SHOGUN Episode 7 Ending Explained

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this video will contain spoilers from the off so you've been warned episode 7 of Shogun has just been released and like every week the episodes do just keep getting better and better with the arrival of tona's half brother seak noat Tatsu we saw family Dynamics power play scheming and the fate of tona's life and Men rendered to the point where he had nowhere left to go and nothing left to be with death being an honor amongst these men and being seen as a beautiful thing where's the in this was a spine tingling line for this episode to conclude with and I'm devastated about what happened to nagado was he naive yeah but was he the most loyal that there could have been to his father most definitely so let's not wait any longer and I'll get that stick burning let's jump into Shogun episode 7 naga's Death the final 15 minutes of Shogun are always the best they just contain the climax of everything that the episode has been building towards why are those who have never fought in battle so eager to get into one this was what toranaga said to his son when nagado was pushing his father for an answer on if Crimson sky was going to be going ahead or if he was going to surrender that inexperience that we've seen embedded throughout nagak Cado came to its peak in the climax of the episode within episode 4 when he commanded the attack on Jen without telling anybody that was the first sign of him wanting to be seen as powerful and respected whilst also trying to make his father proud and in this instance a surprise attack on his uncle seeki nobat hatu whilst in the t- room was an opportunity where he wanted to seek revenge for the Betrayal that his uncle did to his father and also his family earlier on in the episode nagado said that if he was slaughtered like a chicken then it would be a beautiful death because he would have died fighting for something that he believed in however when he attacked his uncle as he was about to deliver the final strike he slipped and hid his head on a rock which led him to die in an extremely slow painful way fully aware of the fact that was dying his uncle then said where's the beauty in this and it was a line that hit so hard not only did nagak Cado dying a way where his legacy which is something that got a key focus in the episode would be forgotten because it amounted to nothing but also he ambushed his uncle in a way that would most likely be seen as a coward's approach this could also impact his father and the deal that was made with toranaga meaning that his final actions could be damning for the deal that was just made where tanaga agreed to go to Osaka death is just a lonely path in the woods is what seeki said earlier on and that's exactly how nagak Cado died alone unable to do anything about it and for nothing I'm not going to lie I was gutted for the character but his naivity and eagerness to just fight was something that was always going to get the better of him in the end it's said that within history nagak cadle was based on the historical figure matoshi the fourth son of yasu Tokugawa and this son didn't actually die in this way he participated in the ever important Battle of SE gahara was wounded there but was given the kosu domain and ultimately died in 1607 so the show didn't follow suit with the real history in the show however I feel nagak cador's death is definitely going to be something that will dictate the future of the narrative in the show whilst it may impact toranaga in a negative way I also think it could potentially be the very thing that makes tanaga go back on his surrender the death of his son is most likely going to weigh heavily on his mind and we saw how he responded when he demanded his son to not accept the order to commit sepu from the council so I feel this will spark the aggression within toranaga and Elevate hostility the opening scene and its importance the beginning of this episode took us back 46 years to where we saw a young tanaga who was 12 years old defeating mizoguchi who openly said that it was fate that forced him into declaring an unwinable War this was something which was on torag's mind all throughout the episode there would often be moments where we'd see to AGA thinking all the way back to that moment when he was making his decision about what to do with the offer that was put forward to him about surrendering to the council fate that was something which came up a lot in this episode and it resurfaced when tanaga provided a stick of time towards jyn and he said that his fate was sealed I feel he was looking back at what mizoguchi did all of those years ago in entering a battle that was always destined to fail and he didn't want to do the same tona's Army was decimated by the earthquake and landslide and at Phil he knew that it was going to be a struggle to face off against Isidor lady OA and the Western Army especially with the loss of many of his men so I think he thought that it was fate for him to surrender before embarking on a war the opposite to what mizoguchi did in the opening section rather than going through a battle where death would be brought upon many he thought it would be more honorable to surrender before causing more death and Devastation exactly why we saw him surrender to his brother and the council at the end of the episode and agreed to go to Osaka Crimson sky was something that would no longer be getting carried out I genuinely thought that toranaga was going to have a secret plan just like what was implied when he provided the Stick of time but I do genuinely believe that toranaga at that moment was shown to be vulnerable and was genuinely betrayed by his brother and he didn't expect it so the weight of the outcome of that battle 46 years ago even though he won it was resurfacing and all he could think about was not becoming misiz orci the family betrayal the family d in this episode was something that I absolutely loved watching the first encounter between the brothers was something that I thought was just absolutely perfect we didn't know if it was going to be tense respectful and how they'd get on with Yushi and hiromatsu mentioning how they hadn't seen each other in a long while it didn't provide a smooth foundation for us to expect but we saw that pleasantries were exchanged between the both of them and tanaga was being a good host towards his brother a moment that I thought was pretty funny was when tanaga was was complaining about the cost of Lady Kiku spending a week with his brother and he referred to him as his Mongrel half brother showing that he didn't have any respect for him and that it was just a front to try and get his brother on his side SEI was vital to tanaga in order to give him some kind of upper hand when it came to being able to carry out Crimson sky and it seemed like SEI was going to be loyal to his brother as long as tanaga granted him the land of ISU something which would have been taken away from yushik however it was too late tanagas sama's brother had become the fifth Regent and was promised that position if he was loyal to ishido Lady oiba and the council so he'd already declared his loyalty to the other side and it was all a trap seeki showed his true colors and almost resentment towards his brother when he started to try to humiliate him in front of his men and then also when the Betrayal finally occurred I got the impression that he resented his brother for his success one of the first things that he said to toranaga was if you had nothing to do but guard The Still Waters of yuz zenji you'd also looked good so it showed that he always wanted more and the fact that tanaga had more probably bothered him hence why he went against his brother because he finally had the opportunity to get a taste of success and power the fact that his final line in the episode towards his brother was from this day on you have nowhere left to go and nothing left to be it showed that he finally had the power that he always wanted over his brother the fact that he was standing when he said that too and tanaga were seated again showed that power in balance that he always want wanted in a visual way for us to digest Lord omy stirring the pot tension was definitely Rising between Todd abaro and John Blackthorne within this episode it's been present throughout the entirety of the show and there's no avoiding it but after a couple of episodes back where we saw that Todd loved Maro deeply and always had despite treating her horrifically the fact that John was able to bring something out of her that stopped her from being Frosty and like ice in bento's words was enough to make him jealous of the way that they acted together Lord omy was also jealous of Blackthorn because he spent a night pillowing lady Kiku the very person that omy has a deep connection with and is in love with with him hearing that Blackthorne had his mind on somebody else that evening through jyn's words omy presumed that it was Lady Maro and started getting into bento's head something which ultimately led to bonaro wanting to kill John Blackthorne and it erupted when they were on the Sand by the water Bento wanted Jon out of the picture completely so much so that he wanted to take his head with tan naga's permission however tanaga said that if he had these suspicions about Blackthorn then he'd also need to take maro's head too something that we saw that he was unable to do Maro had been begging for her death ever since they were together but Toda is the very person that prevents her from carrying out sepu so we know that her being dead is the last thing that he wants within the history books the real life historical figure that lady Maro represents was dead by this point if it was accurate then she would have been killed when Lord Isidor took over Osaka castle and held everybody hostage there I won't give spoilers on what happens in the 80s show or the novel I'll wait and see if that ends up happening as the season develops Todd Bento just won't kill his wife nor will she let her die so todda is just going to have to keep his feelings pent up inside of him I'm hoping we're going to see some kind of moment where Jon has to save toab bonaro in battle and then maybe a level of respect will get earned that's what I'm hoping for anyway Maro still wanted to carry out seku and begged tanaga to allow her to do it she serves him and her loyalties lie with him but even he doesn't want to let her do that we saw last week that she has a role to play in this battle a role which started out when her father wanted to protect the realm and tanaga isn't just going to let her die he values her too much and I genuinely believe that there is an ounce of care towards her from him yush has nowhere left to turn one element of this episode that I thought was rather hilarious and it was all self-inflicted was Yushi mindset we saw that he was fearful over the fact that saki had sided with Isidor and that there was a chance that he'd either die in battle against Isidor or he'd have to commit sepu if tanaga made the decision to surrender throughout the entire Series so far yushik had been playing both sides he'd been loyal to toranaga but was also going behind his back and making secret deals with ishido in order to keep him happy and then jump ship if it looked like the odds were swinging in the others favor however we saw that igar rishi's head was sent to Yushi as an answer from Isidor when it came to the secret peace de that he was trying to arrange for himself again showing that he only had his best interest at heart with the head being returned as a response that showed that there was now no way that Isidor or lady OA would be listening to him or be prepared to spare his life when the time came he was playing both sides for too long and now well he got burned so he was stuck with Tanager whether he wanted it to be like that or not it was on his mind that much that he was letting his frustrations out to John Blackthorne even though they couldn't even understand each other other however I thought this showed the stark contrast to how Yushi once viewed Blackthorn he was now essentially spilling his heart and head out towards him even though he couldn't understand him the line way yush mentioned how he escapes death every time to only find himself being called by it into another Direction perfectly summed up the Arc of the character in the show he was doing his best to not end up dead but it kept finding a way of calling him and drawing him ever closer to it even after escaping so with him stuck with toranaga Sama now I think we'll see him doubling down on his loyalty and hopefully becoming the person that tanaga always wanted him to be that's alongside him as now he doesn't have anywhere else to turn overall review I thought this was a really good episode of the show I know there might be many people that say that it's slow but I feel this show is all about the buildup it provides us small moments of really important action but then it gets right back into the heart of the conversation the Diplomatic hostility and the feuds that lie on the East the West W and within both camps too one thing I'll say about this episode though is that the score was just phenomenal when the Betrayal occurred the whole tone and mood of the episode changed and that was due to the change in score plus also in the final attack the music built to a large Crescendo when nagado ultimately died and then the sound of the rain just pouring and hitting the water as seeki gave his speech and then it ran over the credits too it just complimented the scene so well it was one of my favorite scores of the season so far what I'm really loving about this adaptation of the show is that we're seeing John Blackthorne stuck between a rock and a hard place he is nowhere to go because he's not allowed to leave he's sworn his loyalty to toranaga been showered with gifts and titles yet he still feels like a prisoner and only has perceived Freedom he isn't free at all with him walking off at the end it really did show that he was done and he wasn't prepared to die for a man that was willing to just give up I do genuinely think that it did spare nagak one to carry out what he did as if you look at his face when JN said it he went into deep thought JN even mentioned sailing off with Lady Maro in this episode something which just wasn't an option but it showed that he wasn't prepared to die for a man that wasn't prepared to fight we've only got three episodes left and as we draw ever closer to the finale I can't help but wish that this show had multiple Seasons it's genuinely the best thing on TV right now and it's not even close it's pacing performances storytelling action scenes and just watchability has me hooked every time and the episodes get me every week all I can say is bring on the next episode one which I think and hope will have action ingrained within it so there you have it Shogun episode 7 ending explained if you want to see more videos on Shogun then click on the card in the top Corner I've been covering every episode so if you'd like to see every episode broken down then there's a playlist over on the channel what did you think of this episode let me know your thoughts in the comments below as always thanks for tuning into the video and I'll see you in the next one yeah I think our stick's burned out
Channel: BrainPilot
Views: 212,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shogun, Shogun FX, Shogun Hulu, Shogun Disney, Shogun Episode 7, Shogun Episode 7 Review, Shogun Episode 7 Reaction, Shogun Episode 7 Ending Explained, Shogun TV Show, Shogun TV Series, Shogun TV Series Review, Shogun Episode 8, Shogun True Story, Shogun Real Story, Shogun Episode 7 Breakdown, Shogun Episode 7 Explained, Shogun John Blackthorne, Shogun Episode 7 Ending, Shogun Review, Shogun FX Review, Shogun TV Series Ending Explained, Shogun Toranaga, Shogun Brain Pilot
Id: VogiQVsOrYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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