Shopaholic Character, Get Rich or DIE!! | Brotato: Modded

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hello everybody and welcome or welcome back to Bro Tater the arena Survival action roguelike itself but modded though cause we are gonna be checking out the violence Aesthetics mod here today which adds tons of new and absolutely wild character Concepts today we're gonna be checking out the shopaholic who buys items using harvesting instead of materials cannot sell weapons and for every purchase in the shop you gain uh wait every purchase in the shop you have 100 chance to gain a luck I think is how it is and you die if your money ever becomes negative which probably means that this is a wild item to choose but I'm gonna be going for it nonetheless minus three materials at the end of the wave and one harvesting at the end of the wave let's pop on in and see what this is all about here the only thing I'm not entirely sure what it means is for every purchase in shop 100 gain one luck I'm assuming it's either 100 of the purchase gets converted into luck or it's just 100 chance to gain luck so like we gain a lot of luck as we buy more stuff we'll see but you know who knows so there we go we gain a little bit of harvesting I should I get more I I guess I don't know yet with the ratio so three harvesting to buy another one of these which actually gives us more harvesting because it is a support weapon so theoretically as long as we don't okay so three six nine twelve fifteen eighteen we'll get 18 bucks from you know we'll get 80 bucks no matter what so basically let's just tunnel vision in here bag do we care I don't think so tunnel vision and get a whole bunch of these do not press the reroll button I don't know if it will just Auto kill us or not and then there we go so now we have three six nine twelve fifteen that we're gonna be losing at the end of the wave which we already have and then we'll be getting some more harvesting just naturally I guess so it's sort of like in a way it's kind of like we have a baked in piggy bank if we don't want to spend our money but like buying these weapons is free right now sort of sort of not entirely it's like a little bit more harvesting since it's my money for now melee got five luck so there's that kinda gotta admit I want to know gain an extra Harvest thing okay I think it's worth it while it's you know wave three free re-roll in every upgrade that sounds good minus five five ten fifteen twenty twenty six I mean we're not gonna that's not gonna be a problem smile okay it's only for money goes negative so that okay so that is there exclusively so that we can't just buy a whole bunch of stuff on credit and then we don't dot like you know whatever we're invincible that's what that is for understood entirely so we need to make sure we keep our harvesting in the positive sort of or we could utilize our Harvest thing in the negative and it kind of turns our materials into shop materials see this is this is what I like this is what I'm looking for in a modded character just something that makes me play very different what's the crit chance on this crit damage rather 1.5 attack speed interesting four I mean we're basically buying four bucks and it's basically sell a melee damage does this scale 0.6 melee 0.7 melee 0.85 melee okay so it probably goes up to a full flat 1.0 which is nice the very least bye because I'm also like I feel like maybe m R just hold on for a while and let these convert my money into harvesting for a bit prop probably I don't know it's crazy these guys are crazy man but like the thing is converting five materials into two harvesting is only good if we well no it because it's two every single way for the rest of them it's worth it it's worth it regardless I guess it's not that worth it at the final wave or whatever but still take some attack speed I'll get some armor whether or not we care about coupon I'm not sure these feel worth spending money on just because it is gonna give us a bigger net gain in the long run as crazy as it is now all right so this is minus eight okay okay it's getting a little bit it's getting a little bit dangerous but there's no way we don't make up enough money to counteract it we do just have to keep in mind that our harvesting is technically quite low now but over the course of the run these will first of all they seem to scale very well as far as damage goes second of all they will pay for that penalty right over the course of it three harvesting I've got four harvesting oh purple gives four okay the jump is not even in a good way all right grab that I guess I'll get a little bit more Harvest thing basically I'm gonna try and Max these bad boys out as soon as possible Boulder hat not that worth it it's 15 luck because it costs the harvesting all right I could roll one more but I'm not gonna go for it so we're still at 12 harvesting even though we're spending a lot of harvesting on these weapons we have we have one item and it's The Lumberjack shirt this is silly this I mean this weapon attacks pretty fast it's kind of like um fist attack speed tier theoretically it's an unarmed as well clearly it was a support weapon but I think it's unarmed support like a hand Maybe ow doing 42 with the legendary one which on Wave 6 is good that is good on Wave Six it also seems like the hand's not worth that much in the shop which is great I guess more attack speed I think a little bit of lifesteal could be helpful silly with it you silly with it knock back I mean maybe 24 harvesting for three percent damage a wave is so expensive it's not bad it's just so expensive I tried there I tried there getting some free re-rolls in the shop would be divine the thing is we are spending money we're kind of spending money in the future by doing the re-rolls it's kind of a useless thing the money but it's kind of not because we can go in negative harvesting in the later game as long as we don't have our materials hit zero after a wave is done which I think we can make that happen yeah we can we can buy like I don't know if we have a thousand materials saved up in the bank which I don't think I really want to do ow that was painful you could go to negative a thousand harvesting per wave grab some armor as much as this stuff is like God I just don't know what's worth buying right now dangerous bunnies gonna be worth buying over the course of time um dude what ugly tooth will be worth it we'll start buying items sooner than later but the fact that we have even have positive harvesting is frankly fantastic and we're doing good damage just because it's basically this is base damage carrying us here this gives us what eight harvesting dang it ain't bad it is definitely not bad our damage is pretty solid but it's kind of like it's the only thing I could think of that was a super clean upgrade to bow our technical long-term econ and our damage and it's cheap it's just upgrading this weapon seems like the God the wave going about it that guy hit me twice 30 run cheater HP regen sure at this point for the love of God thank you coupon I could see it being good does it work it does work okay tears might as harvesting as well we take those oh we take those for sure 40 harvesting minus eight percent damage I think so just because the scaling I'm annoyed wave nine though wave nine we're nearly at Max Legendary Weapons as soon as we get to Max Legendary Weapons then we're gonna start to consider purchasing some more things that are maybe like um I don't know flat melee upgrades attack speed upgrades which we already have 30 percent 30 on Wave nine is like a fine amount in my eyes cut we're spending so much on rerolls the dangerous bunny would just be gotta be nice I mean I know we have one but as many as possible for this run because we are we're spending money that we otherwise could spend on at least the way I'm playing we could spend it on Wave 19. and it wouldn't be a problem but I'm trying to save so that we can effectively get the interest that is harvesting scaling up per wave absolutely life's still sure six melee sounds great recycling machine not as good today thank you it's expensive but it is worth it piggy bank is very appealing in fact it's so appealing that we may be stopped with the whole shenaniganery already okay now we're looking for maybe like padding padding would be divine because that's money that we don't technically have to you don't have to spend that money can spend our harvesting I'm investing it's interesting that it's a this is a Shopaholic character and it is really completely placed differently than the um the entrepreneur which I really really like because they easily could have been a very similar play style and they're they're close it's like you know buy a lot sort of a focus on harvesting but not necessarily cow why do I feel like I'm weak yet I mean I know I have it's probably because I have basically no items but all right um fine what melee damage percentage damage will work so I wanted to compare the attack speed so it's slower than the fist huh get a random tier two item and two random tier one items seems like good value but oh always a good first mini boss but boy that was a bad placement there kind of needing to kill the mummies all right please oh God let me in not like this there we go a little too tight for my liking okay please give me a uh spicy lejond Dairy please we have not really felt able to purchase items because we're buying it like with buying the harvesting so basically buying interesting oh boy I don't really have credit oh Community Support could it be 24. the thing is you I look at this I see 24 harvesting that's 24 times however many waves we have left that's that's how much money it really is and if we tap out in buying stuff with harvesting already we sort of have a problem like the later we'd wait technically the better value it is one more come on four melee 10 harvesting so it's basically 17 harvesting for four melee uh such feels like such a bad deal I don't know I'm at 41 luck it feels like such a bad deal but I think I have to look at everything it's weird I have to look at everything differently than a normal run as far as harvesting goes I can't compare it to like sacking 12 harvesting for an item on a normal run it's it's a different story I think that we're gonna want to start going towards negative soon I think we're on the um now that we're in the back half trading harvesting for an item is it's less impactful to our long-term plan oh boy I risked it there and it wasn't worth it I mean it was because I didn't die I guess but I went in on the money didn't realize that it was gonna hurt so bad okay yeah all right sure um I'm gonna get a little bit of HP regen I think we could start to do we start to go in on sacrifice and stuff as long as my harvesting is like net neutral my money still keeps going up with piggy bank but I get less value from the plus five percent I think that's okay though mastery's good dangerous bunnies fantastic wandering pot's probably not worth it today I want I want crit now which is annoying I wish I didn't want crit sure sure I'll stick it about 42. so we don't want to re-roll a ton either that also takes away from our piggy bank angle and I'd say maybe around wave 16. we can start to go negative for harvesting I think that that'd probably be fine yeah I just feel like I need a little bit more power starting to starting to feel the penalty of having less items than normal because now that we've fully capped out our weapons we really only have a couple ways to increase strength which is level up perks how four items we can't just Bank on the Free Base stat increases here and there oh my Lord those guys came for blood get the money get the money get the money get the money get the money speed range absolutely attack speed crit chance range absolutely melee damage absolutely God oh that was all divine that was all divine needs some survivability all right tentacle sure like this I mean I have giant spell let's give it a go two life steal for 11 harvestings it's just when you sit down and you actually just compare it like that it seems so bad this is so bad we got Giants belts makes it so we're I don't know some enemies we're gonna be creating for 2x even though this is not a 2X scaling crit weapon so that ain't bad just don't know why it feels what's the range on this 2 30. it's not that bad it's not great but like trying to figure out what really feels like it's missing here and I guess it's the survivability angle like for us being a melee scaling run you typically need to get a little bit more survivable on those and I don't feel like I'm there oh my God they comboed me right at the end it's okay I'll be fine they comboed me right at the end Max HP HP regen will take that I guess I shall get some crit as weird as it is I'll take plant I do like the idea of that recycling machine is not bad padding is a must and padding almost makes it so we don't want to go in the negative it's all so strange Bean teachers good but would have been better earlier right I think I'm missing more attack speed than I would have thought too all right there we go that's a lot of Health just like that Giants belt helping us do some numbers here basically making this uh one point five crit weapon into a slightly above two times crit weapon basically I need the full health heal box for me thank you a Dodge 20 wouldn't mind more ow pops another host not ideal yeah padding padding changes a lot for us foreign oh my Lord that's so bad armor hunting trophy is really interesting where does it fall oh my God where does hunting trophy fall on this run I just don't know we got 74 harvesting I do feel like we could spend that full 74. on Wave 16 I think we could spend that 74 and it's fine 100 trophy is so weird though today it's pretty minus Dodge I'm gonna say no Banner yes say no get a little bit of that definitely get mastery all right we'll leave it at the Plus 12. so that we're not taking out of our padding kind of funds that we have here but it's like I don't know because it is like Savor but we actually get to buy stuff is kind of what's Happening this is a good way for us weirdly enough we sort of like the waves with smaller amounts of big enemies now that we have Giants belt [Applause] what a weird angle to take today I did I was not expecting giant belt uh as our first legendary kind of changed the trajectory a bit of how I was going to go about things I was not planning on taking any crit whatsoever all right good deal HP region HP sounds good HP reach 10 sounds good grab another Cyclops worm expand that 44. I'd say without much of an issue bowler hat it's just it's not going to be very worth it right now oh my Lord come on got the 40. another padding okay well now we're in a weird spot where I think we actually just want to hold on to all of our money doing that and having the uh the crit space have their hp's quite hot crew yeah double double padding actually wait wait we could because the harvesting works at the end on Wave 19 shop we can still spend all of our money and we'll have padding and all of the items there's even a world I don't think I want to risk it there's a world where we could technically go infinite on the shop and it wouldn't penalize us if we kill the boss I don't want to go that route because first of all it doesn't sound that fun anyways to me to just buy everything sit here for a year uh cool they re-roll on each upgrade I love this item you can get some speed up 34 for potato is not worth it yeah everything's just getting so expensive getting so so so expensive 223 [Music] health I can't be mad at that but yeah wave next shop after the next wave not this shop at the next shop I do get to spend whatever 10 000 bucks or ten thousand Harvest thing which will equate to more than eight thousand bucks oh it's gonna be silly and I will get to keep I'll get to keep my um my padding box that's the dumb thing because normally on saver you don't get to do that you you know you can't spend all your stuff because then you lose your damage huh it's a fun angle yeah I've become pretty silly I've outscaled care I would say bye bye bye-bye slowly but surely they are chipping away but not the shot but the next one wait no that wasn't it was it I've confused myself another padding Brown where were you huh Dodge and a death protection oh it doesn't sound like you're Maybe work in the way that you would maybe want to prevent the characters passive death but oh well probably stand still kill territory maybe probably papa papa yeah giant spell just it came in kind of clutch in a weird way to sort of balance out our mediocre-ish damage it's not really mediocre it's it's good 144 on this Wave It's serviceable you usually want a bit more but it's pretty fast attacking too which have so much hell it's not that I couldn't die because like their damage can absolutely outpace my Regen is this just that it takes way too long to get through my health all right say nah sure basically okay so here we go if you do this okay we can do pretty much anything here luck sounds not that good for us terrified onion it's nothing it's not good it's just I don't I don't really want it regen potion is divine we can technically go to minus 11 000 harvesting which is quite silly but in order to do that oh so we can't sell ah okay I did not necessarily process that not being able to sell items is so that it stops us from being able to re-roll as much I don't know if that was the main goal or not but it definitely does do that take one of those roll wisdom I could Pensacola take I don't have any structures you [ __ ] nope just make sure that it never outpaces because our money is going down as well so we do have to make sure that it doesn't surpass it which could happen sooner than you'd think quite High because this is getting really expensive it's actually worth it can't sell anything my speed is way too high for Estes should be anything 400 get a little bit more there just any item that looks pretty decent oh there we go minus 500 baby gecko any shop that has full passives it's technically a pretty good call it's 500. I don't know what I got so alien I'm gonna say nah seven five still got a way we can go wait that wasn't full items was it there was a weapon in the middle handcuffs we're losing a lot of our money though is the thing to be clear this does not lock our health at 283 it will keep going down it just can't go higher than 283. I think we I think we actually unfortunately that's sort of feeling like the tap out point because the thing is we will lose our health slowly but surely but the thing is that doesn't matter we are very very dumb still we were able to make it happen captain in a very dumb way s not bad not bad it's a cleverly designed character a lot of the things that I thought of that I I thought were going to be ex like exploits for the character sort of there was a little clever you know thing for all of them that made him not become too busted but still become really strong I feel like the Goldfinger was a very fun weapon for this uh if this is kind of a an example for what sort of mental gymnastics we're gonna have to go through for this mod I'm excited for it uh because dang that that was definitely very different a a different set of choices thought process everything from any other kind of shopping based character that I've played so far but the last last that's that that's gonna do it for today Link in the top description check out the mod for yourself thank you thank you and I will see you next time bye
Channel: Retromation
Views: 23,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brotato, let's play brotato, let's try brotato, games like vampire survivors, vampire survivors, let's play brotato part 1, brotato review, brotato preview, brotato game, brotato gameplay, brotato retromation, brotato early access
Id: j2tsMvpKGOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 48sec (2028 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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