be a collaboration with 25 Nicole oh these these right here are gorgeous Marie has found more journaling supplies over here but I have noticed that this actually has Psyduck on it appears to be some sort of like notepad situation but there is a Psyduck on it what'd you find over there over here appears to be housewares stuff it's just like a little okay I thought that was a doormat for a minute see random glasses cups and bowls and oh Chopsticks right over here I might get me some of these Chopsticks these Pikachu Chopsticks so this is the Chopstick uh holder like you rest your chopsticks on that we got more Chopsticks right here this one has grievered and mimikyu on it another Chopstick holder down there moving right over here even more what is this excited but what is it says Pokemon smile so I don't know what it is but I'm gonna get it over here we have phone cases and immediately this Porygon caught my eye goodness are you serious okay this is a must yeah this is a okay yep that's a must look at the skateboard right down here so right over here it looks like Pikachu's tail has been autographed that's like a little bit of a Hidden Gem I don't know if a lot of people notice that when they come by here but it has been autographed right there on the tail just to kind of give you an overview of everything going on in here there's there's a lot there's a lot to take in right here at the Pokemon Design Lab you can actually make your own shirt if it's your birthday I think you get like a little present at the stand but it has to be your birthday we got stickers over here now obviously we have to look for some sort of Psyduck sticker and then on the other side oh boom right here Psyduck okay so we gotta get the Psyduck and then I think we gotta get the the slow poke as well this wall is just full of charms right here we got more plushies I think these are the Old Maid cards I believe these are the old mates I think that's what they're called Old made cards here's another little bit of an overview that's what we got here is this a hat oh the socks I need to I need to add a couple things to the bag here did you get any EVS I did not was I supposed to go back over there was I supposed to yes what what one blarion all of them no okay I'll get your side I got sidetracked on the way back look at this an LED light of a Chandelure what in the world if I had more room in the luggage I would totally get this you have found Psyduck hair clips yes I do have long hair so you could wear this I could rock this couldn't I that's so cute you think I should get it yeah I think you should oh my goodness how do I get this the TCG coins right here I don't know if I have enough coins to get that Psyduck and a pencil pencil holder right down here this one actually has Psyduck in it all right two coins I'm gonna try to decide on okay then we have side up oh we don't I got meltan you can see all the statues and the Nintendo World over here I mean Nintendo World is just as busy the Pokemon Center store logo we are out of the first Pokemon Center and now making our way to a card shop and then we're gonna go to another Pokemon Center but I just want to show you the view of walking down the street walking down yeah down these stairs I think the I think the store is down here is it down is this really underground yeah is there more stairs after this are we here oh we're here boom whoa okay this is this is interesting this is really far down oh manife that's from the manaphy movies so much Pokemon stuff hey Ando says the the even cooler stuff is back here whoa oh wow oh my goodness this is wild you weren't kidding when you said like just a bunch of different card games yeah so every tasty Day Ever Expedition oh yeah lots of expedition here here's some nice vintage goodness oh here's some sleeves down here oh anytime will cause their sleeves [Music] there is just so much stuff inside of the store oh my goodness see look at this look at this it just keeps going all right I bought one card here everybody else bought bags worth Sarah has a bag of stuff somewhere else but yeah one card that's it tag just one tag team trainer from TAG holsters that's it that's all you need 22 it was a deal would be a really good idea yeah it wasn't released in English so on our way to the next Pokemon Center and we see this promotion so on the weekend of Pokemon worlds you can actually stop at all the stations get a stamp and then earn prizes like actual physical prizes you can see right down here some of the prizes there's a tote bag as well I believe okay now we are boarding the subway we're all very we're all very close here together where are we going where are we going this way swings the good deals are about to come out which is going to be raw and everything and as we came out of the subway right back there you can see the landscape all the stores that are along here walking along and look what we come upon a Pokemon vending machine of drinks apparently we're making a pit stop here card secret right here we got Pokemon everywhere there's a lot here there's tons of booster packs here as well oh my goodness [Music] everybody doing some shopping shopping and filming doesn't end but you can see this place has a wide variety if I just kind of like circle around here and show you you can see everything that they have and just how big the selection here is in the store now that that would be an item to own I gotta say this store is really awesome so if you're ever in Japan absolutely visit card secret they even have a play area right there an official play area Pokemon play area right here look at this brand new set right in here ruler of the black Flames obsidian flames they got the Charizards right here ready to go Jordan's gonna buy one go ahead which one you grabbing Jordan uh okay close close that's fire it is a fire but try try one more time one more time all right go ahead grab yourself one okay so we just got out of the card secret but this building right back here all the way at the very top is where the Pokemon Center's at oh this is nice this is a lot different of a Vibe than the last one we were in oh it's off in the distance look at this this is very very open just follow the pokeballs they lead the way and as we go up look what's at the very end we got a master ball oh I'm ready I'm ready wow okay so the Pokemon go lab this is not where I want to spend my time I want to spend my time right over there in the competitive areas there's a competitive area yeah and then they got like the posters just randomly decorated along we are at the Pokemon Center Mega Tokyo and then as we walk up here you'll be able to see one of the mascots oh it's meridon so we got meridon as the mascot not car ride on whoa oh wow yeah all sold out I know I really want one of the Tatsu giris but I feel like they might release it on the US Pokemon Center oh wow look at this you can see the logos right up there more cardboard cutouts look at the overview inside of Mega Tokyo here at the Pokemon Center oh now wait a minute I know this cuts the bread in this shape now a lot of the stuff we see here are items that we saw at the previous Pokemon Center I want to get a nice look at these statues right over here A bunch of sitting cuties I know the sitting Cuties are very very popular amongst fans we got some cloths over here I don't feel like I looked at the cloths at the last Pokemon Center I was trying to see if they had any with a Psyduck a Pokemon sewing machine this is literally just a wall of like cookies candies random treats here is the outside of Mega Tokyo so a really really drastic difference in designs I want to ask you you might know is this location older than the other one we just went to yeah okay but now the thing is is that we're heading to the Pokemon Sweet Treats Cafe this is a little bit different than the Pokemon cafe oh Pikachu sweets yes that's it you're right Pikachu sweets oh there it is Pikachu sweets the plushies I have to have all the plushies we literally just got done eating at the Pikachu Sweets Cafe and the best part about it I mean it's all amazing but this garbadour is an actual trash can I ended up getting this some sort of tea but I'm keeping the cup we also got a Jirachi waffle which I'm keeping the wrapper I made a YouTube short strictly on Pikachu Suite so if you want to see a more in-depth look at it you can go watch that short we're getting ready to leave and I didn't even notice this right here see look everything's closed Pikachu Suites just closed and I didn't even notice all of this right here all of these statues hoot hoot rowlets look at this look at this rowlet statue I gotta touch it oh that's like that's real that's like absolutely real okay everybody's waiting on me so I gotta take a quick quick run through here and look at everything that I've missed oh the Pikachu right there the yamper random Pokeball sitting there it's really windy but I have to document this nice Banner the Pikachu on both sides of it we're here on the street Danny taking pictures of it you're getting some good good shots there yeah well I'm recording a video now and then of course right across the street of Subway it's really windy but let's leave this in here because it's just gonna need to see the stream and see all the architecture around also wanted to show what this looks like when Crossing Shibuya [Music] look at this literally all these people are crossing a street this is really honestly a neat to experience in person all right our stay in Tokyo has officially ended we are now heading to Osaka we gotta catch a train and then a bullet train yeah what they call it and then head to Osaka but first we gotta meet everybody down in the lobby and we have a new member of the squad that is joining us for the rest of the trip okay so we're in our Taxi the newest member of the squad joining us for the rest of the trip bear Walker that's right it's the entire trip entire trip entire trip all right Uninvited I just found them all right so we're heading to Osaka now but Tokyo stations and then Osaka all right we're gonna take three taxis to get here you had the nice one though you had the nice one we had like the deluxe one with like armrests and stuff it was like sitting on a sofa maybe a little bit of trouble with the train situation but I think we got it all figured out now it was a little worrisome there for a minute [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here is our hotel room for the stay in Osaka it's only two days but very very nice and turn this and kind of look outside all right so we're on a on the the train here it's a little a little packed um we're all very very close right now now this is a shopping center right here this is massive now I don't know if you can see it but all the way up ahead we have the Pokemon Center Pokemon Center Osaka as soon as we came out of the elevator the Pokemon center is right here literally right here oh okay where's the entrance yeah entrance is this way whoa there is stuff there it is there's the press the coin press there it is here's all the designs right here we got Evie we got Venusaur and we got Mewtwo what's really interesting about all these Pokemon centers is that there's a little bit something different at every single one of them here is the Pokemon card game area there is Nintendo World right beside it which I'm actually wearing a Nintendo World New York shirt it has a nice logo people lined up this one appears to be a little bit smaller a bunch of the sitting cuties we've seen the sitting cuties at other locations look look at that Eevee right there see some of the stationary stuff the journaling stuff all right so I know where to find you oh sucks I feel like I might have to get me some socks look at this right here for the little toes currently seeing a lot of Jirachi stuff oh this is this is actually really neat it's like a pencil or a makeup case oh I want to see what this is it's like a little like a Bento Box type of situation that is adorable look a little Pichu look at this little Pichu Danny and Ando have already made it over here there we go the exclusive pin I gotta grab me too Magikarp coin purse now for the mimikyu fans right here this is honestly pretty cool I got one around here as well but this is actually really neat key chains and possibly buttons like I said this one is a little bit smaller so not like a crazy amount of things to see here I have no idea what this even is but it has Psyduck in a coffee cup on it there's more of them right over here and it all revolves around coffee but I literally have no idea what it is but I have Psyduck on it so I have to get it I two it's the rules it's got Psyduck I literally I don't make the rules inside the shopping center is a Pokemon Center like I said we were in the wrong area we have to go across the street just random card store yeah yeah what okay oh nice random card store okay so we're in the correct shopping mall now so this is uh this is Pokemon Center number four out of the five total that we're hitting within five days one more left out this one got Kyoto which is a pretty small one but it's the one that we're actually almost looking forward to that has the Ho-Oh as the mascot so we're going to a lot of escalators on the ninth floor is where we need to go these legendary birds are all the way up here makes sense why they're on a high floor of the birds going out to escalators here it is this was the perfect way to go what a view right here as soon as you walk in oh it is packed in here it is packed full of people [Music] look at the world stuff goodness they do look at the world stuff over there we got to get in they got world's merch you get that fan or look at this we can get this fan right here you put water in it it's already already has batteries look at this they actually have some of the world championship merch there is the sprig of Tito we got Fuego right over there look at this more worlds merch over here what do we have what is this mini candy tin with this Pikachu you put like damage counters in there we have the Yokohama pen with the Pikachu eating the ramen oh wow there's actually this is actually a really really neat location here is some of the World Championship shirts that they have in stock these are kind of the same ones yeah all paudio starters right here there's none that have Pikachu on them I did not get one of those I got the last one there is literally so much everywhere this one is a lot different compared to the one we were at yesterday at store number three [Music] or something like that oh my goodness Barry making some purchases there oh yeah so you're going after the the Lugia right here where's it at where's that luga oh there it is so it is a very long line in here to be able to check out they got some of the candies and treats right over there more World Championship plushies so Marie has spotted something oh signature that's the that's the second one that we have seen on our Pokemon Center Adventure 2019 right on the tail of this zapdo as you can see it was done on a sticker and then the sticker was put on there but Zapdos is the only one that has that signature so many Plushies here we are currently in this long long line to check out so you have something card related right there oh some Umbreon sleeves good choice I mean as we're waiting in line we might as well just kind of shop around see if there's anything that we possibly might need stickers notepads bananas random banana and a Pokemon sticker Bunch yeah bear just randomly opening up packs and pulls pulls Charizard congratulations there thank you whoa okay that's I'm a little jealous I'm a little jealous you made it you made a wise purchase there my friend all right Danny show us the shiny that you just got with the Satchel yeah he's got the cool statue the go fast exclusive to go fast I would assume yeah I think so last minute purchase right here at the register I'm gonna go with it here is the Pokemon cafe and this is all we're gonna get to see of it because we do not have reservations for it unfortunately we tried but could not get them but here's what the outside of the Pokemon cafe it looks like you can see all the merch right over there people are lined up ready to go okay so apparently we can walk in and we can buy this merch right here so we gotta get we gotta get the little chefs so we'll get one of each here here's a look at some of the other merch inside of here now we already picked up these these right here there's some plates over here of Evie there's a ditto one right there we got Snorlax a little nice little cup look at the little Footprints and one of the coolest things here at the Pokemon cafe look at this done by tomokazu come here my favorite artist this is amazing to see a in person signed right down there Osaka is over now it is time head to the train station to go to all right we have made it to the shin Osaka train station just walk through the door you can see the nice landscape right back there and it is very busy I got most of the squad here a little bit of Left Behind different taxi but yes very busy look at all the people [Music] day five Pokemon Center number five ring Kyoto this is the last one for this five day Pokemon Center challenge but just kind of like look at the scenery I think on the way back we're gonna kind of explore this area all right we've made it to the mall oh wait is it right there is it literally right there that the exit okay yeah it says Exit right there so we have to figure out a way to get in there's the sign right there we actually found it so Pokemon Center is there walk out we'll go around look at this look at this view this is in a really good spot oh Lugia alert all right here we go this is nice look at this look at this Pikachu statue right here they even have some of the world's merch in here too look at this three worlds merch right here plushies everywhere what's this like luggage tax or something oh now this is awesome this is what I've been waiting to see right here this Ho-Oh the Pikachu writing the Ho-Oh I thought I would never see this in person and here we are breaking family some more of the world's merch right here and there is a few things we didn't see at the other one this is a bag charm of quaxley is it all quaxley's left oh no pork actually it's my favorite oh I don't feel like I've seen this litwig plush right here there's the the tag for it right there oh wow that's a massive it's a huge massive Gengar right there sleeping Gengar gonna get one of those take those home absolutely let's come back to Australia all right there's three of them giveaway we got food merch over here that we saw at previous Pokemon centers we got some of the TCG stuff over here let's get a nice little overview of everything there's a Lugia right there guarding guarding some merch now we've seen these at the other Pokemon centers as well oh that's nice and you can pause and read that this I really really want this is an umbrella holder right here you put your umbrellas right there see and then there's some umbrellas right down there I would absolutely buy that if I had enough space for it in the luggage [Music] okay so here is everything that we bought at all the Pokemon centers while here in Japan obviously you saw all the locations that we went to and I'm just going to kind of give you all a rundown some of the items these items that you saw uh earlier in the video but something you did not see the sleeping Psyduck ah you got the sleeping Psyduck plush right here absolutely adorable and then something I'm really excited about Marie I think I know you're excited about it oh yes this is our uh our Pikachu sweets our little sweet family look at this look at this all three of them right here oh my goodness so adorable this is from the the Pikachu Suites by the Pokemon cafe right here all three of them look nice I love the green one honestly right there there's the green one here's the blue one you can only get them at the Pikachu Sweets Cafe now I love this you did not see um but I do have footage of it they'll be up in another video also we got hang on hang on hang on hang on hang on you got this I got this that is the door of Pokemon cafe whoa we got that and we got this one as well both of those from the Pokemon cafe you'll see the Pokemon cafe in another video but it was right beside the um it might be in this video maybe I don't know I don't know I don't know it'll be one of the videos I just wanted to go ahead and show it to you anyways am and boom that goes with it as well look at it nice nice so five Pokemon centers in five days um we got that empty bag there we got another Psyduck plush right here this is from the uh the mochi mochi line you can see that has a little bit of a it looks a little bit different than a normal side of I bought this fur the moment because I was burning up and uh this look at this boom already came with batteries ready to go that feels so nice oh oh that feels good okay next up we got this bag which inside of this bag has this this is a tin of just like cookies can we open it I loved the tin can we open it no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no later later okay like far later like 20 years down the road oh no no no sir I'll film a video just eating old old Pokemon cookies surprise Psyduck a little coin purse adorable Psyduck so you got that as well and the exclusive ride on man oh is it can you see it better now I got it that you can only get at which uh Pokemon Center was it Mega Tokyo you can only get it at Mega Tokyo very cool so I got that as well and I decided to get this bag reusable bag it's almost like a um like a Santa Claus bag right I got this strap right here for the phone so if you look on the back of it you can kind of hold your phone to the side and so I was recommended this by Zoe two dots and basically she said it was a game changer especially if you're playing Pokemon Go Game Changer so I I think I actually might use that this weekend some ruler of the black flame booster packs right here oh we got five of those that was the limit that you get at the Pokemon Center was five of those booster packs still sealed so I'll probably open those up sometime sometime this weekend um and then what else we got we got oh Marie he must have done some shopping oh oh yeah Marie you've been doing some shopping okay okay that makes sense that makes sense we got these Old Maid cards right here there is a Psyduck in there where I don't see it well I mean there's a Psyduck right there oh yes oh I ruined the Box uh this is a bread cutter it's a fight over a Fido yeah look at the back of this I'm gonna make Fido bread You Gotta Eat the crust I love the unique I love the unique items so much I had to have this they put this so when you check out they put this tape on the bag right here I really love that they do that it just it's a little hard to open yeah it's a little hard to open up that's fine um inside of this one we got please tell me it's more stickers I'm like what is this I don't think I bought more booster packs this is the cried on pen ah right yeah it's the Corydon pin that is exclusive and I got this little Psyduck stamp oh highlighter it's a high lighter highlighter that's what it is the Psyduck highlighter and it smells like coffee a little coffee I don't know if it smells like coffee I think it says it has a little coffee right there I don't like coffee but I like Psyduck the Mareep Duster oh mine right yeah look at that that is adorable we can go around our house dusting with a marine now um we have the Chopsticks going into the Psyduck toothbrush holder we're even doing some shopping I can tell we got more Chopsticks right there uh those actually have and I did some shopping there I see some stuff in here uh I got Psyduck hair clips okay I kind of convinced you to get that I was adamant they're cool I might I might use that I hope you do now see I did not buy this I mean you might have that was not me that bought that you could have without me either bought that or that however this was me that bought this I I bought those too but you went to get those and I made you get mine perfect everybody should own those other ones I'm not so sure about um toothbrush holder that is mine okay what this pin oh that's that's not me that's all you look at it no but but it's a Pikachu I understand with a cherry that's not me that's all you and then you see it oh I bought that look at this hold on I'm trying to show the Pikachu with the Cherry there we go okay A little Psyduck charm I don't I don't buy washi tape this is this is all you that buys the washi tape right here I went a little Washington there's that one is that all the finals though on the this one it's so cute and there is this one you can write on it like make a note on the top so convenient oh you can that is very interesting see so convenient a lot of different items at the Pokemon Center and there's other items that we bought however this is our Pokemon haul from this past uh I don't know how many days at this point the five Pokemon centers in five days I'm tired I need some sleep [Music] foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: RealBreakingNate
Views: 221,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon cards, pokemon, opening pokemon cards, pokemon card opening, pokemon opening, pokémon, pokémon cards, realbreakingnate, realbreakingnate pokemon, real breaking nate, breaking nate
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 37sec (1957 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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