Shola Aur Shabnam Full Movie HD | Govinda Hindi Comedy Movie | Divya Bharti | Bollywood Comedy Movie

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Sorry I am late. - Doesn't matter. Is it done? Yes. Come on. Is the news for sure? - Yes. It is time for the flight. They must be arriving now. Everything is all right. The flight should be on time now. Give me the bill. [Thwacking] [Tire Screeching] [Car Door Opens] [Wood Door Opens & Gride] You scum! You traitor! You betrayed my trust! You thought that you could join hands with Jaichand.. ..and screw me! You fool, I know it. Every man has the ambition to go up in life. But to become big in life.. should step on them who are inferior to you. If you step on some big guy.. ..then you will fall down. You fell down, didn't you? What did you and Jaichand think? You thought that you could elope with my money? You think that I do business.. a fool? I always consult my astrologer whether.. ..the business I do will result in loss or profit? Anyway, no one can swallow my money! I have such a line in my hand. See it! Have a look! What are you doing? What are you doing, brother-in-law? Brij is your old accomplice and friend. And you are behaving with him in such a way? Talk to him in soft language. He will tell everything. Brij my son, tell everything. Everything? - Yes. With love? - Yes. The stuff of Kali Babu is not with me. It's with that Jaichand. You dog, better speak up! Or you know it that here even dumb start speaking. Brother-in-law! You taught these to your men and now you have forgotten that.. ..that when you get caught, better die.. ..but don't open your mouth. You should be happy about this. You should congratulate him. Move aside, brother-in-law! - Trapped! [Laughing] Brother-in-law, he's trapped! [Gun Shot] [Laughing] Inspector, have this buttermilk. It's good for digestion. You will digest what you have seen. [Laughing] [Tire Screeching] Munna! Laugh! Laugh as much as you want. I can't even scold you in front of big brother-in-law. You love him so much. Brother-in-law, he's the only one I have to call my own. So I love him so much. So, are all the arrangements done? Yes, brother. When you go, I will feel lonely here. I will miss you very much. Brother, I am not going abroad. I am going nearby. It's only a question of a couple of months. Why are you getting so sad? All right, then have it your way. Here, keep this. Brother, what will I do with all this money? When this remains in your pocket.. ..people will talk with you with respect. Kali Babu, who in hell.. ..has the guts to talk with him in disrespect? Munna, you go. - Ok, brother. And Munna, keep informing on phone. - OK, brother. And listen, whatever I am saying.. it in your brain cells. [All Laughing] He loves me very much. - Kali Babu! Kali Babu! Where is he going after all? I told you. He went to have some fun in his life. If he joins me in business right away.. ..then his youth will be ruined! So I thought he should have more fun with his college friends. He's gone for some camp. NCC camp. [Bugle Copper] Be fast. C'mon, man. Let's be fast. We have to reach the ground. Move, let me go first. Be fast, we have to reach the ground in 15 minutes. Please come out. Hey Satya, he you ready, man. Read this. - What's this? These are the rules and regulations over here. The laws over here. The major here is a barbarian. We have read it. Now you too read this. This is quite a long list. And anyway, my Hindi is quite poor. This is not in Hindi, but in English. And he has no knowledge whatsoever about English. But I will explain it to you in short. there is a total list of 113 rules. There are rules for eating, bathing, walking, sitting and standing.. ..and there are rules even for breathing. And the rules are such that they will be broken. So now you get ready. Or else you will be the first scapegoat. Hold this. I will get ready in a jiffy. - Be fast. Why? What happened? - Nothing. I will go inside first. - Why would you go inside? I was in the queue. Queue? - Yes. [Laughing] What happened? Why are you laughing? My number comes everywhere. Get lost! - You..! He's a fool and an ignorant fellow! But he's my friend. Dear, please forgive him. He will die! I ask for his forgiveness. Hey, don't mess with him! Do you know, he's a big shot? Their bathrooms are larger than bedrooms. And they have bathrooms for every person. He doesn't have the habit of standing in a line. They will do it right.. Am I right? - Yes, of course. But listen.. - No ifs and buts. Why didn't you get up in the morning at 4 o' clock and take a bath? Why did you get up late like a chicken and come to take a bath? Is this place your father's property? Am I not right? - Yes. And what if you don't bathe for one day? You bathe everyday. You look quite clean. But it's important for him to take a bath. Am I not right? - Yes. - Don't worry. Go take a bath. Go in the bathroom. First class. [Door Locking] Didn't I do right? [All Laughing] Pared! Attention. Pared! Take your position! Sir, all the cadets are ready for the parade. Now the parade is under your control. [Footsteps] My name is Major I.M. Lathi. Mr. Mohan. [Slapping] Why didn't you read my list of rules and regulations? I had read it. - You are lying. If you had read it then you wouldn't have forgotten the rule number 13. What's this? Why is your shirt not tucked inside? Hey, why did you move? Why did you move on attention? No, sir.. - It seems you have not read my rule no. 10. Sir, my mistake. But I will read it. - Where have you come from? Bombay. - Where is Bombay? - In Maharashtra. Where is Maharashtra? - Maharashtra is in Maharashtra. In Maharashtra? Maharashtra is in Maharashtra? Then where is it, sir? - Maharashtra is in India. Where is it? - In India. And where is India? - India is in.. India is in our hearts. But it's other thing that our hearts are sleeping. That's why there is Punjabi. There's Gujrati. There's Marathi. There's Bengali. But there's no Indian. And I want to make you Indian.. ..and only Indian. - [Yawning] [Slapping] Listen to me carefully. I am not leader who just goes on blabbering. The words that come out of my mouth.. ..are more precious than diamonds. Yes, I was saying that.. I am a man of rules and regulations. And I don't like anyone breaking those. I only mete out harsh punishment to them. So try not to make a mistake.. ..even by mistake. Or else you will have to face the consequences. So, be ready. Today your first lesson of training starts. March off. [PFT Run Workout] Sorry, darling. I couldn't look at you since a long time. What can I do? It was very important to give this lecture to these young guys. "Chandni." "My dear Chandni!" I love you. I love you. [Groaning] Be careful. Careful.- How can I, we have been running from past two hours. It seems this big moustache has forgotten the order. Yes, Karan. When will this man stop this? When anyone drops dead. Wait. I will get all of you at ease. Let me see where's he lost? Sreedevi! - "Chandni!" "My dear Chandni!" - My darling is on the ground. Move aside. Don't step on her. Don't step on her. At ease. [Softly Laugh] Who did this? Whom among you did this mistake? Ok. Ok. If you don't get the culprit out right away.. ..then everyone will get the punishment. Sir, why are you giving punishment to everyone? The culprit is this one. Karan. I heard him shouting Sreedevi. That's ok. But why did you come late to the ground? But why did you break my rule no.28? Sir, he's responsible for that too. He locked me up in the bathroom. You could have broken the door. NCC means self-regulation. That is discipline at any cost. How will you fight an enemy if you can't just break open a door? But, sir.. - I don't want to hear any explanation. You will get the punishment. Take the gun above your head and take 5 rounds. But sir.. - 10 rounds. - But sir.. - 15 rounds. - Ok, sir. So, you did this? - No, sir. I said that. No, sir. I said that. - He's lying. I was the one. Good. Unity. I like it. It seems only you have been influenced by my lecture. Thank you, sir. Now do one thing. Take your guns and start running round this ground. Sir, how much? - Stop counting. You have to keep running till evening. - What?! March on! Attention! This man is certainly.. ..going to get a couple to the grave in this 2 month training. Karan, what are you thinking? I was thinking that.. ..that I have to do something about this admirer of Sreedevi. Why are you ironing these clothes? I am going outside tomorrow. - Where? Don't ask. Just don't ask. Don't talk about going outside. Do you know the consequences of breaking ... ... the rules and regulations of Major sir. I know everything. What will he do? Will he hang me? - Yes. Let him hang me. But no force in the world can stop me from going tomorrow morning. But where are you going? Room no. 302 in hotel Plaza. But what is so special there? There. Sreedevi has come there. Yes. The shooting of her movie is going on. "Tu mere liye. Mein Tere Liya." "Mein Tere Liya (I am made for you)." Yes and I heard her interview on radio yesterday. Is it? - Yes. And I have even.. ..taped her voice. Want to listen? - Yes. Follow me. Miss. Sreedevi, I would like to ask some personal questions.. ..from your admirers's side? Why didn't you marry yet? Marriage. I will certainly marry. But I haven't yet found my suitor. I mean my Balma (Lover). [Chuckling] That's the image of your dream husband.. right in front of your eyes? Yes, of course. My dream husband.. ..won't be any civilian. He will be a major. I am a major. He will have a wide chest. - I have one. And he will have a lot of medals on that chest. Yes, I have it. And he will come straight to me and tell.. ..Sree, I love you my lady. Sree, I love you my lady. But there's one thing that I don't like about the military guys. What? - They keep such thick moustaches. It's my personal thinking. That the military man who keep such thick moustaches.. ..doubt their masculinity. - Oh no. My husband will not have thick moustaches, but small ones. - Oh no! Miss. Sreedevi.. ..I would like to thank you on behalf on this radio.. ..and your fans. Give it to me. - Sir, you! Go to your beds. Collect your radio tomorrow morning. Tonight I want to listen to the news of the gulf war. Good night and go to your beds. Sorry, sir. Good night. [Voice Over The Tape Recorder] My dream husband.. ..won't be an ordinary civilian. He will be a major in the military. He will have a wide chest.. ..and there will be a lot of medals on that chest. And he will come straight to me and tell.. ..Sree, I love you my lady. But there's one thing I don't like about the military guys. These military guys who keep these thick moustaches.. ..are doubtful about their masculinity. My husband will have... [Tape Recorder Off] [Sighs] I think.. I will.. have to sacrifice these.. ..for you. 203. Hey, where have you sent him? Has Sreedevi come? Deva has come. - Deva? Yes. The famous boxer Deva. He has just got married.. ..and he has come here for a honeymoon. Now look. He will get 203 thrashings in room no. 203. [Music] It's me. What's the need to come in like a thief? This room is yours. I am yours too. Now, why are you standing so far? Come near. Sit besides me. You are late. I was waiting for you since long? - Really? You think I am lying? Now tell me one thing. Will love me this way the whole life? Yes. The aim of my life.. only to love you. You don't know I am a big fan of yours. Not only this. I have seen all your films 10 times. I swear on you, Sreedevi. But whenever a hero touches you.. ..a fire erupts in my heart Be it Dharmendra, Jeetendra or Amitabh. and Amrish Puri. When he touches you.. ..I feel like pumping all the bullets in to him. Shree.. ..people give their hearts in love. But I have given.. ..the prestige of my family. - See this. [Screaming] [Both Screaming] I thought that you were Sreedevi. - No... no. Darling, what happened to you? [Stammering] Darling, this guy came in to this room forcibly. And he tried to.. [Stammering] I think that I have made a mistake. I thought that this room was room no. 203. No, this is room no. 203. And you won't forget this room for 7 lifetimes. You are so sweet. Please let me go. Please, let me explain myself. There's no need to explain anything. Now everything.. is going to be clear. Wife, please close the door. I will make mincemeat of you. Look, what has come in the hockey ground. Mr. Bali, please give the ball. Take it yourself. Goal! Karan. Goal! The major has come. Boys! Boys! - Who said that? I said it. - Why did you say it? Don't you know that we are the students of NCC? And no one can give us orders other than Major sir. If Major sir comes to know that in his absence.. ..some stranger gave orders. - Stranger! Don't you recognize me? - Not at all. I am Major. - Which Major? I am Major Lathi. - Sir, it's you! What happened to you? Sir, your moustache? You will get the punishment for doing this. Peter! - Yes, sir. I gave holiday to everyone. But I didn't give you a holiday. Sir, if I take holiday.. ..then who will cook food for 1000 students? Today Peter won't cook food for 1000 students. But these cheaters will cook food. You can go. - Yes sir. But sir, what's the reason for this punishment? - What's our crime? So, you want to know your crime? Yes. So, you want to make a national issue of this one? No problem! No problem! Make it! C'mon, make it. Sir, we have come to know of our crime. And we ready to bear the punishment. - Yes. We will make the food. - Yes. And that too in one and half an hour. And you have to bring the vegetables from the market too. Sir. - Out! You may curse me. But he got his moustache off for Sreedevi. [All Laughing] Now look, his hands won't come for a month. Now how will he take a bath.. ..and how will he wash it! You guys, move out of the way. Very soon, girl's cycle race will be coming from here. Girl's cycle race? Be careful. Ouch! You blind fellow, can't you see? Were you making these 'roties' for... ...your mother in the middle of the road? No, I was waiting for your father. So that he comes and kneads the dough. How dare you take my father's name? You..! Take it easy, butterfly. Your wrists are delicate. You will get hurt. Let go of my hand! - First, take these things from here. To hell with your things! Then stand this way.. your friends go one by one go past by you. Bye, fatso! - What are you doing? - Bye! Let go of me or else I will get my father to throw in jail. In which police station is he a constable? He's not a constable, but he's the commissioner. Commissioner or governor. Once I catch a hand.. ..I don't let go of it very easily. Friends. - Yes. What was that song? "Once we catch your hand.. ..we won't let go of it." "But we certainly crush your pride." Get these things now. I am not your servant! You..! Take this now. I am going right now. But listen to me carefully. You will have to pay for this. You haven't known me yet. That's the problem, my beloved. You haven't known yourself yet. Here she comes. So, you are here. You? Who was that guy? Her cycle tire's punctured too. That same guy must have done it. Why are you troubling her? Her all efforts went in vain. And she didn't even get the trophy. Poonam, thank that idiot that you won the race. And about the trophy. I will certainly win it next year. But I will certainly be in pain.. ..if I don't teach that fool a lesson. Oh God! She does whatever she says. That means that guy is going to suffer through hell. What fun! Hey, what are you doing? I told you many times that I am not your beloved,... ...but your friend Raja. Get me? Raja.. it seems like ... ..we must leave this barrack and sleep somewhere else. It's dangerous to sleep with him at night. Hey, what black magic.. ..has that girl done on you! This is no black magic. This guy is in love. Hey, man. Forget that cyclone. Her father is the commissioner. She will get you in jail. Is the food ready? - Yes, sir. Get the ready plates ready in a jiffy. He will get us screwed. Make it fast. Lay the plates. Oh, this is wonderful! I see you wherever I go. I have lots of work to do. Darling, meet me afterwards. That's enough. The food is good. Sir, it has to be good. Our hands are still burning because of blending the spices. Now only your hands are burning. - I got your sir. What happened? Nothing, sir, I will be back in a while. - Sit down. Don't you know that leaving the food this way is breaking the rule 30? You will get the punishment for this. Sir, you can give me whatever punishment you want. But I have to go now. Stupid! What's going on? Oh God! What happened, sir? What did you mix in the food? Sir, they have mixed this in the food. They have done some mischief in the food. Look at this. Purgative tablets. Purgative tablets. Sir. Sir, please tell us what's our new punishment? Hey you. The chicken soldier of the country. The camp is 3 kms from here. What? 3 kms more. Yes, 3 kms more. Hey, you always get in to trouble. I can't run any further. I will be ruined. I am doomed. I will die. Any helicopter, plane, chariot or car. Please arrange for something. What kind of friends are you? Hey, will cycle do? This seems like fun. It's not fun, but looks like they have come to end our run. They have brought everything to teach us a lesson. Yes, I also feel the same. Please do something about it. Ladies, if you please move aside.. it will be better.. for us. Why? You are pleading now. What was that song? Once we catch a hand.. ..we won't let go of it. - You still remember that song? Won't you catch my hand today? I have great desire to catch it. But I am helpless now. I have to reach somewhere. You want to go somewhere? - Yes. Then go. - Shall I really go? - Go! Shall I really go? - Go! I know that she won't let me go. Shall I really go? Oh God! "O darling, please let me go." "O darling, please let me go." "Let's enjoy our encounter." "Let's enjoy our encounter." "I am a fire." "I am a lightning." "I am a fire." "I am a lightning." "Yesterday you had your chance. Today is mine. I won't leave you today." "O darling, please let me go." "Let's enjoy our encounter." "I am a fire." "I am a lightning." "I am a fire." "I am a lightning." "Yesterday you had your chance. Today is mine. I won't leave you today." "O darling, please let me go." "O darling, please let me go." "Beloved, I won't go far from you even if you commit any atrocity." "One day, you will fall in love with me." "Beloved, I won't go far from you even if you commit any atrocity." "One day, you will fall in love with me." "I will teach you a lesson which will make you fall out of love." "I will render you to such a state,... ...that even the mirror will get shattered." "Yesterday you had your chance. Today is mine." "I won't leave you today." "O darling, please let me go." "Let's enjoy our encounter." "I am a fire." "I am a lightning." "I am a fire." "I am a lightning." "Yesterday you had your chance. Today is mine. I won't leave you today." "O darling, please let me go." "O darling, please let me go." Hey, run away from here. What the hell! Hey, why are you staring at me like that? It seems like.. - You know me. Quite rusted idea of wooing girls. Find something new. Listen! I think that you are the daughter of Commissioner Yeshwant. You really know me. [Laughing] My brother and your father are good friends. In fact, your name is always mentioned in our house. It's quite strange that we never met. Anyway, my name is Bali and I have come here for the NCC camp. Make it fast. Or else the matron will scold us. Bye, Bali. - Bye. What happened, Bali? You are looking at her so carefully. I have seen many girls. But this girl is awesome from head to toe. Now this heart will get relief.. ..only when she becomes the queen of my heart. Hey man, did you not have enough.. ..that you are getting ready and going there to get thrashed. Friend, those who think too much.. ..never reach their goal. And what does that girl think of herself? That she can get rid of this love bug? The bug is all right. But what if we get the genie on the road? Why are you afraid of the genies? He must either be sleeping. Or he must be lost in Sridevi's thoughts. Why are you scared? I am there with you, isn't it? Hey, see if the old man is looking. See if the old man is looking. See, if the old man is looking. I didn't see anything. Sir.. Where are my children going dressed like this so late in the night? No, sir, just like that, No. it doesn't matter. What they do behind my back. I just wanted to see what my children call me behind my back. Old man. No sir. That was just like that.. You must have thought that your major I M Lathi ... ..must be lost in some thoughts so late in a cold night. No, sir. It is nothing like that. Even I wasn't much honest when I was young. Even I used to commit many mischief like you. I used to run away from the camp to commit mischief at night. But yes.. I was never caught like you people. Your major.. Must not be as smart as you, sir. Yes, that is there. And he wasn't strict like me too. You broke the rules.. plus regulations of the camp without caring.. think about the results and sundry? What happened, sir? Cool Cool air is running. Yes, sir. And as the night progresses, the cold will increase too? Yes, sir. And if someone has to sleep in this open ground.. ..and that too without clothes, it will be so much fun, isn't it? Especially, when he doesn't have a blanket, a pillow.. ..or any shirt, or these fat tracksuits, just like.. ..when a child is born, isn't it? What happened my boy? Hearing your words, I am feeling so chilly. No, my child, if you feel cold so soon, how will this night pass? Sir.. my friend will die sir. No. he won't die now. But he will die by morning surely. I will go and arrange for your deaths.. ..your sleeping.. Till that time, you four take your clothes off... ...and lie down on the ground. Do something. What about the ground? Even if you make us sleep on ice, we will lie down with a smile there. But if anyone insults you.. ..then we won't be able to tolerate it. We are your students, sir. Our blood boils. What rubbish are you uttering? Who is trying to loot my respect? The principal of the neighborhood girl's hostel. Why will she try to loot my respect? I don't even know her. I don't even recognize her, or even on talking terms with her. But we have her message. - What? - Proof. Raja.. - Make him listen to the tape recorder. I won't be able to listen to it. Who is it? That old man, that stingy, that military officer's son! If I could, I would have taken his gun and shot his chest. He keeps on barking like a dog. Whenever I am lecturing the girls he goes on uttering.. ..right, left, forward, back, march. That wretch. That dog, that rogue.. his mother.. Shut that tape down. There will be bloodshed now. - As it should be, sir. This is proof of her insult. I will make this woman sit backwards on a donkey. And I will make her take rounds of the whole city. Tomorrow morning. - Why not today, itself? That is because.. Whether a man is young or experienced like me.. ..he can never win a fight with a woman at night. You go to your rooms. Plus. Leave everything else on me. See now. What happens in the morning. Where is the principal here? [Running Footsteps] I ask where is that shameless woman, who abuses people all around! Shut up! Who are you? And why are you shouting in my hostel? What else should I do if not shout? You have insulted me. Plus, you have directly attacked my manhood. I ask you, what do you think about yourself after all? If you say anything more.. ..I will hit so many shoes on your head.. ..that you will lose even those hair on your head which you have, It seems that he has run away from a mental asylum. Mad? [Laughing] Will you come down, or should I walk up? You don't need to come up. I am coming down myself. [Yelling] [Groaning] What did you do? You should have climbed down a bit softly. It seems that your foot is badly sprained. - Yes. Not there, a bit higher. Here.. here.. How do you feel now? I like it. - Me too. - My heart knows peace now. Guddi.. - Hey.. what are you doing just standing here? Go and practice your kabaddi. [Groaning] Thank you. But tell me, why did you come to fight with me? - Because of this. "I don't get any sleep.." "I don't get any sleep, I don't get any rest." "Someone go and search it please.." But.. but why are you so tensed? Because there was something else in this and something else is there. It seems that my boys have tried to fool me once again. How many children do you have? - 200. 200? - No. I mean, I have 200 students. I am unmarried till now. Really? - Yeah. [Sighs] Shall we move? I am sorry. - It's okay. May I go now? What are you doing tomorrow morning? Nothing. I mean.. my girls have a kabaddi match tomorrow. I wish that.. If you become the guest.. the chief guest there.. Then.. I will get some moral support. [Chuckling] You will call me and I won't come? There can't be such a situation. I will surely be there. You.. Why are you looking at me like this? You are so handsome.. You.. Are so handsome. But.. - But? Only one thing is missing. If only.. your moustaches were a bit longer.. These moustaches will do too. Come on.. [Humming] Sir.. Is this you,. Sir? You seem to be very handsome and smart today, sir. Did I not look smart before? No.. no. it is nothing like that, sir. But today.. You seem so young today, sir. - Yes sir. I seem young since birth, you fool. But where are you going all trussed up like this? Asking this personal question, you are trying to break rule number 34. I am sorry, sir. - No problem. I am alone.. and you are alone.. The two of us met in such a way. Kabaddi.. The girl's kabaddi match! [Tire Screeching] There is the team. I am sorry, sir. We are late. - Hello. - Hello. I don't know why.. I think that I.. ..know you people very nicely. It seems that I see you every day. Come on, my god. Like that, it is a nice way to flirt with a girl, sir. [Softly Laughing] I don't know why. All men tell me the same thing. Even the girls tell me that I am the heartbeat of young men. Like a.. what would you say? Dream.. - Dream girl. Feel the same? I think that we should start the match. Okay, come on, girls. Sorry, sir. We are late, yes. - Bye. Come on...Come on. They are flirts. [Whistling] Kabaddi.. I will go.. - No, I will go. Kabaddi...Catch... Kabaddi.. Kabaddi.. Kabaddi...Catch... Kabaddi.. Kabaddi.. Catch.. Kabaddi.. Raja.. Not, Raja.. Priya.. Let go of the girls. Hold the line. Hold the line.. hold it.. Don't leave her. Don't anyone touch me. - Fatso.. fatso.. Hey.. I will fall down.. - I will fall down.. Let me go.. hey, get down.. Let me go.. let me go.. Let me go.. Come on, Kamini.. Come on. - Save us. [Muttering] Hey catch her. Catch! Hey, come here. Come on. Come on, Kamini.. Oh shit! Yes. Yes. Even if you have lost this time.. will win the next time. Here, talk to your dad. Hello? Yes. How are you? You are asking as if you don't know anything. I am very angry. [Laughing] Spit your anger, child. Okay, listen. I am coming there very soon. How are your studies? They are going along fine. I will talk to you later. I am not in mood now. Why are you taking someone else's anger on somebody else? You had to lose the match. What do you mean, Bali? That the people who were playing against you.. ..weren't a team of girls, in fact, they were boys from our camp. What? - Yes. Karan and his friends. - What? If you cannot believe it.. Then look at the proof with your own eyes. Oh! Why didn't you tell me earlier that they were boys? I wouldn't spare them at all. - Kitty.. I mean.. I would have taught them a nice lesson, yes. We will teach them a lesson even now. Come on. What are you doing? Play properly. I don't like this carom anymore now. There is only one game in the world. That is Kabaddi. Especially if the opposing team is a girl's team. Isn't it? Get lost. He is getting all beet faced hearing girls. How was he writhing on the ground? Kabaddi.. Not that he will go ahead and touch the line. He would have touched the line. But the girls had embraced him, isn't it? Were you enjoying it, you wretch? Yes. It would have been more fun. If I'd got a kiss too. A kiss. Hey.. please get me a kiss please. A kiss? What does he think we are? And what does he think he himself is? - Wait! If you are sorry to be boys, wear this. Bangles and lipstick? This is tit for tat, Karan. - And there is defeat in such games too. Karan.. they are not getting this language of fights and squabbles. Can there not be a cool way out? Cool way. Okay. Okay. Raja.. You wanted a kiss, isn't it? - Yes, kiss. I will have all of you kissed. And I will have one for myself too. With those same beautiful lips.. ..which haven't accepted love till now. Really? What are you doing? Let me go. Don't irritate me. Okay. I will go then. Okay. Do whatever you want to in two minutes. Okay. It is too late. Come on. What if that madam wakes up? Young girls like us stay awake in such young nights. What will she stay awake? Old horse and a red rein. Oh come on. Why are you wasting your time talking about that old hag? Enjoy, yourself. Okay, my love. Take this. Come on, now, quickly. - Run! - Who is out there? Don't you dare run away. - Wait. What is it, madam? What happened? Who are these people? You will find out right away. Look at me, I say. Didn't you hear me? Look at me. Girls.. Sine when are you coming here? We have come here for the first time today, and that too, by mistake. Girls are not that bad.. That they will kiss the boy's cheeks.. the first meeting itself. - Kisses? Kisses? - Oh! This is my last chance to you. Tell me straightaway. Or else, I will have to call the police. Police! No madam, please don't do like this. We will tell you the names of our girlfriends. Mine is.. that.. Rani.. - What? Shakeela. - What? Guddi. And whom did you come to meet? Madam, all of them are lying. They want to take revenge from us. You are the fourth girl? Madam. All this is hogwash. Please listen to us first, Divya, what is the meaning of arguing now? We have been caught now. Darling. Shut up, or I will scrounge your face out. Okay. You need proof, isn't it, madam. There is just one way out. - What is it? Tell them to kiss us once again on the other cheek. And then check both those kiss marks. Are they theirs or someone else's. But madam.. I don't want to listen to anything. I said, come on. Forget it. Diyva.. - Sorry, madam. Under no circumstances.. Then I will have to tell your daddy everything. "Jumma, give me a kiss.. give me a kiss, Jumma." "Jumma, give me a kiss now." "Jumma, give me a kiss." You are giving it to me in anger today. Give it to me in love, tomorrow. "Jumma, give me a kiss." It is the same marking. Yes. - Yes. - If these girls ever call you once.. ..again to kiss, then come to be directly. - To you? So.. will you give us kisses now? What? Insolent! Get out! They aren't to be blamed for this. You are to be blamed wholly for this. When our coin itself is a fake one.. ..then what is the use of blaming others? You people should surely be punished. You will clean the hostel tomorrow together. Understood? "O fair maiden.. oh fair maiden.." Shy one.. oh the one with an attitude." "O fair maiden.. oh fair maiden.." Shy one.. oh the one with an attitude." "Bangles in the hand and earrings in the ears." "Some girl will become my wife." "O fair maiden.. oh fair maiden.." Shy one.. oh the one with an attitude." "Bangles in the hand and earrings in the ears. Some girl will become my wife." "O fair maiden.. oh fair maiden Shy one.. ..oh the one with an attitude. "I have kept my heart on my sleeve, in the market of love." "In the market of love." "I have kept my heart on my sleeve, in the market of love." "In the market of love." "Take it and see. Use it properly. If you don't like it, regret it." "Amuse yourself, do your work. If not, return it." "You won't get lovers like us. Search with a light." "Search with a light." "You won't get crazy people like us. Ask anyone you want." "Ask anyone you want." "Oh, Goddess Kali of Calcutta, your attack isn't out of use anytime." "Please hook me up with some girl." "O fair maiden.. oh fair maiden.." Shy one.. oh the one with an attitude." "Bangles in the hand and earrings in the ears. Some girl will become my wife." "O fair maiden.. oh fair maiden.." Shy one.. oh the one with an attitude." "Bangles in the hand and earrings in the ears. Some girl will become my wife." "O fair maiden.. oh fair maiden.." Shy one.. oh the one with an attitude." Oh, I am dead, friend! - It seems that you really are dead. Didn't I tell you not to challenge a commissioner's daughter? But you.. you fool! Boys! - Me? - Us? Where is your Major? He is here, sir. Hey, bring a chair. I don't want any chair or anything. Will you have something to drink, sir? Something cold or hot? No. I don't want anything. I just want to meet your Major. Major? Yes sir. Right away, sir. I will call him right away. Major I M Lathi.. You are under arrest. What is my fault? How did these moustaches become small? [Laughing] My friend.. Did the shortening of moustaches have any use? Or are you still a bachelor? Did you stop having dreams about heroines? I have stopped dreaming. I have been hooked in a new place. What? You are late but perfect? God is late, but he is not thoughtless! But you didn't tell me how you came here all of a sudden. Oh! It is my daughter's birthday today. And her hostel's holidays are starting from tomorrow. Therefore I came to pick her up. - Happy birthday. You didn't tell me that you are a commissioner's daughter. Sir, even you mustn't have told her... ...that you are the commissioner's friend. Good one. Okay, Major. I am throwing a party in the evening. You surely come. Sir, and us.. - Get your students too. Thank you, sir. They will come surely. Come on, let's go. So what I was saying was.. Birthday party.. No.. - Congratulations.. A very happy birthday to you. Thank you, uncle. Sir.. are you searching for someone special.. No.. I was just seeing whether the guests.. Really.. - The special guests have come. Excuse me. - Oh, sure. [Laughing] Excuse me. - Oh, please. Commissioner. - Major.. absolutely delightful. Made for each other.. Thank you. I said.. greetings. - Oh! Today you have made all arrangements for my murder. Even you have dealt storms, sir.. If I put this flower in your hair.. ..will my mistake be forgiven? Everyone is seeing. The one who love aren't afraid.. The ones who are afraid never fall in love. May I? - Oh.. please.. Here.. here.. - Hello, sir. Go.. The one who has her birthday today, did you greet her? No sir. - Did you wish her? - No, sir. Did you get any presents? - No, sir. What kind of horrible guests are you? Go away from my sights. Turn left.. Sit down.. Greetings, uncle. Oh, Bali.. you are here? Uncle, didn't you tell the Major to bring all his students? Yes.. - That means.. - NCC camp, uncle. [Laughing] Divya.. - Yes? - Have you met Bali? I have met him sometimes. Our Mr. Kali.. he is his younger brother. Happy birthday, Divya. - Thank you. Come on. Cut the cake. - Excuse me. Wasn't I a bit later in arriving? I came late intentionally. I wanted to see how many times your face.. ..changes color when I am not present. Can I ask you something? - Yes? What do you think you are, after all? I don't like to praise myself with my own words. Have you ever seen a monkey? I haven't seen a monkey ever.. But a she monkey.. Dear Divya, come here and cut the cake. Yes, daddy.. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to dear Divya.. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. The fingers are sweeter than the cake. There is a limit to insolence too. You have just fallen for me. What do you think? Your antics will change hatred into love? Who are you speaking to, Divya? Come on, let's dance. Sure. - Get lost. [Laughing] He took her away, isn't it? - For now. [Rock Music Playing] "My heart beats.. yes, it beats.." "It speaks.. my heart speaks.." "My heart beats.. it beats.. "My heart speaks.. it speaks.." "Living for love.. and dying for love.." "The ones who hate will learn to love." "Living and dying for love.." "The ones who hate will learn to love." "If one fell in love.." "What is the mistake in that?" "The ones who are against love are still immature." "Forget your anger.." "It doesn't hold any water." "You are you, granted." "But even we aren't anything less." "We become crazy and make others crazy." "It beats.. my heart beats.." "It speaks.. my heart speaks.." "Living and dying for love." "The ones who hate will learn to love." "Living for love and dying for love." "The ones who hate will learn to love." "If I come in the heart.." "I won't go from the heart." "I will make you dance.. ..on my tune all your life." "I will set that fire in your heart.." ''One day.." "I will turn the fire.." ..into the moth one day" "It's difficult to make the crazy heart understand." "It beats.. my heart beats.." "It speaks.. my heart speaks.." "Living for love.. and dying for love.." "The ones who hate will learn to love." "Living for love and dying for love." "The ones who hate will learn to love." [Tire Screeching] That was a nice evening. Okay, Major, see you. If you stayed for a couple of days, it would have been good. I have an important meeting tomorrow. And then, your Camp is about to wind up too. We will meet in Bombay now. Sir.. help.. help.. Sir.. help.. - What happened? What happened? He was.. he was.. - Who was he? Tell me.. who was he? I don't know his name.. But I can show you his face.. - Boys! Tell me. Who is the one in them? Tell me. Tell me, who is the rogue.. Him.. What are you saying? What is she saying, sir? She is lying, sir. I swear, she is lying. It is a conspiracy to trap me. Sir. - Come out, you wretch. Sir, she is lying. Only you have been accused out of all these boys. And no honest girl will insult herself and falsely accuse someone else. I forgave all your mischief and antics as your childhood pranks. But you have broken that rule that wasn't in my list. And I will give you that punishment that isn't in my list. You have a misconception, sir. You wretch. - He won't speak like this, Major. Give him to the police. He will speak automatically. No, commissioner. Me and my camp will be insulted in this. He will surely be punished. And his punishment will be that.. ..he won't be able to study anywhere from today and neither work. And I will make such a character certificate for him.. ..that he will run around hiding from himself. Come on, boys. Come on. My heart had taken a decision for the first time today, Karan. It's good that you did this today. Otherwise, I'd have to repent on my decision forever. No! Rama.. bring his luggage. Okay, mother.. Son.. take care. And listen.. with games and mischief.. you have to remember.. Mother, rest assured. My brother will achieve that name.. ..even you will say, I have got such a son. Isn't it? Now, get lost. Sir.. - Out. - Sir.. Sir.. Sir.. Sir.. Okay, shall I leave now? What is the hurry? I will leave you home. Baby.. today is a happy day. You are happy. Because the thorn in your path is removed forever? That wretch started loving the girl whom I had in mind. She will start hating him forever in life. And about his life being ruined, that is a different matter. [Laughing] Sir.. you.. Yes. Me. Who has been fooled for the first time today. Who punished am innocent for your antics today. Who has flogged someone innocent with these hands. I can't even think that one of my students is such a wretch. I won't spare you alive today. You raised your hand on me? I have just raised my hand on you. I will hit you with shoes. Hey, Major.. I am not Karan who will just get beat. That's enough. I will make hundred wounds on your body for every slap. Karan.. I know that I am strict about rules plus regulations. But I permit you today. Break all my rules plus regulations. Show this wretch, what discipline plus humanity is. Get up, you dog. Get up! Karan.. Though you were innocent,... ..the beatings I gave you.. even if I hit my child.. But you tolerated all of it silently. And to save my life, you shed your blood too. No sir.. no. Don't think that this is blood. Think that this is a disciple's offering to his teacher. From your student. I am proud of you, my son. I am proud of you. Munna.. hey Munna.. what is all this? Who did all this to you? I will kill him myself. I will pump six bullets into his chest. He hit me in the presence of the whole camp. He shed my blood. This is my personal matter, brother. I will avenge myself personally. I will avenge myself. Hey. Munna.. is your blood different from my blood? He hasn't shed your blood, he has shed my blood. These marks are not on your face, they are on my heart. Munna.. my name is Kali. Whatever I say is done. He will die. I will come with you too. I will come too. Get my car out. Come. What are you doing, brother-in-law. What are you doing? What is the need to become so excited? What is the need of going to the enemy and fighting directly? You have a whole army. Give the orders like a colonel from behind. Avenge Bali's insult. But not with your heart.. With your brains. Munna, I have understood what he is saying. Munna, you don't worry. I will teach that wretch such a lesson.. ..that the whole world will laugh on him. I say.. let me go.. No.. let me go.. Why are you following me? What do you want, after all? Let me go.. Let me go.. Brother.. brother.. please save me.. they are following me. I won't forget your gratitude forever, brother. Thanks a lot. Why are you thanking me? - Let me go. Let me go! Let me go. Thanks. [Laughing] Let me go. No.. - No.. younger brother in law. Why are you raping a disabled girl? She is a honest girl. Take her saree and throw her away. She will turn into water while returning home. Let me go for God's sake.. Save me.. let me go.. Let me go.. Please, somebody help me. Save me.. Do you know why you are being insulted like this? Do you know? Because of your brother. I am not guilty. I am not guilty. Tell your brother.. Bali has said.. If he does anything the next time,... won't have this blouse and petticoat on your body. Get lost. Mother.. Karan.. - What happened, Munna? What happened, Rama sister.. down.. Rama.. Rama.. Rama.. Rama.. Who? Rama.. Rama.. What happened? What happened, Rama? Don't cry. Tell us. Rama.. Rama. What happened? Tell. Rama, answer me. Who did this to you? Tell me. Tell us. Tell me the name once, yes. Tell me the name once. Who is he? Tell the name. Who is he? Who is he? - Brother.. Bali. He is trapped. Bali! - Hold this wretch. How dare you touch my sister! You touched my helpless sister.. If you are a man's son.. face me.. Brother-in-law.. you will be given a chance later. But first of all.. We have to do that with him, for what we have called him here. Didn't I tell you? Touch his weak vein, he will come here automatically. [Thwacking] You wretch. You made ugly marks on my brother's handsome face? Hit him? When he was small, the master slapped him in school. I hit the master with a baton and split his brains out. And you.. You hit my Munna? [Gun Shot] Arrest this wretch. He has killed my man. He is lying, inspector.. I didn't kill this man. He has killed that man. The proof of that is that revolver in his hand. You can send him to the noose through this proof, inspector. What are you doing? Why are you wiping his finger prints? If he doesn't wipe his finger prints.. will your finger prints come on that? [All Laughing] I understood. Wearing police uniforms, you two are with them. But this revolver will have my finger prints when.. ..these palms of mine will be opened? They will open. People have their luck in their palms. Your misfortune is trapped in these palms. They will surely be opened. Even if we have to stop your breaths for that.. ..we will do that. See that the dog doesn't run. Brother.. you. Where is Yashpal, sister-in-law? - He is upstairs, why? Okay. - What is the matter? Uncle seems to be very angry. What can the matter be? Major.. no letter or telephone When did you come? When I found out that the police became corrupt... ...and started preying on innocents. Okay. So you have come to advocate for your student? Criminals need lawyers, Yashpal. Not innocents like Karan. Who says that he is innocent? What proof does he have that he is not guilty? The biggest problem that... ....the innocent have is that they don't have proof. And as far as being innocent is concerned, I say it, Major Lathi.. Not only from outside, I have seen inside him. I have analyzed him. Known him and recognized him. He cannot do like this. You have a misconception, Major. You should have handed that boy to the police that day.. ..when he had tried to rape that girl. I had a misconception that day, today you have it, Yashpal. Don't become emotional, Lathi. See. It is proper for you to have sympathy for him,... ...because he is your student. But for the law, he is a criminal. All the evidence is against him. Lathi.. I cannot help you. Because I have no hold over his fate now. The court has it. You wretch.. you accuse wrongly.. This is not justice, sir.. This is not justice.. This is not justice.. This is not justice.. Look outside. Look outside. You won't see this season once you are in prison. When you come out of prison.. ..your back will be bent. And you won't even see properly you wretch. He has become silent. He was speaking a lot in the court. You are mad. You are really crazy. Why did you need to become enemies with Kali's brother? What was the need? Your sister wasn't raped or anything. We had just removed her saree. You! - Rascal! He is still so hot. It will be removed. This will go before you go to prison too boy. [Tire Screeching] My brother must have accepted the law's decision. But not me. Before going to prison a last meeting was very important. Otherwise you would writhe inside and I would outside. Do you remember? Yes? Remember how these hands had hit my face? Do you remember? It will be fun now. It is something different to give wounds on wounds. I will make this wound incurable now. [Bells, Footsteps] You? You should.. Have been in prison isn't it? But because of your dogs I am outside. Look commissioner. Look at your law's injustice with your own eyes. First of all your law are after me. And then Kalishanker's dogs are chasing me. Stop your rubbish. No Commissioner, no. Till the time I don't prove my innocence.. ..I won't come in anyone's hands. Nobody's.. Father.. Karan.. give yourself up to the law. Law.. commissioner. There is no difference.. ..between the courtesan in the market and your law keepers. The only difference is that they sell their bodies.. ..and them their conscience. I have not committed any crime. But to prove my innocence.. ..I am about to commit my first crime. I am taking your loved daughter with me. Karan.. Commissioner. Her release is related to my fate now. Papa.. [Birds - Chirping] [Car Engine Start] Hello.. hello.. Hello papa.. I am Divya, papa. Divya, I am papa here. Hello, Diyva. Where are you speaking from at this time? Stop the car. Stop the car. A commissioner's daughter. I have brought you here as my shield. Get up. Get up. Don't try to become a sword. Otherwise, even your parents won't recognize your face. Did you understand or not? Did you understand or not? Yes, did you or did you not? - Divya.. Divya.. I am here, daughter. What happened? What did my daughter say? Why don't you speak? What happened? Come to your senses, Sharda. Don't worry. I will.. What will you do? And what will your police do? It has been twelve hours that my daughter has gone. But you and your police haven't found out.. ..where that criminal has gone with my daughter. The one who kidnapped your daughter in your presence.. He must be such a dangerous man. And such a man, to save his life, my daughter.. No.. I want my daughter. God knows in which state she must be.. I want my daughter. I want my daughter. What is all this? Why am I being arrested? Get inside you bastard. Get inside. Come to the police station. You will find out everything. Tell me. Where is Karan? He used to tell me when we were camping.. ..that he likes cold places a lot. He must have gone to Kashmir with your daughter. What? Kashmir is in a bad state nowadays. Sir. Not Kashmir, he must have gone to Rajasthan. There is flu going on in Rajasthan. Not about himself. He must be thinking about the commissioner's daughter at least. I think, he must have gone to Shimla. I will tell you a simple way to search for him. Have your police force run from Kashmir to Kanyakumari. You will find Karan somewhere or the other. You wretch. - Enough. Dare you torture my innocent boys any more. They are not innocent and honest. They are the friends of a criminal. The criminal who is not only a murderer,.. ..but my daughter's kidnapper too. Till the time they don't tell where my daughter is.. ..I will not release them. Divya is like a daughter for me too. Even I am sorry, but I won't allow you to take your anger on them. Your law has ruined my student's life as it is. I have come to take them with me right away. This is not your camp, Major. Understand? Get out from here. These are their bail warrants. Now If you keep them in this dungeon for a minute.. ..or even as much as look at them, .. ..then you know very well how strict I am about rules plus regulations. Release them. Major Lathi.. [Footsteps] Helping the friends of the person who kidnapped my daughter.. have slapped our friendship today. Forget that we were friends from today. Just remember.. Even if your wretched student has hidden in hell.. ..even then, he won't escape from the hands of law. Come on, boys. [Cop Siren] Help me.. Help me.. Divya.. Is there anyone here? Divya.. Divya.. Why are you shouting in this barren place? Who wants to die that they will come in this forest? No.. no. I heard some girl shrieking here. [Laughing] A girl's shriek? You are thinking some wild animal's call to be some girl's shriek. Brother.. people are scared of this uniform, not wild animals. Understand? Come on. Otherwise we will have be trapped. Come. [Car Engine Start] Let me go, please let me go. Please let me go. Let me go. Let me go. [Screaming] [Glass Breakage] [Yelling] [Sobbing] [Birds - Chirping] Karan.. Karan.. Karan.. Karan.. Karan! Karan.. Can you not forgive me, Karan? What is your fault that I should forgive you? I have committed a crime. Of not recognizing you. You took a long time in recognizing me, Divya. I don't need anyone's sympathies now. I have given you the keys, you have the car. Go away. - No. I had come here on your wish. But I will go on my wish. The dreams of love which you are trying.. awake in me I have broken them off.. ..with my own hands, Divya. The crazy boy who used to chase you, fate has made him a criminal today. Don't ruin your life behind that boy. Go away from here. Go away. "You are a crazy and wandering lover." "My heart is in love with you." "I have recognized you, I accept you as my own." "I have recognized you. I accept you as mine." "You are a crazy and wandering lover. My heart is in love with you." "I have recognized you. I accept you as mine." "You flirted with me and taught me love." "I didn't know what love was, you taught me this love." "You flirted with me and taught me love." "I didn't know what love was, you taught me this love." "You are a crazy and wandering lover." "My heart is in love with you." "You are a crazy and wandering lover. My heart is in love with you." "I have recognized you." "I accept you as my own." "Break glass or rocks, don't break my heart." "Don't bring me to this stage and leave love." "Break glass or rocks, don't break my heart." "Don't bring me to this stage and leave love." "You are a crazy wandering lover, my heart is in love with you." "You are a crazy wandering lover, my heart is in love with you." "I have recognized you." "I have accepted you as mine." "If you don't listen, I will go away so far,.. will call me lifelong, I won't come." "If you don't listen, I will go away so far,.. will call me lifelong, I won't come." "I won't return. I won't return." Divya.. Divya.. Divya.. Divya.. "Oh you crazy in love, you win, I lose against your love." "Come back now, this won't happen ever again." "Oh you crazy in love, you win, I lose against your love." "Come back now, this won't happen ever again." "This won't happen ever again. This won't happen ever again." [Cop Siren] Did you find out anything about them? No sir. We searched every part of this area. But we didn't find them anywhere. What is there in front? That.. That is a dense forest sir. There are wild animals there. No life. We have checked there, sir. Karan.. Sir, no.. sir.. [Gun Shot] She is your daughter. Catch them. Surround the forest on all sides. That wretch shouldn't be able to run away. Karan.. Karan.. The police has surrounded us from all sides. It is difficult to save ourselves now. If I have to die, I will die with a fight. - Where are you going, Karan? To give these policemen a solid answer. No. Why not? Why not? Till when will I run in these forests like cowards? Till when? Today.. Come to your senses, Karan. Challenging them will be useless. Whether your bullet hits them, or theirs hits you. Under both circumstances, I will lose. Your life is very precious, Karan, for me. For all of us, Karan. And then don't forget. If you commit this mistake.. ..then you will never be able to prove yourself innocent. What else should I do? Wait for them to come here with folded hands? So that they should come here and handcuff me? I have taken your hands in mine now. I will never allow them to be handcuffed while I am alive. Do you remember? You joined the decision of my freedom with your fate? Today, I have joined the decision of my fate with your freedom. [Tire Screeching] Divya.. Because of you, my head bowed in shame in front of the whole department. I felt like strangling you with my own hands. - What are you saying? What has happened to you? Have you gone crazy? I haven't gone crazy, your daughter has gone crazy. She has fallen in love. And do you with whom? She has fallen in love with that Karan. I don't know what place he made in her heart in a day.. ..that she can clash with the whole world for him. Sharda.. my own daughter has fooled me today. Or else, that criminal would have been in the prison today. He is not a criminal, he is an innocent person. He is innocent, whom your police is chasing.. dogs day in and day out. Shut up. Do you know the punishment to help a murderer? Here you are. Handcuff me and put me in prison. But remember, papa. I am your daughter. I will never bow down to lies. I haven't related myself to a murderer, but truth. I will not let this relation break till I am alive. Shut up. What are you doing? She is immature. But at least you should try to understand. Please.. Anything.. That boy is a very lucky person. He kidnapped the commissioner's daughter.. ..and she became crazy for him. Didn't you see that? She was sitting so closely to him. Just think.. in the whole week.. What all she must have done with him in the forest. [Slapping] If you say anything against Divya now, I will take your tongue out. Neither could you catch that man. And nor could you shoot him down. And now you are talking wrongly about Divya, yes? Brother.. I can understand the slap. But I didn't understand one thing. Does the commissioner's daughter tie him.. ..a sister's band that he became so angry? Oh, senseless person. Slowly. Slowly. It seems that you don't know it. That girl is the root of all the problems. Is it? - Yes. Bali has fallen in love with her. And he wants to make her his at any price. I have heard.. ..that Kali has talked about a relation too. Okay.. this means.. The black thief will become the police's son-in-law! - Very correct. This is our good fortune that you came for the engagement. Greetings. - Thank you. Thank you. Greetings. - Bless you. Sir, please call Divya, so that the engagement is done. - Right away. [Laughing] She isn't coming down. She has locked the door of the room. She says that if you force her, she will kill herself. Will she embarrass me in the presence of all the guests? You stay here. I will speak to her. She won't come even if you call her, sir. Divya.. Don't you dare. I will kill him right away. You wretch.. how dare you? Lovers have a lot of daring, sir. They don't care about their life to achieve what they love. Instead of wearing a marriage headdress, I have worn a mourning.. ..rag and come to your steps because Divya is just mine. And she will remain mine. You will go to the prison with this same dream, you wretch. You have been running from the law since many days. I haven't been escaping the law, they have been, till today. You want to make him your in-laws? You want to give your daughter in this house? Which is a den for all criminals? It is their old profession to.. ..commit black deeds. Their passion to play with the lives of others. Let my Munna go. It is too much. You have insulted us a lot. I respect this law a lot. Or else this wretch.. Hey.. What would you have done? You would have killed me? Sir.. All the guardians of the law are present here. Therefore, he has to respect the law. Shut your nonsense. Inspector.. what are you staring at? Arrest that bastard.. - Sir, listen to me, sir. Sir.. sir.. give me just five minutes. I will prove that I am not guilty. Leave her.. I said leave her.. "Living in love and dying in love is the promise of love." "What about life, the promise of a lover is more than life." "We will show the strength of our love." "O beloved, o beloved, I love you." "We have come to take you. We will take you." "O beloved.. o beloved.. I love you." "We will show the strength of our love." "O beloved, o beloved, I love you." "I am crazy for you. will tolerate every wound. I will risk my life for your love." "Love doesn't know how to stop or bow. Love doesn't accept defeat from the world." "We have walked together,.. ..we will walk together, won't leave each other." "We will break all walls and chains of this world." "We will show how strong our love is." "Beloved.. fair one.. I love you." "We have come to take you. We will take you and go." "Beloved.. fair one.. I love you." "I will reject everyone. I will come with you." "So what if I die, I will live my love." "The one who think that we are criminals, don't know the truth." "Our lethal enemies have thought of killing us." "What all traps are laid by the people against the heart." "They commit the crimes here and we become the accused." "We will show how strong our love is to them too." "Beloved.. beloved.. I love you." "We have come to take you, we will take you." "Beloved.. beloved.. I love you." Trapped. "The world is an enemy, what is the fear if it is." "How can one die like this before death?" "The crazy revolutionaries of the heart, don't know any limits." "These mad moths, burn themselves in love." "Whenever the wheel of time turns, this is what happens." "The hearts of the lovers laugh and the tyrant cries." "The hunter will be trapped in their own trap." "Sing my friend.. sing.. I love you." "We will show the world our love's strength." "Oh beloved.. oh beloved.. I love you." "We have come to take you, we will take you." "O beloved, fair one.. I love you." "Sing.. my friend.. I love you." "Sing.. my friend.. I love you." "Sing.. my friend.. I love you." "Sing.. my friend.. I love you." "Sing.. my friend.. I love you." We were saved today. If I didn't put the lights out on time today.. ..the lights of our respect would have been put off. And god knows what else he'd have done to us. - Hey, .. ..don't speak like a eunuch in my presence. We weren't lucky. That dog was lucky. It was the commissioner's house. Secondly.. was the question of My Munna's engagement. Or else, I'd have made such small pieces of him there itself. His household members would have died counting it. Brother.. brother.. Munna.. are you all right? - What happened? - Look at this. Oh.. elder brother-in-law.. blood stains.. I can see blood stains all around. Tiwari.. Gopal.. Yes, sir? What is all this? Who has done all this? We don't know. We are seeing these stains for the first time. Do you close your eyes and sleep? Close your eyes and sleep? Elder brother-in-law.. Nothing has happened. It is just a power failure. See what has happened to the lights, go. You act so strangely, brother-in-law. [Screaming] This is younger brother-in-law's doll. Munna, you don't worry. I have understood that the dog has done all this. It seems that the wretch has vowed to vanquish us. He has really taken a vow.. [Telephone Ringing] Oh.. this is his call. It is his call. It is his call. [Call Receive] Tell me. - Till when will you keep running like this, Kali? Accept your crime with your own tongue. Otherwise the raw color that you can see on that glass.. ..will turn into real blood. And instead of a doll Munna's dead body.. .. will be there in your own house. Shut up! Making blood like marks on the walls.. ..or by gathering four boys with himself.. doesn't become a gangster. I have been committing murders since the past fifteen years.. ..without sprinkling the walls with any blood. Did you understand? - Okay. .. Think that the war has started from today. You love your Munna a lot, isn't it? Keep your Munna like a little doll from today. And yes.. Have his insurance take out too. I give you the guarantee that it will pass. See, Munna. Till the time I don't burn his.. ..funeral pyre with my own hands, you won't go out of the house. Understood? According to my information.. ..Kali has hidden Bali inside the bungalow. Many gunmen are guarding the bungalow from outside. It is impossible for us to go inside. We will have to bring Bali out of the bungalow somehow. I have an idea. What? Why don't we buy his bungalow? He will come on the streets. [Laughing] It is a very brilliant idea. You want to buy the bungalow? What do you think you are? Related to Tata or Bata? - No, sir. Keep your idea to yourself and listen to me. Yes, sir. When you can fool me by imitating Sridevi's voice.. ..then what is Bali? I understood sir. - Good. Go to the battleground. And Divya? - Yes. - You will go home. Home? - You will stay in your house as our spy. And keep telling us about every trick of the police. So that.. we keep our tricks in step with Kali. Stay alert. - Yes, sir. - Brother-in-law.... Beware. I will shoot you. Oh! It is me. It is me. I have told you so many times, don't startle me like this. Will you have me have a heart attack? This is the limit of being afraid. I haven't come out of this house since three days. I feel like choking in this closed room. Till when will I be guarded like this? Yes? Till when? This is better than being free forever. That boy has vowed to spill blood. He can trap anyone anytime. Till the time elder brother-in-law doesn't kill him.. ..I cannot allow you to go out from here. [Telephone Ringing] Hello? Yes, elder brother-in-law, tell me. Let Munna go wherever he wants to go. There is no need to keep him under guard. What are you saying? Are you all right? Hey.. my name is Kali. I have got a black tongue too. Whatever I say just happens. Didn't I tell you that I would settle that boy down? His dead body is writhing in my presence. Wow.. wow.. Giving me this good news.. have cleared a big burden from my shoulder. Let Munna go. Yes. Okay. Okay. Younger brother-in-law.. Hey, take this. Younger brother-in-law.. Run away from here. Run. - What is it? Good news. Spit your anger and go wherever you want. Nobody will stop you now. That dog has died a dog's death. - What? Elder brother-in-law has finished him. - Really? Go, party, eat and drink, have fun! Do whatever you want. [Rock Music Playing] [Tomtom] Hey.. what is this music? Will we people dance on this? Hey.. not everyone. Bali, only you will dance. Me? - Yes, Bali. You like dancing as it is, isn't it? Show us your Kathak a bit. Hey, why are you getting angry? This is your ancestral profession. We have heard that your mother used to dance at Ameenanbai's room. You rogue.. just like your friend, even your life.. - No, Munna.. No brother. I won't spare this wretch. He has abused our mother! So, what wrong has he said? Seeing your antics, his words.. ..ring true. Your life is in a very big danger today, Munna. Come on, dance and show. Dance, Munna. - Dance! [Glass Breakage] [Laughing] Congratulations.. Congratulations.. many congratulations.. One will die, but his promise shouldn't go empty. But if you'd shown that criminal's face to me.. ..before his funeral rites, I would have enjoyed drinking. Whose funeral rites? Where is Munna? I ask you, where is Munna? Munna has gone to roam about. You had told over the phone that he can go wherever he wants to. Banwari.. Jaggu.. Go and search for my Munna quickly. If anything happens to my Munna, I will kill all of you. Go! My Munna's life is in danger. Hey.. Tiwari.. Tiwari.. - What is it? Karan.. that wretch.. he will kill me. You people go. - Don't worry, sir. We will take care of him. [Gun Firing] No.. no.. Do you remember anything.. ..looking at this place, Bali? These iron bars.. [Handcuffs Jiggle] These handcuffs. And this.. belt.. Do you remember anything? You remembered it, isn't it? Did you remember? - Yes.... Bali.. I am a poor man. And we poor people don't keep any debts on us. We may be a bit late. But we do repay it. And today.. I will repay all your debts. Wear these handcuffs. Wear these handcuffs, wear these handcuffs. [Telephone Ringing] I am Kali here, did you find out anything about my Munna? Your Munna is in the Dongri police station lock up. Who? - The one, whom you have a passion open fists of. You opened my fists, Kali. But your Munna's life rests in this palm now. Hey, you wretch. - Think well before you abuse, Kali. Because as harshly as you speak to me.. ..your brother will die after that much pain. Listen to your brother's shrieks. [Yelling] Munna! Munna! Brother-in-law.. Tell me too. What is happening? What is happening? He is beating my Munna like a dog. Take the car out. There is some different fun in giving a wound on a wound, isn't it? Isn't it? I will make your wound incurable. Hey, what did you do? If something happens to Bali, Kali won't spare you. What should I do now, Mahadev? What should I do now? I have an idea. Before Kali comes here.. away from here. - Should I run away? Yes, if he arrives, I'll handle him. But you run. - You will handle? - Run. Munna.. Munna.. Munna.. Munna.. I won't let you die, Munna. I won't let you die. Munna. Hey.. take his handcuffs off.. Hey, don't worry. Don't worry, Munna. I am here, Munna. I am here. Hey, who are you people? There is an operation going inside. What is all this? Who are you people? Look at my Munna. He has been shot. See.. see.. If anything happens to my Munna I will kill the whole hospital. I am sorry. He is no more. What? - My Munna was breathing right now... Doctor, look at my Munna properly. Sorry. I cannot do anything. No, doctor. No. If you want to yourself to live. I want Karan. His friends and his family. Everyone who helped him. I want everyone's blood. Go! Where is Karan? - I don't know. What? I don't know. - You know everything, you wretch. See. I don't have any enmity with you. I have an enmity with that dog. Because of whom my Munna died. Tell me, where is he? Tell me, where is he? I don't know. [Crying] Karan! Where is Rama? Where is Rama? Listen.. everyone please listen. A dangerous criminal has come into this shop. Go out from here, come on. Come on, out. Quickly. Come on, out everybody. Come on. Please brother. Come on. Come on, please, quickly. Come out. I tell you, come out straightaway. If I search you out, I will ruin you. Come on, out. I will see who will save you now. - No. No.. Leave me. I will see who will save you now. - leave me. Major Lathi, my boy. Major Lathi has come to save her. [Thwacking] [Gun Firing] [Voice Over T.V] "Hey, listen to me, I am a happy go lucky man." "Do what I do too, one plus two is four, four and two is one." My name is Major. I am the enemies of all my enemies, my name is Major. You must be thinking.. where is he? Where is he? Who is he? He is my twin brother. He had a penchant for acting since birth. He went to dramas all the time. One plus two is four. Two plus one is one. My name is Major. My name is Major. I am the enemies of all my enemies, my name is Major. No.. the bullet hasn't been shot here as yet. The slaps will go one now, okay? When a dog goes crazy.. is better to kill him. No.. Run.. you dog! [Tire Screeching] [Gun Shot] Are you in your senses, brother-in-law? What has occurred.. ..that you are running to the village with your luggage? Oh! Elder brother-in-law.. After Bali and the inspector, only the two of us are left. And I don't want to die so soon. You talked cowardice in my presence. You eunuch. I will not listen to you. Or else, even I will be trapped with you. Trapped. The one who does misdeed strays from the path. A person may pack lakhs of bags.. ..but one day, he does get trapped. You? How did you come in? - I came through the door. And the guard outside didn't stop me.. ..because he understood that I have come to make you.. ..understand something very sensible. Which you will understand. [Laughing] Both the camels are beneath the mountain now. I dug the mountain and found a rat. Kali. I have come to tell something small to your big brain. Why are you taking unnecessary problems? The wretched antic you had done with.. ..Karan's sister.. won't be profitable to you. It is better for you if you give yourself up or your result.. Hey Major! You think about the result. Don't forget. If you are a major, I am the colonel of the lawless land. Who will live and die, you won't judge that, I will. Kali, I put the earth and sky together. But I will have Karan proved not guilty. Because, for the fight for truth, this Major I M Lathi.. ..has risked the age old friendship with the commissioner. I actually think that his talks hold water. It is possible that he proves to his friend commissioner.. ..that Karan is not the criminal. But us. This joker of a commissioner cannot hurt us. There is just one proof left now. And they won't find it. [Gasping] Where will this bus go? To hell. Driver.. stop the bus. Stop the bus. This bus will stop where it has to. Karan.. please forgive me, I didn't do anything. I should forgive you? I should forgive you? Come on! Come on. Sir. He is the proof of my innocence. Forgive me, sir. Forgive me. Karan is innocent, sir. Kali had trapped him. Through me and Mahadev. [Slapping] You wretch. Insulted the police today. And this uniform for your own greed? I loathe such a police man. Arrest him. He has to repeat every word of his.. ..testimony in the court tomorrow morning. Karan.. please forgive me. I am proud of you. But I am sorry that till the time the court.. ..doesn't release you, you will have to give up to the law. Here you are, sir. Handcuff me. Don't embarrass me, further. This law has been bad to you before. I don't want to insult you further by handcuffing you. Inspector.. - Yes, sir. - Take him. - Please. Karan! Come on, Boys. Lathi. You won't forgive me? I know that I have hurt you too. But it happens in friendship sometimes. Please.. Lathi. Please. Your student will be free tomorrow morning. Guaranteed. Mr. Kali.. you are under arrest. [Bells] [Gun Firing] Oh.. this.. this.. what did you do? Enough. The law reached Kali? I won't spare anyone. Nobody! How are you, commissioner? Are you going to the court? Taking such small criminals? I am the real big criminal. Won't you take me to court? So that your court gives me the punishment of death. Kali.. your ambition will be fulfilled very soon. Only my ambition will be fulfilled today. Wretch.. what did you think? Snatching my Munna from me, you will go to court? You will be deemed innocent by the court? You killed my Munna? Tiwari.. has anyone run father that death that you are? Aren't you trapped? Sir.. forgive me, I committed a mistake. All your life, you lived on my pieces. And today, you were ready to bite me? Tell me. Whose life is more costly? Yours or mine? This is not the time to speak much. Here you are. - No.. You will testify against me, you eunuch. Lathi.. Major I M Lathi's baton. It won't break, nor cut, it will only beat. No.. no.. Kali.. after many years, I have taken up weapons. The war has started now. Major Lathi is in the ground after twenty years. He has come down on 5th September 1971.. ..and the enemies were defeated. But you are eunuchs as it is. What you will be. I don't know. Hey Joker. I know who will become a eunuch. You like war, isn't it? See. This is my army. See. [Laughing] This is your army? You didn't see my army? Look. Tell me, whom should I aim at? - That Kali.. You.. Donkeys, attack.. [Bottle Break] [Glass Breakage] Trapped. No.. Boys.. Sir, are you all right? Karan.. let him go. - No, Sir.. no.. I tell you, let him go. Let him go. - No.. No.. - Let him go. In fact, the whole police force knows of your innocence. Leave him. I said leave him. Take him away. Karan! [Gun Firing] Lathi.. are you all right? [Gun Shot]
Channel: Ultra Movie Parlour
Views: 160,053,306
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Keywords: Shola Aur Shabnam Full Movie, Govinda movies, Govinda comedy movies, Divya Bharti movies, Gulshan Grover movies, Mohnish Behl movies, Anupam Kher comedy movies, latest hindi movies, latest hindi comedy movies, latest bollywood comedy movies, hindi movies, bollywood movies, indian movies, hindi comedy movies, bollywood comedy movies, indian comedy movies, hindi hd full movie, bollywood hd movie, bollywood hd full movie, hit film, hit movie, new film, full movie
Id: m_I6R1zVB-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 165min 4sec (9904 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 20 2018
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