Shoot the Person Behind the Mystery Door! | Don't Choose the Wrong Door!!

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oh my gosh for the word pair welcome to Team edge this is the don't get shot behind the wrong mystery door welcome to team edge this is the don't shoot the wrong door welcome to team edge this is the don't choose the wrong mystery door challenge [Music] there goes our goal is to not get messy and to obviously not choose the wrong mystery door that's why we titled it this video we're gonna be shot with like spaghetti messy stuff there's some PayPal's in there that's gonna suck a little bit by now just keep getting shot by those things I'm still bruised but look at that [Music] I remember my first time walking this round is pretty simple Bobby and Joey are hiding behind two of these doors I hopefully will choose a door where they're not behind because when those doors open if you don't get hit you get a point whoever has the least amount of points goes into the final round as a target only [Music] time to take a burrito to la cabeza okay brian has chosen the door doors open in three two one Steve go to my mouth [Music] you can finish me off Bobby you want to shoot that again cuz I didn't even come out I'll finish you off no oh oh I don't know Kevin was looking at me alright it's Bobby's turn oh no oh yes Bobby was a pressure I did it to 200 so maybe over the last two hundred twenty-eight is what would Joey would probably do the exact same thing that he did just now and he's gonna reverse it back to the opposite side of which he wasn't that makes sense here we go doors open in three two one do that that's a funk to it I want to shoot my burrito are these safe to eat moving on Joey's turn [Music] in 3 2 1 [Music] yeah shoot him anyway that's why baby on to the next round I am going to position myself in front of one of these three doors now Bronte wet the bed until he was ten years old it was Bryan back there and there was also cardboard cutouts so I have to shoot Bryan before he shoots me but if I shoot one of the cardboard cutouts minus one point okay doors open and three nope you missed he missed wait all right guys I already took out Bryan so now I'm gonna go up against Joey if you want to give me some energy because I'm low on energy right now like this video it'll really gas me up and three two one oh yeah buddy I'm gonna start calling you Chef Boyardee Oh simple York Boyard no I am gonna finish off my turn my goal is just to shoot the person with the t-shirt gun okay doors open now I'll just Joey sir all right ladies and gentlemen it is my turn there are two cardboard cutouts behind two of the doors and Brian is behind one of the doors I have to shoot him before he shoots me I'm a crack shot with these things actually take the dragging out of the video I don't want to look like an idiot if I lose he's gonna leave it in [Music] in three two one oh oh no do that hit hard brother knock on window did I get you at least you got me in the back yeah I got it first I think you got hit first alright barbecue Bobby's gonna hide behind the doors right now doors open in three two one yes he was hiding behind a wall suck it up coward suck it up Bobby got the hit first Joey's trying to petition an appeal because I don't know he didn't win same rules on this game but one of the cardboard cutouts is replaced by Brian one of them Brian or Bobby is gonna have a bow shoot the right person if I get the wrong person [Music] everybody get him I'm just trying you gotta make him over three two one boom I get the point if you guys don't move that was a boring battle alright it is now my round we brought the paintball guns same rules Bobby has zero points Schaefer it has two points I have zero points as well it's my chance to get at least one point three two one oh I should have put a pan on yo oh my gosh yes for the warpath oh that was close man that's too close you got here right there right uh but Bobby you get the award don't give anybody an award for that he should be excommunicated and sent to Siberia for that man since I got the one point I needed I don't have to do the final part so Bobby that means you don't participate in the shooting you are only the target my man since Bobby was the ultimate loser of the video if you hit him you get double points and he has to wear the drop hat hey Bobby these are the ultimate loser right they are gonna be behind the doors popping out like whacking moles not shooting back I have to shoot them whoever gets the most shots out of 10 wins Bobby's worth two points all right moles start in three two one oh that's freaking scary that's dude ologist staying down the real hot the thought was to grab a ball Ted I couldn't make up my mind which one I wanted to shoot oh the splat got me I'd it wasn't a direct hit I just wanted to hit it actually that's another shot Oh God what did you hit oh dude you shot the Queen I shot the Queen oh that's a shot he's done guided by far one of the most terrifying things he's ever done okay so Joey you hit Bobby once you get double points for that but then you hit the Queen twice so negative two points all right it's my turn all I need to do is hit one person that's it don't hit any decoys and I'm today's winner come out and play Oh oh geez where's Bobby I want the devil point Oh [Music] I think I shot him right in the crotch Bobby you gotta stick out every once in a while oh one more shot oh no we tied we Tommy Boyd you guys zero how are you I got zero dang it but Bobby kudos to you for participating thank you my leg Oh purple guys make sure you go check out don't plummet into the nasty pool that was a lot of fun it was super nasty and this video that YouTube recommends for you to watch subscribe to this channel and come back next week
Channel: Team Edge
Views: 3,225,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: team edge, team edge challenge, teamedge, challenges, competition, giant games, battle, Shoot the Person Behind the Mystery Door! | Don't Choose the Wrong Door!!, paintball game, painful paintball, who is behind the door, mystery, super messy games, dont choose the wrong door, dont get shot by the paintball gun challenge, shoot the person behind the door challenge
Id: 0WqNtba-TRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2019
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