SHOCKING New Way To Fix The VERY Common Open Splice Issue | Homeowners Don't Know These Exist

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so there is a very dangerous situation in fire hazard that is going on in homes all across the country and homeowners have no clue that it's even going on and they are called open splices so in this video I'm going to show you exactly what this is how this is typically taken care of but now there's a new device out there that can actually take care of this in literally a matter of a couple of minutes and it is super super easy I honestly can't believe that it's taken this long for something like this to come out so let's go ahead and jump right in so this is what is called an open splice and this is actually a lot more common than people would think like I said in one of my first houses I had this going on in my attic and when I had the home inspection done when I went to sell it this had to be fixed in order for the new homeowners to be able to then purchase the house and for the house to pass inspection how my home inspector missed it I have no idea but this can often be the case in places that you don't regularly go to like up in the attic or down in the the basement or in crawl spaces this is really not that uncommon and like I said a lot of the times you wouldn't even see wire nuts on these especially in an older home they used to just tape them up since they were already doing shoddy work why not finish it off by just using electrical tape instead of something that's actually made to make wire connections so the way that this is normally fixed is we would have to remove our wire nuts or whatever is holding the wires together and in this case I just have two wires that are being connected but it can oftentimes be three or even four wires that are being connected in one place and then once we get those wire nuts off then we would have to pull our wires apart all right so now we've got all of our wires pulled apart now this is where then we would need to bring in some sort of an enclosure or box and it can be a metal box it can be a nail on in this case I'm going to use this nail on we would then take our wires and feed it into that new box so now all of our wires are run into the box and the box would get mounted now I'm using a nail-on box if you have plenty of wire you would be able to do this in some cases you're not going to be able to do that so you're going to need something that's flush mount that then can just be attached to in this case the top of a rafter just know it needs to be mounted in this example I'm not going to mount it I'm just showing you how it's typically done once we've got our wires run into the box the box is mounted down then that's when we would take our wire nuts again and reconnect all of our wires together then shove all of our wires down into the box again in case you missed what I said the Box needs to be mounted not just free like this and then to finish it all off you need some sort of a cover plate to put in on top to make sure it's completely enclosed and while as you saw this is not a terribly difficult thing in order to fix say for instance you are in an attic where oftentimes this takes place every minute that you're up in that attic especially during the summer time it is absolutely miserable so every minute you are feeling it and if there was something better that could be used in order to make this easier and just a whole lot faster to do you would absolutely use it well the good news is that does exist all right so now we're back to our original setup where we've got this open splice up here in our attic and the device that's going to make this so much easier and faster is this one right here now this isn't so much a device as much as it is just a box this is a new box it has not been out for very long it is UL listed it's gone through all the testing that's required in order for this to meet code and be able to be used in this application and there the reason I became aware of this is because Dale with build right products contacted me and said hey if you check this thing out yet and after I did I was like wow that is a no-brainer where has this been for all of these years now many of you are familiar with racketeers that is their distributor they also sell a bunch of other Electrical Products as well hey really quickly if you've never seen this before or you're finding this video to be of shockingly good value if you could just do me a favor all that I ask is that you give the video a thumbs up right down below or leave me a question or comment down in the comment section it really does help the video out to spread out to other people and hopefully we can help them out with this as well I really appreciate it let's get back into it alright so if we look in the bottom of this you're going to see multiple points where you can put screws in you can screw it in at an angle so if you want to put it up along the side here you could put screws in these two indentations right here if you want to flush mount it you've got two down there that you can drive the screws into and then you've got two more over here if you want to mount it on the other side and then you've got these wings or these tabs on both sides this is where the wiring is going to go we're going to fold these down and we're going to put our wiring then inside of the box so let me show you really quickly exactly how this works and how this would be applied in a regular install all right so with this box we do not have to take apart any of our wiring we don't have to take apart these splices all we need to do is we need to be able to mount the box for one so I want mine to be flush mounted up here on top of my rafter so now I'm going to take my screws I'm going to insert them and screw them through those two indentations that were in the very bottom of the Box all right so now my box is mounted and it's not going anywhere now this is where I'm going to fold my two Wings down that are on both sides of this box and it's real easy to fold them down you just push it down just like so the directions say to make sure that you bend them inwards now that I've got my two Wings bent down this is where then I will take my wiring and I'll put both of my cables into those two slots that were created by bending those wings down then once those are in those two slots I can then take my wiring and I can start putting it all down inside of the Box all right so now that my splices are down inside of the Box I've got my cabling running in both sides and I'll just take the lid I'll push it down it'll snap into place it doesn't just open up but then there are these two screws that are in here on top that we're going to tighten down to make sure this top just doesn't come up all by itself so just going to tighten them both down foreign just like that we now have a code compliant and enclosed junction box it is now safe we no longer have a fire hazard here with an open splice and there's just simply no other product out there right now that is as safe as easy and as quick as this one is right here this really is a genius product I cannot believe it's taken this long for somebody to come up with something like this but I am certainly glad that it exists now and as always I'll have links for this along with everything else you saw in the video down in the description down below where you can check it all out for yourself now if you found this video to be interesting I'm going to post a link to a video right over here where I go over how to make much better electrical connections that way everything is done right and it's also safer so I hope that you found this to be interesting if you did if you could do me a huge favor hit that thumbs up button right down below and of course if you have any questions or comments still you can leave those down in the comment section and I'll catch you all in the next one see ya
Channel: How To Home
Views: 276,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to fix open splices, how to fix open air splices, wiring not in box, how to connect wires in a box, Exposed wires, How to put wires in a box, Open Splices, Open wiring connections
Id: gMi2v7j5n0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 20sec (440 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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